
Potential Minion



6 Years
04-06-2015, 05:12 PM

The woman had gotten bored and decided to track a wolf. Not unusual for her only this time she had done so for more than just a couple of hours, no she had tracked him all the way to his den here in the Lifeless Caverns. The k-nine had never even detected her, she was sure of it. She had been silent and only moved when he had. The north was her domain. It was where she hunted and even traveled up into the snow and ice covered mountains to track her typical prey. Prey that was much more elegant but much better at traveling across treacherous terrain than any dog.

She was one of the ultimate predators, she was a Snow Leopard and damn proud of it. She had plans for this wolf. This wolf, should everything work out in her favor, would be her new minion. Sure she had once found a wolf she was quite fond of but she hadn't seen the little maraca in quite some time. This wolf would be able to spend longer periods of time in the warmer climates than she could. This would blend in more easily with the animals of this land than she would. In all the time Kathleen had been here the only other felines that she had met were a Tiger, of which she really liked, and a lynx who hadn't been bad either.

When Kat what sure the mutt was trapped she would reveal herself. Though she didn't attack him she was ready to pounce and pin him to the ground. She was bigger than him in everything but height. "Right where I want you." an evil grin would spread across her face as blue eyes would gleam with hateful amusement.



6 Years
04-08-2015, 03:25 PM
Vrel felt the changing of the seasons taking place, the stone beneath his paws was colder now that is was autumn. He approached the entrance to the cave that he had made his home. The wind had been with him ever since he had reached the base of the mountain, so he knew that somebody was following him. He didn’t recognize the scent, but he let them follow anyways. He had a plan on how to deal with this wolf, Vrel had never met somebody who wasn’t a wolf. The ones who weren’t wolves more often than not ended up in his belly. Vrel entered his cave confident that his plan would work, he stayed facing away from the wolf. When the wolf spoke he figured out that they had an agenda as well, he would reply with a sly voice saying “Not exactly.” He whipped around to look at the wolf, it wasn’t a wolf. Vrel was surprised but he didn’t show it, he looked at the cat with a straight face while glancing up and down the cat’s body. His plan had been to tackle the follower, but having just found out the follower was a cat threw him for a loop. He should probably say something, so he looked at the cat and said “Why did you follow me?”
[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



6 Years
04-08-2015, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2015, 08:09 PM by Kathleen.)

The wolf would reply with a confidant not exactly and that in its self had told her he had known she was there, but it also told her something else. The mutt actually though he could take her. That was a funny thought, a wolf taking out a snow leopard...ha. She didnt think he wa quite that capable...then again she didnt think that highly of, well anyone really.

Then he would ask a question, one as to why she had followed him. This would bring quit the evil grin to her features. "Because I could use a new pet. One who can blend in with a pack, when ever I find use for them to of course, and do what ever I feel too lazy to do. her voice held a bit of cruelty and her Sapphire eyes held his yellow ones as her tail flicked out to her right.



6 Years
04-12-2015, 08:16 PM
She was looking for a pet to do things for her. Vrel could be a great spy if he wanted to, but not forcibly like this cat was trying to make him do. As for being called a pet that was an insult to his pride. His eyes locked with the cat’s, he took this as challenge. He hadn’t fought in a while so this would be a good chance to test his abilities. Vrel normally wasn’t the one who started the fight, but this time his freedom and pride were on the line. He fell into a battle stance with his legs spread out for balance, he narrowed his eyes and flattened his ears. He lowered his head to cover his neck to cover his neck while also aligning it with his spine, he tucked his tail in and went to attack. He would move to close the distance between himself and the cat, he would lift his right paw and ram it into the cat’s left side. He would then attempt to spin around and pin the cat to the ground.

Defenses: Legs spread, narrowed eyes, flattened ears, head covering neck, head aligned with spine, tail tucked
Attacks: right paw to ram into left side, attempt to pin

Ownership round: 1/?
[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



6 Years
04-13-2015, 07:13 AM

His only reply would be to take a defensive stance againced her and move in on her. She hadn't planned on him coming quietly, but she had hoped he would. She didnt want to injure her pet but if that is what he wanted then so be it. Even pets needed to be taught a lesson once in a while.

Sapphire blue eyes would watch the wolf as she made ger self lower to the ground and widdened her stance for even better balance just in time for his attack. His right paw would hit her left side, but she had gotten closer to the ground so it had done nothing to knock her over, asside from a small step she took with her right front paw, but rather piss her off. Her fur was thick so his shorter claws had simply scrached her but the hit itself would make for a bruised shoulder and a bit of stining like a slap to the face. The scrach hadnt gone deep enough for her to be overwhelmed with pain but it was enough  to tint her snowy white pelt with red.

