
Convince Me



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-20-2015, 03:07 PM
Paws drummed the ground hard and fast. His speed unmatched, not even by the prey he was chasing. The wine-clad male swerved and turned, dodging the leafless shrubs and random holes that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. His breathing was even, given that he was chasing something he knew was struggling with every intake of breath. A smirk broadened his daggers, eyes narrowing as he whipped past the creature, halting and as he did so, turning on a dime. Jaws open and salivating, he lunged forth as the creature attempted to change course, but it had been too slow. The snow hare was his.

"Well that was kinda boring...I need some excitement." He'd say in a bored tone. The hare had been slow for his standards, probably because the snow had been too deep, or slippery, or maybe it was old. He stared down at the bloodied creature between his paws, blood pouring from its nose and mouth. He scoffed to himself. "If you had juuust been a little faster...then I might have considered letting you live. Stupid rodent." With a huff, he bent to pick up his kill. And that's when it hit him. Raising his head quite suddenly, Zell sniffed the air. A small grin appearing as he did so. There were others nearby, it seemed. A group of wolves? A pack maybe? Perhaps he was very near the border, and the chasing of the rabbit had distracted him from scenting it before. Now that he was aware, he could scent the borders more clearly.

He wondered what pack it was, and whether or not they would attack for him being so near their borders. Not that he cared, he'd go where he pleased pack lands or not. He was a large brute and had some fighting finesse, they'd have a helluva time trying to bring him down anyway. All the more amusing for him. Picking up his kill then, he'd begin to saunter forth, not into the borders, no. Just near enough to see if he could spot anyone within.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
05-20-2015, 06:29 PM

A border patrol, for some time she and kreft had participated in going across the borders to help remark and make sure there was no trouble. The president's sharp eyes made it easy to see in front of her even if she was only on three legs and one danging she could still use it for a little bit of balance it was simply a limp. She had a new member who had crossed the borders, it had irritated her but things had been settled down. This time however, she felt her hackles raise as she watched this male. He was not crossing the lands, but he looked like he had the same sass most of her members had. Arian felt bad for her mate sometimes, Sonticus was currently dominated by some type of.... curiously aggressive wolves. She had no problem with it because of her upbringing, but not she was thinking what was best for their small piece of heaven they had made here. Yet she remained calm, as she came to stand face to face with the male she was not afraid to stand on the edges of her border scarred face looking at him. She kept her posture high and mighty, but still held a sense of respect.

"Greetings stranger. I see that you've taken an interest in our borders." she would say calmly. Staring him up and down, he was indeed a fairly handsome looking, healthy man. The first thing that did come to her head was recruitment, with Sonticus' small numbers it was what they needed. Despite being mostly with men, she could handle it very well surprisingly. "My name is Arian Adravendi, president or alphess of these pack lands. What can I do for you?" she tilted her head a little, and waited for him to respond. She saw no point in attacking him, but she would protect her borders.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-21-2015, 04:35 PM
Zell would scent an approaching creature. Finally! Would he gain some excitement here? Turning to gaze in the direction of the females scent, Zell saw an approaching figure, and still he would keep going until she decided to stop right in front of him. Slowing to a halt, Zell looked her over. She had a prominent scar on her face, which kind of made her seem attractive, to say the least. He liked scars, it didn't make others look ugly or weak, in his opinion, it made them look stronger. More...accustomed to the heat of life. He had his own scars, not as bad as hers but a triad across his muzzle. He had sworn his muzzle was going to break that day, but it was far behind him now. With the hare still dangling from his jaws, a dripping trail of blood behind him he wondered if he should drop it or hold it to talk to her.

Too bad he was somewhat polite...despite his nature. Dropping the hare, he gave her one more run over as he licked his muzzle. "More like stumbling across it and minding my own business. But I guess you could say that." He chuckled a little, humor gleaming in his eyes already. He didn't care if you were friend or foe, Zell would always contain humor in his voice to see what prickled the hide of whoever he encountered. Ears perked a little at her mentioning of her being a President...or Alphess of the pack. A brow raised, already several things popped into his mind that he could play around with. And he'd choose one. "So, which is it? Are you a President? Or are you an Alphess? Something like that could be confusing to some you know. Why not use the word and Has a better ring to it and makes it more...officially assertive."

