
This is my home[claiming]



4 Years
04-02-2015, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 12:22 PM by Arian.)

Her throat was tight, that was for sure. One season was still not enough to fully recover even if it had felt like it was. She felt as if her heart was going to explode out of her chest. There were a number of threats here, she could die trying to even claim it. It wasn't as if her mother wasn't opposed to the idea, but Arian had a sense of being determined. She had to make things right in the back of her mind or she would never be able to face her family nor able to fully love Cypress. He as well, she was hoping would stand by her. With Fiori to be their main allie, Arian felt almost a little more secure on the inside.

The tall lithe female stood at the middle of the woods, her blue eyes looking over the place. What was once a bloody ice kingdom, would now be her domain if she went unchallenged. She threw her head back, a call ringing out through miles that said she was here. Leaning to one side, she had long since gotten used to leaning on three legs letting her crippled one hang loose. Taking in a deep breath, she prayed to the gods to give her strength. Perhaps some old friends would show up as well.

"Talk" "You" Think

Sage I


3 Years
04-03-2015, 04:29 PM

With a heavy heart Sage lay on the snowy hillside. Already he could feel the cold returning as Autumn crept into the north. He preferred it here, even though the north held so many memories. He closed hid bi-coloured eyes. He missed being with others. Never had he ever had something permanent in his life by himself. His first home had fallen apart, no father to begin with and both his mother and siblings disappearing. From then on he'd been constantly on his feet. The longest he'd ever stayed somewhere was the healer pack. There he'd grown miserable. After Moraganna took over Isokan, he had been at a loss, finding refugee in Glaciem. But now that was gone too. He had nothing but himself.

The healers eyes  shot open as a call sounded. Nostalgia called through him. It was a claiming call for sure. Arian? Stumbling to his paws, Sage set off for the source off the call, arriving in old Glaciem territory. His eyes widened as he saw the woman in front of him. It really was her. And to his relief he didn't see hide nor tail of Morganna. "Hello, Miss Arian." He said formally, head dipping.

"Burn Baby Burn"




3 Years
04-06-2015, 12:16 PM
Exhaustion, exhaustion. Yes...that's what he felt. Exhaustion. What would he do? His muscles ached, and he felt absolutely helpless. What if someone were to come along and force claim him? Would he be able to defend himself? In this condition he really didn't feel like fighting anyone. Not even if it were a death match. What would be the point, anyway? What would he be living for...? He could be with his mother and father, right? Up there, in the unknown...Ixionn lowered his head and sucked in a deep breath, lowering his body to the ground and resting his chin along the ground. Sitting here...he sort of wondered where his dear Chione went. Was she okay? Something was wrong with her...he just couldn't figure it out. After that dream, they kind of...parted. The same with Aiko! What about her? Was she okay?

Suddenly, his train of thought crashed as a howl broke through the chilly Autumn air. The boy slowly lifted his head, his ears moving forward and sitting erectly along the top of his head. It was familiar...could it be Arian? But...that howl sounded as if she were claiming land...! Ixionn quickly stood to his paws, a new strength burning up in his chest. A growl quietly left his lips, and almost instantly, he took off in her direction, kicking up dirt aimlessly. Once he arrived, she was there with Sage not too far away from her. He remembered Sage at the meeting...told them all he would leave when that dark woman took over. He sighed quietly and turned to Arian, lifting his head and allowing an uneasy smile to form along his lips.

"What a surprise." He muttered, ears falling back against his head. "If we hadn't of made up...I probably would be challenging you." He finished, and made his way over to Sage, dipping his head and sitting beside him.



3 Years
04-06-2015, 09:31 PM

Mira wasn't exactly an old friend, but her presence likely wouldn't be protested. After all, she had no desire to challenge. Instead, when hearing the call, the female roused and headed towards the sound, already knowing where it was - fallen Glaciem's land. It was unsurprising to Mira that one would claim this land; in fact, she was hoping for it. A new pack, developed with her already in it... the perfect thing to forget about other packs in her memory. Something to cover it up; something to hide her failures and her pain.