In turn she would lay her ears back to keep him from biting down on them and though she couldnt tuck her tail away like the wolves could she would also put it to use in aiding her balance by moving it to where ever it just so happened to be needed. Because she was shorter than him and the fact that she had lowered herself a bit more had made her chances of getting ahold of his throat just behind his lower jaw greater. And that was her plan to go for his throat, not to kill him, but to control him.

Her jaws would open wide to reveal sharp teath she would force herself upward. A front paw would go to each side of the k-nine's chest, claws outstretched and her bite would be aimed for his throat just behind his lower jaw.

Defence: Her stance was widened and lowered for balance and her tail is also being used to balance her. Her ears are also layed againced her head to protect them

Attack: going in for a controling bite on his throat(NOT A DEADLY BITE), and her paws/claws are being used to help her get a purchas and bloody up his chest

[I/]Injuries [/I]: a bruised and cut shoulder that stings and is bleeding



6 Years
04-18-2015, 03:03 PM

The cat would make a jump for his neck and grasp his chest with her claws, she would miss his neck due to his guarding it but her jaws would instead graze on the lower jaw itself then slide off leaving some small blood trails. A guttural growl would escape his throat coming out deep and loud at the same time, he felt the cat’s claws grasp on his chest making various spots bleed and drip to the ground. He would attempt to do a short hind leg rise to make the cat’s claws release his chest, when he landed he would try to back up just enough to put about half a foot between them while still keeping his eyes on the female.  If he succeeded in putting some distance between them he would turn his neck so he could bite the scuff of her neck, he would then attempt to place his right paw in between her shoulder blades therefore pushing her against the ground.

Defense: same as the ones before
Attacks:  Grab the scuff of the neck, place right paw in between shoulder blades pushing them to the ground
Injuries: Small trails of blood dripping down from his lower jaw, various places bleeding on the chest
Ownership Round: 2/3

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



6 Years
04-18-2015, 10:32 PM

The woman's grip would not hold on the k-9's neck and her claws would be pulled from their hold. In having lost her grip on his chest, her front half would drop back down to the ground and instantly she would re-tuck her ears and scrunch up the skin and fur on her neck to protect herself from any attack he may take from above her. Her front paws would widen for balance and so she would be ready to attack him again. She may have lost her grip but her confidence in her self had not wavered nor was she willing to let her minion escape her grasp forever. He would be hers eventually.

Her train of thought was lost the moment his jaws met the thick furry scruff of her neck and his right paw lifted into the air. On a dime she would twist herself just enough to attempt to catch his left for leg in her jaws. If she caught it she would instantly move backward to jerk it out from under him and hopefully make him land on his side or stomach. In the back of her mind she was pissed off a bit more because he had ripped the skin on the back of her neck, further painting her snowy pelt crimson.

Defence: Re-tucked her ears, scrunched up her neck and replaced her paws for balance

Attack: She twisted away from Vrel's paw only to go after his left leg with her jaws. Should she catch it she plans to move backward as fast as she can, like dragging prey by their leg, only she just plans to pull him to his stomach or side

Injuries: a bruised and cut shoulder that stings and is bleeding along with a bloody and stinging scruff



6 Years
04-20-2015, 08:47 PM

The male had gotten a grip on the cat’s scruff, when he was going to bring his paw down on the cat’s back she moved. She had gotten a grip on his left leg with her jaws, it hurt Vrel but not enough that he would slow down. He let go of the cat’s scruff as his attention was directed to getting his leg out of the cat’s mouth. His right paw hit the stone floor of the cave just before the cat yanked his leg out from under him, it surprised Vrel as he hit the stone floor bruising his left shoulder. He was determined not to let a cat get the best of him, he stood up with a grunt. His mind was muddled from the blood lust that covered his thoughts, he attempted to make a clumsy swipe at the cat’s face. He had forgotten that wolf claws aren’t as sharp as cat claws, he was out of it and it showed. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost to a cat, so he just fell into defiance that he would lose. All of his defenses had fallen down leaving him open to any attacks, he just didn’t care now.

