
A new beginning (claim)


07-16-2013, 09:38 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 09:39 AM by Awaken.)

(sorry its short, in a hurry)

Awaken ran to the territory with a harsh growl, he wanted to claim a land for his family. He lifted his muzzling giving a howl to with wind to claim it. He'd heard rumors of it's abandonment and apperently it was true. All this scouting had paid it's worth. He grunted as he waited for the possible residents to come.?

His tail wagged in exitement of the idea, a home, a place to live, a plce to raise a family. Joy overwhelmed him. He looked back again releaseing another howl, hoping someone of his family could hear him. Joy and sorrow, he felt bad for claiming someone elses home. But, they obviously didn't want it anymore and were in need of new leadership.

He sat back on his haunches, emerald eyes scanning the horrizon. He seeked anyone to come, anyone at all.?



07-16-2013, 10:44 AM

Song's ivory ears heard the howl and realized what was going on almost immediately. Jupiter had gone missing. They had no leader, not for long it seemed. Some new voice called through the land, it's voice beckoning and challenging. Ludicael was up for grabs, and he was ready to take it. Worry grew in the pit of her stomach as her curiosity got the better of her. Who would this new alpha be? She had never chanced a meeting with Jupiter, so not having her there anymore was not the problem. With new babies on the way she didn't want this new man to be a threat to her children.
With great effort the heavily pregnant female rose to her feet and trotted towards the stranger. He seemed quite excited as she reached his sitting form, her bicolored eyes curiously taking him in. Little did she know he had the same intentions as her. All they wanted was a safe place to raise their children. Greetings newcomer. I am Song Destruction, resident healer of the former Ludicael. How may I be of service to you?


Aria I


07-16-2013, 10:51 AM
It was crazy, unbelievable. How couldthis happen? What the he'll had she been doing? Aria thought she was doing a good job, but if so then how did her home break up? The moment she heard the howl the shewolf was off, moving quickly through the lands. In no time she saw a figure up ahead, holding her head high yet respectful the woman approached the male. "You are lucky stranger." she came to a stop, a bit of disappointment in her voice. "My name is Aria, I served Jupiter as a Beta. This place was my home, the wolves my famiy." she sat back on her haunches yet kept a friendly tone. "I wish to stay in Ludicael, under your rule. The thing is, I wish to keep my rank. I have earned it through hard work and loyalty." There was no way she would stay as anything below what she was. If he didn't give her her rank back then she would leave, build up her strength and challenge him for Ludicael.

Ooc: typos you can thank my iPod for xD


07-16-2013, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 10:52 AM by Awaken.)

Awaken gave a bow to the lady who had approached him. He didn't want a forcefull take over. He wanted more of a, kind relationship with the packmates. "well hello. I've come as a claim. Do you wish to tell me the formal heirchy and laws? I wNt tot try to keeo things consistant." he was truethfuly wondering what laws were in place. Who would he need to help and who would need to be avoided.?

"Any information on aliances and enemies would be very helpfull. I dont wNt to stir up any pack relation problems." he didn't act too authoritive. He didn't want to be a looming, mean alpha. He wanted to be how Gargoyle was. He looked up to Gargoyle, even used him as a rolemodle on how tk run a pack. "I dont look to change any ranks i just want to add more into them. You may share your possition with afew people.



07-16-2013, 11:10 AM

Her fears were quickly dashed as the words spilled from his mouth, his intentions were to keep things as similar to their old way of life as possible. She liked teh sound of it, she would be able to continue her pregnancy in peace and not have to worry about whether or not the new alpha would threaten her unborn children.
Aria came to join her, the beta claiming she wished the same rank as she held. Song thought it a reasonable request. Aria worked hard for her pack. Aria is more helpful when it comes to the laws and goings on of the land. But if you're tired from your journey I can offer you a mixture of plants that will replenish your energy. She smiled at him, he seemed incredibly pleasant, What might I call you sir? If i plan on swearing my allegiance to you I would enjoy having your calling.



07-16-2013, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 11:20 AM by Awaken.)

Awaken liked the sort of folk here so far. They seemed nice. He liked nice wolves. "My name is Awaken. And that would be very nice. But don't trouble yourself too much about me." he gave a smile, noticeing the girl was pregnant by her sides. "you should meet my wife soon. We are also expecring pups. Perhaps you two could grow to be friends." ?

