
out there in the silence

Katja the First


8 Years
05-11-2015, 03:07 PM
Her wandering steps had carried her far from her pack, scouting. It seemed that not even care of a pack could tame the restlessness that was the viking blood within her, but Katja did not wander aimlessly or without purpose. She'd made her way westward with the intention of scouting out possible training sites, raiding sites, dangers. Her pack was young and precarious yet but if it could not survive without her for a matter of days then it would not survive at all. Knowledge was equally important as her presence, and sending someone to gather information for her would never be the same as having gone herself. Too often things could be overlooked as unimportant, too colored by the other wolf's perceptions to be useful to her. So it was that her paws traversed the unfamiliar sands of a desert, following the faint scent of water and vegetation to a secluded paradise held within the desolate dunes. It caught her interest - though by nature a northern wolf rather than a desert dweller, it was the very stark and unfamiliar aspects of this arid landscape that drew her attention. Standing on the edge of desert and oasis, death and life, she gazed about her in cool appreciation. This would, though unlikely many would agree with her, make a good pack land if she ever need leave the east. The oasis to provide food and water, the desert to produce a distinct and toughened breed of warrior.

OOC: This thread takes place in Illusions Oasis and is an exploration thread for Navigation points for Katja. Anyone is welcome to join in.



4 Years
05-11-2015, 08:36 PM

Warja was on the hunt. Her prey didn't have a prayer, a hope, the slightest chance of escape. No, there was no getting away from this particular huntress. Of course, quite a bit of that had to do with her prey's inability to run away since it was a plant, but eh, details. Her quarry was a smallish flowering plant with rigid stalks that stood ramrod straight and ended in odd green and white buds. It went by the name of sticky gumweed and it was the latest recipient of her scrutiny. The young healer had been testing its uses and the various concoctions it lent its usefulness to. Sadly, she'd run out of plants before her curiosity had been sated, and that was what had brought her to the oasis.

Okay, that was a lie. Well, kind of. The plant was the original reason she'd set out, but then she'd hit the desert and been unable to tame the intense curiosity that demanded she explore. So she was still kinda sorta still looking for the plant -and that would be her excuse if anyone asked- but mostly she was just let her curiosity lead her around by the nose.

The dark form of another came into view and Warja paused to look the fae over. A desert dweller or an explorer like herself? Didn't hurt to ask, now did it? "Greetings," she called before trotting closer. "Can't say I expected to find anyone so far out here."

"Talk" "You" Think

Katja the First


8 Years
05-12-2015, 06:45 AM
The sound of an approaching wolf was unexpected to say the least, and drew her from her reverie of contemplation to study the wolf coolly. "Nor I," she responded simply to the stranger's greeting before cocking her black-masked head to the side and elaborating. "I came to scout this area for my pack. It is unusual but would make for an interesting territory to hold, perhaps. What could it be that draws you here?" Surely the young thing couldn't have lived here - her coloring was similar to Katja's, and even with her thin coat the sun was harsh and the dark coloring of her pelt seemed to absorb far too much of the sun's heat. The culture of her people bade her show hospitality to guests, so even though she laid no claim to these lands she could not in good conscience treat this friendly stranger as otherwise. She made a gesture of welcome toward the oasis. "Come, let us find shade and a respite from this heat. Would you care for a drink?"



4 Years
05-12-2015, 08:04 PM

A pack, huh? The oasis wasn't quite what Warja herself would look for in a potential land, but she supposed it did have its merits. "Interesting indeed," she commented, "It'd take one hell of a wolf to make it out here." Perhaps that was the point. The black masked fae inquired as to what brought her so far out into the desert and Warja was quick to answer. "I'm a healer for Secretua," she explained, "And I'm looking for a plant called sticky gumweed. It prefers ah, warmer soils." The desert wasn't quite the ideal place to be looking for it, but it was possible the oasis had what she was looking for. It was also possible that she was being a touch too hopeful.

"Come, let us find shade and a respite from this heat. Would you care for a drink?" Warja dipped her head in thanks and moved to approach the stranger with the intention of following. "I'd like that very much. I'm also curious to see what kind of plants call this territory home." Might be knowledge worth having one day. The walk from Secretua to here was a little long to make it worth it (unless she found the holy grail of medicinals here) but who knew, maybe one day she'd wander into a desert and get lost or find someone injured.

