
Frozen Feet



2 Years
05-20-2015, 06:37 PM

Eww winter.

The cat gave out a small hiss as he watched the snow fall from the cover of his perch. Front legs dangled down on the branch, his lithe body delicately draped across the thick branch. He grumbled as he tugged a bit of bark out of his spotted and banded fur. At least he was mostly protected from the drifting flakes, and high enough off the ground that no one could reach his hanging paws. Cause how much of a pain in the ass would that be. Rounded ears flickered backwards as his red hued eyes gazed out at the hanging willows. At least it was pretty peaceful here, and no one to interrupt his peace and quiet. Perfect, this would have to do for now.

Kenji hummed softly as his banded tail flickered across the tree, swatting against the thick trunk. He had been here for about two years now, and it was probably the best life ever. No one to bug him or tug on his tail, and the wolves that seemed to dominate these lands generally left him alone, because he leaves them alone. He wasn't on the lookout for a gathering of friends, it was too perfect with just him. No one to bother him, no one to ruin his plans or try and take away his time from himself. Because really, why would he be doing work for others? The cat snorted at the thought, long tail dropping and hanging along with his paws. Ah, perhaps a nap was in order. Then again, naps were always in order. Purring to himself, he lowered his head and closed his eyes, although his ears still quivered atop his head at the slightest sound.




4 Years
05-20-2015, 07:13 PM

Feverfew....feverfew, where was that stupid plant. Arian knew that the mile-high woods could harbor the plant. She remembered in the back of her head, it was a few plants that could survive hiding underneath the snow, so she had to scent it out dig it out and then take it home. Feverfew was good for stomach problems and headaches. She always thought it would be best to be prepared for anything with her pack. This place was perfect for her to relax by herself as well. As her nose hung low to the ground, she stopped though when she spotted what seemed to be a cat. He was small, but not as small as many domestic cats as they had called their parents.

He seemed to be enjoying himself, and for a moment Arian wanted to ask him if he knew where some feverfew was, however to disturb him she found a little rude. It made her frown a little, tail twitching, she knew how snappy cats could be so she slightly prepared herself. "Excuse me sir? Could I ask you something?" she would ask hopefully to get a nice answer. Of course if he didn't want to answer she probably would move on, but she was also curious as to what he was doing here. She wasn't too keen on cats and their subspecies and it would also be nice to know.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



2 Years
05-20-2015, 07:23 PM

The sound of approaching paw steps caught his attention, his round ears flickering at the sound. Oh great, company. He grumbled softly as he readjusted himself along the gnarled branch, when suddenly the voice of a wolf called out to him. Eyes snapped towards the female, narrowing towards her. "Depends on what you ask of me, wolf." He tossed at her, standing up on all fours along the branch. Stretching out his front half, his long tail snapped upwards and he kneaded at the tree branch. He may be smaller than the wolf, but he had sharper claws and teeth that would do a lot more damage than her bunt claws and tearing teeth. Humming softly, he marched to the end of the branch as his tail quivered behind him as he watched her, before eying the ground below him. There was a lot of snow, and he wasn't too keen on getting all wet. Huffing, he glanced back at her with his eery, red/pink eyes. If she offered something that he would gain from, then he didn't mind doing some thing for her. But why was a wolf asking a cat for help? They were the ones that dominated these lands, he had yet to run into another ocelot. But wolves were all over the place here, even in the far north.




4 Years
05-20-2015, 07:32 PM

She knew it, most cats preferred to be left alone. She watched the snow underneath her as she watched his eyes, being observant enough to get the hint. She was only here to ask a simple question Arian nodded her head to herself a little. It figured she was annoying him, but alas she didn't know who else to ask. After all, not many birds spoke wolf, it might have been stupid of her to have assumed the ocelot could also speak wolf yet he did. She would let a smile crawl on her face and she would remain calm. Arian knew his claws were a lot sharper but snapping at him if she had to would be just as well. Perhaps he would make a good snack.

