

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-06-2013, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2013, 08:23 PM by Jupiter I.)
Deep in the confines of the mangroves in a fair-sized, nearly-covered dip in the secure roots was where instinct had driven her, and in silence she had followed it, working painstakingly as if she were the drone ant serving the queen that was instinct. The 'hidden sanctuary' of Laxago had turned out to be false, as it seemed that the lass had parted ways with her mate and had in fact left the territory as far as Deteste knew. He assumed it to be temporary, but permanent or not it had brought up a long-present problem for Jupiter and Marvel. It had been one that she'd fretted over, having been unable to find a place she liked, and the irony was that in the end her body did it naturally for her, leading her to the one small area she hadn't looked--at the spot snugly fit into the 'Y' of the splitting river where the land's foliage was the most tightly-packed.

The path she'd pushed through it was less than conspicuous, but with the fast recovery rate of the territory it would be back to normal within a week or so, but the Sol knew that she was not so lucky. Her life would forever be changed--by both the pups in her womb and the paranoia that haunted her mind.

So many things to do, so many measures to take, but damn it, she was pregnant and there had been nothing that she could have changed about that except in this moment. It had been looming over her like a giant, casting a shadow of dread and pitch, and with the very questioning thought of where it was it began.

The first convulsion ripped down her body and a whimper of pain escaped her lips. Immediately her mouth parted and she sent out a call that rang through the territory.

"M-Mercury! Mar-" Her cry had begun relatively calm, but in mid-name another labor-induced spasm thundered through her body. The final calling burst without restraint from her, louder and higher than the first. "MARVEL!"

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-08-2013, 08:21 PM

He'd been frantic over her the past few weeks, ever since she'd - quite foolishly - gone to Valhalla and experienced pre-labor pains. He knew that the pups were due any day now, but being the strong-headed woman she was, he knew he could not stop her from going about business as usual. Still, Marvel was worried that she might do damage to the children - his children - if she didn't relax and let nature take it's course. His paws had memorized the route to the den site she had chosen. He hadn't had much say in it, but it didn't matter much to him. As long as she and his children were safe, Marvel could care less where she chose to have them. Quite honestly, he couldn't have picked a better spot if he'd tried.

Robotically he moved, only hastening his step when her pained cry shook the mangroves around him. It was time. He dashed forth, happy that he had taken time to stash the necessary herbs nearby should this event catch him off guard. She cried out again, this one more understandable than the first. She was demanding his arrival. Clenching his teeth, the man picked up his pace, weaving artfully through the trees like a skilled acrobat. Jupiter, came breathy but urgent tones. I'm here. He paused a yard or so away, unsure how close she wanted him to be during this.. event. He would follow her lead, and hopefully offer her aide should the birthing go awry.


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-10-2013, 04:15 PM
As he'd done the day of her conception, he came forth from the trees, a night in shining armor of alabaster coming to rescue her from her solitude. A puzzled look crossed her features as he put distance between them. She chuckled slightly through her pain, a wincing smile spreading across her countenance.

"You've been balls-deep in me and you're afraid of what's coming back out because of it?" came her comment chopped frequently by laughter and forced through a veil of pain. Another contraction tore her asunder and a hoarse whimper left her, the ache making her nearly restless again. She propped herself up so that she was nearly sitting even though her hips were still lying upon the ground, head low. "Ugh, fuck, I feel like I have to move or just do something because it hurts, she groaned, slowly lowering herself completely down once more. She looked up at Marvel with her violet eyes, dark ears tipped back against her skull.

It as at this moment that she heard the mangroves being pushed briskly aside, and within a few seconds Mecury barreled onto the scene, every fur on his body standing up and a terrible snarl leaking from his maw. He calmed and quelled his aggressiveness when he saw that there was no threat and it was only her childbirth, but came forward immediately to Jupiter without pause, licking at her muzzle.

"Mercury, Mercury," she crooned, returning a single lick before another wave of a spasm shocked its way down her side. "Gerhardt of Seracia. Find him. Bring him--" She paused and winced, raising her head to glance back as she felt a dampness at her hips, but couldn't bend her head back enough for the glance to be conclusive, so she returned her optics back to her companion. "Bring him here, quickly," she finished. The devil hesitated, and then departed, short legs carrying him with surprising speed as he tried his best to get a move on.

As she watched him leave a cry left her and by instinct every muscle in her body tensed, pushing and straining to purge the ready pups from her womb.