The red woman slowed as she noted the figures on... rather oddly shaped land. She ducked under a few more branches until she finally arrived, yellow eyes sweeping across the three figures. It was obvious which one had made the call - the brown female, still standing. The cripple, she noted in surprise, eyes on the dangling leg. Interesting. Hopefully, nobody would challenge; the would-be alpha would not stand a chance against a challenger. Not in that state, anyways. Regardless, best to introduce herself. "Mirabelle Talos," she offered, voice soft. She wasn't quite sure why she spoke softly; maybe it was the situation? No matter.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


04-06-2015, 10:13 PM
Cypress would hear her call and smile, trailing after his beloved. He had let her go on ahead, wanting her to stand on her own for a moment before he came beside her. It was not that he was breaking his promise to her, no, it was that he had the faith she could stand on her own for at least a moment. He believed in Arian's strength and, honestly? He was overjoyed that she was taking this step. He knew she was not completely comfortable with it and yet he felt the determination within her being. He would stand beside her no matter what the case and, if need be, he would fight off any who dared to try and stake a claim on his beloved's pack.

He would arrive in time to hear a younger male speaking in a way that already had him bristling. Made up? Challenge? He would slide up next to Arian's side like a silent ghost, her knight standing tall and firm at his place by her side. His bi-colored eyes would harden on the youth, a rather blunt male. He would frown deeply, letting his gaze travel for a moment after to allow him to see the black and white male, as well as another female as she arrived. Then, and only once he assured himself none were an immediate threat, would he give a lick under Arian's jaw, breathing out slowly.

"So this is it then, my love. Are you excited?"



4 Years
04-13-2015, 06:23 PM

The woman hoped that her feelings wouldn't betray her as she stood here. After all, the old faces that turned up turned her stomach. She felt like running away, curling into her hole she had spent so much time digging. Though, it was more filled than it had been, it was still at least three feet away from the surface. Her crystal eyes had scanned over Ixionn as her heart pounded against her chest. If we hadn't made up, the words rang in the middle of her brain. She cried out to the young male, and she had explained that she had made a horrible mistake. She felt her throat tighten up now and prayed to Itsume that she would give her the strength to calm down.

As a stranger showed up, Arian dipped her head nervously. It seemed to all melt away when Cypress showed up, her nervous shivers turned into a confident boost of warmth. She wasn't sure how she could have done this without him. She stood on all three legs and stared at Ixionn, she gave her best smile and said something she only wanted him and Cypress to hear. So she kept her voice lowered. "And if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here Ixionn. I can't thank you enough for coming, this time, I'm making it right." she then returned to the crowd. Her eyes lifted up to the heavens for a moment, in the back of her head she thanked the three gods. She prayed that they let this go smoothly, and that in time she would learn to fight and have the strength to heal.

Finally after taking in a deep breath, she began to address her new pack members. "Some of you.... I already know. Sage, and my cousin Ixionn. I came here today with a very special mission, to right the wrong that I have caused in the past. I have ran a pack before, but it ended in fire because I was inexperienced and within new love with someone who.... ruined my life. My name is Arian Adravendi, I am a walker by blood. If you stand before me, you have come to be a part of something great and something that will only be great if we make it that way." Talk may have been cheap, but it was something she was good at. "Our name will be Sonticus, every wolf will have a voice no one will control everything on a single whim totally. I will be your president, your guiding adviser. You will refer to me as Miss President unless you happen to be my mate cypress or a close friend or family member like Ixionn. Our pack lands will be the ss. Antinox." She gave a pause so that the others could sink in what she was saying. "I will now go over the rules. One, All meetings called by the president are mandatory, this includes pups who can leave the den. These meetings are to keep track of the population and address the pack on any issue's or celebrations. Two, Respect one another, if you can't get along then fake it. There is no fighting among your own. Three, Be kind but not weak, sonticus is a force to be reckoned with. Be proud of your strengths and weaknesses but remember its the pack before anyone else. Four, While the president does not dictate your life, all mates must either be a rogue(most likely willing to join the pack) or within the pack. Though should the female within the pack get pregnant, the pups belong within Sonticus borders. Five, Earn what you want, no free rides. In one way or another you must pull your weight. The pack will be here in times of need, but don't make it your lazy playground. Six, Before pups, ask the president. They have to keep tabs on the population, so we don't all starve. If there's enough room expect a yes. Seven, At a year old pups are required to choose a base rank(a trade they will excel in) they are assigned to adult mentors. Eight, There will be frequent border patrols for those who have permission to accept and deny members. This is our land and it must be protected, however permeable to those we want in.Nine, Allies are important, any wolf found disrespecting terms of an alliance will be punished. Punishments are dealt as fitting the crime so be conscious of your actions. Ten, You are free to leave, but check with the president or a Tier II wolf first otherwise you will be classified as a deserter." That was a lot to take in of course. "Note that any to all of these laws can be discussed among the cabinet which I will explain here in a minute. Laws can be added as well, but it will all be decided by all of us. Not one voice should be left out." Arian nodded her head.

