
So this is it



9 Years
04-29-2015, 03:07 AM
It had been so very long since he'd rested his weary, burning muscles, his fluttering eyelids begging for sleep. Xephyris resisted and plodded onward, his belly full enough from a snow hare he'd snatched up in the night. His bones ached from the cold; though the sun still hung in the sky it dipped lower with each day, casting long, chilly shadows on the ground. The dark days got him wondering about the colder season ahead. Life alone had been easy during the seasons when prey was plentiful, but everything had become more scarce as the sun set sooner with each passing day. It had forced him to begin thinking about what he wished to achieve. Perhaps his ambitions were a little lofty. A lone wolf in strange lands without a name for himself coudln't obtain what he sought. With winter on its way, all of his time would be geared toward survival, and he would spend yet another season straying from his desired path. He would have to shift gears, and soon.

As he mulled over these thoughts, it was the scent of wolves that entered his nares. In an instant he knew he had reached the borders of a pack. He stopped all forward motion, sneering at the thought of approaching a group of unfamiliar wolves. He had traveled for moons, hoping to find a greater purpose than duty to a pack. He didn't wish to live the life of a commoner, tied down to the order and desires of someone else. And yet... he wondered if it was pack life that truly called to him. He craved the structure and routine of a pack that made him feel useful, to be part of a working system again. The thought pulled to him, and he stepped forward. Then he hesitated, gritting his teeth in resistance; the thought of taking commands and following the law of unfamiliar wolves made him anxious. He couldn't surrender himself to just anyone...

So this was where his ambitions had led him. He sighed heavily, aggravated and disappointed that it had come to this, but unwilling to stand around in the cold by himself any longer. Xephyris stepped forward again, crossing into claimed territory with both resolve and uncertainty. The great wrecked ship that this pack had claimed came into view, the sun glaring off its strange, shining sides. He paused then, squinting his eyes to try to get a good look at it, but he'd never seen anything quite like it. Frowning, he shrugged and tilted back his head, letting out a call to those who lived here. His paws crunched in the hardening snow, and he awaited the approach of anyone, wondering what was to come of any encounter; it had been a very long time since he'd met anyone, and he wasn't sure how he felt about submitting himself to strangers...



4 Years
05-01-2015, 01:15 AM

The call of a stranger upon her lands did send a tic on her skin. Every wolf knew it, like nature in their blood. If there was scent markers, it was a clear do not cross sign even if you had an interest in joining. Though Arian would hate to give a bad first impression, she had to be cautious. The pack was a family, while they all worked together there were no border patrol wolves leaving it to her to run things until their numbers rose and they could finally start deciding things together like who their representatives would be. So, the crippled wolf would raise herself, walking down the ramp of the wreck. Her body shifting over to the male who had seemed not to get it. She would not blame him if he didn't understand. Instead, she let a soft smile grow on her face.

"Sir, you're across the borders." She would say at first in a polite tone. After all, a mistake was not something you could help. Arian's blue eyes would look to him again though. "How can I help you stranger? These are Sonticus lands." This was not her pack, it was more of our pack and that was how she would refer to it it seemed.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
05-04-2015, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2015, 12:22 AM by Xephyris.)
As he stayed in place, Xephyris spotted movement on the ship and watched the russet femme maneuver down the ramp. Something about her gait seemed off, yet he couldn't tell exactly what it was. She still seemed graceful in her movements, hiding her ailment well as though she had adapted to it long ago. Glancing over her frame, he took note of the assortment of scars mottling her coat and face. He wondered if she was a great warrior who had conquered many battles, or a poor wolf who had been defeated. When his dark eyes met hers, he saw the depth within her blue gaze. He was curious to see how she would address him - would she flatten him for coming so far into her territory? He knew only the unforgiving wolves he had been raised by, though they weren't without mercy they were certainly harsh. But, he had been raised by their ways, and he knew how to stand his ground; it seemed he would not need that here, not yet.

She approached him with a soft smile and politely informed him of his trespassing. A toothy grin spread across his handsome mug - he knew he was in the wrong, but how boring would it be to stand at the borders like a good little wolf waiting politely for someone to invite him in? "So that's what this pack is called... Sonticus, eh?" his voice came out gruffly but not unfriendly, a mischievous twinkle in his silver eyes, "I knew I had scented a gathering of wolves. Call me a little too bold for stepping in uninvited... but I couldn't resist." The look of amusement was still upon his face, he could be a bit of a trouble-maker but he wasn't here to start a fight. Instead, he wished to be part of a working unit once more, and though he could be selfish, he wanted the satisfaction of being depended upon and providing. He didn't necessarily like the idea of being tied down to the will of others, but at the same time, he didn't see the purpose in wasting his time alone and making his personal struggle more difficult.

