
Sing my Name



2 Years
06-13-2015, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 06:48 PM by Juliette.)
she is in her first heat (;
no darker wolves please, this is for a fun/laid back time

The goal had originally been to make her way out to visit the islands lining the coastline, swim her way out there and learn about what they had to provide and what kind of creatures inhabited them. It would seem that it would have to wait however, winter's grip on the land not appearing to loosen its hold anytime soon. It was unfortunate but the girl didn't mind waiting a bit for it to warm up, making her little trips much more enjoyable. The wind was blowing quite wildly by time the lone female had arrived to a tunnel making its way into the side of a mountain, pausing as a wave of heavy snowfall was thrown into her face. She grumbled, eyes closing to keep herself from going blind. Thankfully she would be inside within seconds and able to keep warm for some time before she headed back out. With a shake of her head the woman turned her back to the nasty weather, dark paws carrying her into the dark tunnel. It would take a few minutes of walking before she finally found herself within a small cave, escaping those blistering winds, but still a bit cool. She would take the time to shake herself off, dismissing the thin blanket of white that had collected along her body.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-13-2015, 07:32 PM
The girl had been sticking to this particular area since her return. The excitement and the wonders of the cave she had found keeping her here. Except this time, she had been outside trying to hunt until a wild storm suddenly popped up, making her lose the mouse she had been hunting. Surprised, she ran back blindly towards the cave, though she knew exactly where it was since she practically lived here among all the pretties. She ran full pelt, her eyes narrowed as her little body scurried over the ground just like the mouse she had been chasing. Though why she was chasing a mouse was beyond her. She hadn't been taught how to hunt in the first place, so she figured she just had to run after everything and hope that she'd get it...which didn't always work.

Dashing into the cave, she happened to run straight into the stranger, perhaps bowling her over in the process though she herself would fly over her in an ungraceful heap of fur and snow. Confused, she picked herself up and shook the snow off of her. "Brr!" When most of it was off, she turned around to face the thing she had flown over. To see what caused her to nearly face plant in her own mess. Ears perked and her eyes shone as her tail began to wag madly. She had a visitor! Excitement bubbled in her at the prospect of having someone to play with! "Hi! Who are you? How did you get here? What's your name? Are you lost? My name is Ashelia!" Words flew from her lips almost back to back in a flurry. The girl too excited to speak at a normal pace.



2 Years
06-25-2015, 01:03 PM

Juliette was just going to make her way deeper into the caverns to keep warm, but someone was coming in fast with different plans. One moment she was padding down the entrance tunnel, and the next she was thrown forward all of a sudden, face-planting into the hard ground. At first she gasped once she had lost balance, but when it came to actually making contact with the ground she was silent for a few moments after. Finally, when it seemed like the other creature had noticed she was there, that was when the woman started to stir. Paws spread out to either side of her head, picking the front half of her body off the ground slowly, face scrunched up in pain.

It was around this time that the other female who had run into Juliette had questions filling the air, greeting Jule, asking who she was, how she got here, what her name was, was she lost, and finished with giving her name. Juliette was not paying attention at all while the girl ran her mouth, more so focused on the weird feeling in her nose. Was that... was that blood? She froze for a moment, going cross eyed briefly before lifting a paw to rub at the end of her snout, pulling it away to see if it was in fact blood. "Shut the hell up!" She finally snapped, head swinging around to glare at the girl, fangs showing.

The woman was not in any way going to attack Ashelia, no no, she was just pissed right now. "Look at my nose?!" She barked, sitting back on her hindlegs and using her forepaws to point towards her face. "My nose is bleeding!" Jule lightly touched it, wincing a little bit but more so just displeased that it was bleeding above all else. "Go get me a leaf or something." She licked at her paws to try and clean the blood off, keeping one pressed on it as she cleaned the other then switching.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-02-2015, 02:44 AM
Yes, she had caused the girl to tumble. Ashelia hadn't thought about it really before the words flew from her mouth, though it quickly shut when the woman yelled at her to shut up. Clamping her jaws shut, she stared wide eyed as she leaned back. She could have sworn the woman just roared...did wolves do that?

Her ears fell back as she stared at the woman. Her nose was bleeding! Oh gosh, Ashe hadn't mean to do that no no! "I'm, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Almost immediately her lip began to quiver, eyes growing huge as the beginning of a tear began to form. The classic puss in boots look. However, it was quickly put away as she was told to get the woman something for her face, and do that she would.

Ashe knew exactly where to go! So jumping to her feet, she raced outside towards a group of trees and shrubs that grew against the mountainside and plucked a broad leaf from a red maple tree that had some leaves that clung to the tree for dear life, and she raced back inside. She dropped that leaf at the womans paws, then raced outside again into the snow. If the woman's nose was bleeding, maybe she needed something cold to help too! Snowballs always made Ashelia feel better, so they'd make her feel better too right?! With a heavily wagging tail, Ashe rolled herself the perfect snowball, and began nosing it towards the woman. As she rolled it, it grew slightly bigger until it was nearly her own size, and she sat it in front of her. "Stick your nose in this! It'll feel much better!" She barked.



2 Years
07-11-2015, 05:58 PM

Juliette had not been paying much attention to the other girl's reaction towards her yelling, focusing on keeping pressure on her nose and trying to clean any blood dripping down her snout. Ears swiveled at her voice though, taking notice to her apologizing and how she didn't mean to do it. “Why were you even running?!” She barked, more so rhetorical, not wanting an actual answer and just really voicing her own annoyance at the whole thing. Whatever, the girl huffed and turned to the side just as the other female jumped to her paws and took off down the entrance tunnel, hopefully with something for her nose.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps Jule would turn back around, watching with golden eyes as the female dropped a large leaf to the ground then turned and headed back out. Eyes narrowed in defiance at first, not wanting to take the leaf at first simply because it was from the one who did this to her, but ultimately decided she would take it. So with a low growl she removed her paws and carefully picked the leaf up between them and wrapped it awkwardly around her nose, applying some more pressure while the girl was out.

Suddenly she was confused when the girl came back, nosing what looked like a ball of snow, slowly growing bigger the more it moved through the blanket of snow. The heck? She just stared at it till the girl was in front of her, looking up and down as she explained that Juliette should put her nose in it to make it feel better. ”Stick my nose, in that?” She questioned with obvious doubt, looking down at the snowball then slowly lifting her gaze to the stranger. Her eyes narrowed briefly but soon she would give in and remove the leaf, lowering her head and poking at the ball enough to where there was a dip, then went on to stick her nose in it. The blood pretty much stopped oozing, leaving just a few stray drops now.