
Bring it On, Girl.


06-01-2013, 03:33 PM

Taking in the new queen of Tortuga?s words, she felt her eyes narrow as she looked around trying to pinpoint who this Tikaani wolf was. Having joined Tortuga?s ranks in the chaos of the leadership transfer, she hadn?t yet met each and every one of her pack-mates. Stepping forward from the ranks, she paced forward, coming a halt, a respectful distance from the pack, but still in viewing range. She stood there, her paws spread for balance, and her tail raised slightly behind her to give her further balance. Lowering her head, to protect her throat she waited for her opponent to make their appearance.

This was her chance to make a name for herself in Tortuga, and also a chance to gauge the abilities of her pack-mates. This was her chance to be who she wanted to be, and no longer in the shadows of her sibling. This was her chance to prove herself. To prove that she was worthy, and prove that she was useful. A small tight smile pulled at her jaws, as she took a deep breath, forcing herself calm. This was a spar, a battle for a rank, yes, but a spar with a pack-mate. She was fine. She could do this. Her jaws parted, and a single world fell from her delicate jaws.


defense: legs spread for balance, tail held out behind her for balance. Head lowered to protect throat.

attacks: none

injuries: none

ooc- So, you get to decide how many rounds, and have first attack. :3 And if you want any other terms,let me know c;


06-01-2013, 03:59 PM

A call had came to her ears, it was juno. She had called her out for the battle for the tournament. Tikaani walked up to her opponent and stood there calm and ready for this. She was ready to prove her self, and this was it, time to show the alphas what she was made of.

Tikaani walked closer to Juno and smiled a bit "Mis juno, i am pleased to have the oppertunity to spar with you." She said as she stood there and gave the dame a slight bow. Tikaani was ready for anything that the dame had for her. Tikaani's green eyes looked over her opponent, she saw the dame was not in the mood for small talk, since she was in a defense mode.

Her back leg moved back and out to give her balance, She held her tail out, also for balance. Tikaani lowered her head, and pulled it in a bit to protect her neck.Tikaani looked at her opponent and pushed off heading towards the dame. Teeth bared, and ready to sink into the dame's flesh.As she came with in a few inches she will remove her defensive position of head low and in to strike the muzzle. If Juno is to stay put she will come down upon her muzzle.

Attack:If Juno stay put Tikaani's teeth would sink into her muzzle.

Defense:Tail out for balance head low and inward until she came with in inches of the female then will strike.

Injuries:none yet.

1/4 rounds


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06-03-2013, 06:03 PM
Her opponent hadn?t made her wait, and she was glad that the other she-wolf didn?t waste her time on pleasantries. The black she wolf, hadn?t had much time in her defense stance before Tikaani lunched towards her, jaws open. At the last possible moment, Juno jerked her head, feeling teeth graze the top of her muzzle scratching it, as she lunged towards her opponent herself, hoping to dig her teeth into Tikaani?s right shoulder. She would keep her attempted attack low, trying to protect her throat. If Tikaani didn?t move before Juno could, she?d retreat after her attack in an attempt to put space between the pair, to plan her next move.

Defenses: Head low to protect throat
Attack: lunges forward in an attempt to bite into Tikaani?s shoulder
Injuries: Scratches on her muzzle.
Rounds: ?


06-03-2013, 06:17 PM

The attack came quickly and frankly even though she did not get what she was hoping for, Tikaani was glad for the strike she did get in. She felt the graze of her teeth upon the top of Juno's snout,Slight blood remained on the teeth that made the wound. Just as fast as she attacked her opponent dashed around and made her move.

This was interesting, a rash fighter. Tikaani was young but she did manage to pick up some fighting tips from her mother before she left. Eyes narrowed and locked upon the dame. Her head lowered,, and inward. Tikaani quickly brought her front shoulders away from the attacking enemy, and fln her hind end so it would intercept the attack.

After she spun around the feeling of teeth grazed her flesh. She smiled and pushed off with her hind legs to carry her around so that she may get a good shot. Tikaani soon found her self facing the dame's side, this would be fun. She took off in a dash and went for the middle of her side,or that is what she wanted it to look like, the real attack she would change at the last second and hope to sink her fangs in to the shoulder of the female.

Attack:Tikaani is trying to do a diversion move to make her opponent think she it attaking the middle side of the dame. When in reality she will switch at the last second and hope to sink her fangs in to the female's shoulder.

Defense: Tikaani had her head low and inward when the female was attacking. She used her hind end to prevent the full on blow to the shoulder. During the attack not much defense was used.

Injuries:(R1)Teeth scratches to the hind end.

Rounds: 2/4


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06-04-2013, 06:19 PM
When it came to fighting, Juno hadn?t had that much experience and she was pretty sure any decent fighter could tell that much. What she did have going for her, other than her stunning looks and personality, was her pure nerve. Tikaani was a formidable opponent, and Juno had a good feeling going into this that she possibly would lose- but that didn?t stop her nerve from pushing her into the battle. Her heart raced in her chest, pumping adrenaline through her veins, as the female she fought against turned suddenly, and Juno?s intended shoulder attack instead met her hindlegs. Dammit, Juno though angrily.