Defense:   everything has dropped
Attack:  clumsy swipe at the face
Injuries: left shoulder bruise
ownership round:3/3

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



6 Years
04-22-2015, 10:53 PM

Her plan had worked and the wolf would be jerked to the gound. The second he hit Kat had backed up to keep any flailing paws from hitting her, but it had also allowed him to get up and replace any defenses he would have lost and attack her again. Only, his defenses didnt go back up. She could see in his face and with the way he moved that he was furious and determined to win.

With no defence in place anyone was likely to loose. Just before Vrel had lashed out once more, Kathleen had re-set all of her defenses. Her head was low and level with her shoulder blades. Her ears were flat againced her head and her tail and paws were set for better balance. When he did scratch at her, she would instantly move her face to the side so he didnt catch it with his claws. In also moving forward to begin her own attack, she did catch his claws to her shoulder.

The momentclaws would connect with her shoulder would be the moment she would lunge for the left side of Vrel's face with her jaws wide open. If he moved backwards she might catch his muzzle but if he moved forward his throat would be nearly impossible to miss. Either way she didnt want to kill him, her purpose here today was to make him surrender. If she had to give him scars to make him see who was in charge then so be it.

Deffence: Re-tucked her ears lowered her head to protect her throat and positioned her paws and tail for balance.

Attacks: She lunged at the side of his face (head) but if he moves forward she will go for the throat and if he moves backwards then she will settle for an attempt at his muzze.

Injuries: a bruised and cut shoulder that stings and is bleeding along with a bloody and stinging scruff and a scratched shoulder.

The Judge


05-03-2015, 10:10 PM

0 for clarity:

  • -1 which right paw is he lifting
  • -2 where on her left side is he trying to slam his paw?
  • -2 which way is he attempting to spin
  • -2 what part of his body is he trying to use to pin her?
  • -2 where on her body is he hoping to land whatever to pin her?
  • -2 what angle is he hoping to align their bodies to?
3 for powerplaying.
  • -2 you need to attempt to close the distance
  • -5 your opponent decides whether or not your attacks land.
5  for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen
0 for attack.
  • +0 paw attack (points not give due to major powerplay) +0 for the pin (points deducted for major clarity issues)
10 for injuries.
  • first round
VREL'S round one total: 18/50

4 for clarity:  
  • -2 where on her left side did his paw land?
  • -2 where on his chest is she attempting to place her paws?  front? side?  
  • -2 Which side of his lower jaw is she going for, how is she positioning her jaws?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 even though Vrel's second attack was extra vague you still need to respond to it.  When your opponent fails to specify then you need to make the specifics, use it as an opportunity to put your opponent in an even more vulnerable spot.
3 for defenses.
  • +1 each seen
6 for attack.
  • +4 double claw attack (points deducted for clarity)  +2 for jaw attack (point deducted for clarity)
10 for injuries.
  • first round

KATHLEEN'S round one total: 31/50


0 for clarity:

  • -2 how severe is the damage from her claws?
  • -2 how is he guarding his neck that she fails to grasp it?  Make sure to be specific!  Is it just that his chin is tucked super tight?  Did his body shift in some way?
  • -2 where on his lower jaw did her attack land?  on just one side?  on both? in the middle?  farther back?
  • -2 I don't understand the hind leg rise motion, is he trying to jump? Just lift himself suddenly?  He's he jumping only his back legs up?  Only his front legs but leaning back on his hind legs?  You've lost me.  xD
  • -2 Which direction is he turning his neck to get at her?  Might be a good time to clarify angles.  Is he trying to face her head on?  A bit to the side?  Sorry I am a clarity nazi  xD
  • -1 which right paw is he trying to place between her shoulder blades? Front or back?  Judges can't assume and if you fail to specify your opponent has the right to decide which and put you in a vulnerable position.
6 for powerplaying.
  • -2 its unlikely if he's standing still that her jaws would slip right off his jaws.  You need to state some reason such as him moving or twisting his head that causes her not to get a grip.
  • -2 conditionals.  Almost all your attacks depend on if his jump is successful and can lead to confusion later on in your fight.  If your opponent decides your attempt is unsuccessful they can theoretically avoid all your attacks.   Definitely something you want to avoid.
0 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen  (you need to restate your defenses each round as the position of your wolf can change)
2 for attack.
  • +2 bite attempt (-1 clarity) +0  paw attack  (-1 for clarity, also unlikely that him simply putting his paw on her would push her to the ground, mention things like trying to push his weight into her or stomp down on her to give it some effect)
4 for injuries.
  • -4 moderate wounds to chest x 2
  • -2 moderate bite wounds to lower jaw
VREL'S round two total:12 /50