Offhandedly, she offered, "Name's Warja Kaname, by the way." Her gaze flicked to the stranger. "A pack, you said?" Plans for a challenge, maybe? Or perhaps she had a pack and was simply considering a move.

"Talk" "You" Think

Katja the First


8 Years
05-13-2015, 08:25 AM
The girl remarked that it would take one hell of a wolf to make it in this land, and Katja inclined her head in agreement. "Such a wolf as could survive here could change the world if they set their mind to it. I do not intend my wolves to languish about in luxury and stagnation." She went on to explain that she was a healer from Secretua - a pack Katja could remember from her previous days as alpha. The alpha had been as wary of alliances as she herself was, but had seemed far more concerned with keeping hidden and quiet than in gaining glory for himself and his family. "Perhaps if you are able to describe the plant I may assist you in finding some," Katja suggested. "I am no healer but I have eyes in my head with which to look."

As they moved to the heart of the oasis, Katja's sharp gaze continued to sweep the land around them. Many plants here were unfamiliar, and she made a note to bring Kassander on a few of these expeditions to identify if there were an abundance of useful or dangerous plants - an important thing to know if one were to use a land. She sent a sidelong glance at the girl as she offhandedly gave her name and asked about her pack. "Katja Finnvi," she told her gravely in return. "I am Dròttin, the alpha, of a pack in the east known as Yfir. I have only just come into possession of this pack, but my wolves are eager and loyal. We will be a force to be reckoned with in this lands - all will know the name Yfir. We will not hide in our dens while the world passes us by." The blunt nature of her words made the vague reference to Secretua less than subtle, but there was no maliciousness in her tone - just a matter of fact statement of what she saw as truth.

She paused at the edge of the clear spring that formed the heart of the oasis, noting that the desert sand had filtered the spring water that bubbled up through it, leaving a cleaner, clearer water source than the lake in Yfir's territory. An important feature of any territory, but a desert territory even more so. Hunters could travel away from the territory to hunt and bring food back to the pack, but the young, ill, and elderly could not survive long if they had to leave the territory constantly to seek good water sources. "Tell me, Warja," she mused, eyes focusing back on the gray toned girl, "If you were the alpha of your pack, how would you choose to lead them?" Perhaps a strange question to pose to a stranger, but Katja had never been one to allow tact to hold her back when she wanted to know something.



4 Years
05-13-2015, 06:46 PM

As far as first impressions went, so far Warja was leaning towards liking the black masked fae. Granted, first impressions weren't everything and their conversation was still in its infancy, but what she'd gleaned so far hinted at a person worth learning more about. She found herself liking the fae's statement about her intentions for her pack. While she'd never entertained the thought of starting her own pack, if she had, she wouldn't want her wolves to lay around and get fat and stupid either. The fae went on to ask for the description of sticky gumweed and offer to help. "This time of year it should be flowering. The flowers resemble thistles to some degree, each with a bulbous, spiked base and a single yellow head. The plant is tall, gangly and sparsely leafed."

Finally Warja had a name to put to the face. Katja Finnvi. Kat-ja...War-ja. Interesting coincidence. Katja went on to explain a bit about herself and the pack she'd recently acquired, and in the process managed to remind Warja of her own pack. And not it a good way. While the quiet life suited much of her family, it didn't suit her. To paraphrase Katja, she didn't strive to be overlooked by the world. That wasn't to say she craved infamy, but it didn't hurt to be recognized and feared. She'd rather be received with a "mind your manners, it's Warja Kaname" mentality than a "Warja who?" one. "I have no doubt I'll be hearing more of your pack in the future." She meant it. Katja struck her as someone with the will and power to reach her goals.

They paused near a spring and Warja bent to drink. As she did so, Katja asked her a question. It was an interesting question and one Warja had never considered before. Katja had said your pack, not a pack or your hypothetical pack, so Warja could only assume she was talking about Secretua. Thankfully, as her tongue had just hit water when the question was asked, the young healer had a moment to mull over her answer before giving it. "From what I've gathered so far, I think you and I would have similar expectations of our wolves." She paused and let her eyes trail the foliage that grew around the spring before continuing, "I would make Secretua's name known. I would want us to be feared. Mind you, not for our cruelty, but for our strength and our ability to not only defend ourselves, but our interests." Allies, ideals, the whole shebang.

"Talk" "You" Think