



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 08:00 PM

It felt like months worth of traveling, the suns rays burning into her spine and the earth prodding at her paws. In reality it had been about two seasons now, six months since she had left home in hopes of finding a place to begin her own life. That journey, it had brought her to a new land, the area she chose to stop in filled with tall grasses. She kept her head low as she moved through the plains that towered over, paws weaving between the stalks, making her movements blend with the scratching of the wind brushing them against each other.

Nose twitched, tongue slipping from the side of her jaws and running over her lips, water. Green eyes shifted, left then right, an ear flicking at the sound of a bird shooting up into the air when she got a bit too close. When she finally neared a source of water she would carefully slip from the safety of the grass, head moving from left to rift, scanning her surroundings for something or someone she might have missed. None. She pushed forward, crouching to the ground and lapping at the water's surface. Mlezi hummed as the refreshing liquid slid down her throat, eyes closing as she took this moment to relax.

"normal. talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-10-2015, 08:18 PM

He had spent the night here, and when he was just about to leave it seemed that life would throw him for a loop. Here there were nearly no lions, but he could see her from his position afar. Pink eyes spotting the lioness as she arose to the water to take a drink, he took the chance to look around to see if her lead male was around however he was not. According to her scent it seemed like she was a loner as well. Hyder let a small gruff leave his throat, he thought he wouldn't be able to start a new pride but she was young, perfect if he had to say so himself. Tail flicking behind him he would sneak forward and stand across from her.

"I didn't think there were any lions here, let alone a lioness." he would say tilting his head to one side. He would remain respectful, after all that was how he had handled his ladies back home. He had a drive to want her now, but he would wait patiently. She must have understood how lions work. All of them grew up with men who protected them, honestly he figured the ladies had it easier they could go to a new male. He couldn't just wait to be claimed he had to defend himself and his lionesses so that his sons and daughters would continue on.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 08:46 PM

Ears darted forward at the sound of approaching footsteps, head quickly lifting and paws carrying her back a few feet. It was dangerous to be out on your own, the stories her mother told her fresh in her mind about how ruthless some males were when claiming a lioness for their own. So she would keep half of her body hidden in the tall grasses, toes with claws out digging into the earth in case she had to make a quick escape. She had no problem with throwing dirt in the eyes, enjoying a good tussle to get the blood pumping.

A male would indeed break through the grass, striking white pelt standing before the puddle across from her. Mlezi's eyes instantly began to run over his body, brows coming together in confusion, a puzzling expression spreading across her face at this unique being. He was unlike anything she had seen before, so unreal she almost began to wonder if she was hallucinating from all the traveling. It wasn't till he spoke that she had to shake her head to refocus on what was going on, gaze meeting his pink orbs as he voiced how he didn't think there were lions here, let alone a lioness.

Her own skull tilted faintly at his words, eyes narrowing in thought. Did she move to lands not populated by her own kind? Should she move onto new lands? ”Are there not more?” She questioned in silky tone, head raising as her body slowly began to relax. It was a silly thing to ask after he just told her but she would have liked to scope out the males here rather than traveling more, but if there weren't any then this strange male might be her only chance to make a name for herself, to begin her own life.

"normal. talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-10-2015, 08:53 PM

His thoughts about moving on when he came to these lands had of course drawn to him too. However, now that she was here, perhaps a new life for the two of them had began. With his single wolf slave he couldn't make a name for himself entirely that way. Hyder would shake his mane looking off in the distant as she asked the question. He had looked over her as well, she definitely was a beautiful lioness. Since the competition here was non existence, perhaps she would agree to stay with him and start a pride. His pink eyes looked over at the girl.

"Not that I have seen, only these creature who were similar to the African Wild Dogs except smarter. They're called wolves." he would lower his head to the water to take a drink. Perhaps his movements would make her less nervous, and give him a bigger chance. "My name is Hyder, are you alone then?" his tail flicked behind him.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 09:19 PM

His answer was disappointing, but at the same time it was kind of relieving to hear, knowing that she wouldn't have to worry about being claimed by other males. He brought up canines though, seeing only animals that are similar to the wild dogs of their homelands but were smarter and called themselves wolves. "Kuvutia..." (interesting) She spoke to herself, watching him carefully even though he was just getting a drink. She had come across a strange scent while moving through the lands, did that belong to these so called wolves? Did they look like the wild dogs back home or were they different to match these lands? Mlezi would keep the information stored for a later time, instead choosing to focus on the male and the thoughts o a pride.

