
Starting conversations



5 Years
04-26-2015, 02:40 PM
Whilst she intended for there to be various events for those gathered for the festival, the friendly competition and learning of course wasn't all she hoped for from this. It was a chance for people to make new friends, meet people they may not have done otherwise and in the case of some it appeared reunite with family not seen for a while. Not as many of her own as she would have liked had made it, though perhaps they would show up a little late, she could always hope.

In the mean time, there were of course many new people to meet, she would be setting a terrible example if she kept a distance from everyone else gathered here. She may have been one of the wolves to organise the festival though it didn't mean she had to sit and simply watch everyone else enjoy themselves, she had hoped to build some sort of good relationship with those that had taken the time to gather with them and so, as she walked through the crowds, Novella searched for someone else looking to start a conversation now.

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 02:51 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

She had watched everyone start to disperse, do their own things. Then, of course, she'd decided to see if she could make some friends. She wanted friends, even though she wasn't very good at meeting new people all the time. Practice makes perfect, right? She watched a pretty pale lady weave her way through the throngs, and found herself curious. She'd briefly seen her addressing everyone, so she must be important. Maybe she would want to be her friend, or at least show her someone who wanted to be her friend. This lady looked very nice, but if she was important enough to get everyone here, she must be a very respectable lady indeed. The violet girl trotted carefully toward the creamy pelted woman, keeping her head down and trying not to step on anyone's toes. Not that it would really hurt all these super big wolves, but it was the thought that counted. Alabaster toes were as light as they could be across the autumn cooled earth, watching the long tail of her quarry swing back and forth in front of her.

She would bound closer, drawing up beside the other and doing her best to catch her attention. One paw raised, she tried to paw at her forelimb as gently as she could in her own awkward manner. " 'Scuse me, missus?" She would drawl politely, gazing up at her with mismatched jewels. The lavender babe tried to keep her faintly accented tones polite as she could. "My name's Absinthe, I came from the Mangrove." She introduced herself, before realizing her mistake. "Uhh, I mean, Fiori. Is it okay if I stay here with everyone?" She asked softly, ivory stained features open as she trotted alongside the strange lady. She was very pretty, with no markings on her downy pelt except those around her eyes. They were two toned as well, and she found herself a little pleased to know she wasn't alone in that.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-26-2015, 03:05 PM
Conversation it seemed would swiftly find her, another approaching her side and giving a rather polite little introduction. Mismatched eyes would look to the brightly coloured figure as she came to a stop. The girl's fur was a shade of purple that Novella could safely say she had never seen before on a wolf. She was young as well, around the same age as her youngest litter the Author would guess, a similar height to her son Fate as well, quickly gaining on her. Such details of course didn't matter however, child or not the woman would willingly spend some time with the girl at least until Absinthe found some more interesting company; wolves her own age would surely be preferably over the stranger.

"It's nice to meet you Absinthe. My name is Novella I'm the alpha of Threar" Had the young girl her of the neighbouring pack? It didn't matter too much if she hadn't, she would offer a little fact about Fiori for her instead. "My niece and her family live in Fiori as well." Though she hadn't seen Novel, Ara or the boys just yet she presumed they still lived in Fiori.

"Of course it's alright for you to stay here, as long as they don't cause any trouble, anyone is welcome to join us." She'd chosen loner lands for a reason, made it a little more welcoming and kept her home untouched by these current strangers as well of course. There was one thing that left the woman a little concerned however, Absinthe was still a child, did her parents know where she was? "Your parents know where you are though don't they? I wouldn't want them worrying about you getting lost?"

