
again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 05:26 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

A literal colossus, the starry woman strides languidly. Immense paws would strike the stone beneath her with little care as to the noise she made. The celestial behemoth swept her gaze over the scenery that surrounded the summit of the peak. She couldn't quite make it to the top, but it was of no consequence to the giant. As she reached maturity, her body filled out noticeably. Kohl rimmed optics remained half-lidded with contented relaxation. She'd made the trek up here, and now she was going to enjoy the wonders this peak had to offer her. It was a lovely day, though beginning to get colder now. The sun was descending past its midday height, drooping toward the horizon as it prepared to leave them behind for the night. Her galactic pelt was much thicker now, adding volume in preparation for winter. The dark violet hues were far more laden with pale strands, as her markings became more prominent with the added bulk of fur. She looked like she'd been plucked straight from the cosmos.

She would probably have to bring her little family further north so they didn't suffocate in the heat of the southern areas. The east would be too muggy to rightfully remain there, as well. The north would be just fine, she decided. Maybe they should claim a forest for themselves during the winter months, so they wouldn't be subjected to the harsher elements. The gods knew the little Hobbit wouldn't be able to withstand the biting wind nearly as well as herself and Mith would. A low hum would rumble in her chest as she pondered this. Yes, she'd have to scout out a good northern area to turn into a base of operations. That way, when things got too out of hand, they would all know where to go to be safe. Mithras, with all his bravado and foolishness, would try to stick it out on his own. Worry his sister sick, that little ass would. Speaking of which, she really needed to round those two up soon and take them with her to find a good place. Always better to make decisions together.

The rush of water falling below her was a rooting presence, the torrent kept her mind from wandering too far. She let her train of thought chug off into the back of her mind, focusing once more on the landscape far below. Further to the north, snow was clearly visible. To the south, all was still blissfully warm. The cosmic goliath stretched, muzzle pointing to the sky above as she pulled at the muscles in her neck and shoulders. This was a strange land, with strange wolves who didn't have any colours like she did. Were there any others out there like herself? Or were she and her little band of family complete abnormalities? There was a brief pang of hurt in her chest, flaring up like arthritis in old joints. Sosicles, Adieun. Gods, they were dead. It really struck the dame, up here, so far from the world. All she had left were those two, Faria and Mithras. Her brothers were dead, and her parents with them. Why hadn't they made a better effort to save them? She and Mith could have fucking tried to do something but instead they'd just followed their parents orders, like soldiers. They'd run, and hadn't bothered to look back. Faria, sweet thing that she was, had abandoned her own family to follow.

A shuddering breath was pulled into her lungs. She blinked away the sting in her eyes.

At least she had them, and it was her duty to care for the only family she had left. The distant calls of migrating birds rang through the air just below her perch. Life went on, just the same. Starry plume thumped lightly against the stone below her feet, stirring a few scattered pebbles. She shook out her ruff, scanning the valley floor. Maybe she should seek out something to eat, and go searching for her brother. Winter was fast approaching, and it was never too early to start looking for a good place to settle for the cold months. Glancing around her, the woman thought of getting to her feet. However, the peacefulness of her surroundings made her think better of it, settling back down with a light shrug of her shoulders. She'd do it later, when it wasn't so nice up here.



8 Years
06-04-2015, 05:45 AM

The man had spent quite a while staring at the odd colored wolf from distance. He didnt really want to speak to any one but the solitude was driving him crazy. He had been alone before and hadnt particularly liked it, but things had happened between now and then. Then the only thing that had mattered to him was healing and helping others, now he loved a woman and could care less is someone needed his help. Sure he was still a patient wolf and he still loved to help others but when he fell for Callisto and she threw it back in his face Max had wanted to rip his heart iut and stop caring.

He had been unable to accomplish being heartless and uncaring. He kept going back to a promise he had made to his mother and to the feelings he had for a woman who would sooner act as though he didnt exists than speak to him. Friends however were not high on his list and herb hunting wasnt up there either. Sure he still searched for them and had tons of herbs in his den but he had no one to help so he wast sure what the point was anymore. Habbit perhaps?

Finally Maximous would move from were he was sitting. He had made up his mind and hoped that she wouldnt kill him for intruding on her space, yet in the same instance didnt care if she did. He was split in half, his head didnt care anymore but his heart still begged him to go back to the way he was with Callisto. So he stayed somewere in the middle of his feelings. "Hello" he would speek the greating as he drew closer.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



7 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2015, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2015, 09:44 PM by Caia.)

our words are broken but they're spoken aloud

Her musings were interrupted. A foreign voice, accented with the usual tones of this land. It was a gruff greeting, far from interesting. Amethyst gaze flicked to the figure, looking over her shoulder. A dark pelted male, not that impressive in size. She detected the faint scent of herbs. He was quick to dismiss. A grunt was offered in reply, tail tip flicking absently. The sound was punctuated by a soft curl to her lip, almost in disdain. He bore violet markings upon his brow, but she was far from intrigued at this point. Shoulders hunched against a sudden breeze. Celestial pelt was ruffled by the buffeting currents, earning a disgruntled mutter of profanity. The chill bit against her hide. For once she was displeased by it. A growl rumbled low in her chest, scowl directed at the horizon. Why did she have to have a conscience? Mith and Ria were completely content to wander to their hearts' content, without checking in once. She'd once gone weeks without speaking to anyone, simply going on an adventure and disappearing entirely. All of the sudden she felt all this worry, this need to protect everyone. Teeth flashed in a silent snarl, tongue swiping over her fangs irritably. It wasn't fair, being the older one. She felt like she owed it to her parents, to make sure Mithras lived as long as possible. Ria too, she had given it all up for them, she deserved to be cared for.