The white man was named Hyder, and was wondering if she was alone. This made the female raise her head and stick out her chest, glancing away briefly with that hint of sass. "Labda, utasikia tu na kupata nje." (maybe, you'll just have to find out.) Turning back to him she was smirking, giving him a small wink as she stepped forward from the grasses, tail curling up into the air. There was a mischievous grin spread across her lips, a paw scratching the earth, head tilting. "Ni kwamba kile kiburi chako ni wa maandishi? Wulfzzz?" (is that what your pride is made of? wolves?) She gently teased, the foreign species name are for her to pronounce correctly but still tried.

"normal. talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-10-2015, 09:30 PM

The woman would begin to speak in their native tongue, it sent shivers down his spine. A instinctual need building up in him from being away from his own kind. It made the man huff a bit, pulling his paw up and then beating it into the dirt below him. Sending ripples into his beautiful white mane. Those eyes told her something, of the lust that lied between all lion males. They could really wrap them around their toes if they tried and played the right moves. It made for a luxurious life for a lioness.

"Ndiyo mbwa mwitu, lakini itakuwa ni bora kama ungekuwa msingi mpya kwa sababu ya kiburi yangu?"(Yes wolves, but would it be better if you were the new foundation for my pride?) Hyder would step forward closer to her. As her tail had lifted, he let a small purr start in the back of his throat. He would watch her very carefully, trying to figure her out and decipher what he should do next anyhow. "Mimi akamzaa vijana wengi huko nyuma, na kulindwa kiburi vizuri. Wewe itakuwa vizuri kuchukuliwa huduma ya."(I have fathered many young in the past, and protected a pride well. You would be well taken care of.) the male's tail would lash behind him.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 10:27 PM

His display towards her made the young female giggle, an innocent smile upon her lips and a twinkle in her eyes as he hit the ground. A show of power and need for the opposite gender was something she found interesting and always seemed to get her blood pumping. It was amusing to see how easily a male could be wrapped around a woman's paw, bending beneath them like a cub when the possibility of "fun" was in the air. The thought of teasing him further only intensifying as he spoke, confirming her question and bringing up how it could be better with her as the new foundation. "Je, si tusi , unapaswa tayari kujua." (Do not insult, you should already know.) She purred back, green eyes following him as he grew closer, toes splaying into the dry ground and tail swinging steadily.

His offer was almost convincing, informing the lioness of the many children he has fathered and pride he once held and protected. She would be taken care off... Mlezi purred at the idea, her own paws carrying her forward in a little skip and around the small puddle that was between them. The whole while she would keep her deep green orbs on the light male, brushing her side along his and turning to come up on his other side. "Itachukua zaidi ya kukamata hii moja...." (it will take more to catch this one) She hummed, pulling away slowly, her tail running along the man's spine before doing a little hop back towards the grasses.

Even though it felt like she had the man in her clutches, Mlezi wanted to pull back from the flirtation to allow both their heads to clea up a bit for clear thoughts. She did not want to push him, cause something to happen that she would later regret while also making him want her to join. The girl did not consider herself easy to catch, it owuld take some work to grab her interest enough to join.

"normal. words
talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-10-2015, 10:38 PM

Mlezi would continue to tease, but he was intoxicated by her. The testosterone and other hormones flowing through his blood, it had been some time since he had this kind of excitement. Her displays were a game, and he knew that very well. He felt no need to feel embarrassed for his state, since all lions had been within this temptation before. They all knew too well, without he lioness they were nothing. His tongue rested over his snout as another gruff left his throat, a deep rumble. As she jumped away, his pink eyes would follow her.