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 03:28 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

The pale lady was very nice, just as she'd predicted. Even better, she paused to speak to her, halting her strides so she could look at the girl and speak to her. A small, bashful smile came to play at the violet lass' features. She introduced herself as Novella, the alpha of Threar. A small gasp left the girl and she dipped her head respectfully. "It's real nice to meet you, missus alpha Novella." She replied, wispy banner giving a small wag of delight. The pallid female added that she had family living in Fiori, a niece and her family. A small coo of intrigue left her, mismatched orbs widening. "Really? Maybe I'll get to meet them!" She announced with a grin. This wasn't as scary as she'd thought it would be, talking to strangers. Miss Novella assured her she would be alright to remain there, as long as she didn't make any trouble. Well, she couldn't really make any promises, but she'd try not to make mischief.

When a query about her parents was posed, the girl frowned lightly. She dropped her gaze, pale toes playing at the dirt beneath them. "Not really, I followed a tall lady here." She mumbled, frowning. Come to think of it, she probably should have thought this adventure through a little better. Bacchus would probably be worried if she didn't come home soon, or at least check in with him. She'd go back home before it got dark, and tell her moms where she'd been. "It's okay, I'm gonna go home later and tell them." She assured the alpha, trying her best to smile. She wouldn't get kicked out, would she? It had been an honest mistake, she hadn't even thought of what her mommies would do if she just left like that. Her birth moms had never minded.. After a while, at least.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-26-2015, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2015, 03:46 PM by Novella.)
Absinthe certainly did appear to be a very polite one, the choice of fancy titles remaining in place as she mimicked the pleasures of the meeting. Novella couldn't help but smile, it was quite sweet actually though she wasn't a fan of such long and important sounding titles herself and found she would have to put and end to it. "Just call me Novella." She requested, tone still light and friendly.

She hadn't mentioned any familiarity about Threar though she seemed rather excited about the fact that Novella had family within Fiori. "Well they are very nice, I hope you do." The Author commented, though it had been a while since she had seen Hymn and Psalm she couldn't imagine the boys had grown up anything but pleasant with Novel and Ara as parents. "Their names are Novel, Ara, Hymn and Psalm."

From her reaction, Novella could only assume that Absinthe's parents had no idea that their daughter was here. At least it wasn't too far from home and perhaps they were on their way or already wandering around anyway. Absinthe didn't seem too worried about being away from them, though Novella herself still wasn't keen on the idea, knowing she would have been rather worried if Fate or Luck attempted the same thing.

The tall lady she guessed was Birna, the woman had greeted Novella and Frith upon her arrival to the festival and announced that she was from Fiori, though the fact that someone else from the pack was here still wouldn't settle those motherly nerves. She had no right to send the child home right now of course, nor would she have any way of knowing if she'd actually listened unless she walked her right up to Fiori's borders herself. Novella simply decided she would have to keep an eye on the child until she set off for home or her family arrived. "Alright." She still wasn't keen on the idea and concern did seep through into her tone now. "How about you keep close to me for now then." She suggested, it was only a short term solution for the time being though really.

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 04:08 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

The alpha told her it would be alright to just call her Novella, which would definitely cut down on time spent addressing her. She bobbed her head in understanding, humming in affirmation. When names of Novella's family in Fiori were offered, she made note of them, putting them to mind. There was a moment or two of silence, as Novella seemed a little worried about the fact that her mommies weren't around at the moment. She instructed that the violet lass remain close by her for now, which seemed doable. Another swift nod of her delicate cranium would follow, tail giving a small wag. "Okay, Novella." She chirped, beaming at her. She looked around at all the wolves, wondering where they'd all come from. Everyone smelled like they were from different places, and a few of them smelled like somewhat familiar places. There must be some southern, or westerners around here. Part of her wondered if her mommy Vi would be here, but the other part of her wasn't sure that would be an entirely good thing.

