
Submerged Curiosity



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2015, 06:07 PM

The woman trekked through the North. Though she had recently joined sonticus, she wanted to get out and stretch her legs. She had become accustomed to being alone in her den if she wasn't with Arian, and she was a little shy at meeting some of her other pack mates, so today she'd decide to check out some of the neighboring territories. The North was her home, where she had grown up and she knew every territory, every mountain, every body of water. It had been a long time since she'd been to the submerged woods, and she wanted to relive what she had the first time she'd seen it.

Coming over the ridge, Avalon stopped and looked at the scenery. Just as she had thought, the winter season had frozen everything in place. The trees were barely visible, save for the tops that peeked out from the frozen snow. It amazed her how this happened, because the trees were over twenty feet tall, yet still managed to disappear every year with the coming of winter. Then again, most of the North had that effect on many places during snowfall. She ventured forward, the chance to be level with the trees tugging at her. She had been through a lot and changed over the years, but her curiosity still remained.



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5 Years
Dire wolf
06-07-2015, 06:45 PM


To be totally honest, the beast had followed Avalon from afar. It wasn't easy given her appearance and height, however staying so far behind out of eyesight and more just going by the girls scent was how she did it. Amachi wasn't stalking her, well that was a lie. It was out of pure curiosity in all honesty, after all, she didn't seem to know anyone in Sonticus. Even Arian herself was a mystery but that was how most of Amachi's life went. She herself was like a huge ghost, but as Avalon stopped Amachi did as well stiffening up realizing that the other could probably notice her by now.

When it came to social interaction, Amachi was nervous about it. Despite her experiences in life, any new wolves came as a surprise to her. When she made friends it was an even more amazing feat over her fear of being hated. She pulled her ears to the back of her head and collapsed in the snow. Letting the sound of her body crunching in the snow travel, at this point if Avalon noticed she had been following her that was alright. Might as well make the most of it.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2015, 11:11 PM

She had been unaware of her stalker. The girl walking until she heard a sound behind her. Whipping around, her hackles rose for a second. She spotted the rather large thing lying in the snow, and Avalon didn't know who it was. It wasn't until the breeze blew towards her, that the creature belonged to Sonticus. Had one of her packmates been following her? Cautiously, Avalon moved toward her, hackles slowly lying flat as the smell of the other was confirmed to be from her pack. She sighed, ears slowly going forward. What was she doing lying there?

" alright?" She questioned, not unkindly. She hadn't met this woman before, but she was definitely from Sonticus. She was large, far larger then Avalon. But she hadn't met anyone bigger then herself asides from her father, but he had been huge when she was a small pup. Her tail wagged a little, stopping as she spoke. ""I'm, one of your pack mates."


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5 Years
Dire wolf
06-08-2015, 04:55 PM


Avalon had noticed her at that point, if you were smart enough to put two and two together she would be able to tell she had been following the other. Avalon was larger than Arian, but Amachi did dwarf the other girl still. Her black tail would stick out of the snow, showing the odd orange underbelly and red tip easily. Amachi definitely would not be a good hunter in this whether. As Avalon approached, she placed her ears against the back of her head listening to her words. Was she alright, well that was debatable but there definitely wasn't really anything wrong with her. "I'm okay." Amachi answered simply.

She nodded her head to the other. "I was... following you. Not because I'm a stalker or anything, it's just.... I saw you around Arian wanted to make sure you weren't gonna get hurt." Amachi mused, hoping that was a good enough explaination. Worrying about someone she didn't know probably could get her in a lot of trouble. However they were in the same pack, so things could have been different. She had never dealt with a pack like this anyway.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-11-2015, 02:37 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 08:34 PM by Avalon.)

"Im fine." A simple response, but a response nontheless. She wasn't sure what prompted her to ask that, but perhaps because she had seen the woman lying in the snow and she herself thought that a bit unusual. Her ears shifted forward slightly at the womans next words. A brow raised slightly though she didn't question it. She did think it kind of odd that Amachi had been behind her at some length, though she didn't mention anything more about her new stalker. *cough* Avalon had seen the woman at the meeting, then she had thought the woman quite interesting especially her markings and her impressive height. Even now, Avalon was still quite fascinated by her. The more vibrant colors of her red and oranged hued tail was something the girl had not seen before in all her life, and she had met many wolves in her past.

Her head tilted slightly at the womans words. Arian had sent her to follow her? Or did the woman take it upon herself to follow Avalon to make sure nothing bad happened? She was unsure about how to respond, did they not think she was capable of taking care of herself? Perhaps not...then again, Arian was the only one I showed my true emotions to... She sat down then, Avalon reaching a paw towards Amachi as she offered a smile. "Thank you for checking up on me, I could use the company anyway." True, she didn't quite want to travel alone just yet, unsure if whether or not she was ready. She wasn't even quite sure why she had come here, but perhaps it was because she was on her way to visit where she had lived before. Or perhaps because the North is where she had been born, and was visiting all the Northern lands she should have been shown by her father.

