
all those things left unsaid


04-04-2013, 10:39 AM

((Friction is sorry for bailing and I?m sorry for the no internets D: please forgive me!!!))

How many months had passed? He couldn't even remember, couldn't think past the beautiful white female that had called for a male and had found him. Somehow they had found each other. She had even agreed that if she did somehow have children that she would allow him the privilege to see them. He wanted to see them, to be a part of their life in a way that his father was never a part of his. He didn't want it to be just some one night stand to help a girl out and then to leave her hanging, to leave her on her own with these children. But he had run like a coward, momentarily paralyzed by the idea of joining a pack for her. She had never asked but it had been the only way for him to be there for the birth of her children. She was too good to him, too perfect, to ask him to do that. He had been alone for almost 2 years, shying away from others and purposefully avoiding his own kind as best her could. But when she had howled, oh that howl, he had been drawn towards it would barely even a second thought. His mother had raised him right, taught him to be a gentleman and even if she hadn?t wanted to mate with him he would have stayed with her until someone else had come to make sure she was safe. But she had mated with him, had accepted him as her first lover and now that ghost of a female haunted his every step.

Head lowered slowly as he came closer to the Valhalla boarder, it had taken him some time to get up the courage to do what he was about to do. But if he ever wanted to move on with his life and be happy again then maybe this was the way to go, even if she didn?t want him to join her pack he would beg and plead her forgiveness. He had left her there but if she would let him he would never leave her again? He stopped almost 100 meters outside of the boarder, not wanting to trespass and anger her alpha and slowly sank to his haunches. There was a weariness about him, a slight sag to his shoulder that suggested a hard few months. But he didn?t waste time now, tossing his head back before he lost what courage he had and howling a brief song. Unlike the one he had hear Aislyn sing this one called for her and her alone. Despite his worry over her opinion of him since their last meeting he couldn?t help the small smile that curled up the edges of his lips at the thought of her and the mental image he was already forming of her coming through the brush to his call.

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-04-2013, 05:50 PM


It was a normal day for the ivory colored lassie. Her belly was nice and plump now, and even though she was pregnant with only one pup, she showed it greatly. Her usually petite frame had fattened up a bit, and her belly was nice and plump. Hormones raged within her body, turning her moods from sweet to foul within seconds. But hey, she couldn't help it! She was pregnant after all. Everything seemed pretty normal; until she head his call. Friction? Swift paws carried her toward the border, her mind racing. What was he doing here? The last time she had seen him was when they had an intimate moment.. but he had vanished soon after. Why she did not know, but it depressed her for a short while. She saw something in him, something she had never seen in another male. For a moment she thought it was love at first sight, but if that were the case, he wouldn't have bailed on her. After rustling through some bushes and dodging trees the ashy colored man came into view. All sour emotions left her body as she froze momentarily. "Friction... Friction!" She whispered at first, then squealed his name as she took off toward him, stopping when she was inches from his frame. She rubbed her head against his neck, warm tongue slipping between sharp teeth as she groomed his chest. She was so happy to see him... Then it hit here. He had left. "You asshole! You left me without a trace! How could you!" She screamed as she ripped herself away from him, teeth lashing in his direction. Warm baby blue eyes iced over as she shot daggers at him. "I thought we had something, I honestly believed we had something." She turned away from him, ears folded, eyes closed. "I was wrong..."


04-04-2013, 09:48 PM

He was both mentally and physically exhausted, it had been a little over a month since he had last seen Aislyn and it felt like he had not stopped walking. There wasn't a moment that had hadn't been thinking about the ivory female and then finally had had submitted, realizing that as worried as he was about settled down with somewhere and someone he cared more about this female. He cared about her and he had been scared to admit it. Scared to get close to anyone again only to have them taken away from him, his life had not been an easy one, he had lost a lot of loved ones in his life. But he wasn't stupid enough to let this pass him by, to let this female he felt so strongly for slip through his grasp. He needed to see her again, needed to know if she was as amazing as he remembered of if he had just romanticized it in his mind. All these worries clouded his mind, swirled though his brain as he stared glassily at the ground. It wasn't until he heard approaching footsteps that he managed to pull himself from this cloud and lift his head.