Since Aria had worked very hard for her pack he would keep her were she stands. He liked the idea of possible help. "Thank you both very much for being very kind and cooporative." ?his ears twitched as the wind picked up. It wasn't quite like the cold, he kind of missed the chill of home. then it hit him. What of volcanoes. He didn't want a repeat of mnt Amimi. "there are no active volcanoes areound here right? A former pack of mine had an inncedent with an erruption. Oh and if your alphess ever comes back i may invite her to share a role of leadership with me. To kinda show me the ropes.?


07-16-2013, 11:31 AM

The woman frowned, where had Jupiter gone? What had happened to the woman she had deemed a dear friend? Who was this male who dare place a claim upon her land? Luana didn't like this. She didn't like this at all. Honeyed eyes narrowed in indignation and her legs propelled her forward in a furious beat, when she reached the gathering of wolves, her eyes sought the one who dare take her claim. Ground firmly established, she remembered why she had decided to become a warrior. To protect my home, so I never have to see another one of my friends hurt. Her hackles rose and her head lower in a first true display of her displeasure.

"Who are you and what have you done with Jupiter?"


Aria I


07-16-2013, 11:31 AM
Aria dipped her head to him then Song, flashing her a smile. "Thank you Awaken. I wish to discuss the laws and such when alone. Right now you need to address my members, assure them you mean what you say." She rose to her paws, threw her head back and summoned Ludicael. Hopefully they would stick together. She turned back to him and shook her head. "No volcanos here, the only one is to the west of here." With a deep breath she looked off into the lands. "I would rather not share my rank, too many would make it complicated. A male and female would be good."


07-16-2013, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 11:42 AM by Awaken.)

Awaken was startled by the angry woman who has approached. "I assure you, I have done nothing to your leader. She seems to have gone missing and I do await her return. I honnestly have no idea were she is. But i am willing to conduct a search party for her once things get in order around her." His first job as a leader. Find Jupiter and bring her back safe. Or atleast give the pack closeure to what may have happened to her.

"If you wish you may lead the search party since you probably know these lands better than I. I completely understand your burden with A home being disbanded. I know how it feels. And you are not alone. But we can make things work." his attention the turned to Aria. She'd rather not share. "Thats comepletely understandable Aria. Shareing is a hard thing to do. I only request you to work with me. Maybe we can meet half way somewhere or maybe even make more ranks. I'll host a meeting later conserning ranks and membership. " ?


07-16-2013, 11:47 AM

Her aggression grew, perhaps she was the daughter of Kaios after all, a fire, the likes of which she had never felt before, burned in the core of her belly, and she widened her stance, bearing her teeth. Ears pinned back against her cranium and ivory gems gleamed in the fading light. She bent her knees, and her tail remained elevated with the rest of her spine for balance. She would not accept this! She wouldn't!

She could feel her fathers blood course through her veins. Pumping, thriving, like a living, breathing thing. "You think you can waltz right in and take Jupiter's position, a woman I respect and love above all else? You think you are worthy to fill her shoes? What makes you think you will be a great leader? What gives you her right?" The snarl oozed with toxic venom. A demand for him to answer.




07-16-2013, 12:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been just about ready. The slim supply of plants that she had gathered lay spread out within the small alcove in the mountainside that she had chosen for their storage until their pack would go rogue, a small, self-satisfied smile about her face. That should do it, she thought proudly as she stared downward at the collection of plants that were familiar to this area, ones that she was still growing used to and would need to know of when they no longer had a stable place to call home. It was such a tremendously difficult endeavor that they set themselves on, becoming the first pack of rogues to wander with no sedentary residence, but she had every confidence in them to make it happen. They were strong, hardy, and from the north; they could do anything.

But she had never expected things to change again so quickly.

The call she heard was distant, faint, but so very familiar. The voice that rang out drew her to it like water drew all life, her head turning at its sound to stare off into the trees. In her stomach, the tiny bundles of life stirred, but so did worry. Why did Awaken call, and from such a distance? His voice was eager, but was what excited him the same that would excite the others? Her dark brown eyes turned momentarily back to the plants set before her, a little sigh exiting her muzzle as she decided they would be fine enough here for her to leave them. And leaving her alcove behind, she hurried to answer the call.

She traveled far, though not quite so far as she had with the pack when they had changed homes the first and second time, the migration from the volcanic wasteland included, but the distance was still quite large. The scenery had changed somewhere along the way, becoming wholly unfamiliar and, because of it, somewhat scary. Who dwelt in these parts? A sheltered little creature, Mercianne barely made it outside of her pack's territories let alone made it appoint to learn about those that surrounded her new home. She was still adjusting after all. Change just seemed to be a constant piece of her life now, oddly enough, and she just hoped it was all going to be for the better.