A wave of sadness hit her, though it quickly went away because she didn't want to alarm the other woman. Breathing evenly to calm herself, she flicked her tail free of any snow that had collected. "It must be cold down there in the snow. Come, walk with me. You're the first pack mate I've met asides from Arian after all. Perhaps we can get to know one another?" She was a little hopeful in her words, unsure as to whether or not Amachi was the social type or the stand offish type. Avalon was a mixture of both, but it was the only way she knew how to begin breaking free of her shell.


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5 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2015, 03:00 AM

(This song is rated M for a few curse words)

It probably would have been better if Amachi had asked Arian first wouldn't it. As quiet as the pack was, Amachi intended on fully being involved. Although, her rank was more held down. She knew as special forces her own children would probably end up with the position should they still be around then. Sonticus, she would defend it with her life no doubt, but the through was thrown away. As Avalon offered a thank you Amachi's mouth would open wide. Showing off canine's and a bright pink tongue to the wide grin. Almost like a dog as her tail wagged back and forth. However, Amachi would quickly snap her jaw shut. Her tail flopping down into the snow with a loud sound effect. She really was regretting this decision now, noticing the subtle glimpse of sadness on the inside Amachi was a bit angry. At herself. If she had done something, supposed that it caused trouble. The woman's glossy gray eyes though would show none of her emotions like a stone, something she had mastered over the years of living. As she said they should walk, Amachi would get up out of the pit she flopped in. Not bothering to shake her body free of excess snow, it sticking plainly to her orange fiery underbelly.

Amachi had built her walls at this point. They were iron strong in most cases, the distant look she gave wasn't one to be rude. It was more that Amachi was not lost in her own thoughts, as the northern wind blew towards them she would lower her massive head. "I suppose we could." Amachi would muse through her snout eyes closed for a second before opening again. The cause behind her sudden withdrawal was with the thought that she might have slightly messed up. Usually it was something she would never lose sleep over. However, Sonticus was her pack, she had to protect them one way or another. Emotionally and physically likewise. Amachi's massive paws stayed within the snow though. As her tail flicked off to the side, what was really inside Avalon's head. It made her mentally sigh to herself.

Amachi would begin to walk however. Going at a slow pace, not overly so, but reasonable enough not to be getting out of breath while they spoke. "My name is Amachi Mackury.... I haven't met anyone else other than Arian as well." discounted that they only exchanged a few words. Though it seemed to have sparked something in the alphess for giving her a promotion like that after one simple explaination and demonstration of her fighting. A personal bodyguard, most of Amachi's work would be hidden and unexplained to many of the pack. Whether it would be to spy, or perhaps..... the more dirty work. That crossed Amachi's mind as well.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-18-2015, 06:53 PM

She glanced at Amachi as they walked, the woman not bothering to shake off the snow that clung to her coat, though maybe she preferred it that way? Avalon offered a smile, noting that when Amachi had smiled earlier it had fallen away quite quickly. Though perhaps that was Avalon's fault for allowing her emotions to get the best of her. But from here on out, she would try her best to be happy and more cheerful. "It's nice to meet you, Amachi." She grinned, leading the way ahead towards the snow covered tree tops. She was at eye level with them now in this season, which was strange since they always towered over her in every other season. Glancing at Amachi, however, she noticed that the female was much taller then she. And for once, Avalon felt like a dwarf.

She eyed the femme, not in ridicule but in interest. She had never seen markings in a way that Amachi had racing across her body. They reminded her of a spider web, the more vibrant markings reminding her of the fire that sat within the belly of Mount Volkan. "You are very unique. I've never known another to have the style that you have, I'm a little jealous!" Of course she was joking. Avalon was seldom jealous, if at all. Though it was an attempt at a compliment for Amachi. Confirmed by the smile and hushed laughter that escaped her mouth. Amachi was indeed, interesting. And Avalon wondered if she'd learn anything else about the woman.



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5 Years
Dire wolf
06-26-2015, 08:52 AM

(This song is rated M for a few curse words)

Amachi would only watch Avalon after that, her own insecurities might have been keeping her from such a lengthy conversation. Yet it was also because the behemoth just didn't speak very often. Preferring silence over words that could easily be said the wrong way. Noting that the woman was looking her over, and made a comment that was supposed to be a compliment. Amachi would force a smile to her jaw, she wasn't a huge fan of her coat color. Never would be, no matter how others loved it or hated it. She was hoping that her children had a more normal type of life if she ever had any.... but the past pulled things into her mind she would rather forget. Getting to know the giant woman would be difficult, she didn't talk about her history much. After all it was best left forgotten.

"I don't know where I got it from. It was considered a bad omen in my family." Amachi mentioned, as she looked at the tree tops. She easily waded through the snow, and while Avalon was large, Amachi had met a wolf the same size as her. It would not surprise her to meet others her height. Though she doubted anyone would get any taller. Her tail flicked behind her. Perhaps she should give this a chance to know Avalon and be her friend.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]