"Is it alright if I ask you a question about Thr..ear..?" She asked, glancing back up at the pale lady. The name of the pack was unfamiliar on her tongue, but she figured it out after a second. Head would tilt to one side, quizzical expression painted over her alabaster stained features. "I don't know much about packs, so it might be a dumb question." She added with a small smile, heat creeping up into her cheeks. The only pack she'd been part of had been Arcanum, which Aunty Cataleya had ruled, but she and her family hadn't really participated in many things. Mostly, they just lived on the sidelines. Now that she was in Fiori, she was beginning to understand what they were for. They were like big families, made up of little families and wolves without them. They were good things, if a little too full of strangers for her liking sometimes.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-26-2015, 04:18 PM
It seemed Absinthe was a faster learner than Frith had been when it came to dropping titles when addressing Novella. She hadn't even been an alpha upon meeting her husband but it had taken far too many times of her asking for him to finally drop the 'miss' when he spoke to her. Of course it was still early days, Absinthe could easily slip back into 'missus alpha' she shouldn't celebrate the girl's success just yet.

What was far more important though was that it seemed Absinthe didn't mind sticking close to Novella far now, the girl wouldn't go wandering off, getting lost or getting into trouble and hopefully Novella would be able to reunite her safely with her family at some point. In the mean time she'd hopefully be able to keep Absinthe's attention, a task that was perhaps easier given that the purple hued girl seemed rather talkative. "I'm sure it won't be dumb." Novella reassured her with a small smile. "What's your question?"

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 04:33 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

Novella was one of the nicest wolves she'd met in her short life, the violet girl decided. Sure, she hadn't met a whole lot of wolves, but Novella was definitely memorable. The pale lady assured her that the question was unlikely to sound stupid, which brought a much wider smile to the girl's face. When urged on, she frowned lightly. How would she word this? Her vocabulary was far from astounding, and she had to take a moment to try and figure out how to voice her internal musings. "Uh.." She hesitated, dropping her gaze to the ground. This was harder than she'd thought. "Why did you- um, why did you decide to become... no.." A huff escaped her, trying to make this question sound intelligent. "What made you want to make Threar the way it is? It looks like a very nice pack, 'cause if it were bad, there wouldn't be a lot of wolves who came to visit, like they did." She rambled, trying to make sure her point had gotten across. She looked around at the crowd of wolves from all over, if her nose was right. She may not know much, but she'd traveled, and she had gotten good at figuring out who had come from far away and who made their home close by.

When she looked back to Novella, she smiled lightly. "Did that make sense?" She asked, brows knit together. It was making sense in her head, but not everyone understood what went on in other wolves' heads. She didn't want to know why Novella wanted to be a leader, because she understood that some wolves were just born that way, and were good at it. Abby wasn't that kind of girl, she preferred to protect those she cared about, and let someone else make the big decisions.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-26-2015, 04:48 PM
Although the girl had apparently had a question forming within her mind, it still took a moment for her to actually convey it in words. Novella waited patiently for her to settle upon the right ones and the Absinthe once more found a way to bring a smile to the Author's features. The simple little connection of making assumptions, perhaps a little naive to decide such things so quickly though in this instance her judgement was fortunately very correct, if it wasn't biased of Novella to say so herself.

"Well I didn't want a bad pack." Novella began simply, Threar was the way it was simply for the peaceful, kindly nature was certainly what the white woman hoped she came across as and generally sought for in life anyway. In the same way she didn't want trouble at the festival, she wished to avoid it in all areas of life if she could help it. "I hope I'm nice, and I wanted to be around other nice wolves to make a safe home for my family." Hopefully it was an answer that would settle Absinthe's curiosity because there really wasn't any more to it than that.

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 05:47 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

Novella was also patient, she didn't make a sound of protest as she attempted to form her query. Sometimes she did have problems with making sense, just because she wasn't the best talker yet. However, the pale lady smiled when she finally managed to get her question out. Obviously it had made sense, and that was good. She explained that she didn't want a bad pack, which made sense. No one wanted a bad pack, they wanted wolves to join and be happy there. She continued on to say that she wanted nothing more than a safe home for her family, which coincided very much with the violet babes own ideals. She bobbed her head a few times, humming an agreement. "That's what I want too, I want Bacc and my moms to be safe." She announced, determined to keep that ideology the same for the rest of her life. She couldn't keep mama Des safe, but she wasn't going to let anything happen to anyone else. Not if she could keep them safe.