When she found him, it was not under the circumstances that she would have even remotely expected. He stood within a territory that had once been claimed - the scents continuous but strangely stale of dominance - and with others around him, faces that she had never seen and had no names for. And not all of them were friendly. Two stood by idly, accepting enough of his presence, but one bared her teeth, stance square enough to suggest a possible fight should she decide to leap. Her stomach twisted at the sight, despite the other wolf being smaller and leaner than her mate, and a sudden strength of will spurred her into action.

Without quite thinking of the dangers to herself and the small lives that she carried within, Merci trotted swiftly around the gathered wolves, making straight for Awaken's side. Her head was low, her ears and tail mostly tucked, doing her best to seem as nonthreatening as possible since she hardly knew how to defend herself the way that her mate did, but where she was headed was where she belonged: standing beside him through thick and thin. A quiet, timid whine stretched from her muzzle as she came alongside him, pressing her face immediately into the dark fur of his shoulder. Whatever was taking place here obviously outweighed any short greeting that she could have given him aside from this and so she held her tongue, but as she rested her shoulder against his side, standing closely to him, her dark, nervous gaze traveled over these unfamiliar faces one at a time before they set themselves on the aggravated young she-wolf, recognizing that the brunt of the tension to the current situation was stemming from her.



07-16-2013, 12:27 PM

The she wolf would attend to her new alpha in good time, there would be plenty of it hoipefully. For now she was quite perplexed by the new face that had decided to show herself in their little group. She was quite unhappy. Song's pretty eyes fell over her features as her aggression grew. The need for such actions hardly there at the moment. The she wolf seemed young, much too young to keep her emotions in line.
She didn't want to step on Awaken's toes, but she felt that she had to at least throw her opinion out into the mix, even if it didn't help. She was barely even an adult, so pup like in actions and appearance. The same questions may be asked of you pup. Her hackles rose a bit, making her appear only slightly larger. With the children in her developing she had lost much of her patience, What makes you worthy of questioning him? Jupiter became incapable of running her pack, Awaken has been kind enough to rally us once more. She looked to her new leader, and the pretty she wolf that found herself at his side. She would happily back him and his decisions. What makes you think he wont be a great leader.



07-16-2013, 12:35 PM

Luana's angered gaze fell upon the woman, honeyed eyes burning with a pure determination. Her inquires were questioned, as though she were the one in the wrong! How dare this woman step before him so easily, how dare any of them accept his rule without question! What was wrong with these wolves? Her voice lowered, she was not demanding this woman step down, she was not being so brash and so bold.

"Jupiter was much more than just a leader! She was a friend! A companion! I loved her and still love her like a sister! How can you blindly accept that she is merely gone? How can you simply throw everything she has done for you away? How can you blindly accept him without knowing what kind of a ruler he will be?" Luana demanded, her blood could not be cooled, her questions demanded answers.



07-16-2013, 12:35 PM

Dont fear. I will find her. And besides, someone less kind as me could have claimed your pack, keep that in kind child. I know how it feels to feel the fear of a lost alpha and you are not alone. " He offered a kind smile to her trying to calm her. He didn't want her stressing herself too much, but then again he didn't want her trying to pick a fight either. He'd let things play out but something did get under his skin.

If he didn't do anything to Jupiter the who did? And were is she now? "Aria, were was the last place she was seen? I'll send a search party to find her and a healer to ry to help in any way possible." His tail lifted in a slight wag, he was actualy eagar to find the missing alphess. He was about to speak up when Song had done it for him. "Oh, thank you Song. His heart then skipped a beat. Merci was here.

"Oh hellos Merci. I have someone I'd like you to meet. I have claimed a pack and this is Song, that there is Aria and... He stopped short at the angry white female. "I never quite caught your name. Miss.


07-16-2013, 12:42 PM

How dare they refer to her as a child? She was a fully grown adult wolf! They cast her aside, discarded her like she didn't matter simply because she was young? Luxurious plume slashed the air behind her. Fury and anger settling in the pit of her stomach. He thought he was fit to rule? He thought he was strong enough to lead a company? Very well! So be it!

"Stop mocking me you pompous ass! I am no child! Not anymore! I am a full grown wolf and I will not stand and let you ridicule me! You think you are fit to rule? I disregard your self appointed title, if you will not answer me, if you discard my words for nothing but mere folly than I challenge you! I demand a fight to test your strength. A fight of dominance! If you can beat me if you can prove yourself to Ludicael, I will accept you as my Alpha, but if not, you step down, you give someone else the throne, because I don't think your worthy." She snarled with pure venom, she would not play complacent this day.