For a moment she stared at him and he stared at her, unsure what to do. But the breeze caught his name as it slipped quietly from her lips before she squealed it out and came bounding towards him. The biggest grin split across his maw and he hopped to his paws as she came bounding towards him. His tail was held high, wagging happily at the sight of her. All those emotions came crashing back, the love and happiness and excitement and every other joyful emotion that he couldn't even name hit him. He hadn't romanticized her at all, everything he had felt that first day was still there. She pushed herself into him and licked his chest as he groomed the back of her neck, it felt so right to have her here again. But then everything changed, sharp tones dripping with venom fell from her lips and she ripped herself away from him, backing up quickly. Immediately his ears pinned to his skull and he backed up slowly. he wanted to run from this rage but he new he had to stay. He had to beg, he had to grovel and do whatever was needed. He wanted to be in her life...

Her next words hurt him almost as much as those snapping teeth could have. He knew that had something, knew there was still something there because she wouldn't have come if there wasn't. She turned away from him and he took a hesitant step forward, head held low and ears folded carefully against his skull. His eyes pleaded with her, asking her forgiveness. "Ais... I truly think there was, that there is something here." he murmured, moving another step closer to her so that he was close enough to touch if she wished to lean back into him. "I can never apologize enough. I was scared, I've been on my own for so long that all this came so quickly. And I was worried that you would go back to you pack and realize that you didn't need me anymore" he said slowly, eyes looking back down to the ground as his voice slowly got softer the more he spoke until it just drifted away. He didn't know what he could say to make her understand that it wasn't her that he was running from, it was himself and if he could have he would have taken her with him in a heart beat. He didn't ever want to be away from her again.

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-04-2013, 10:07 PM


Her ears perked at the sound of foot steps drawing closer. He was stepping toward her, closing the gap between them. She didn't like it. She still did not look at him, she didn't want to see the look in his eyes, whether it be good or bad. "Ais... I truly think there was, that there is something here." Her head snapped toward him, lips curling to reveal her rows in incisors. "Oh yeah? Then why did ya leave Friction? Was commitment too much for ya ta handle?" Words dripped off her toungue like venom. She noticed he came closer, leaving just enough space for her to lean on him if she wished! Ha! He was an idiot. She snapped toward him, teeth seeking to graze his pelt. She wasn't out to draw blood, just shoo him away so she could have her personal space back. He thought he could just invade her bubble without any consequences? He needed to think twice. He went on, begging for her forgiveness, giving her some sap story about how it was him, not her. "You thought wrong mate. I DID need you, and ya weren't there. Do you know how miserable i've been? Don't know if ya can tell, but i'm pregnant, with YOUR child. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Ya didn't even botha to come check on me, yet you gave me this speech about how ya wanted to be in the pups life. What am I supposed to believe now?" She turned away from him again, tears swelling up in her eyes. Great, now he was making her cry? This was an awesome reunion with her baby daddy.


04-05-2013, 11:33 AM

She bared her fangs at him but he didn't retreat, didn't move away from her. She she qished to strike him then he would let her, he knew that he deserved all the rage she was throwing at him and he would take it silently. Commitment? Was it what had scared him away? Not the commitment to her, that hadn't been it at all. But he wasn't sure how to explain that or make her understand, though he knew that she may never understand. She had probably always been in a pack, always had wolves to love her and care for her. His first year of life had been like that, 2 more years had been watching his family fall apart and his mother sink into madness after Maze had either died or left them. His siblings had scattered. He had only known Zara well enough and Cynrik at times but the rest he rarely had seen and no longer knew if any of them were alive. His last memory of family was acompying his mother with Zara back to Anoki so she could be burried with her brother. He had thought he had known love for a short time, had even had a mate but the flood had taken her... After that it had been looking out for himself. It was hard to change a mentality you had for 2 years in one day. But he loved her and he was here now. It had taken him a month to change that mentality but he had and he wanted nothing more then to be with her.