[ o o c ; ] pups can now post. ger can wait a couple of posts. ^^;

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-10-2013, 06:17 PM

She certainly didn't hold her tongue. Pain did that to a wolf, but even he wasn't prepared for what came spilling from her jowls. "You've been balls-deep in me and you're afraid of what's coming back out because of it?" He smirked, head tilting slightly in confusion. "It's not them I'm afraid of." No truer words had ever been spoken. Pregnant females were unruly and positively the most difficult to work with creatures he'd ever encountered. Not to be stereotypical, but Marvel didn't think she would be the exception to that truth. He watched her shift, retching in her place in obvious pain. There was nothing he could do at this point. Herbs for pain would only cause her contractions to lessen, and ultimately delay the birth which could cause problems for the children - his children. All they could do now was wait and hope there were no complications.

Mercury came dashing onto the scene, her ever faithful companion. Marvel half wondered what their back story was. Just how had this little creature become so attached to the sol? Now wasn't the time to think of such things, so he cast his sterling gaze once more upon the pain-stricken bodice of his lover. She asked Mercury to find the King of Seracia. How interesting, why did Jupiter want him here for this special moment? A growl rose up into his trachea but he refused it. He watched her clench and knew that the children were on their way. Moving forward carefully and cautiously, he took position near her rump to witness the birth of his children and ensure that they were healthy.




06-10-2013, 08:46 PM

Expulsion. Banishment. Punishment for something she had not done. How unfair it was that she must leave the womb--the only realm she knew--and thrust into something so much colder merely because she existed. And to be the first out! To leave him when she'd grown so close! Something encased her and she struggled against it, cross as it stretched around her moving form. It was then that the film was broken and she burst free, lungs filling with something new, fresh, and crisp. As she expelled the foreign sensation a healthy cry escaped her lips, mouth opening and closing, and each time her jaws fell ajar a new protest of a whine flooded from her larynx.

Squeals were silenced abruptly in shock as she was cleaned by something new--a touch that was nothing she'd felt before. Something within told her that there was no need to cry--no reason to screech in such a horrendous volume and tone because she was there. This was no banishment. No, this... this was a promotion.

Instinctively she squirmed, seeking to sate the nagging hunger that already plagued her. She felt the warmth of quivering fur in the same moment she found her target, and latched onto the nub with relative glee, pressing against the hairs before her to try and recreate the feeling of being encompassed by a heated womb once more. A loneliness resonated inside of her, pulsing securely in her exhausted conscience. She'd been torn away from someone, and she'd find them. Him. She'd find him one day, but for now, she was tired... So tired...

And so she slept.


Oberon I


3 Years
06-10-2013, 11:08 PM
Whatever was going on, he didn't like it. His world, previously so safe and secure, was changing, pushing him away, shoving him out, abandoning him. She was gone. Her comforting presence had vanished almost as soon as their world had begun trying to get rid of them. The warmth that he had taken for granting was fading as he felt himself being pushed further and further away from the place that he had assumed he would never leave. If he could have figured out how to, he would have shoved himself back into his home, and taken her with him. They would had stayed there, comfortable and safe, forever.

But the world did not work that way. Change was inevitable, and this change, extreme as it was, was a part of life. So he found himself expelled, pushed into the cold air of a new world. Startled and shocked, a loud cry escaped him, screeching his upset to the warmth that he felt not too far away from him. He didn't like it! This needed to be fixed!

The world shifted once more as he felt something touching him, an entirely unfamiliar sensation, and not one that he particularly enjoyed. Whatever it was, he just wanted it to stop until he had eaten. He was hungry, and he didn't enjoy it. These foreign sensations were all so confusing, but he noted blindly as he curled against the source of food that washed into his mouth that there were others out here. But he couldn't bring himself to investigate any further; as the warmth began to fill his stomach, he found his head drooping onto his paws and sleep claiming him.

Everything could wait. It could wait until later, until he had slept.