The lavender darling smiled lightly, blinking up at the Author. "You're real nice, Novella. Your pack is lucky to have you leading them, you're doing real good at keeping them safe." She informed the older female with that faint southern drawl of hers, nodding her head. It was as true a statement as anything the girl had ever uttered, and she liked the pale queen already. She would draw herself forward, pressing her cheek against the shoulder of the taller wolf in a small embrace. Novella was a good wolf, of that she was sure. Stepping back, she would beam up at the older she wolf.

Glancing around again, at all the strangers milling about, she felt a little less wary of them all. Maybe she would go try and make some more friends in a little while. "So, I'm not sure about what's going on at this festival. Is there going to be cool stuff?" She asked, returning her attention to the alpha. Surely she would know, because there was a good chance Abby had missed some important announcement at some point. She had a bad habit of missing out on important things being said, and that was how she got into trouble more often than not.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-26-2015, 06:05 PM
Another viewpoint that if she had heard, Novella would have hoped would never be corrected for the Absinthe. Not all wolves were quite so nice, some did crave bad things it seemed and truth be told even Novella herself had avoided the worst of things, the dangers she'd seen so minimal in comparison to some of the darker wolves that lay out there. "Is Bacc your brother?" She would hazard a guess at the relationship, he had been mentioned at the same time as her mothers, Novella could only assume that he was part of the girl's family in some way.

Not all of course would quite agree with Absinthe's sentiment, even Novella herself had moments that she doubted her leadership skills. Of course the woman was often amongst the first to see her own flaws and rather humble was never too accepting or smug about any compliment. Not to mention that Absinthe didn't have much to base her opinion on anyway, the purple girl had just apparently simply decided that she liked the Author. "Thank you." She responded, a small slightly more bashful smile finding it's way to her features for a moment. "I think you're very nice too."

Novella had only really let out little clues as to what further events would happen at the festival, even now she would choose to keep the full details under wraps. She would announce the various things as and when it called for it and now unfortunately wasn't quite one of those moments. She would simply offer the girl another smile. "You'll have to wait and see." She informed her. "Though hopefully everyone will find it all very cool." Fighters, healers, hunters and even the children, there would be an experience for them all but in the mean time, perhaps they'd all bond over their speculations of what events would be held.

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 07:31 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

At the notion of Bacchus being her brother, the girl let a small peal of giggles escape her maw. That would be pretty cool, having a brother like Bacchus. She tended to think of him that way sometimes, but mostly she just saw him as being her very best friend. Her only friend, come to think of it. Optics would squeeze shut, as she shook her head a few times. "Nah, Bacc is my friend." Soft lyrics would tell the woman. A need to explain why they shared mommies but weren't siblings tugged at her. "His mommies adopted me, 'cause, uh.. my mommies are.. gone. I have a sister, but she's gone too. I think she got left back in Arcanum.." She mumbled, dropping her gaze to the ground. Still a sensitive topic, there was a brief flash of two toned jewels going dim and cold violet fur.

It didn't last long, for Novella would return her compliment. A soft smile would pull at her dark lips. "Thanks" would be murmured gleefully. As an answer to her query, Novella would simply leave it to be found out in time. Surprises were always great! Novella confided hopes that everyone would have a good time and enjoy what she had to offer during the festival. The lilac girl was convinced that everyone would have a great time. "I'm excited!" She would announce, delighted despite the lack of knowledge pertaining to the festival as of yet. Violet plume would wag swiftly to and fro, her body fair wiggling with her giddiness. Now she wanted to bring the whole family to the festival, so they could have fun with her!

