
Contentment Sings Softly



7 Years
04-27-2015, 09:29 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal lay curled around her two wriggling newest born children, listening to their sounds permeate the air of the alcove. Somewhere outside, she could hear Regulus and Cinder, talking about the locations of the elk herds, and comparing notes from scouting missions. Her eyes slid closed as their voices trailed away as they headed out, perhaps to gather Zuriel for a hunting attempt. With luck their little clan would eat well this evening. Her mind wandered to the future, to her plans for the pack. A name had formed in her mind. Celestial, Valhallas legacy. The name felt right. Ranks had fallen into place, and the laws that would be followed, were nearly cemented in her mind.

A soft hawks call sounded outside, and then, with a rustle of feathers and the beating of wings, her hawk companion, Battlesong, swooped into the main chamber, carrying a hare in her talons. The hare hit the marble floor as she released it, swooping to perch on a ledge she’d claimed as her own. The hawk had returned a week ago. Since then, Battlesong had been assisting on patrols while Surreal had been limited to staying near the den for the last few days before the birthing. Now the hawk had been helping out where she could to provide food, something her ancestors had done long, long ago for an extinct race of creatures; those who walked on two legs.

“Thank you, ‘Song.” The hawk clicked her beak in answer and settled into her ledge. The small forms at her side wriggled, squeaking, and her eyes turned to her pups, soft adoration glowing warmly before her eyes closed again with a sigh. For now, all was well.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think