She snapped at him again and he felt teeth rip out a chunk of fur but he allowed it, gaze steady as he let her take her rage out on him. Slowly he sank back onto his haunches, giving her that much needed personal space though still staying close enough that he could touch her if he reached out. Her words hurt more then her teeth ever could and ears remained folded back against his skull in shame. He didn't interupte her as she spoke, letting it all come rushing at him in a torrent of words and emotions. For a long moment he didn't speak, instead lifting his gaze to watch the tears fall from her eyes. He wanted so much to wrap his neck around her, to lick away those tears and make her feel better. But at the same time he knew that he was the reason for those tears... Would she be better off without him? He never wanted to cause her this pain. "I can never say I'm sorry enough, I can never take back what I did... We both know that" he said slowly, ears slowly lifting and turning towards her. "Ais I would gladly take any punishment you wish to give if it would take away this pain... I never wanted to hurt you like this and I never want you to feel this way again." he said softly, muzzle reaching out a bit to try and get her to look at him but he gave her her space and didn't touch her.

"I don't know what I was doing, I was running from myself but there wasn't a moment that I wasn't thinking about you. I know now that when we were talking about the pups and your pack and seeing them that I wouldn't be able to see you or them for quite some time without joining your pack... And that terrified me." He paused for a breif moment, drawing in a shuddering breath. He had never really spoken about his insecurities or short comings with anyone other then his mother before, not even his mate. But he knew that if he wanted Aislyn that he was going to have to fight for her. "If I could have I would have taken you with me, it was never you that I was running from or the responsibilities of having a child with you. I can't even begin to explain what I felt when I met you but whatever it was is the reson I'm back here. Its the reason my heart is breaking over the sight of you crying and knowing that I caused those tears. I NEVER wanted you to feel this way. Ever." Words were quiet, tone hushed so she knew he was talking just to her. His eyes had gone from pleading to steady, trying to get her to understand that this was so far from what he wanted. "Ais if you would let me I'd never leave you again, I would spend every minute trying to figure out what it is I felt, we felt when we met. I would do everything in my power to make sure you never have to cry again. I would do anything you asked of me to make this better. Even if that meant leaving you... Just ask..." he said, voice starting off determined but as her spoke of leaving his voice faded. It would kill him to have to leave her now...

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-06-2013, 12:57 PM


She didn't know what the hell to do. Mind swirled into new directions, thoughts wandering into new scenarios. She could feel tuffs of fur between her jaws, each strand tickling her toungue as she spat the wad out. She didn't like this feeling, the feeling this man put inside her. She wasn't one to strike, yet here she was, tearing fur off his hide. What about him drove her so mad? Why did she feel a burning passion within her every time he came around, whether it was a good, or bad, feeling? She just couldn't figure it out. The ivory dame inhaled deeply through her nose, sucking up all the tears and snot that had been formed from her sadness. No, she was stronger than this. She wouldn't let hormones win this time, no, not today. She couldn't let him see the pain she felt inside. She listened to him speak. He apologized again, then proposed a deal. He would take any punishment she threw at him? What did he think she was, some dictator? She couldn't punish him, he had honestly done nothing wrong. He had answered her call, had done the one thing she needed, then left. What did she expect, to fall in love? It was an idiotic idea. She honestly had no reason to be mad, yes they felt sparks, but who was to say it would go any where? No one.

