
It's been too long[secret]


06-08-2013, 02:31 PM
The male had to rest at ease now, he was back home. Though he wasn't as close to Nnoitra as he'd like to be. The male found himself needing to keep himself in shape, in which had been all he had done over the time he was being hunted. He wasn't as young as he used to be, but he was hardly growing too old to move around. While his prime was away he was happy enough to be back, though it didn't even remotely look like it. With the cold winter months his gold eyes mildly looked about. There were so many new kids here, he wasn't sure what to think of the pack anymore. Not that he had any interest. The old fool found himself falling for a strong man. In which he had the position, and now he did not. Not until the tournament though. Where he hoped to raise his rank back into what it used to be. If not, then he would simply do what he could to be at Nnoitra's side. After being interrupted so many times, his unrequited love had still not been released in the form of words.

"At least I'll get some sort of entertainment from the tournament, unless someone else offers up to willingly be tortured. I guess that's no fun though." Since when did he become so talkative to himself. Tavros snorted a little, laying on the ground at a comfortable position, though his guard was always up when it didn't look like it. Tavros knew all too well there were plenty of newcomers with a bloodlust to beat his ten fold. That was how life was, and he was not dumb in these factors. If only he could run into someone he knew, and catch up as the normal wolves would say.


06-09-2013, 06:50 PM

With the Tournament going on, the ebony dame had stuck around the territory a little more that she had in the past months. Always keeping along with the borders since speaking with Desdemona, clarifying her position in the pack once more. Today she drifted a little farther into the heart of the territory, but not so far that she couldn't hear a call. It didn't take long for her come across a vaguely familiar scent. It had been so long she should have forgotten by now. But she remembered her first few encounters with the now ex-beta. Following his trial, it didn't take long to find him, his voice reaching her ears before his form reached her vision. He appeared to be getting comfortable, but she knew better. He never let his guard down.

"It's always possible." Amusement glittering in her lyrics as she made her appearance. She knew she wouldn't alarm him for the wind favored him today, blowing her perfume straight to him. Moving to seat herself a few feet away she offered a brief smile to the brute. "Tavros. It's been too long." If she remembered correctly, the lanky brute seemed to have vanished long before the volcano erupted, destroying everything. Where had he been all that time? Wherever it was, he survived, and had returned home most likely to reclaim his title as Beta. "Come to revive the pack with Nnoitra?" She lifted a brow, a smirk tugging at one corner of her mouth.

"Talk here."


06-10-2013, 01:49 PM
Tavros knew the girl was here as soon as she came within a few feet of him. A small smile brought to his lips, Secret was it, he had only come in contact with her a few times but they had been interesting at that. The wolf's ears flicked with her words. He gave a bit of a chuckle at it, yes he was trying to get his rank as beta back, but not to revive this pack. It was for more selfish wants, yet, it would be nice to whip all these losers into shape. Half of them probably didn't even know how the old Tortuga worked. Well things did have to change eventually, but it was good to learn if you wanted to live. "Something like that, I assume things haven't entirely been fun have they Secret?" The wolf greeted with a nod of his head. He knew, she wouldn't dare hurt him, she would gain nothing of it. Yet still it was good to keep a sharp eye in case your judgement were off just by a hair.

"If it weren't for me having my own personal troubles, I might have been able to move when that bloody volcano exploded." He snorted. He had gotten the luck to be targeted by his own family. Hunted down by three wolves whose names he never learned. No, Vriska tore into them before he could even ask. He swore that girl was like a more vicious version of him. Then again Tavros had become a lot more open minded when it came to the blood he craved. He kept it mildly under control for his love though.