The steady breath and musk of the other remained. Bodice stilled, gaze finding his form once more. "I can help you?" She snapped, hardened expression made accusing by a raised brow. He obviously didn't want to leave, did he want something? To ask of her origins, perhaps? Pester her with endless questions? She wasn't in the mood anymore, for someone to blather on about this or that. She wanted to stop having all of this guilt weighing down upon her. Violet toned body turned slowly, the flex of muscle under skin rippling beneath her cosmic derma. She faced him openly, dark toned limbs spangled with tiny pinpricks of ivory and violet, galaxies scattered carelessly across her skin. Kohl rimmed eyes pinned a stare upon him, waiting for his reply.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



8 Years
06-22-2015, 09:58 PM

At first all she would do was look at him and then act like she hadnt seen or heard him. She seemed to get activated a few times while hee stood there depating on weather he should give up on socialising, take a note from this space colored woman and act like he never said anything. Just walk away and act like he had seen no one.

Hell she wouldnt be the only female who had given him the cold shoulder, nor would she be the first to doslike him. Sadly for the both of them the odd colored female would turn and snap att him before he could make up his utterly confused mind. The wat she snapped her question at him, led Max to believe she wasnt from here. Luckily he new what she was asking.

Silently an eyebrow would be raised as he thought for a moment. After a few seconds he was sure there was only one answer to her question. "Unless you can make the woman I love not hate me, then no you cant." he had come here to be simi social....Maximous was learning quite quickly that it may not havee been his best choice.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-03-2015, 04:02 PM

ooc. this took me eons and I apologize profusely I've been suuuper busy stressing about school and working lately D:

The male seemed a little startled by the manner in which she addressed him, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Not hard enough, as was made evident by the irritated manner in which her gaze drifted skyward for a moment. The energy it had taken to turn about and face him openly seemed suddenly like a waste. When he finally did speak, his words made no sense whatever. Lip curled upwards as she furrowed her brow, trying to discern the meaning of this speech. A soft exhale would form a barely audible huh? At the very least, he was questioning her abilities. That in itself made her want to lash out. What was this about making a woman love him? Audits would flatten against her skull. No man should force anything upon a woman, it was not his choice what her feelings about him were. Was this really what he was asking of her? Was the query rhetorical? That would make a whole lot more sense. She was by no means dumb, but the celestial titan was gobsmacked by the sentence he had spoken. What the fuck had he just said? Staring at him for a moment longer, she decided this conversation was a pointless endeavour. Rather than reply, she opted to snort derisively at him and turn away again.

A wall of muscle and disturbed hackles separated her stormy expression from the eyes of the stranger. glaring out at the horizon, she watched the clouds roll across the sky. The leaves of the trees far below rustled mutely. She watched the pale undersides flash intermittently at her from hundreds of feet away. Hunching her shoulders, she lowered her crown towards her chest. For now, she was content to wallow in her anger and misery, and hope that the stranger left her be. However, if he were to continue vaguely insulting her skills and abilities, she would be happy to turn this encounter into a brawl. It would be no skin off her nose.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
08-04-2015, 08:00 PM

The woman would give an annoyed expression in the small amount of time it had taken Max to, more or less, tell her there was nothing that she could possibly help him with. After he stopped speaking she seemed as though he had personally insulted her, though he wasn't sure how he had managed that. An almost inaudible huh would escape her only seconds before her features would go from mildly irritated to utterly insulted. Her ears would flatten as a snort would escape into the air around them. Then as if to prove her unspoken point she would turn her back on him only to lower her head and look miserable.

One of Max's ears would lay down while the other would stay perked and an eyebrow would rise as he tried to figure this woman out. Why on earth would she be so touchy about something that had nothing to do with her....unless she knew who he was based on a description. No, that couldn't be it. If Calli couldn't stand to speak to him, much less look at him, then there was no way she would have complained to another about him was there? A sigh would escape him just before words would. "I don't know how I've managed to agitate you. Hell I don't know how I managed to make the other woman hate me either." A groan would find its way out in aggravation, how was he ever going to stop caring about what everyone feels if he kept trying to fix it every time he offended someone. "Look, I'm sorry ok. All I meant was that you cant help me because I cant even help me. Trust me I've tried, the results are always the same."

His face would hold aggravation for a few more moments before he would recall how upset she had been simply by him saying hello. Another sigh would be let out and he would take a few small steps toward her before asking a question of his own. "Are you alright? When I got here you seemed....upset. I didn't cause all of that did I." the last bit wasn't a question but, it could have seemed as though it was a question.

OOC: Its all good, I understand getting busy with life.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)