"It's a simple question, I was just wondering if you've seen a green plant with white flowers underneath the snow. It has a yellow middle, I'm looking for some. It kind of smells musty." Arian would explain tilting her head to the right as she kept her smile on her face. Her tail stayed level with her spine and her legs were ready to turn to walk. Her blue eyes didn't give away any signs of her thoughts.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



2 Years
05-20-2015, 07:45 PM

His eyes narrowed even further as she started to list a flower of some sorts. He had seen it on his walk up, just a small bundle of them. If that was all that she was looking for, well then he could help her find it and she would be on her way. And he could actually get a nap in for once. "Feverfew, yes?" he asked slowly, leaping from his perch with a thud into the snow. His legs sunk in, and he wrinkled his nose as he lifted a leg and shook it. He really hated the snow, he had no idea why he had trudged up here in the first place. Probably for some alone time, which did not go so well as it would seem. With a flick of his white tipped tail he jumped to his left, bounding towards the place where he had seen the herb. He was a pretty agile cat, and his jumps were pretty long. It was a lot easier than trying to drag his short legs through the ever growing snow. Stupid winter, bah.

Not caring to look behind to see if she was following him, he paused where he had last seen the plant. The snow had covered it up, so he gently parted the flakes from the plant. Once he had dug up the pedals, he jumped towards the nearest tree and stood on a very low hanging branch. Lifting up each paw individually he shook the white flakes from them, his tail laying still as he eyed the wolf again. The branch was low enough that it was level with the wolf's shoulder, close enough that she could nibble on his toes if she wanted. And if she wanted to get pretty little cuts on her nose. "There, wolf. Your herb." He said bluntly.




4 Years
05-20-2015, 08:02 PM

Arian kept the smile on her face, even if in her brain it was agitated. She found herself satisfied with his discomfort in the snow though. Something about it was simply amusing but she wouldn't laugh as she followed him. Moving through the snow was something she was used to despite her leg she had learned to just go with the snow rather than spend her time fighting it. When she saw the feverfew, her face lit up with excitement like sparkles blowing up in her eyes. Herbs was her life, if it was one thing that could make her happy it was that. She watched the cat jump onto the tree branch, her head turning to him. She sighed for a moment, his toes did look tasty.

"What would you like in return?" Arian would ask as she went over to start picking up the herb carefully in her teeth. One thing you learned as a healer was to be gentle with the herbs and make sure not to drool all over them otherwise their effects would transfer to those gathering and you would render the herb useless. After separating it delicately she looked back at Kenji.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



2 Years
05-20-2015, 08:23 PM

His eyes lit up when she asked what he would like in return. Ah, now this was a deal that he liked. He let out a soft purr, his tail curling around his flank. "A wolf with a brain, I like that." he muttered, a smirk on his maw. He had to think about that one though, there were so many things that he wanted to get his paws on. But it was winter, and prey was scarce. It was quite hard for him to hunt in the snow, he didn't blend in and his legs were a little stubby for that. "Prey is always good, I hate to admit it but it is difficult for me to hunt in all this snow. I know all you wolves have an easy time with that." He stated, picking up his left paw and lapping at the cold appendage with his barbed tongue. His eyes never left her form though, that smirk still on his inky lips. "Perhaps we can work out a little deal, you and I," he mused, tail tip flickering behind him. "I am good at finding these herbs of yours, my nose is made for certain things like that. I wouldn't mind collecting them for you in winter, in exchange for prey." Kenji proposed. His ears flickered slightly as his head tilted to the side. It would be a good deal for both of them.



4 Years
05-20-2015, 08:57 PM

There was a sense of pride by being complimented by the feline. She had met a few in her days and to impress one, even if it wasn't fully, was a rarity. Arian knew as a species they could never entirely get along, but a mutual fund was in tact. She placed the Feverfew safely on the ground near her paws so she could keep track of it. That way she could better speak to the other creature. "I'd like to think I understand felines even if only a little." Arian would comment, her ears would pull forward to show she was listening to him.

"That is no problem for me, I've learned how to trap animals easily and how to track the fattest rabbits during the winter. I had to learn with only three good legs these days. It would be nice to have a stable supply of herbs. I also like mint." Arian would nod her head to him. Catching rabbits by running was hard, but if you dug a hole covered it in some snow and during the summer leaves, a few dumb animals would get trapped inside where she could pull them out and eat them. It was only if they were stupid enough of course. She sometimes could get away with hiding and pouncing as much as she could.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.