
Herne Destruction


02-10-2015, 05:02 PM

Herne Destruction is one of the pups in the first Novella and Frith litter and is up for adoption again now. His profile is here and he has an adult table here and here and will likely get more gifts! He would be a year old now, and so far he's been played as a quiet and timid boy so would make sense for that trait to remain but for the most part his personality is up to you. If you go inactive for any reason with talking to me or Kat first we will take him back without warning.

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<b>RP sample:</b>



5 Years
06-20-2015, 10:32 PM
Dudesssssssssssss someone needs to adopt Herne! He's so cute, just look at his little face!
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
06-21-2015, 08:54 PM
Personality: Herne may seem small, but he is very intimidating and to the point. Despite his bold personality, he is still kind and willing to help those whoever need it the most. He is always up to make friends, and if you get in between him and his friends/family, you will wish that you would have left this young man alone. He won't be a fighter, he will just stay out of the way and let those who are better at the skill handle the dirty work, while he is off hunting. He is known for being a perfectionist, everything will have to be perfect in his eyes, and, if one thing stands out of place, it will be his duty to make it right again. Some downsides to his personality, he will be rather cocky and say that he can handle everything that he is put up against, but, that will only make him do poorly and cause him to be anxious and hyper, causing everything he does to backfire and spin out of control. He is ill-tempered, rambunctious and hyper, making him rather bossy, but, despite the downsides, he will still be a kind wolf and is always one to make friends.

Plans: Explore around Alacritis, making new friends and when he gets older, have a possible mate at his side. He will be more of a hunter and healer skill wise, and, due to this, help anyone who is injured or needs his assistance, whether personality is good or bad.

RP sample: Herne bolted off across the landscape, tail held high as the tip flicked from side-to-side. He barked happily, knowing that he would be alone and he could explore and due anything that his heart desired. His dark coat blended into the surrounding foliage, making him stand out the most. The young brute heard birds chirping, raising his cranium upright and tilting his head in curiosity. What kind of birds are these? Who are their names? Where are they going? All these questions surrounded his mind as a butterfly landed on his nose.

Seeing the flying insect, he lowered his eyes and gave a small bark, causing his head to shake and make the insect fly away from sheer shock. Herne laughed. Why would this little creature be terrified of him? He was only curious and wanted someone to play with. With a roll of his eyes, he continued onward. Where he was going, Herne hadn't a clue, but, he did know one thing: he was determined to find someone to play with, whether the thing he wished to play with be older than him or the same species as him.

The sound of an upcoming water source intrigued him. The water ran down across the rocks, smacking against them as it roared, reverberating around his lobes. The brown wolf walked over to the stream and lapped at the frigid liquid, claws digging into the earth so that he did not plummet into the water. When he quenched his thirst, he lied down and placed his head upon his paws, closing his dual colored eyes and rested, at least when he woke up he would be able to play with someone, at least he hoped.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



3 Years
06-22-2015, 05:51 AM
Personality: Some habits never do change, for this young Destruction has clung desperately to his quiet and timid nature.  Every word that is seldom spoken by him is savored and well-thought out, showing more logical sense than some his age can even muster in seconds.  A,ongst his good traits, there is a way of him quickly learning and showing quite a bit of intellect for his age.  It seems his will to think is quite strong, showing he would make an excellent peace-keeper in future times.  He has matured a little since his childhood, but he still yet tries so very hard to be kind and giving to others.  In reality, he may not really care, yet Herne has hopes that the kindness he shows will come back and do him and his family's name well.

Perhaps one of the Destruction's biggest downfall is that he is very laid back and somewhat lazy.  In the sense of laid back, he's very open and accepting of all lifestyles, even those that revolve around murder and killing.  When Herne encounters one of these vastly different wolves, he... sucks up to them.  This may be his cause of death someday.  If you try to force him into getting his butt off the ground to hunt, you may as well go hunt alone.  He will complain and whine, using his body's shape as an excuse not to go hunting.  Also a hopeless romantic, he may never find a mate, for lack of sentiment and truly wanting to love everyone equally and be fair.  The boy has the behavior of an omega, somewhat submissive and willingly accepting the short end of the stick for the better of others.

Plans: Herne will continue living in Threar, but occasionally make expeditions out beyond their territories to see what wolves it has to offer.  He may never take a mate, due to his nature, but he may take companions or perhaps adopt orphaned pups.

RP sample: Putting his nose low to the ground, Herne took in the scents of the borders... which smelled so strongly of waters and brimming with life.  There were the memories of distant passerby imprinted on the territory's edges, pawprints pressed into the mud and dried into it forever.  Absently, the small boy placed his own foot on one of the footsteps, wondering if he had made it.  It encircled his foot perfectly, every contour fitting the curve of his pads.  Flicking his tongue out to lick his chops in thought, a chocolate brown head would tilt, amber-esque eyes blinking as he stared at the many prints in the mud.  How were there so many?