Tikaani turned, seemingly lunging again towards Juno?s side and dashing towards her, and Juno had an idea almost suddenly. Turning on her hind end, a snarl escaped her jaws as she lunged head-first towards the other female, her jaws splayed open when the intent to go for the other woman?s eyes and ears. The move was brash, and not very tactful, but she hoped that perhaps the absolute boldness of the moved would earn her some injury of the other lady. This attack exposed her throat, but she hoped the speed of the move compensated for that tactless issue. Tail would rise, still behind her, to help give her balance as she lunged for Tikaani.

Attack: Turns to jump head first towards Tikaani with the intent of biting her eyes or ears.
Defenses: None other than her tail out for balance
Injuries: Scratches on the muzzle.


06-04-2013, 06:49 PM
OOC:I am assuming Tikaani sunk her fangs into the shoulder of Juno, since nothing was specified as to what happened.

The attack was a huge success, Her fangs soon sunk in to the flesh of the shoulder. Blood ran out of the wounds and it tasted wonderful to Tikaani. She knew there was not much time to savor the blood, but she needed to with draw her attack and get in to a defense mode. Pulling away from the dame, Tikaani backed up pretty quickly to create a bit of a distance between them.

She saw the dame get ready to attack, Tikaani studied the female closely. She pulled her head in and low, to protect her neck, ears pinned to her head as she bared her teeth. 'Bring it' She thought as she stood her ground. Tikaani moved her right hind leg, and her front left leg out to keep her balance. She hunched her back making it much larger than her head.

She did not loose eye contact with the dame, soon Juno was closeenough for her to make her attack. Now that the female was closer Tikaani knew where she was going to attack. Tikaani's eyes spotted the open neck and this was her time. As Juno came in to get her Tikaani lunged her head down and swung her body so that she could sink her fangs into the female's throat But Tikaani's move render her hunched back exposed,and she felt fangs sink in to her flesh. It was a price she would have to pay to hit her target. At this point it looked liek a hit, but if Juno was to realize what was going on she should have time to react.

Tikaani went for Juno's open neck,
Tikaani had her ears pinned to ehr head, head low and in, Back hunched up, and legs out for balance.
(R1)nothing Tikaani started,(R2)Teeth scratches to the hind end,(R3) Wound to her upper back.


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06-11-2013, 01:24 PM
Pain laced through young wolf?s body as her opponents teeth dug into her shoulder, a startled yip escaped her jaws, only to be replaced by a furious growl. Her frontal attack was blatantly dangerous and when Tikaani?s jaws turned to catch her throat, Juno had little time to react, turning her head quickly so that if the other wolf?s jaws came down, they would most likely come down on the outer side of her neck, if the other she-wolf didn?t move. Her own jaws aimed for Tikaani?s shoulder, and if the female didn?t block her attack, she planned for her jaws to rip into her shoulder muscles. Her back legs braced all of her weight, her light end light, since it was carrying her momentum. Her heart raced endorphins into her system, adrenaline pumping, though she knew the end of the fight was near.

Defenses: Turns her head so her jugular doesn?t get caught in Tikaani's jaws, rather the side of her neck, if exposed.

Attacks: Adjusts her attack so that if Tikaani doesn?t move, her jaws will connect with her shoulder.

Injuries: Scratches on her muzzle, and a shoulder wound.

Rounds ?

Notes: Oops I forgot this last post and that injury. ;_; Oh well, what?s done is done. Oh and crap post is crap. D:


06-11-2013, 07:51 PM

The dame moved so that her teeth did not sink into the jugular, instead her fangs sunk into the softer part of the neck. This was interesting and Tikaani knew that she needed to act fast. The wound in her Shoulder, Just as her fangs went into the flesh it was right back out and Tikaani lowered her self and pulled away from the female. From the look at it she was going to try to make another attack to the shoulder.

She managed to move out of the way enough that the dame's fangs just grazed the surface of her shoulder. That made the wound open a bit more, this time Tikaani was not going to go easy. She Narrowed her eyes, ears laid back legs out for balance, and her tail out for balance. She had little time to think and Tikaani pushed off with her hind legs, she rushed towards the female, and with her head low she went for the female's front left leg.

If the female is to stay put, Tikaani would get the inner part of the leg, and she was ready for it. All she could hope for is that her attack makes it and she wanted this to be a success.

Tikaani went after the dame's inner part of the front left leg.
She had her head low, ears pinned to her head, tail out fro balance and legs for balance.
(R1)nothing Tikaani started,(R2)Teeth scratches to the hind end,(R3) Wound to her upper back.(R3)She got small teeth scratches on her shoulder.


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06-13-2013, 05:55 PM

The black wolf felt her teeth scratch the shoulder of the other wolf, and she had little time to process the she-wolf?s next attack, as it came. Her heart pounded in her ears, the blood roaring as Tikaani lunged towards her, her head low. As the wolf grew near, Juno realized her intention, and leaned forward, to put most of her weight to her front, to brace the leg the other lady seemed to be aiming for. Lowering her head, fast, she would attempt to bite into the top of the female?s neck, just behind her head as she went for her leg. She would ignore the pain of the female?s bite and attempt to bite down harder into her neck, thrashing her head a little to cause more damage. Her tail would lash out behind her, sticking straight out for balance.

Defenses: shifts her weight forward, so tikaani?s momentum won?t knock her down.

Attacks: Attempts to bite into Tikaani?s neck, as the she-wolf is biting her leg.

Injuries: scratches on her muzzle, shoulder wound, and front left leg injury.

Ooc; none, eh.

Round: 4/4


The Judge


07-01-2013, 12:27 PM
Due to the recent departure of Terohime, Juno is the default winner.