
We conquered and crumbled



4 Years
06-12-2015, 01:58 AM

She would not leave her mother or siblings, not after her father had disappeared… not after Warja had chosen a different path… not that she begrudged her sister her choice. She just couldn’t break her mother’s heart any more, even the usually naïve girl could register how important it was for the tiny white woman that her remaining children remain close.

So why was she here? These lands had once been home and she had never felt more comfortable than in Secretua’s old lands, not even the volcano had felt nearly as much like home as the packlands had… She had been relieved to find the gully more or less untouched though the scents of the pack… of her family were beginning to fade. The Prairie? Well that was a different story.

Bile rose up in her throat as the strong pack scent registered in her mind, it wasn’t her father’s scent. No it was one she didn’t know by name though it vaguely tickled at her memory. Her home had been taken. Grey paws shuffled on her side of the border and as reality crashed in on her defeat forced haunches to the ground.

Then came the whine, high pitched and near constant. The girl sat there staring out at a place that had once been her home unable to approach.


[Image: VAzkBpg.png]



5 Years
06-16-2015, 04:16 AM

The newest addition to Donostrea's territory was proving to be rather useful healing and hunting-wise. He had spent the morning rummaging through the snow in search of new herbs that hadn't yet suffered the damage of the cold climate. The area had to be bustling with vegetation during the warmer seasons; how unfortunate for it to have been claimed during the winter. That wasn't much of his concern, in fact, he was quite satisfied with the abandoned region that his brothers had found. He had made some progress with exploring the new borders while Silvius, his new companion who he had discovered at his former home in the East, scurried in small nooks and burrows for potential plants. Never did the thought cross his focused mind that the territory had once belonged to a neighbouring pack now scattered across the continent.

Ears pricked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice howling near his crouched position. After poking his head out from the snow, minuscule black eyes stared back at him with curiosity, his mind readably thinking the same thoughts as he. It seemed both hedgehog and wolf shared the same idea of investigation. Was it worth a look? Feeling tiny claws scramble up his shoulder in the hopes to reach his mountainous head, he gently rose to his full height, shaking his head to clear his thoughts and set himself for a new objective. The healer followed the call to the edge of the prairie's territory where a tall grey woman awaited on the outside of the border. She obviously was aware of the pack that resided just steps from where she had situated herself, but what was the reason behind her appearance? His elder brothers were the ones who he suspected usually took care of this duty, however, it wouldn't cause a great impact to speak with this particular outsider. Positively, he was showing initiative to fulfil the task himself.

He approached at a swift pace, taking a steady gulp before coming face-to-face with the female. Silvius clung tight to his head, rolled in a snug ball whilst peering from above. Mocha paws halted on the very edge of his territory as he cleared his throat with a quick cough before vocalising his question. "Greetings, miss," the earthen male addressed the female with a curt nod, keeping eye contact with faint intrigue. "What brings you to our borders?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



8 Years
Athena I
06-28-2015, 10:15 PM

Solaris was in the middle of hunting, as he tended to do these days to keep himself busy between sunrise and sunset. However, an echo of the shrillest whine he had ever heard caught his attention and when he turned his attention to it he caught a semi-familiar scent on the breeze. His ears perked and he quickly turned to hurry toward it. When he reached the border he saw just who he thought it would be. Terrae had arrived before him which he was kind of glad to see. Perhaps Terrae could help him fill in the gaps where his social skills lacked. "Keiki?" he asked when he trotted up to her, stopping in front of her alongside Terrae. "What's wrong?" He had always had a good sense of other's emotions and it was easy to see a drastic change in her from the hyper, joyful woman he had spoken to before.

Talk You Think



4 Years
06-29-2015, 02:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2015, 02:20 AM by Keiki.)

She hadn’t wanted to see the wolves that lived here, not really. Yet as she became she aware of the earthy toned male she was still rooted to the spot though her whining may have reached a new pitch. Once the site of the somewhat imposing man with the odd thing upon his head would have been cause for excitement and a potentially unwanted outburst of friendliness… now it was just another reminder of all she had lost. These lands, her father’s lands were gone… just as he was.

She was not prone to tears but dammit was she close to it… He appeared to speak and she could not bring herself to watch, his words falling upon literal deaf ears. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair! They had been good, they had been strong and Keiki had believed, perhaps naïvely, that they would last forever… after all they were as unmovable as Rune himself… well it turned out with him gone they were about as unshakable as a sand structure.

Another wolf approached and Keiki glanced up. It was a blessedly familiar form and she felt some relief wash over her… though it struck her that he was approaching from within the pack lands… it struck her with a vague sense of betrayal that whoever had claimed these lands had some tie to the sunny male she had met previously. This time she paid attention to words spoke, gleaming her name from the movement of his lips and the question of her emotional state.

She dropped her gaze again, preferring to risk missing more speech than to have to face the two wolves. She wanted them to be villains, wanted the people who had stolen her home from her to be bad guys… it made justifying her emotions easier… "Sol…" She croaked, barely audible. Possibly the quietest thing the girl had ever uttered in her life.

"It’s gone…" This time she spoke in her normal tone, slightly wonky and just a bit too loud. Then her next words were practically a scream: " He’s gone!"


[Image: VAzkBpg.png]



5 Years
06-30-2015, 03:24 AM

Within moments, his younger brother had also arrived at the scene. Seeing the golden male brought an uncomfortable feeling gushing over his emotions. Addressing outsiders wasn't his duty; had Solaris come to relieve him? Was he the one who dealt with it? Either way, his features denied such a possibility, which gave the earthen man some relief. However, he spoke to the female using her name of which she responded with a shortened version of his. Obviously, they knew each other and had to be feeling intruded upon by his own presence. No wonder she hadn't said much, especially in reply to his earlier inquiry. At this point, awkwardness had overcome his mind. What if the call was directly for his younger brother only? Before he could edge away in the fear of worsening the situation and interfering too deeply, the ash female spoke something that his hearing couldn't quite catch but repeated it in a shrilling scream. The noise startled the gentle brute, making his ears splay in surprise and shock. Silvius echoed the same frightened actions, shrinking back behind his skull. With eyes widened and his mind oblivious to what she was referring to, he barked a demand instinctively whilst facing the woman. "Who's gone?"

Turning his head to meet his brother's orange gaze, he tipped his chin to one side and softly asked with concern, "Do you know her?" It was a rather blunt query, but he had to be certain. Besides, he had no idea what the relationship between them was. Acquaintances? Friends? More than that? What if this was all a private conversation, not intended for his ears to hear? Feeling guilty because of it, he had already engaged, despite the fact it was an impulse. However, a strange feeling inside of him made him consider that what or who she may have spoken of held a distant relation to himself, or at least his family.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*