"You may find me to be a little challenging at times..." he continued, wondering what her reaction to him would be, "But I'm well trained, I promise, and I could be an asset to your group if you'd have me." His tail waved high behind him, his stance proud and a little boasting. His ears perked, he couldn't wait to hear what words she would choose for him.



4 Years
05-08-2015, 04:29 PM

A sense of irritation built up inside of her. He seemed like he knew everything didn't he, her tail would twitch a little as he spoke. If he wanted to join he would definitely have to show more respect. Though they could use that boldness of his for certain. If it was one thing about Sonticus was that they were different, most definitely unique. That is how she felt they would thrive, because they would be a foundation built upon wanting to get away from those strict and tyrannic leaders. Arian's lip quivered a little at him, she and the others would be the ones to decide whether he was useful or not. He could boast all he wanted, but it was how things had to work.

"Boldness can sometimes be another's wolf demise, but it can also be their strength as well." Arian would settle upon his judgment. "My name is Arian Adravendi but you may call me Miss President or Mrs.Adravendi. Sonticus is a communal pack, we all collectively work towards the goals we decide for the pack. Currently we are fresh and therefore it is easy to get to know the wolves. Our ranks are chosen upon either the group or your efforts. You will start as a citizen for now until I see the tasks you want to excel in." Arian would instruct very carefully. "Do you have any questions or concerns?"

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
05-09-2015, 12:54 AM
Xephyris chuckled to himself. She was annoyed by his arrogant presence, and he wouldn't have it any other way. It kept others from trying to get too close - distance was something he preferred. Still, he also knew his existence had made an impact on someone else, validating that he was not a ghost of this world. He had to let himself be known somehow, and it would certainly not be through social graces or good deeds that he would be recognized. Still, he would show some subservience and lower his head at last when she spoke of boldness in general terms, knowing in a way she was saying it could be his downfall if he wasn't careful. He knew this all too well in the place he'd been raised, but he also knew being a little brash could lead to great rewards as well.

Seating himself, he looked up at her as she introduced herself as Arian the President, Mrs. Adravendi. She offered also an introduction of the pack and it's values, and informed that he would be a citizen until he had proven his worth in any tasks. He shuddered at the thought of being named a citizen - it certainly sounded like a low rank, but he knew he didn't deserve anything else as of yet. Ranks were not handed out freely, they had to be earned properly, a concept he understood. He nodded to her. "Understood," he stated simply, "Arian Adravendi... I appreciate your acceptance, Miss President. I am Xephyris. I assure you I won't disappoint..." Then he grinned, adding with a wink, "But I can't promise I won't drive you crazy."



4 Years
05-09-2015, 12:35 PM

She realized what he was trying to do, if he wanted to be distant he would have to soon realize that wouldn't happen with Arian. Already Kreft was anti-social and she was breaking his ice even if it was little by little. This pack was her life, something she cared about. While he was a stranger now, since he was here, she would relax her muscles only slightly and start walking towards the ship. A small smile shown on her face. "I already have two troublemakers I'm certain I can handle you as well." she would tell him.

"I'm also a healer, so if you need any help with wounds or otherwise pains I may help." The president would explain that to him as she came to the ramp of the Ship. Perhaps this would be a new adventure for them. So far, the pack was being dominating by males. It made her slightly uncomfortable but with Mirabelle here, perhaps they could draw in more members eventually.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
05-12-2015, 10:07 PM
Xephyris grinned with amusement as Arian stated that she already had two troublemakers, so handling him wouldn't be a problem. "Ah, so you are experienced," he mused with a chuckle, "I better keep you on your toes, never know when someone even more troubling might come along." Now he was curious to know who the other two were. Perhaps he would get along better than he thought in this pack. He saw her relax just slightly, then turned to head back to the ship. He followed on sturdy paws, perking his ears as the President explained that she was also a healer. He nodded to her in acknowledgement. An interesting trait for a leader to have, at least in his opinion. Then again, he'd never been to a pack like this - his birth pack had been all about strength and power, and those in charge were fighters; he hadn't realized other packs would be any different.

As they came to the ramp of the ship, Xephyris looked upward at the great structure. He hadn't seen anything like it before, with its shiny metal sides and straight edges. It looked so unnatural, and it made him wonder how it got here. After staring at it for several moments, his silver eyes scanning over the strange structure, he turned back to his new President. "So this is the pack's home?" he asked, glancing back at the ship, "How bizarre. It's not like any den I've ever seen." He couldn't help the comments that came out. He would have to explore the territory soon, and see who else resided here - it would certainly be all more interesting than his days spent traveling and alone. He wondered who else he could ruffle the wrong way.