He smiled then, wondering if he could annoy her or if she had the patience to deal with the likes of him. He looked around, wondering if there were any others or just her. So far, it seemed to be just her. "What can I do for you?" That also struck him as amusing. Well, it seemed he was always amused. "What can you do for me? Because I can do a lot." He pawed his hare towards her, a little grin on his face. "As you can see, I am quite a skilled hunter. You can have it if you want, I'm not even hungry." It occurred to him then, as he waited for her to accept or deny his catch, that she hadn't even mentioned the name of the pack lands she owned. That was strange...didn't alphas usually throw that out there? "Ahem, it seems you didn't tell me what this pack land of yours is called. Are you President of a tree? A stream? A mountain? Are you gonna tell me the name of your pack, or am I supposed to keep guessing?"

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
05-24-2015, 12:57 PM

Annoying, smartmouth. It hit her like a ton of bricks as soon as he started talking. Arian didn't bother to answer any of his questions he simply listened to him with a blank face. Obviously he had some sort of weird tick in his head, she was almost tempted to pull him into the pack lands and make him know how it feels to be in pain. Her unamused stare watched him, she wouldn't be able to beat him up on her own but she had an entire pack to back her up and she saw no problem with ganging up on another. She threw the thought aside, now was not the time for violence just because she was severely irritated by the young male. As her tail twitched, her blue eyes watched him. "Sonticus if you must know, and I won't accept that unless you are here intended to become a part of this pack. As loud mouthed as you are we are a pack of freedom, you'd fit in, even if you caused a bit of trouble." Arian stated gently.

Of course in the back of her mind she was thinking it might be a bit of a mistake to invite him into the pack. One of the rules was to get along with each other, and with the mouth Zell had she could probably put that rule to the test or end up with a lot of angry wolves at him trying to kick his ass. Hell at the moment she was urged to put him in his place but she would stay strong and stay calm. She could always vent later to Cypress he wouldn't mind. Her toes splayed out into the dirt. "You can call me Miss President." she would finalize.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-25-2015, 11:26 AM
Amusement flickered in his eyes as he noted her expression as he talked. Zell was very capable of annoying, if not pissing off others. Provoking them until they couldn't contain themselves, and attacked. And he didn't know himself, whether he liked to provoke them that far...or maybe just to see how far he could go with poking the sleeping bear. Whatever case it was, it was his nature and he had grown to be this way. He could see in the Presidents eyes that she wanted to rip his fur. But he wondered if she would try it alone, or call upon her pack to do the dirty work for her. He was larger then she was, so maybe she'd take the wiser choice.

Sonticus? Not bad for a pack name, he thought. But her later remarks would amuse him even further. "So you're saying I'd fit in, even if I caused seem to think lowly of me to simply assume I would cause trouble. And yet, you don't know me." His voice had taken on a somewhat serious tone, his gaze slightly hardened on her. He couldn't say he was offended, more disappointed that a wolf who called herself an Alphess was ignorant. Judging a book by its cover. Just because he acted and talked the way he did, didn't mean he wasn't loyal...but she seemed to think otherwise.

"Well, Miss President. I'm afraid I won't be joining, you're pack. If the rest of your merry band of followers is anything like you, then I'd rather give my loyalty to someone who doesn't judge another based on their initial impression. You don't know me, but I could have been one of your most loyal members and a strong fighter. Not that you ever gave that a thought." Without another word, he'd pick up his hare and turn on his heel. Tip of his tail flicking close to Arian's nose (unless it did make contact), and he'd leave the Sonticus borders. Whether he'd remain a loner or eventually find a pack to join, well...he'd just have to wait and see where life took him.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!