
I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity



6 Years
06-13-2015, 09:50 PM

She was loath to leave her young ones behind, especially Icarius as he battled the mysterious illness that plagued him, but they were in good hands. Watched over by their older siblings and she had no doubt that if she had it her way Keiki would Sarai till she was good and tired. Alamea had to go somewhere…

Once upon a time she had hated this place, and while the woman wasn’t fond of it overall it was the home of two of the most important moments in her life. Here she and Rune had laid the foundation of their life together, their first moments as mates had been here… the first vestiges of their children’s life had been sparked upon this soil. And this had been where they had met.

It felt a lifetime ago and even longer now that she couldn’t find her rock. It was memories, it was melancholy that dragged the snowy woman here and as she entered the tangled maze she couldn’t stop the deep sadness that welled up in her. She half expected her mate to pop out at any moment and they would go back to the way things were…

But even if the grey male were to show up now things couldn’t ever go back. The life they had built up around each other had come crashing down, for the first time in nearly 3 years she was without him and she wasn’t sure she knew how to go on. These thoughts plagued her mind as she wandered aimlessly through the thicket.

A familiar dark shape hovered over her as she walked, occasionally swooping down over the lupine’s head as if to remind her he was here for her.

Alamea speech Elliot speech

BG © EssenceOfPerception on DA

Flying Fox stock © MadSDesignz on DA

Jack I


6 Years
06-16-2015, 01:32 AM
The male would walk carefully on the thicket lands, his head hanging low as his nose picked up scents all around him. It seemed like it would have been a nice place to live, if he wasn't looking to head to the north. Gray tail flicking behind him, the male would step upon a smooth stone rock. Making it where he would stand above a good portion of the land. The rock soft underneath his pawpads, ears perked forward to listen to the sounds that this land gave off. Though, he would find himself standing maybe a good ten feet away from a wolf and..... a bat? The scent he tried to store in his memory, it was definitely a bat with the woman.

As Jack listened, it almost seemed as if her steps were Sullen. It brought a frown to his muzzle, white eyes looking in her direction. "Is something plaguing you Ma'm?" he would say softly however loud enough for her to hear him just in case she had not notice he was there. The black and gray male would stay firmly planted on the rock. Standing tall and proud, despite bearing no pack scent and just that of a loner.



6 Years
07-02-2015, 12:37 AM

The flying fox spotted the other wolf long before Alamea was even aware of his presence. Elliot chirruped a few times but the white woman was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to really pay attention and so rolling his eyes the bat dive bombed her head. “Alamea!”

Alamea for her part flinched, side stepping slightly before continuing on. “Elliot? What is it?” She tried to keep the excitement from her voice, was it possible that her companion had spotted her mate?  The bat dropped lightly into his usual spot between her shoulder blades.

“There’s another-“ But Elliot didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence as the pair stumbled upon the male. He spoke and Alamea was silent for a moment thought she stopped her marching. It wasn’t exactly like she wanted to dump everything onto a stranger… she was vulnerable right now and that old distrust was creeping into her.

“You could say that…” She finally spoke, voice soft and a slight sarcastic tone weaving its way into her words. “But it’s nothing to concern yourself with. I’m Alamea Kaname and he’s-“ She jerked her head back but was interrupted by Elliot.

“Elliot. Charmed I’m sure.”  Alamea fixed him with a brief glare before turning her attention once more back to the stranger.

“And you are..?”

Alamea speech Elliot speech

BG © EssenceOfPerception on DA

Flying Fox stock © MadSDesignz on DA