
In The Jungle



2 Years
05-19-2015, 10:47 PM

Eww winter.

The cat gave out a small hiss as he watched the snow fall from the cover of his perch. Front legs dangled down on the branch, his lithe body delicately draped across the thick branch. He grumbled as he tugged a bit of bark out of his spotted and banded fur. At least he was mostly protected from the drifting flakes, and high enough off the ground that no one could reach his hanging paws. Cause how much of a pain in the ass would that be. Rounded ears flickered backwards as his red hued eyes gazed out at the hanging willows. At least it was pretty peaceful here, and no one to interrupt his peace and quiet. Perfect, this would have to do for now.

Kenji hummed softly as his banded tail flickered across the tree, swatting against the thick trunk. He had been here for about two years now, and it was probably the best life ever. No one to bug him or tug on his tail, and the wolves that seemed to dominate these lands generally left him alone, because he leaves them alone. He wasn't on the lookout for a gathering of friends, it was too perfect with just him. No one to bother him, no one to ruin his plans or try and take away his time from himself. Because really, why would he be doing work for others? The cat snorted at the thought, long tail dropping and hanging along with his paws. Ah, perhaps a nap was in order. Then again, naps were always in order. Purring to himself, he lowered his head and closed his eyes, although his ears still quivered atop his head at the slightest sound.



05-19-2015, 10:59 PM
Well, for some life was not perfect.

Keno was a little thing, just a baby separated from her mother. It had been about a week now and the little one had given up hope of ever finding her again. She would trudge through the snow, too little to successfully stay in trees too long on her own. It was cold. It was wet. It was a miracle she had survived this long. She would shiver, her little body cold. She needed to try and climb up a tree and find somewhere to lay. Somewhere out of the snow and wind.

Trudging over to the nearest tree she would attempt to dig her little claws in. They would grip the bark for but a moment, and the next thing she knew she was falling back to the ground and cold with a little yowl of surprise. She would frown, looking at the tree for a long moment before letting out a pitiful wail.

She wanted her mother. Life was hard and she didn’t know what to do. The wailing would rise in volume, her ears lowered as she cried out, hoping her momma would come to rescue her finally.



2 Years
05-19-2015, 11:24 PM

He was about to drift off when the sound of tiny claws scratching on his tree made him peek one red eye open. He gazed down, opening both eyes to gaze down at the tiny little kitten who was trying to climb his tree. He snorted at its pitiful little attempt and closed his eyes again, when it fell back and let out a terrible cry. Good lord would that thing shut up? He glared down at the tiny creature, really he should just eat her. Letting out a sigh he knew that the only way to make it shut up was get it out of the cold. It looked so wet, poor little animal. Wouldn't be very nice to eat a wet thing. Huffing he jumped down beside the little kitten, landing gracefully in the snow beside her. Glaring at her, he bent down and picked her up by the scruff before climbing back up to his perch. Irritated, he balanced himself out on the branch and laid down, shaking the terrible snow from his paws. Dropping the itty bitty cat between his legs, still eying it down. "Now will you shut up, tiny little thing? I am trying to sleep." He hissed at her, tail lashing behind him in irritation. Stupid little witches annoying cry had better stop, or he was going to eat her. Resting his head on a single extended leg he watched the tiny thing with one eye, the other eye closed. "Now shush. Nap time, tiny cat."



05-20-2015, 04:34 PM

All she wanted was her mother. She didn’t understand why she had been separated, and why the older feline had yet to find her yet. She would sniffle, ears flicking as she heard a sound. She would gasp, jumping up to all fours. Her heart would begin to beat in her chest at a rapid pace, startled nearly out of her wits. She would look up with widened purple eyes as the larger feline grabbed her up. Body would go limb as her scruff was in his mouth, though she was still scared of what he was doing. He clambered back up the tree she was trying to get up, dropping her in between his legs once both were safely up there.

Sniffling again Keno would look up at the bigger cat. He seemed really growly and irritated at her... Was it cause she was crying? She would lower her gaze, curling her tail around her legs. She didn’t like being disciplined. It made her feel smaller than small and bad inside. She would would shuffle closer to him, nuzzling her head into his neck as she mumbled quietly. “I’m sorry...” He was warm... And a nap didn’t sound too bad. She would yawn, laying her body down and letting out a little purr. Was this guy gonna be her new daddy? "...T-thankies..."

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



2 Years
05-20-2015, 06:40 PM

The kit seemed confused at the whole ordeal, but he didn't care. She was loud and irritating. Huffing, he closed his eyes to have a nap. But the damn thing curled into his chest and apologized, and thanked him. Grumbling he tossed his head over his leg and tried to ignore her, but she started to purr against him. The rumbling of her tiny body vibrated against him, and he quickly shot a glare her way. Damn thing was trying to be cute, but he didn't care. 'Cute' getting get him anything. "You're welcome, I guess. But why are you here and not with your parents? I am sure that they would be a lot better fit to shush you." Kenji muttered. He was not going to look after the little one, oh no. He wouldn't get anything out of it and she was small and crying, wet and gross. She couldn't even make it up the tree for goodness sake. She was pretty much useless, couldn't help him get food or anything. Yet. Hmm... she could be useful down the road. But he was the most ill-equipped to care for such a tiny, damp thing. She pretty much looked like a mini ocelot, but she was so, so tiny. Like hardly a meal for the ocelot. "I'm Kenji, if that means anything." he said softly, nap soon forgotten about as he eyed the kitten curled against him.


05-20-2015, 07:52 PM

Keno would let her little eyes slide open once more when the male began to speak. It seemed that nap time was forgotten in favor of talking. She would give a little twitch of her ears, shivering some. She had yet to fully calm down, but here she was with a complete stranger. He seemed nice enough... she was just annoying, right? Sometimes her mommy said she was too loud too. The little kit would adjust her body so she could look at him better when she spoke.

"I don't know where they are. It was just me and my mommy... but I'm not sure where she is! We got separated during the big snow storm and... I'm scared. I don't know what to do." The little one would whine. "Kenji... I don't wanna be all alone...  Can I stay with you? Please? 'til we find my mommy?" The little kitten would get up, setting her paws on his leg near his head.

"You can call me Keno... I'll be quieter too! I promises!" The Margay would look at her with the cutest look she could manage. She didn't want to be all alone.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'