Medusa i


5 Years
06-10-2013, 11:34 PM

The smell of birth was disgusting. Squirming whelps were disgusting. The only glamorous part about the entire ordeal was the conception, and even that was taken down a notch by the after affects. The harlot wandered back into Ludicael looking rough, her fur matted and torn, blood oozing down her neck. She smelled of terrible things, her eyes dull and vacant, her body more emaciated than it had previously been. Medusa did not let herself focus upon the fact that she'd been captured, for she had had it coming. She was a tease, after all, and had it coming to her.
The smell of birth made her nose crinkle, although the woman had good enough morals to clean herself up a bit. Blood was cleaned off, fur made to be pristine, and the midnight-pelted woman made herself look stunning. It had been a while since she'd laid eyes upon her favorite alpha, after all. Once again she strutted forwards, seduction in every step, every movement meant to entice. Her wounds were fresh, but she could not ache from them. You deserved it, harlot. You asked them to fuck you. A shiver ran down her spine, for she most certainly hadn't. And yet she had, for she was a tease and a slut, a siren who sang for all. Except for that one time.
She arrived at the birth to spot a familiar face, the russet alpha who had managed to achieve Medusa's obsession. Her eyes narrowed upon a male, obviously the father. Jealousy raged within the wicked woman's chest, and disgust at the nasty squirming whelps made her face crinkle. Lifting her moonlight-colored eyes to the probable father she cackled. "You do know I was first, dear? You weren't the first to fuck her," she cooed. She wanted him angry, she wanted him to make a fool of himself, because Medusa wanted her
Turning her attention to the russet vixen she would snort. "You were so pretty before my dear. Why would you ruin your figure?" why weren't you there when they captured me. And yet she let no signs of desperation or pain slip through, the slightly more noticeable slimness of her frame the only hint of her hardships. Nobody cared for the grief of the wicked, after all. "I didn't take you for a domestic sort, not after our little talk," she said, once more hoping that the male was irritated, hoping to get under Jupiter's skin, because it had been a god damn long time since the siren had had a good laugh.

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-11-2013, 11:48 AM
Two had already been purged and cleaned, loud and healthy. The first had been of a light cream with no markings just quite yet, and the second a solid, stone dark gray, but she expected that neither would stay that way. No sooner than after she had cleansed the fluids from the second, a ghost appeared.

Obsidian fur as dark as the night no longer rippled in smooth waves down the planes of her form. Instead, chunks of matted pelt took the place of the once-soft hairs, and at her neck blood trickled down. Concern streaked across Jupiter's features, strong and empowering, until the moment words snapped from her lips, as ugly and jealous as anything. Expression fell flat and as soon as Jupiter knew she was finished, her front legs lifted her torso, nose wrinkled and lip curled up in a snarl.

"You weren't..." Her features contorted and she dropped back completely to the ground once more, a slight whine escaping her. Most of her body still faced Medusa as another contraction surged through her form, and yet she forced herself to speak. "You weren't the first, either, Medusa," she managed, the venomous hiss in her timbre from both pain and irritation. "If we're going to... play the game of firsts--" Here she paused to allow for another shock assault her form, and her eyes narrowed, swallowing hard. "you weren't either, because I was raped... first." She convulsed heavily, turning her head forward and pressing her face firmly into the ground with a grunt.

"So don't... you dare talk to me... about being first... Defeated as she felt the last pup begin to make its way from her form, her tone, though strained through the agony, became sad. "What... what happened... to you?"

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-19-2013, 03:30 PM

He watched as one, two slipped from her womb and into the world he knew. There were no problems that he foresaw, not even when the tiny wriggling bodies graced the earth. Skillfully he swept forth and removed the placentas from around their bodies, his teeth nibbling delicately to keep from injuring his children. He ushered them with tentative jaws to their mother's bosom where they might find nourishment and warmth. This winter would not be kind to them, but he would see them through it. A figure emerged in the corner of his eye, a woman he didn't know - and by her tone didn't care to know. "Shut your mouth, wench. This isn't the time or the place for your bull." He was not pleased with her presence, but Jupiter didn't seem to mind save for the woman's choice of words.

He watched - seething - whilst Jupiter continued to go through contractions. Was there a third child on the way out of her system? Surely there must be, or her body would have calmed by now. Sterling eyes drifted to the two children, one of which was of golden hues like Jupiter, the other a slate gray. He shifted and brought his muzzle to the gray, licking the child once before nosing him onto his side and examining his gender. "Male," he said with bravado. "Female," he would say after looking over the second golden child. He was trying his best to ignore the woman who had showed up - as he would have preferred this be a private moment.


Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 12:25 PM

Perhaps it was insensitive of her to be posing such words in such a setting, especially considering the disgusting whelps that Jupiter apparently still labored over. However, the male?s snappy words made her cackle. ?So rude at the birth of your children, my dear? My, my, what a temper you have. Jupiter certainly could do much better,? she hummed, looking up and down the male as if judging him. In all honesty she could care less; she merely found his reaction amusing, and wanted to get a rise out of him. Jupiter?s words struck a chord with her, however. No, Medusa had not meant she?d taken the woman?s virginity. The midnight mistress had assumed that such a beauty had not gone untouched.
It stung her; Jupiter was the sort of woman who could be raped, and even if it had happened a while ago the serpent wanted to make her attackers bleed. She let none of this show, however, instead sighing. ?My vixen, I meant not that I was your very first. Merely that I came before this?thing,? she said, although the wicked curve of her lips revealed her very obvious attempt to provoke Marvel. However, she would not stay for long. She had no desire to be around the smell of disgusting whelps and to see Jupiter cloaked in a domestic role. It didn?t suit her fiery vixen one bit, but she would not say such a thing. At the question of what had happened the woman shrugged. ?I like it rough,? she said, a statement that she would echo in a later conversation.

The serpent would turn, prepared to leave the scene. ?Come find me when you?re ready, my love. I?m sure he?ll prove somewhat useful and will watch your darling little whelps for you,? she noted, unable to resist one last jab towards Marvel before she left. It stung to think Jupiter had been raped, it stung to think that she was moving on, and it stung to think that she now possibly had a white-pelted mate whom had given her a disgusting, vanilla life completed with useless, wriggling pups.

-exit unless stopped-

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-10-2013, 12:58 PM

She glared at the woman with spite that would be short-lived, eyes confused but expression violent. Jupiter, however, could not keep up the stare for long, for after a moment reality crashed back down as the third pup was sent well on its way outwards. Only a fraction of the serpent's words made their way to her ears, slipping only minutely through the haze of agony that plagued her. By the time the pup was freed into their realm, Medusa had departed, and the woman gladly took the welcome break from the negative atmosphere to gaze upon her jewels. Recalling the proclamations of their genders, she gazed down upon them, a smile upon her obsidian lips.

"The girl," she spoke, breathless as she sought to meet Marvel's chrome eyes. "May I name her Aegira?" It may have been foolish to ask for permission to name the pups she had worked to carry in and cleanse from her womb, but there was an urgency and importance in her voice that couldn't quite be matched. She wished for him to name the boy, at the very least, and she would take on the responsibility of naming the dusty pup she had just birthed after the gender was made known.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-18-2013, 02:03 PM

A growl rumbled from his trachea, threatening and low. This woman was ruining quite possibly the most important moment he had ever faced in his life with her spiteful moans and groans. Sterling eyes were blazing with loathing as the woman said her piece and vanished from the scene. Oh how she would pay if he ever saw her again. As he looked back a third pup had graced the earth, gender unknown - but beautiful nonetheless. Almost robotically he picked the child up in his teeth, setting it at it's mother's breast after having carefully cleaned it off. Eyes narrowed to determine the gender, finding this to be a female as well. "Another girl," he proclaimed. Jupiter's question rang out, referring to the first girl. "Of course." Sterling eyes examined the daughter now called Aegira, before sweeping to the son. "What about Oberon, for the boy?" He'd heard the name somewhere and had always fancied it. Who knew one day he would be giving it to his son - his only son. Feeling confident there were no more children for her to birth, Marvel twisted into a lying position, using his body to shield the pups from anyone who might arrive. Protectiveness had never been in his nature, but it seemed children had a way of changing those sort of things about a man. Besides, if the foul woman from before came back, he would be damn sure she didn't get close to his children.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-19-2013, 04:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2013, 04:12 PM by Jupiter I.)

The gender of what she felt like was the final pup was declared and she couldn't help but smile at Marvel as he set the child at her breast. Celestial eyes swept down to her new satellites and she dragged her tongue across each of their small heads in turn. Audit flicked at the slightest as the name 'Oberon' touched her conscience and she immediately nodded.

"Oberon is a wonderful name." She paused, nosing the last little girl to milk, watching as she latched on without hesitation. Curiosity burned like a raging fire within her, excitement at the future unveiling of their personalities already plaguing her. "Ananke for the last one, I think," she commented after a moment of silence, glancing at the father for approval.

Nevertheless she would fall quiet again, a troubled look crossing her features as dark thoughts interrupted their blissful moment. She would allow a few moments of admiration, whether without words or otherwise, of their litter, breaths slowing to a normal pace as the pain gradually subsided. Then, she would stir, raising her head fully to address Marvel.