The male let a deep growl leave his throat, shaking his mane in a display. As he stepped forward he practically mimicked her hopping to get closer to her. He wondered what her tic was, what made her go crazy? Was it strength, affection, every woman was different. The lion had to use his wits to catch her it seemed, she was not the first to play hard to catch. "Basi ni nini unataka kutoka kwangu, jangwa mwanamke"(Then what is it you want from me, desert lady?) he would ask. Deep within himself he let out a loud roar to shake the land. Any nearby animals would be startled by such a noise.

He would smirk at her, raising an eyebrow for a moment. Though he made sure to keep a close eye on her, he would not lose sight of her and would probably chase her around until she did think he was worthy. Hyder was feeling the need again, like he did in the past, he would not give up. Not until he knew that his strength was proof that he was a lion worthy of being alive. Something all young males had to come to terms with in their lives.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 11:03 PM

The low rumbles sent shivers down her spine, quite visible as it worked its way up her neck, giving a shake of her skull as she turned around to reface the male. Dark eyes  held a degree of borderline lust and trouble-making intentions, morphing into adrenaline at Hyder's mighty roar to display his strength, lowering her front half and clawing the ground satisfied.  “Baada njema...” (A good chase...) She growled, raking her claws towards herself, a smirk appearing across her features up until her body whipped around and disappeared into the grasses.

Mlezi bounded through the tall grasses of the plains, turning her head to the side to try and look over her shoulder, hoping the male had followed without hesitation. Her tests were nothing crazy, just a few simple tasks he had to complete before she finally decided if she would settle with him or not. But if he didn't follow, he would have failed one of them and she would feel like a complete fool pouncing around like a cub all alone.

Either way she would turn back around to focus ahead of her, paws dancing across the ground for a few bounds before hitting faster and harder like a drum. She would begin to run, keeping her chin tucked towards her throat to protect her eyes, trying to use her forepaws to part the grasses. She would move in a straight course at first, allowing the man to catch up, which shouldn't take too long. And when he would come up behind her a few paces the lioness made a sharp turn to the left, leaping across a puddle and sliding beneath an old fallen tree then continuing in a straight line once more.

"normal. words
talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-10-2015, 11:31 PM

Hyder would listen carefully, his ears perking forward. She seemed to be having the same amount of fun he was. As soon as she took off, he was using his claws for traction. Digging them into the dirt he shot off to follow her. Of course he was a bit slower, being heavier in weight even though he had lost some since he left his previous pride. Still his tail flailing behind him as he followed the girl bounding along and feeling the rush of air within his mane. It had been such a long time since his blood had boiled like this. Emotions intensifying as he couldn't help but to smile as they ran through the plains. Just two lions, possibly becoming attached to each other, running to enjoy the life that they had been given. Suddenly she made a sharp turn, instantly his claws would release it was like chasing a gazelle in which not many male lions could do anyway.

Making his claws help him in switching his position, the sharp turn he lingered in but quickly tried with all his effort to catch up to her. His body becoming soaked within the water of the puddle as he finally bursted out most of his energy to chase right next to her. Letting out a deep chuckle in his body, the male would attempt to pounce to her side playfully. Maybe to knock her over, or she would always dodge away which was a possibility.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 11:57 PM

He was pursuing, and he was quite fast for a male his size, it was very impressive. One more tally to the potential chart, making her chuckle. Mlezi kept herself moving, her pace fast but not exactly a full run, not wanting to tire him out too soon and the same for herself. She was just thinking about breaking into a full run when she heard the water splashing behind her but the man was already beside her before she could do anything, her head turning to his chuckle, a low growl rising from her throat as he pounced.

With him already on her Mlezi jumped, moving on an angle away from Hyder but the moment her paws reconnected with the ground her body was turning to face him. Limbs squared with her neck and head held in line with her spine, tail swinging once before she charged back at the male. She reared, a roar thrown to the air with her large paws trying to bat at the man's face, the left for his actual face and the right attempting to slide off and down his mane.

talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-11-2015, 01:01 PM

The two lions would end up in a strange dance together. It was play-fighting at its finest. Which was something lions did, and he himself enjoyed it as it was something he hadn't done with one of his fellow kind. They were social animals, just as these wolves were, to be alone was a sad thought. It was even more depressing to like being alone in most cases, some sort of defect that many old males found themselves facing. As Hyder let a playful growl escape the back of his throat she would smack at him. Bring his paws up he stumbled backwards but at the same time jumped up and tried to grab hold of her shoulders his claws still in their protective casing as to not hurt her. Hyder would attempt to pull her onto him.