(((OOC: As per site rules, you get to choose rounds and your own terms)))



07-16-2013, 01:00 PM

The hyena's ears were pinned back against her cranium. Her oddly shapen bodice coming to a halt in the center of this meeting. If Jupiter wasn't around for her to play with, she saw no point in staying. She sure as hell was not gonna stay for the pleasure of some dumbass, women were supposed to rule, not men. A snort escaped her nostrils. "If Jupiter decides to return home and kick this males ass... have her call me. Until then, I am no longer a part of Ludicael." With that the hyena turned on her heel and vacated the territory.


Medusa i


5 Years
07-16-2013, 01:15 PM

Her close alliance with Ludicael and closeness with Jupiter made her confident to visit the lands, walking there carefully in case a member grew weary and didn?t know her face, but not a quivering mess of nerves, either. Today, however, she hadn?t been coming to visit her vixen. Instead the serpent had come at the call of a claim, a greedy snake who had come to pounce upon the lands in the moments that Jupiter had been missing from the pack. Upon arrival her bi-colored eyes set upon a familiar face, an intruder. Well, not an intruder anymore. She approached slowly, not wanting to startle the pack as the Madame made her appearance.

?Whenever you find Jupiter, I do not believe she will be all that pleased that you have claimed her home,? she said, looking at all those who had assembled. One of the members was growing upset, her loyalty making a good impression upon the Amenti Madame. ?Those who do not wish to stay here are welcome to stay in Amenti, as members or merely guests. When Jupiter is located she will be given rank there if she wishes, until she is able to challenge, if such a thing becomes necessary,? she announced. No, she would not be this wolf?s enemy, but she would not be his ally either.


07-16-2013, 01:22 PM

Harlequin paused as the woman stepped forward...intriguing, a woman of Amenti claiming Ludicael wolves not pleased? She wondered if such room would be reserved for a hyena. Body twining its way over to the figure, she stood before her, onyx oculars locked upon the massive form of the creature before her. "And what of a hyena? Pray tell, would you have room for me?" Her lyrics fell in a soft twine, a hint of mischief prowled just beneath the surface. The hyena was looking for a grand time, not just a pack.


Medusa i


5 Years
07-16-2013, 01:47 PM

Before she had spoken a figure had turned to retreat, and now that figure had turned, coming to face the Amenti Madame as if the words she had spoken were intriguing. Medusa had not seen a creature like this before, but she seemed powerful, strong, an asset if the serpent was to draw her into her pack. At the inquiry, Medusa nodded her head. ?We accept those from all walks of life, provided they are able to accept the wrath they call on themselves and that they do not anger our allies,? she said. Medusa hadn?t intended for this to be a recruitment effort, but she supposed that it didn?t hurt to let the interested know of the ways of her pack and how their lives there would go.


07-16-2013, 01:47 PM

Awaken gave a sigh. ?"I do not wish to harm you, but I will if I Must. ?He lifted his lips showing an arsenal or ivory white teeth, their deadly jagged edges showing. He lowered his chest floor close to the ground and allowed his hackles to rise. ?His tail parallel to its base to improve his balance. The sheer amount of fur making him look huge. ?His claws dug into the dirt and his eyes narrowed for their protection. His muzzle lowering to protect any vital veins in the area, but his jaws hung open ?and slightly upwards,to counter head on attacks. His shoulders rolled forward to cover the base of his neck and front chest floor. ? His blood-curdling snarl ripping from his throat. ?His ears slicked back on his head and his tounge licked his teeth with the lust of a fight.

His muscles tense and his legs stamped firmly to the ground he awaited an attack. His emerald eyes locked on his target, nothing showing in his eyes but green hell's fire. She looked smaller so maneuverability was a great factor. He was also fast on his feet due to his lithe form but he had enough power to back him up. He looked her over for weaknesses. None appealed immediately. Perhaps a surprise attack would solve things? No, not very honorable but he would put her in her place. ?A slight rock of the head signaled he was ready for ?her to come.

Attack: None yet
Defenses: head held low and jaws open to counter front attacks. His claws dug into the dirt to prevent sliding back upon impact. His eyes narrowed but not closed, his ears are pinned back to his head. His head is low but his muzzle is pointed up to attack and his shoulders are rolled forward to cover the sides and lower part of his neck. His back and tail are straight for balance and his legs are right under each of their joints ( his shoulders are even with his front paws and his hips are even with his back paws).
injuries: none yet