
Calling All Family



7 Years
05-28-2015, 10:52 PM
Surreal Adravendi

It was time that her mate and children met the rest of the Adravendis; whomever remained of the family. She stretched and looked down at her sleeping younger children. It was early in the morning yet, and she was pretty sure she was the only one awake though in another alcove, she could hear Regulus shifting drowsily. He was a relatively early riser, and always cheerful upon waking. Her head turned as she regarded her sleeping mate. She hadn’t missed the fact that lately he smelled a bit like herbs. Why he was keeping the fact from her was a puzzling thing. To her, healing was a truly noble craft to learn and undertake. Her mother had been the most experienced healer she had ever met, possibly on the whole continent.

She hummed thoughtfully, lowering her chin to her paws as she wiled away the next hour or so, before finally, she nudged her two youngest gently, then reached about and caressed Falks ears with a few licks. Rising, she stretched lengthily, one ear turning toward the noises that said Regulus and Cinder were awake. She turned to the twins and Falk. ”It’s time to meet the Adravendis and know a bit more of your family.” She gestured to her two youngest and stepped out of the alcove, meeting Regulus in the main chamber of the cave system den. She gave him a light lick on the forehead as he stretched, nosing Cinder with just as much affection as she would with any of her children. ”Zuriel. It’s time to meet some family, if they’ll come.” She called to her elder daughter, once again wishing that Faite were there as well. Perhaps she had found Alsander and was safe… She could only hope.

She waited until her family was gathered, then headed out, leading them out of the wooded patch and to the meeting boulder in the plains. She mounted the boulder and cocked her head back, jaws parting as she called out for her sister from another mother, Epiphron, and any Adravendis near enough to hear the call. She had a few nieces and nephews she wanted to meet as well.



10 Years
Athena I
05-29-2015, 01:20 AM

Báine was sleeping peacefully, snuggled up to her mother and brother, but was easily woken up when their mother nudged them both. Well, as easily as any sleeping pup anyway. She groaned unhappily and rolled over onto her back and covered her paws with her eyes. Nooooo, she didn't wanna get uuuuuup- then their mother mentioned meeting more family. Her ears perked with interest at that and suddenly she was wiiiiiide awake. New wolves! More family! Other wolves to talk to with new stories to tell! She rolled back over onto her paws and shook herself to knock any dust from the den floor off of her pale coat. Secretly she wondered if maybe there would be any wolves like her at this meeting. None of her siblings had white fur or pink noses, but maybe one of their other family members did?

She giggled and pressed her side to Tornach's once he was up as well and nosed her sibling's cheek happily. "Deartháir, teaghlach nua! Mar sin, spreagúil!" she told him quietly with another giggle before following along behind their mother as she headed out of their cavern. She bounced up to Regulus when he appeared and pounced his huge forepaws with a high-pitched giggle before quickly bouncing away and running ahead to weave though Surreal's legs. She watched her mother climb a big bolder with wide pale pink eyes before she decided to climb the bolder herself. She wedged herself under her mother's forearm and wiggled past so that she could sit herself in front of her mother, right between Surreal's forepaws. She grinned up at her mother happily, her little tail whipping back and forth against the stone.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
05-29-2015, 09:53 AM

The call had been lucky enough to be heard near where Arian was. She wasn't in the north at the moment so it wasn't much of a walk. It wasn't long ago that she had dropped by for a visit, meeting Tornach of course trying to scuttle off in the night. Upon arriving to the scene, she looked at a small albino female. Probably the other child of Surreal's, although it gave her slight shivers for a moment considering what memory she had of Syrinx stuck in her head. It didn't help that today wasn't one of her spot on days. Though, she smiled slightly, small and innocent. Arian limped forwards and sat near Surreal with a dip of her head.

"It's nice to see you again Surreal. You have a very beautiful daughter." Arian complimented the young pup as she looked at her. Her tail flicked back and forth, and she would try not to let the memories bother her. As she gave a small sigh she curled her tail around her waist. The key was to remain calm, otherwise this could turn into a complete disaster.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
Athena I

05-29-2015, 04:12 PM

Zuriel had been awake for a while when her mother's voice reached her to tell her that they would meet some family. Her ears perked with interest and she looked away from her store of herbs. Now that they were permanently settled in the cavern and she had claimed an alcove of her own she had begun gathering up herbs and making a place for them. She had been working quickly to build up her store before they got too far into the winter. She could already see most of the herbs in their area dying away so she knew it wouldn't be long till they would all be gone till spring. She was fairly satisfied with her store though. Perhaps she could travel further south to look for some more just in case.