"I need to call the pack to a meeting. Outside." Her words were careful and cautious, optics examining the alabaster knight to gauge his reaction. His reaction to Medusa's presence was credibly hostile, which was warranted due to her own negative intentions, but would he detest the holding of a pack meeting right at her own den? She was too exhausted to move much further, and the little ones were already drifting to sleep. With their ears not yet able to sense the world around them and their eyes still shut, they wouldn't have to worry about disturbing them. And when Mercury returned with Gerhardt, the tasmanian devil could keep them warm.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-19-2013, 05:21 PM

To say that he was in awe was a bit of an understatement, and it clearly was written on the man's face. He'd never dreamed he'd ever be a father - or at least know he was a father - but now that he was, he was sure it was the best thing he'd ever accomplished in his life so far. He rested his head on the earth, being sure to keep at least one chrome eye on his children at all times. He knew that Jupiter's pain would soon ebb away, and if there were no late-birth complications she would be just fine. "Wonderful." He remarked in response to the third chosen name, Ananke. Two girls and a boy, two daughters and a son. A smile creeped across his lips, remaining there for some time as the two sat enraptured in the beauty that were these three new lives. He rose his head upward as she did the same, wondering what was rousing her so suddenly. Then it came, her command that she needed to call a pack meeting outside. The smile faded from his lips as his brow furrowed slightly. He quickly relaxed himself - this was her decision to make. "Outside," he chided, with a certainty to his tone. No one was coming inside without his consent. The children would most likely sleep, and he would be near the entrance of the den if one of them got into any trouble. Besides, the pack needed to know what had occurred, and how life would change now that three new additions had just been added to the ranks. It was important that they do this, and so he nodded - swallowing a lump in his throat. With a final glance to his children, Marvel roused himself upward. "Let's do this then."


07-20-2013, 04:03 PM

It was quite unceremonious for him to have been summoned by the little companion of Jupiter, but he came nevertheless. The being had screeched something furiously until he had agreed to make the journey to Ludicael, so the King assumed it was important that he be there. It had taken a good while to make the journey, but it wasn't as hard or difficult as he'd imagined it to be - especially given he was totally unprepared. The King was hesitant when he reached the borders of Ludicael, but seeing as he was with the Sol's companion he figured it was alright to continue on. And continue he did, his paws carrying him obediently behind the scurrying paws of Mercury. His own companion flew above them, eying Mercury with a look akin to hunger. Gerhardt kept a close eye on her, almost willing her to keep her behavior in check. The last thing he needed was for her to hunt Mercury in his own homeland. So far though, she was behaving - and for this he was thankful. He was also thankful to see Mercury slip forward and slow his pace, bringing Gerhardt to the entrance of a den. The King of Seracia slowed to a complete halt, unwilling to enter what he assumed was Jupiter's den. It seemed the Sol had given birth, how wonderful of her to think enough of him to invite him! Gerhardt's face broke into a smile as he gave Robin an inaudible cue to take a break. The eagle perched in a nearby mangrove, peering down in case Mercury went scurrying off on his own. He wasn't certain what he needed to do now that he was here, so he decided to announce his presence with a soft rumbling growl - unwilling to wake any children that she had recently given life.


Jupiter I


7 Years
07-21-2013, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2013, 06:52 PM by Jupiter I.)

Her decision seemed to go uncontested and the new mother exhaled with relief, nodding, leathery lips of inky hues turning upwards and a chuckle rumbling fondly from her larynx. A deep breath cycled through her form as the father of her children rose, preparing herself to rise. After a moment she tested the steadiness of her paws, leaning against the side of the den heavily before she found lingering strength. Taking her weight from her support, she moved slowly and with great care, not wanting to stumble over her pups should she fall. Just as she was about to cross around them, Mercury came sidling back into the den, echoed by an alerting growl from the guest she'd nearly forgotten that she'd invited. The lady came forth and into the light of mid-morning, squinting for a moment so she could focus on the king of Seracia properly. Her head twitched minutely downward, the woman afraid that she couldn't manage much else in her state.

"Gerhardt," she breathed. It'd been since the tournament since she'd seen her friend and she missed his presence. "It's good to see you." Hesitation halted her and she glanced about, ears tipping back. "I appreciate you coming, and I'd love to catch up, but I called you here for the same reason that I'm calling the pack to a meeting now." Untrusting of the strength of her limbs, Jupiter took a few steps away from the den and settled securely onto her haunches.