"Have I somehow caught the lady's interest now?" He would purr, his tail flicking underneath him. Shaking his mane carefully as to not smack her in the face with the glorious hair that he had. Hyder took pride in his rare appearance, while the white coloring could be common, his pink eyes, nose, and pawpads held a sense of dignity in himself. Something he hoped his future children would have the luxury of having.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-11-2015, 02:24 PM

He willingly partook in her game, a little bit of chase that quickly turned into a dance of play. It was refreshing, able to come back to that part of herself that she had missed since leaving her child stages. Back home there weren't any other males beside her father, and since she was an only child and they were loners, there was nobody to play games with her. It was well needed.

Her paws made contact, a pleased purr slipping from her lips at the satisfaction of being able to get a hit on him. Before she knew it however, the male had hooked his sheathed paws around her shoulders as he stumbled backwards, pulling the both of them to the ground with a surprised gasp jumping from her jaws. It took her a moment to realize this, her forelegs pressed into the base of his mane, back legs spread just before his back legs. She just kind of stared down at him unsure of what to do while in such close proximity, something she had never been against before in her life.

When he spoke she immediately pulled back, climbing off the large male and take a step back and to the side, green eyes focusing on him briefly before turning away. "Kuangalia kama ni." (Looks like it) She cleared her throat and flashed a smirk, giving herself a small shake of herself and standing tall along the grasses. "Inaonekana tutakuwa kuona kila mmoja tena halisi hivi karibuni, Hyder." (It appears we will be seeing each other again real soon, Hyder.) With a deep, pleased purr Mlezi moved forward, stopping just before the man, whether he was still laying or standing. "Mlezi, Mlezi Ujuzi." Her accent was thick on the tongue as she batted her lashes, a sweet, innocent expression crossing her features.

talk. think. you.



6 Years
Other species
05-11-2015, 03:50 PM

Hyder would watch her fling off of him, he could guess because of how young she was she was new to this kind of touch with a man. The male would shake his mane again to straighten it out, rolling back onto his stomach as his pink eyes watched her. In time she would learn, every young one had to have the experience. He was two years older than her by the looks of it, and already had ran his first pride. Giving a gruff, he stood up on all fours as she spoke. Well then she planned to leave his side? It wasn't as if he could keep her here for the moment anyhow.

"Sauti yangu nitakuita wakati Nimepata ardhi inayofaa kuishi katika. Sisi kujenga kiburi nchi hii haijawahi kuona mbele, Mlezi."(My voice will call you when I've found suitable lands to live in. We will create a pride this land has never seen before, Mlezi.) he spoke to her, his ears flicking along the way. This was a slight warning in his tone, to not test his patience. He was still a lion in his right, once a woman was caught he would not let them go. However Hyder would allow her leeway, because lioness were scarce in these lands. She was also, something very special.



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-11-2015, 04:28 PM

Playtime was over for now, Mlezi straightened herself up and took a deep breath. Her ears flicked forward when he began to speak, telling her that he will call for her presence once he has found suitable land to live in. They would create a pride this place has never seen before. She liked the sound of that, and since he didn't acquire the lands just yet, it gave her plenty of time to think it though and determine if she would help create this pride with the oddly colored man. So far, he had her interest. “Sauti nzuri.” (Sounds good) She purred, looking away briefly to watch as birds danced along the top of the grasses. Turning back to him she dipped her head, tail swinging calmly with the cool breeze. “Nitakuwa karibu nchi hizi mpaka basi.” (I shall be near these lands till then.) With one last wink Mlezi would giggle before turning and disappearing into the grasses, off to find a place to rest and think about today's events.

-exit mlezi-

talk. think. you.