"Now for pack ranks, after I explain this please tell be the rank you wish to be set as so you are not all citizens, I will be checking to make sure you can fit these roles. President, I - The president must be referred to as Mr. or Mrs. President(unless close friends and family). Essentially the alpha of the pack they give orders and organize the pack as they may see fit. Their job is to lead and protect the group at all costs. Vice - The vice is the heir. They can be a pup from any parent chosen at a year old to be groomed from that day to be the next president. They are the president in training after a season they have all the privileges the president may have. Committee Leader, - also known as the ‘beta’ the committee leader is chosen by the cabinet. They can accept and deny members, and should the vice not be able to take the pack they are next in line. Committee leader is in charge of the cabinet. Major Line, another single wolf - The major line is secondary beta, they cannot accept or deny members. However, they can promote and demote pack members. Also in charge of the fighters, they have to be seasoned in fighting. Minor Line, a single wolf - A trusted member of the pack chosen by the president. They are an adviser, suggesting new rules, activities, vice’s and making sure the president is not endangering the pack. The Cabinet, three of these members - The members charged with making sure the pack is meeting up to expectations. Also known as the representatives they are involved in making rules, and dishing out punishments and being the packs “voice” on some issue’s. The pack choose the cabinet, the cabinet then chooses their leader who became the committee leader. Commanders, four of these one for each task - leaders of major skills. There is one for fighting, healing, hinting and messengers. They excel in their tasks and can lead hunts, fight training, healing meetings ect. Border Generals, there will be two of these - Two wolves from the common body trusted to accept and deny members. They regularly patrol the borders and can allow or deny wolves entry into the pack lands. This is a very important role and is held with high respect. This rank unlike most of the rest can be challenged for. Special Forces, there will be three of these- higher tier bodyguards, or “special cases”. They excel in more than one task at most times and are sometimes asked to go one special missions. Most of the special force wolves take over after their parents, it is a born into position but in rare cases wolves are chosen for these ranks. Shield - fighters of the pack, they protect and fight for the masses. Staff - Healers, they mend the broken and take care of illness. Also help pregnant mothers. Feeder - Pack hunters, they feed everyone. Runner - Spies and messengers, they have to be silent and fast. Citizens - members who have yet to choose a trade. Also may include pregnant females. Young - all wolves under the age of one in the pack. Pocket - prisoners/omega’s law breakers or wolves kept for war. It’s a necessary evil. However pockets may not be treated harshly. Deserter- To get to this point you are a attack on sight wolf. Betrayers and provokers. If found across the borders attack first ask questions later." Arian would have to catch her breath after this. Her tail flicked back and forth, "Please tell me out of the Shields, Staff, Feeders, and runners what you wish to be. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. After you have told me what you wish to be you can head to our new home. I'll call a meeting after some rest to have everyone introduce themselves and talk among each other. Cypress, you must pick your rank to, even if you're my mate everyone will be treated equally, even I will not be above the law."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.