'This place has been here for ages...' he thought, realizing how dry and dusty this stretch of dirt was.  To him, every print in the mud was a symbol of strength... of surviving.  How else would they have lasted?  He, himself, was a symbol of strength and survival.  He had outlasted puphood and now he was running into the harsh real world.  Not with a crashing start, of course, but a start nontheless.

A small whimper laced through the air, reaching the inquistive Destruction.  Herne tilted his head and began to stalk toward the source, every step measured and careful.  No sound was made, as if even the forest hushed to help the chocolate-laden male hear.  Another whimper echoed off the trees, this time louder.  Savoring his word, the boy gave a small cry, "H-Hello...?"  The sound of his voice, now a deep baritone compared to his girlishly adorable annoying voice as a child, reverberated all around, leaving the forest in a strange silence.  Yet another call came, but it was one of distress.  Picking up the pace, Herne could barely fathom what had stumbled into Threar territory.  It had to be a pup of someone's!

Forest branches and bushes would shift away from the small boy as he hustled toward the sound. In a clearing, there was one pup... barely two months old, wandering in circles and giving mournful cries. As soon as the child saw Herne was there, it instantly cowered and hid behind a rock. With a small coo, Herne smiled softly. "It's okay. I won't hurt you." Padding forth, he gently put his feet on the rock, licking the top of the pup's head softly. "Are you alone? An orphan?"

Silently, the pup looked up with bright blue eyes, and simply said one thing. "I'm not alone anymore. I'm with you!"


06-22-2015, 08:41 AM
With everything that he does Herne has a quiet sense of maturity. Because of this, even at a young age he takes after his father's natural calmness. He's an old soul for someone so young and can often he found deeply contemplating the world around him. He is careful in his actions and considers each and every thing he does before he does this. This sometimes seems like he is second guessing himself, but really he just wants to choose the option that is best for himself and everyone around him.

He is nothing if not kind and compassionate. He is a gentle soul and has a hard time imagining that there could possibly be any evil in the world. Whenever the occasion arises that he might have to encounter such evils it can momentarily shake him and disrupt his usually calm personality. He genuinely wants to see the good in everyone he meets.

Because of his parents and the pack he has been raised in he has a deep sense of appreciation for learning and the art of teaching. He wants to learn as much as he can out his chosen skills and then pass that knowledge on to those around him that want to learn. For him there is no higher calling than to be a teacher and mentor. Herne is quite laid back and happy go lucky for the most part. He enjoys joking around and playing with those close to him in his own quiet way. His humor is usually subtle and a lot of times his jokes are a bit over thought and tend to go over other wolves heads, but it's the thought that counts.

Definately want to keep him around Threar or at least where ever his parents and family are. I want him to learn a lot of stuff and eventually teach a lot of training sessions. I'd love for him to have some kind of super awkward, super adorable romance at some point too because feels.

RP sample
Deep chocolate-hued paws carried the thin-framed male through the territory of Threar, padding along the shore of the gentle falls that wind their way through the Sunset Falls. His dual toned eyes traced over the quietly bubbling water till a scent caught his attention. Herne's ears perked with interest and his head turned toward it, his paws fallowing suit. A small smile curled at his lips when he spotted the lavender that had caught its attention, quietly appreciating the beauty of the bright purple flowers blooming beautifully in a bright light that had broken through the tree coverage.

He carefully bit off several sprigs of the flowering herb and then gathered it up to carry back to his den. Just as he was about to turn and walked away he stopped at looked at the plant that he had just harvested from. There was still plenty of lavender left for it to keep flourishing. After considering it carefully for a moment he sat down the lavender that he had collected before walking over to one of the trees near him. He hopped up onto his hind legs and propped his forepaws up on the trunk so he could reach up and take down one of the larger leaves from its branches.

Herne dropped back down to all fours and walked over to the stream that he had been walking beside moments before and settled onto his stomach on its bank so that his forepaws were just barely hanging over into the cool water. Setting the leaf he had collected between his paws, he carefully curled the leaf so he could take two edges between his teeth and then the two edges opposite those so that it formed a little pouch. He then carefully dipped his creation into the water and let the water flow into the little bundle thorough the gaps in the sides. After a few moments he slowly pulled himself back onto his paws and slowly walked back to where the lavender was. Tipping his head, he let the water he had collected sprinkle down around the base of the lavender stalks till the dirt around them was lightly moist. He put down the leaf with a satisfied smile and picked up his harvested lavender again.



5 Years
07-01-2015, 09:21 AM
Shelby gets Herne!
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]