Her mind considered all the possible punishments that she could inflict upon him. Hurt him? Maim him? Emotionally destroy him? Banish him from their pup? Every option seemed so harsh, so brutal. So what could she possibly do? Nothing. There was no punishment, there was nothing she could do that would change the past. "I won't punish you Friction, you don't deserve it. I was an idiot for thinking there was something between us. Why should I be mad at you? I had called you for one thing, and when ya came, I thought there was more to our story. Was I wrong? Possibly. Do I want to be wrong? Dunno now. And you speak of my pack like it is some unforgiving place. I told you from the beginning, you would be allowed to see your child, whether that was by ma side within Valhalla or not." She paused for a moment, listening to his next statement. Had he forgotten who she was? She would have never been able to leave with him, especially not while she was involved with Cairo. She shook her head, icy gaze lifting to meet his own. "Have you forgotten who I am Friction? I am the beta here, I've even been the alpha for a short time. This is my home, my forever home. I might have been an outcast in the beginning, but now, this is my family. No man would take me away from that. How dare you even consider taking me away from here. I've lived the loner life, I've been on my own for over two years. Valhalla took me in even though I had no potential, no friends, no companions. I hadn't talked to another soul in over a year, yet Cairo took me in with open arms. Can you find that out there Friction? Because I've searched, so please, tell me if I was doing something wrong during those years before I came across these borders." She paused for a quick second, letting that information sink in. If you never want me to feel this way, then why did you come back? Why continue to screw with my emotions? You either want me, or you don't want me." She glared daggers at him, ears folded flat against her skull.

He went on, saying he would never leave her side if she allowed it. Her ears perked forward. So, he did want her after-all? Her eyes closed as she thought all this over. She tried for a moment to envision them together. Then she saw it; him, her. Their child. The happy little trio enjoying autumns last breath of warmth. Orange and yellow leaves falling to the forest floor around them as she watched their baby chase them, crunching them with his or her paws when he or she caught them. The ivory dame would smile and look toward her lover, Friction, who would be sitting close enough so she could lean against his large frame. And she would. She would allow him to envelope her with his warmth as they laid outside the mouth of their den, carefully watching their only child. Whether they would be mates she didn't know. Everything would be perfect... Or would it? She snapped back into reality, eyes opening to meet Frictions. She wanted it, she wanted to vision to be a reality. She needed it. Time was creeping up on her fast, before she knew it she would be 13 years old and on her death bed. A heavy sigh built up inside her and was released. "Come, Friction. If you're ready to commit, then join me, here, in Valhalla. But, know this; if you chose to reside here this will be your forever home. You will not leave the borders without me, nor will you leave the pack and become a loner. Period. You will stay with me in my den and stand by me as my... well... boyfriend I suppose. Maybe sometime in the future there could be something more? But for now, I will accept you back into my life, and we will see where it goes." She turned away from him. She was anxious to get back to her den, she was feeling a bit under the weather and very tired. A nice nap was in order. Her head swung back as she looked at him, head motioning him to follow her.

-Exit and end unless stopped-

OOC: We can start another thread where they begin to fall in love :D


04-06-2013, 01:44 PM

Through all her confusion and emotional turmoil he sat and waited, allowing her to mull his words over and eventually deal out any punishment that she saw fit. But she didn't, her words tumbled out and he slowly looked away. He wasn't to the point yet where he wanted to share everything with her, tell her everything about his family and pack. Her family and pack could have been the warmest, most loving place ever and it would still terrify him to the core. He had never been in a group larger then his family and really only thrived in one on one encounters. Had he forgotten who she was? Of course not, that was why he hadn't asked her to come with him as much as he had wanted to but once again mouth remained shut. She would make her decision soon enough... He either wanted her or he didn't? Wasn't it obvious? He was back and pleading with her to give him another chance, he wanted her back more then anything. Then there was silence after his last statement and he remained seated, waiting for her final judgement. That would be it after this after all, she would either accept or reject him. Finally a sigh was released and she gave him his ultimatum. Words ricocheted around in his skull, each one dropping like stones on his shoulder. Was this what commitment really was? Having to give up everything you knew for the one you loved? He had spent 2 years wandering and exploring. Could he give it all up right here and now for this female he had only met once before? To never leave these lands without her and forever remain at her side? He felt that heavy weight settle on his shoulders even as stood and followed her back into Valhalla lands.
