
I'm not lion (but I am a cheetah)


05-25-2015, 05:45 PM

This place didn't really feel like "home" quite yet. It was colder and full of strange animals - these "wolves", these "bears". Buffalo, which were like but unlike the water buffalo she knew. Where were the antelope, the zebras? She'd heard rumors of a southern continent that held the prey she was most used to, but she was reluctant to return to the monotony of a life that would be no different than if she'd never left her homeland at all. Too much sameness, too much a reminder of the siblings she'd had to leave or risk shaming them all. Even if it was strange and cold and the prey acted so differently, she would remain here and revel in the newness of it all. And these "wolves" were interesting, even in their strangeness. So fluffy and cuddly looking compared to the canines of her childhood! She just wanted to snuggle with them all the time. Like a pet! Some cheetahs kept small birds as scouts, well, instead she'd keep a wolf as a walking, talking blanket to ward off the cold that was winter here.

The cheetah giggled softly to herself as the thought occurred to her while she was bounding through the cold white snow, off to hunt. She needed a lot more food to keep herself warm here than she did on the savanna, that was for sure. Maybe she'd find a wolf and they could teach her how to hunt the weird prey animals that lived here. Like those big things that looked like a weird mix of antelope and buffalo but with a big nose and big branching antlers? She'd tried to chase one but instead of running it had turned those antlers on her and tried to stomp on her so she'd skittered off in confusion - clearly it was not like an antelope...




5 Years
05-25-2015, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 06:18 PM by Locha.)

Ever since the beach party, Locha had been wandering from the packlands more and more. Perhaps it was restlessness. Like the sea she liked to move constantly, but always returned home, like the rain. Now the girl found herself in the West of Alactricia. She hadn't been here for a while, a year almost, but she found herself remembering landmarks here and there.
Blue stained paws trudged through the cold grass, and she was thankful for her thick and fluffy insulating fur. She often forgot how cold winter could be even out of water. Locha raised her head, blue ears twitching as she heard, and then saw another. Another someone, but she did not know what. Slightly hesitant, Locha changed her course towards the woman, head tilted a little to the side, she barked softly.

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'


05-25-2015, 09:41 PM

At the sound of the rough canine sound, a bark not entirely unlike those the jackals used, Asali turned her head to bring the caller into view, and blinked. Well now, these wolves certainly came in... unique colors. Though surely it must be some form of paint, for the blue marks on the wolf were bluer even than Sala's chinchilla brother, the sort of blues that until now she'd only seen on birds. In response to the wolf's bark - which she assumed to be some sort of greeting rather than an actual word in some language the wolves spoke that she did not - she chirped, a cheetah-greeting of her own, and bounded up to the blue-marked canine. "Habari mbwa mwitu!" she spoke, but as she got the impression that most here seemed to speak the English tongue (which while she knew it well was neither her primary nor her secondary language) she reminded herself to speak that one just in case. Silly wolves with their trade language! How sad for them not to know the beauty of the Swahili language, let alone the music that was Arabic. "You seem to have fallen into a blueberry patch! I trust you have not been injured by it?" she said, the laughing expression she wore as she bounced around the wolf making her teasing obvious. She did not, after all, know if these wolves knew what joking even was.




5 Years
05-28-2015, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2015, 06:05 PM by Locha.)

Locha smiled as the woman returned an odd sound, but what she assumed was a greeting. Loch a moved to meet the woman halfway, well that was what she had hoped to do. The feline's long legs and speed made it so that by the time Locha had taken a few more steps, she was already there. The woman greeted her in a musical language that Locha hadn't heard before, but then again there weren't many different languages she had heard besides her own.

"You seem to have fallen into a blueberry patch! I trust you have not been injured by it?" the woman said, her voice just as musical as before, although lacking the mystery she had before. Locha reciprocated the woman's laugh.

"Not a blueberry patch, although perhaps I would have preffered that. This ink stained my paws, so I decided to make the most of it. " she said. "I'm Locha Elementas." she said the a smile, craning her neck to look at the energetic feline.

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'