She rose to her paws and shook out her coat, glancing down at her newly acquired necklace to ensure it was resting neatly against her narrow chest. Smiling softly she trotted out of her alcove and down the path and out into the open. Her dark paws crunched through the snow till she reached where her mother had called them, seeing Báine right in the thick of things as usual. She smirked a little and looked to the first of their extended family to arrive. She remembered seeing this woman at the festival she had attended with her mother and Regulus, but she couldn't quite remember her name. She was sure Surreal would introduce them all anyway so she settled onto her haunches near her and gave her a smile with a polite nod.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
05-29-2015, 06:52 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus had been enjoying a nice dream about chasing rabbits; and eating them. He was just about to chomp into a nice, plump, juicy hare when the dream began to fade, and he felt his consciousness slipping into focus. Finally, his eyes drifted open and he shifted onto his side for a long stretch, a yawn cracking his jaws wide, tongue stretching and curling. Finally, he shifted to his paws, Cinder rolling off his belly with a mewl. The cat gave him an indignant, sleepy swat with her claws to his foreleg and set about grooming her fur into place as he padded out into the main chamber, his mother and the rest of the family gathering. He grinned down at his rose colored sister as she pounced his paw then wove between their mothers feet. Cinder joined them as Surreal kissed Regulus goodmorning.

Soon enough, they were out to the boulder, Regulus taking a seat beside his mother on the boulder as she called for the Adravendis. Arian was soon in sight, and he nodded to the crippled Alpha wit ha smile, though he spotted the glance she gave his albino sister. What was that about?



8 Years
Athena I
05-29-2015, 07:11 PM

A low rumble sounded in his chest when Surreal's licks pulled him from his sleep. He stretched his forelegs out in front of him and groaned as she spoke, waking up his muscles so he could pull himself up onto his paws. Of course he was more than interested in meeting some more of Surreal's family and was very glad that his children would get to meet them as well, but it also made him a little sad. He had willingly disowned a large part of his family to distance himself, Surreal, and his children from Isardis before he disappeared, but it still secretly disappointed him a little that they would most likely never know of his half of their lineage. It was for the best, he knew that. Most of the Armadas did not have his kind nature.

He put those thoughts aside and followed Surreal outside, always being careful to mind where he was putting his paws. He didn't want to accidently step on one of their youngest pups after all. They still seemed so tiny and fragile to his large, clumsy paws. He followed closely along behind his family, hearing Zuriel and Regulus fall in line as well. He thought breifly of Faite and wondered if she would ever return to complete their family again. He followed the sounds of his family's paws and their scents to the meeting place and settled onto his haunches near the rock that had been the place to summon wolves for meetings here for generations it seemed. His ears perked forward when he caught a new scent and heard the voice of a woman who obviously knew Surreal and gave a compliment to their daughter. He had to keep himself from bristling protectively. Of course, the Adravendi clan would all remember Isardis all too well and he was sure they would think of him when they saw Báine. His ears flicked back for a moment, but he kept himself calm for now. He didn't say anything yet, he just sat near his mate's side and waited.

Speech Thought Others



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-03-2015, 11:00 AM

When Mamaí woke them, Tornach didn't immediately catch her words, too busy yawning and stretching to hear. But he couldn't have missed Báine's laughing voice right in his ear, and his bright eyes sprang open. They'd get to meet more wolves? Báine was already off and running, but it took the tubby boy a bit longer to get moving, finally wiggling his way to his feet to stagger out after his athair. It was a bit disappointing, though, the only wolf there was someone he'd already met. "Dia dhuit ar maidin, a' Mhaighdeann Arian," he piped up from behind his father, smudgey dark gray fur pressing against Falk's earthen leg, before he craned his head to see if there were anyone else coming. It would be really disappointing if Arian was the only one who showed up; he wanted to meet new people!


This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-04-2015, 10:24 AM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2015, 10:26 AM by Epiphron.)
Though Surreal's call rang out from far to the west, she knew she was wanted and it was difficult to ignore her adoptive sister. Though she'd never been particularly close to Surreal, family meant everything -- even family that was not blood. It was easy to leave Fiori behind for now. She knew her pack would be safe; they'd likely hardly notice her absence, and she knew they could all fend for themselves and one another if necessary.

The journey to Vericona Plains was shorter than she had anticipated. The time she had lived there seemed like it was worlds away, in both time and distance. Nostalgia rushed over her as the familiar scent of the lands brushed her nose. It was different now, though. The scent was strangely vacant, void of scent markers that she can grown accustomed to. A quiet sigh left her lips as she moved deeper into the plains, finally spotting the familiar form of Surreal, Arian, and a few unfamiliar others. Her pace would quicken as she moved to greet them, nearly breathless with the memories that threatened to cloud her mind.

"Surreal, Arian," she'd grin at the two of them gently, her gaze dancing over the younger wolves that lingered nearby in curiosity. Surreal spoke of children much older, at their last meeting; were these hers as well? Her gaze would briefly linger on Falk as a silent nod was offered in his direction as well.



9 Years
Athena I
06-04-2015, 11:21 AM

The echo of a howl reached him from where he was lounging outside his den in the Mangroves and his head turned towards it curiously. Having nothing else to do and all the time to kill, he quickly rose to his paws and trotted through the thin layer of snow to the border. His ears perked and he squinted a little when he saw the retreating form of his mother in the distance. Where was she headed? Did she know who it was that had called? His curiosity finally got the best of him and he took off at a quick trot after her. He hung back from her a bit, giving himself plenty of space to duck out of sight and head back in case this was a meeting he wasn't meant to be at.