"Pardon me for a moment," was the only warning she gave before her muzzle raised and she released a howl to summon the members of Ludicael to a meeting.

ooc - Getting this over with like it should have been done a long time ago. Pre-DM Ludicael members are required to post here. Feel free to time warp current, non-DM if you'd like.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



07-21-2013, 11:28 PM

She hadn't been in the pack very long, she had wondered when she would first get to see her Sol. She knew she had been heavily pregnant the last time she had been able to catch a glimpse. she was due to pop at any moment. She smiled, it would be fun to meet the pups once they were old enough, it'd been a long time since she'd been around babies.
With delicate grace she padded along through the mangroves, a smile on her face as she explored the territory. She was happy to have the time to explore her new home. As an interesting scent caught her attention the sounds of a summons alerted her ivory ears. They swiveled to take in the sounds better, It was Jupiter and she was asking for her presence. She didn't know the she wolf very well so this was what she suspected to be a meeting. She would also be able to see her pack mates for the first time. With a happy grin she left the smell for the direction the call had come.
She was not sure who the other wolves were but she could tell who the Sol was. She lowered her ears and her posture a bit at her approach, showing the respect her higher ups deserved. As she figured most eyes were on her she kept her gaze on Jupiter, she was the individual who summoned her. With a nod of her head she approached wondering what would be in store. Congratulations, my Sol. Her words were sweet as she moved to take a seat. The scent of birth was strong, and she had to assume that the alpha's new borns were in the den close by.



07-26-2013, 01:14 PM

Haku ended the shrew' s life, snapping it's neck in one go. As he played it down, a call rung out, it was Jupiter, calling a pack meeting. Haku shook his head, picked up the pile of kill he had accumulated and started loping towards where the howl had come from. Luckily, he wasn't to far from the den. When Haku neared the den, he slowed down to a slow trot. His paws made a gentle padding sound against the sandy earth he found himself on. Jupiter was standing outside her den. She looked somewhat tired. A wolf from another pack was here, Haku didn't recognise his appearance or smell, but if he wasn't supposed to be here, then he wouldn't be. Haku sat down, near the front of the small clearing and placed his kill for Jupiter, before sitting down a little way further back. He smiled at his Sol, bowing his head. Luckily he wasn't late, as there weren't too many wolves here yet.


Aria I


07-26-2013, 01:33 PM
ooc: Pick a table and stick with it Star! xD jk lol They are all so lovely! *drools*

Aria had been doing one of her rounds when a call caught her attention. Ears perked up, head lifting from the ground, focusing on the voice, identifying it as Jupiter. She was summoning the pack. With a deep breath the woman pulled herself away from the border, paws brushing against the ground in a trot, heading in the direction it had come from. Right away she grew curious, wondering what it was the Sol wanted, feeling like the last meeting they had together was awhile ago.

Not wasting any time she flew through the lands, easily leaping over or moving around anything that got in her way. Scents filled and left her nose, but as she approached where the howl came from she could smell two unknown scents, a woman and man. Right away she got the impression that somebody might have been taken prisoner for trespassing but as she got closer it didn't look that way.

Children were in the air, making a smile form on her dark lips. Jupiter finally had them, but as she approached she could see they were safe in their den. Green orbs fell upon the Sol, dipping her head in respect before looking around the clearing, finding an unknown dark woman and a male. She quickly identified him as the King of the pack of Seracia that they visited awhile ago, those eyes and pelt not hard to forget. She dipped her head to him as well, but when she looked to the dark woman she had a confused look.

Also there was Marvel, she dipped her head to him. Song and Haku were also there, she dipped her head once again before making her way over and taking a seat beside the white male.


Awesome table by Shelby <3



07-26-2013, 04:42 PM

With little hesitation Siarvon would depart from a single river at the call of his sol, Jupiter. By now some of the pack members must already be there to greet the woman. With the push against the floor the brute would make his way to Ludicael rather quickly, avoiding any obstacles that lay in the tracks, including boulders and any large foliage. With the intake of oxygen increasing it led him to complete the distance with ease, before slowing down at the sign of the gathering. As each limb would step forth one by one and Siarvon gently approaches, a nod aimed for all those who are present. With a twist and a turn of the cranium it was clear of the new life that beamed from within the den. With a smile parted on the ebony lips Siarvon would sit just opposite Haku and Aria, waiting. It was best to not interrupt the pups peace so he decided not to see them as of yet.