Sage I


3 Years
04-15-2015, 08:37 AM

Sage would watch quietly as others would fill. He smiled at Ixionn as he came to sit beside him. Others dribbled in, finishing in Arian's mate. As Cypress entered Sage would smile. He was happy that Arian had found someone, or rather Mrs. President. It felt a bit odd on the tongue, but the man was sure that he'd get used to it. He'd always been quite formal anyway.

Without uttering a word, the healer listened to Arian talking about the pack. He absorbed it all readily. The way things would work were quite different from other packs he'd been in, but it seemed it could work. A few minutes after the woman finished, he shuffled a little, sitting a little higher before saying clearly. "I will stand by you Arian, Mrs. President. I'd like to be Staff, please." dipping his head slightly, his black and white tail would curl over.his paws.

"Burn Baby Burn"




3 Years
04-15-2015, 10:28 AM

The female dipped her head in turn, noting with sharp eyes the nervousness of the soon-to-be leader. Mirabelle's ears perked as the mate appeared, and she tilted her head. Oh, so the little bird has a branch to stand on, hmm? she noted quietly to herself, a small smile on her features. She didn't begrudge the woman her mate, though - if anything, it made Mira acutely aware of how easy it would be to completely shatter Arian - or rather, Miss President as she desired to be called, now that the red wolf was now listening to Arian again.

She barely resisted curling her lip at that. Miss President? No. She would never call Arian that. If anything, she would refrain from referring to Arian directly. However... the next bit was an even more disappointment. The old ship? Why? What was there? There wasn't food there. They'd have to venture out beyond pack lands for food. Why not the Red Forest? That, by far, would have been a better choice. Of course, Mira was a bit biased, but... if she was going to join this newly formed pack, she'd better not complain. Maybe, when they expanded, they could claim the Red Forest. She didn't think so... but it was a possibility other than an icy human sea vessel. From what she remembered, though, the Red Forest was much too far away. They'd have to cross the rivers at least, or through two other territories of land.

Thankfully, though, the brown girl resumed speaking, distracting her from the disappointments. The rules seemed solid enough; in fact, she agreed with them - well, most of them. She disagreed with the faking rule. If you faked it, how could you ever get over your pissiness towards another member? It would just pent up until the point it can't be faked. She could understand it to a point, though - it would not be good for the pack to be split asunder. Regardless, though... The only way, in her opinion, is to let them fight. Send them to the battlefield and let them get over themselves with tooth and fang. Likely, by the end of it, they'll be laughing and helping each other get home.

As Arian continued, Mira grinned. The ranks. She listened avidly, nodding along. She liked the layout - quite a bit. While she new it was likely not possible for her to become Committee Leader - that would likely be saved for Cypress, regardless of what the female said - she could get up there. There was positions for fighters. Hell, there was positions for practically everything - healers, hunters, spies, fighters. She definitely liked this setup, even more so since it seemed likely that with a small pack you were allowed to specialize in more than one area. If it wasn't, well, she'd make the president see the sense of it.

Her decision already made, the huge wolf stood, a grin on her lips. "I am yours," she told Arian, purposefully avoiding addressing the female directly, "And I would be a shield." Something about her tone of voice implied that if she wasn't, she wouldn't be a member - it wasn't disrespectful, though. It merely spoke of her strong personality... and the slight trait to be a bit reckless.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


04-18-2015, 06:31 PM
There was quite a bit to take in, but Arian would explain it thoroughly to all of those gathered. So Sonticus, a pack where all would be equal and have a voice. The young man would listen to his mate and eventually her words would turn to him. He too was expected to pick a rank of the common section. This did not bother the young man -- he was not in it to be some fancy smanchy high ranking wolf. He was here to support his love with his heart, his mind, his body, his soul. The young man would tip his head forward, a respectful bow being played out to his lover.

"I am a Shield, of course. Your shield, and that of the pack." His gaze would shift to the woman who spoke before him, not quite liking the tone in her words. There was something about her that spoke ill... something in her tone of voice. He would defend Arian to the death if he had to, and gods be damned if anyone dared tried to take this pack from her or hurt her. He would gently nuzzle Arian's shoulder, making a silent vow to keep careful eye on all of those within Sonticus.