He followed her all the way to through the west of Alacritis and just when he was about to give up and turn back they finally arrived. He watched his mother greet a few wolves in the gathering- one of them being Arian. He perked up immediately and his tail wagged. Any meeting that Arian was at as well had to be fine for him to be at, right? He hurried up and trotted over to the group, going to Arian to affectionately press his nose to her cheek. "It's good to see you again, Arian," he said quietly with a smile before going to sit next to his mother. "I hope you don't mind me tagging along," he told his mother with a sheepish grin and a chuckle.

He briefly glanced around at the other wolves in attendance, but of course he immediately zeroed in on the youngest pups in the group. There was just something about small pups that he really loved. His tail brushed against the ground as he glanced from the black and gray colored pup that was sitting by what was sure to be his father to the all white and pink-hued pup sitting between the forepaws of the woman that looked like she might have called this meeting. Perhaps once the meeting was over he could offer to play with them. Pups liked to play, right?

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
06-24-2015, 11:21 PM
Surreal Adravendi

As she and her family gathered at the boulder, and Baine nestled in between her forelegs, Surreal gazed around, waiting with bated breath. And they came. First was Arian, which surprised Surreal a little, since the red Adravendi was an Alpha in the north, far beyond what Surreal would have imagined her call could have reached. Of course, Epiphron and her children were on the Eastern coast, so…

She greeted her niece with a smile, noting the glance at Baine, and the way Falk bristled protectively. ”Yes, she is.” The pride in her voice brooked no arguments otherwise, not that any might have come. Just then, a figure approached, followed shortly by another. Epiphron and a male that nearly matched Pip for markings, if reversed in color. Surreals face broke into a wide grin. ”Pip. I’m guessing this is one of your sons?” She looked at the fellow in question with a smile.

She waited a little while longer, but no more figures approached. ”I felt it was time that we made some introductions. I didn’t get to tell you, Pip, but you have a new niece and nephew. This is Tornach, and this is Baine.” As she introduced her younger brood, a smile pulled at her features. Then she introduced the elder two. ”This is Regulus, our first born, and Zuriel, our second born… Faite is… still missing. And this is Falk, their father, and my mate.” The heated look she gave her sightless mate said no decline had occurred in her love for the male.

She looked at Epiphron with a wide grin, nodding to the surrounding Plains. “It’s good to be home, even if the pack hasn’t been reborn yet.” Her eyes turned to Regulus, who watched the male that had accompanied Epiphron with a big brothers curiosity as the older male made playful overtures to Baine. A smile pulled at her jaws and she nudged her rosy hued daughter. ”Feel free to play, kids.” By kids, she included the elder two as well.



10 Years
Athena I
06-25-2015, 12:53 PM

She looked around from atop her perch on the rock between her mother's forelegs. Her older siblings, Daddy, and Tor all followed them into the meeting area and then a new lady showed up! Báine looked at her curiously and her little tail wagged back and forth against the stone. Her chest puffed up with happiness and pride when the new lady complimented her and her Momma agreed. She liked compliments. She smiled at the new lady, completely oblivious to how the new lady was feeling about her and how her Daddy bristled.

Then more new wolves showed up and it was all she could do to stay still and sit nicely and not go running around the newcomers. It was all just so exciting! She caught the red-ish looking wolf that had come in with the white colored one looking at her and she smiled again at him. Then her Momma started to talk and she introduced them all, but she didn't say who all the new people where! As soon as Momma said they could play she hopped up and jumped down from the rock she she could hurry over to the new wolves. "Dia duit! What are your names?!" she asked excitedly while her pink gaze went from wolf to wolf and her tail whipped back and forth.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
08-17-2015, 07:57 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus listened curiously as the new faces arrived. An older female who was mostly white with a brown right ear and left paw, and a young male, though still older than he and his sisters. Both had blue eyes, and they smelled similar. Family. His mother confirmed that conclusion. So this was his aunt.. Epiphron, he recalled, from the stories his mother and grandmother would tell about the rest of the family. Epiphron, Chrysanthe, and Syrinx. He recalled that there had been three other names mentioned, and it took a moment of thought before he found them again. Eos, Neo, and Preston. The stories surrounding those three names had always held a sad note in his grandmother’s voice. His mother had been too young to have met them, because they had disappeared, and wasn’t there something about the name Neo? Memories of the heart break in his grandmother’s eyes as she spoke about that wolf.

He was pulled from the thoughts by his mother’s voice telling them to go play. He looked around as Báine greeted the others in her typical bubbly exuberance. He pulled himself to his paws and gave himself a shake, the links of his necklace and pendent jingling softly and grinned at the male. ”I’m Regulus.” He offered, though his mother had made the introductions already. But she hadn’t introduced this male by name. Maybe hoping that Aunt Pip would make an introduction, too? Cousins. He had cousins. Family.