2 for clarity:  
  • -2 how great was the damage to her scruff?
  • -2 which way is she trying to twist?  
  • -2  What part of her body is she twisting?
  • -2  which way is she going to try to jerk his paw and what side is she hoping he'll fall on?
6 for powerplaying.
  • -3  Frost said her jaw attack landed on his lower jaw not his neck
  • -1 conditional, her attempt to throw off his balance depends on her attack succeeding.  It's better to state this kind of thing as the goal of her attack or save it for the next round if she gets hold rather than doing if/then's which can quickly become nested and cause a fight to become extremely confusing.
3 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen
2 for attack.
  • +2 for bite (-1 clarity)
8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate wounds to scruff

KATHLEEN'S round two total: 21/50


0 for clarity:

  • -2 where on his leg did her attack land?
  • -2 which side did he land on?
  • -3 how much damage did her jaw attack do?  How severe is his bruising?
  • -2 what part of his body is he trying to swipe at her?
  • -2 where on her face is he trying to land his attack?
10 for powerplaying.
  • none seen
0 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen
0 for attack.
  • +0 paw swipe (point deducted for clarity)
7 for injuries.
  • -1 light bruising to shoulder, -2 moderate bite to leg
VREL'S round three total:17 /50

2 for clarity:  
  • -2 which way did she move her head to avoid his attack?
  • -2 which shoulder was struck with his attack?
  • -2 what angle is she approaching him at?
  • -2 where is she trying to position her fangs on his face?
6 for powerplaying.
  • -4  nested conditionals.  "if he moved this way then she'd etc."  These types of statements are highly discouraged on ala as they can make for confusing fights and also assume to much about an opponent.  It's up to Vrel to decide where the attack lands and he could move back far enough that she misses completely or in such a way that she does miss his neck.  Give your opponent room to interpret your attack.
2 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen
1 for attack.
  • +1 bite (points deducted for clarity and powerplay)
10 for injuries.
  • no damage worth noting

KATHLEEN'S round three total:21 /50


VREL: 47/100
KATHLEEN: 73/100

And the winner is...

KATHLEEN! Vrel must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and has now been claimed by Kathleen.


  • moderate wounds to chest x 2  will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • moderate bite wounds to lower jaw will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • light bruising to shoulder, will take 3 ooc days to heal
  • moderate bite to leg will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • moderate wounds to scruff will take 1 ooc week to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For FROST: Your clarity is where you need the most work, make sure to be very specific with attacks and how your character is hoping to position themselves.  You started off with some powerplay issues but corrected them as the fight went on.  Also try working on getting in more attacks and what you hope to achieve with those attacks.  As for defenses as I stated earlier you'll need to restate them each round.

For KATHLEEN: Clarity is what trips people up the most so don't worry you're not alone in this  xD.  That is also the area you need to work with and remember if an opponent fails to specify where they're aiming an attack then it's up to you to decide and you can use this to your advantage.  Work on getting more defenses set and using your cats claws more.  You earned some serious attack points when the claw and jaw attacks were combined.  That's a definite advantage for the feline chars.

- Judged By [Lunarcat7]

Edited by Eldarwen - just to fix a little bit of broken code.



6 Years
05-15-2015, 07:33 PM

The female lunged at his face, his mind was distracted with thoughts of what losing to a cat would do to his pride. He was shocked back to reality when the cat made contact with his face, everything went black. His body went limp and fell to the ground, he had passed out. When he would eventually wake he would be angered at the thought that he would be playing servant to a stupid cat, it would be bad if it was another wolf but a cat just made it worse. This would be marked down as the worst day in his life.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



6 Years
05-15-2015, 08:06 PM

Kat would revel in the feel of her teeth conecting with the flesh on the wolf's face. This was it, he now belonged to her. Sadly for her the pleasure would soon be sucked out of her purtchase as the mutt would go slack and to keep from wounding him further she would have to drop him. The moment he hit the ground, the leopardess would circle him to see just how much damage she had done.

Silently she would take note of each wound and guess at how long they would take to heal and how bad they were. Counting up only three different spots of wounding, the cat would wonder if a healer would be helpful and then decided againced it. Let the damnd mutt hurt for a while, maybe it would make him think twice before defining her. He belonged to her now and she wanted him to obey her every command.

When she finally decided she wouldnt find anything that would kill him, Kathleen would sit down close enough to stop if if he tried to run when he woke but not close enough for him to harm her should he lash out. From now on he was her pet, her play thing to do with as she wished.