
'cause that's just who I am this week

Absinthe 1

05-01-2015, 07:45 PM

lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum

ooc. leaving details about her spar vague, timed after it though

The festival was nice, but she still wanted to explore. Sparring turned out to be an interesting experience, and she still firmly believed she could be a great warrior one day. A field of wildflowers was dying here on the cliffs, releasing a strong aroma that made her eyes water a little at first. She looked about for somewhere to lie down among the wilting blossoms. Alabaster toes skimmed over blackening fronds, delicate as a doe in her strides. Cranium would lower toward the flowers, snuffling happily at them, leaving a little trail in her wake as she sniffed around. They were so pretty, and she enjoyed the soft smells that bombarded her nostrils. With her wispy violet tail sticking straight up in the air, it was hard to imagine she could ever be anything but a sweet little flower herself.

A random funk came over her, and the girl flopped over suddenly. Wiggling incessantly, she rolled happily in the decrepit blooms and flailed her paws happily in the air. The petals were so soft, it was like rolling in clouds. Light peals of laughter would trickle from her maw, a carefree grin splashed across her features. Today was a good day, and the sun was shining brightly. Clouds in the sky were limited, so she didn't have to worry about getting soggy at some point, or catching a cold. A bee flew past, the buzzing dim as it meandered across the sky. Bounding to her feet, she chased after the fat insect. Bumblebees were fuzzy and cute, but she didn't see them a lot anymore. Were they hiding somewhere? It buzzed from flower to flower, seemingly unbothered by the fact that they were dying at the moment. Its lackadaisical course brought it over the edge of the cliffs, and she abandoned her chase.

Indifferent, she returned to her busy snuffling along the ground. All the smells were different, and she couldn't find a specific pattern to the way all the blooms had grown. Would they be different next year? She'd have to come back and find out. Ambling across the incline of the cliff, she paid no heed to her surroundings. There was no danger, so it was alright to just go about her business. A haphazard pattern wove its way across the swath of flowers in her wake, crisscrossing over itself a multitude of different times. Eventually, the lavender hued girl found herself tired and flopped over onto her side again. It was a little more painful than usual, but she had taken a bit of a beating in her spar. No biggie, she'd heal over time. That wouldn't stop her fun, or her adventures. Dark lilac limbs would be sprawled out without any rhyme or reason, and she panted lightly. That was fun.

I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
05-01-2015, 08:08 PM

Relaxing in the sun Birna allowed her body to recuperate after her spar while assessing whether or not she should see a healer or if they'd heal well on their own. Either way there were certainly more than enough healer's about and she still had plenty of time to take a quick little breather. However, it wasn't long before her restless nature took a hold of her and the woman set off on a walk that brought her too the cliffs overlooking the ocean. It was a beautiful and breath-taking sight, shame that autumn was already beginning to claim the flowers and grass.

As she sat there movement caught her attention and she turned to see a bright purple pup nosing through the grasses. Well, well… wasn't she an odd little thing though after the sight that was Mithras, Birna felt there was little that could surprise her any more. What was perhaps more shocking was that the pup smelled of Fiori! Birna frowned, she certainly hadn't been the best about interacting among her packmates, had she missed one of the pups? Well, it was never too late to meet someone knew.

Birna barked a hello as she approached the girl, tail wagging lazily. "Hello there, who might you be? I see you smell of Fiori, that is my pack as well. I am Birna Xanilov, Head Sentry."

[Image: 262ny8g.png]

Absinthe 1

05-01-2015, 08:36 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

A soft voice called out to her in greeting, and the lass looked up lazily. Dainty cranium would loll backward, mismatched gaze falling upon a figure clinging to the earth like a bat from a branch. It was familiar. the giant woman she had followed from the mangrove to the festival! A lopsided grin would be offered, tail thumping lazily against the terra. "I'm Absinthe, I joined a little while ago. " She drawled. "You're very tall, miss Birna." She commented softly, rolling onto her belly. It was nice to be meeting someone from her pack, though she wasn't sure what being head Sentry meant. Languid blinking would bring her into a less sleepy state, and she heaved herself into a slouched seated pose.

She shook out her violet hued pelt, gazing up at the tall woman. "Does head Sentry mean you take care of everyone in Fiori? I wanna do that one day." Her soft melodies would murmur, crown tilting to one side in a quizzical manner. Maybe she could learn something from this miss Xanilov lady, about protecting everyone she loved. Sure, she wanted to learn other things, but of all she wanted to be the best protector she could be. As well as be a monster hunter, just like mommy Vi had been.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
05-08-2015, 08:47 PM

The pup would gaze up at her, gently and as carefree as a fluffy white cloud in the sky. She smiled and nodded. "Aye, I ate all my dinner and went to bed early when I was your age." Birna watched gently as the pup rolled onto her belly once again she found herself wondering about the pups unusual coat color. Were her parents perhaps from the same place that Mithras and his siblings came from? If so how did she end up here and what had happened to her parents? To the extent of her knowledge Birna believed this particular pup was in Athena's care.

Birna smiled at the girls question. "Well, kind of. All wolves in Fiori look after each other in some way. The hunters feed everyone, the healers tend to our wounds and so on. The Head Sentry trains the fighters and helps protect the borders."

Birna moved to sit down. "What exactly is it you want to be hen you grow up, little Absinthe?"

[Image: 262ny8g.png]

Absinthe 1

05-17-2015, 09:11 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

The giant of a woman informed her that she took very good care of herself at her own age, and the girl frowned. Well, after all that time spent wandering around hungry she probably would never get to be that big. Well, that was a disappointment. She would then continue on to explain what her role was, earning a slow bob of the girls violet head. Of course, it was the way a pack worked. Everyone took care of everyone. That was why Bacc's moms took care of her now. The bigger lady sat down in the wilted flowers, asking a question in a very calm, soft voice. It was strange that a fighter lady would speak so quietly, in the girl's young mind. She shrugged heavily, looking around for a moment. Was that bumblebee back? Her thigh hurt a bit, where the other boy had bitten her. Well, she'd signed up for spars, so she had to deal with the fact that she would get hurt every now and again. "Well," She began timidly, returning her attention to the features of the behemoth female. "I wanna be a fighter too, uh, a sss- sentry, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it." She sighed, the faint accent in her words just audible around the vowels. She looked at her alabaster stained toes, wiggling them into the hard packed earth beneath them. "I wanna protect everyone, keep them safe. Bacc and his moms, they gotta be safe. They're very nice." She continued in a quieter voice, as though it were nothing more than a note to herself. She was determined to keep them all safe, those wolves who had taken her in after her mommies... Went away.

A low hum would escape her, a quiet affirmation. Everything would be good from now on. She drew her mismatched gaze back to the head sentry, smiling broadly at her. "D'you think you can teach me to be a good fighter? I wanna learn." She enquired softly, expression baleful as she gazed up at the woman. If this lady could teach her, maybe she would be able to keep her family safe. Of course, she was still little, there was time for her to get bigger, and be tall like Bacc and Birna (not that it would happen). She knew she would learn how to become a better protector for her new family, and how to hunt, maybe some healing, and all of that. It would just take time.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!