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
04-27-2015, 06:09 AM
It was an easy mistake to have made but a mistake all the same judging from the girls giggles, it was apparently rather funny notion. Bacc was just her friend apparently, another pup within the pack then perhaps, though Absinthe would set that record straight before Novella even had a chance to guess. The poor girl had been orphaned at some point it seemed. The festival surely seemed like nothing in comparison to those days. She would nod her head understandingly but choose not to investigate the topic too much. Losing parents was never an easy thing, Novella had found it tough enough at her age and she could only imagine how difficult it must have been for Absinthe. It was sad though Novella would of course focus upon the light; Absinthe appeared to be well looked after now and was being raised well, she may have lost one but she at least she had found another family now.

The talk of the festival would lift their spirits from the saddening topics. Absinthe apparently was convinced that it would all be fun and Novella could only hope it would live up to the girl's expectations. At the moment it all appeared to be interesting enough for her, even if she was just stuck talking to a strange alpha. "That's good to know." Novella responded with a smile.

Perhaps she would offer the girl a little bit more about the festival, although she was excited anyway the clue didn't exactly make it very obvious what would be happening. She didn't want Absinthe getting her hopes up too much for her only to be disappointed somewhere down the line. Perhaps she'd even find something fun for her to do right this moment in case the conversation did get boring for her soon."So Absinthe, what do you like to do?"

Absinthe 1

05-01-2015, 05:45 PM

I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass

Her mention of the sensitive topic flew by without incident, thankfully. The lass smiled lightly as the pale woman expressed joy at her excitement. A query would posed, one that stumped the violet babe for a few moments. What did she like to do? She'd spent so much time travelling, she'd had almost on down time. Well, she liked to play with Bacc, and she was getting some hunting practice. She made a quiet sound of indecision, gaze falling toward her feet. Milli and her had spent some time learning about the things plants could do, and she'd thought learning to heal would be a neat thing to learn. She'd never been too interested in anything, really. No real chances to get into something special. She shrugged. "I dunno, I like to try a little bit of everything, I guess." She told the alpha, returning her focus to the woman's features. "Healing is pretty neat, but I don't know much about it. Hunting is hard, but I wanna get better at it." She drawled, syllables longer than necessary. She really wasn't sure about anything, really. Suddenly, she remembered what she'd always wanted to do, and perked up. A broad grin stretched across her features, and she beamed up at Novella. "I always wanted to be a great fighter and fight big bad monsters, like my mommy Vi!" She announced, tail wagging wildly at her rump.

Yes, that was it. She was gonna grow up big and strong, and save everyone from the bad things. She couldn't save her mama, but she wasn't going to let that happen to anyone else. Not everyone had someone big and strong to take care of them, so she could be the big strong one who helped all those people. It was a noble cause, and she planned to stick to it. Features would twist into a quizzical expression, and she returned the query upon the alpha. "What about you, Novella? What do you like to do?" She questioned softly, curious to see what the leader of a pack did when she wasn't keeping everyone safe. Everyone had a hobby, right?

no treble


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



5 Years
05-02-2015, 12:12 AM
The purple girl would look thoughtful for a few moments after the question had been asked, obviously considering how to answer it. It wouldn't be too long before she began to work her way through the skills and her various bits of knowledge about them. Perhaps she was rather like Novella herself, the Author hadn't exactly ever picked one of the three areas and firmly cemented a strong set of particular skills, instead learning about each of them as best as she could.

On second thought it seemed that Absinthe did have her mind set on one skill, a little more emphasis on the great fighter and even someone to compare her skills with. Vi didn't ring any bells for Novella, the red woman's full name perhaps would have done though it'd be her appearance surely that she would recall the most. Before creating her own pack, Vi had settled within Ludicael for a little while during Song's reign of the pack. "Well I think you will quite like the festival then." Novella informed her, there would definitely be something for the girl to do.

To her surprise the girl would then flip the question, asking the same thing of Novella. These days much of Novella's time was devoted to her family and her pack, something that she was very much happy to do anyway. In terms of these skills however. "I'm little like you." The Author began. "I tried my paw at all three, though even now I never really settled on one thing." It meant her skills definitely lacked in comparison to others that had worked hard to hone their trade.