
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-04-2015, 11:18 PM

Cascade had been thinking.

A dangerous proposition, at times, since her devious mind had a way of getting her - and everyone else - in trouble, but a thought and a certain discontent had been brewing since Vana had brought Valen to her, since she'd seen his hurt and his anger, and the trust he had put in her to share that and to let her see that and help him... And she had reached one very important conclusion: if she was really Valentine's friend, she could not sit back and do nothing while fool wolves ran roughshod over his emotions. The idea of seeing his heart ripped apart by some bitch too selfish to see what Valentine was, what he could be... or some male - she wasn't blind enough or stupid enough not to know about his proclivities. The point was, she just could not justify lazing around in a simple warrior's role when she could be doing more for him, when at any moment along could come some useless, heartbreaking wretch to steal him away and chain him down because she hadn't been there to support him properly.

He needed a partner.

The history they shared tied her to him beyond a casual relationship. She would survive if she lost him, because she had always foremost been a survivor, but she could not imagine life without him. Of everyone in the pack, only she had been there from the very start of it, had known him before he'd been king. The pups they shared, eldest of all Valen's children and the only children Cascade would bear, raising them together, seeing them grow to be so much like Valen. She hadn't truly realized how much he meant to her as a friend, as family, as... more, until the night he'd comforted her over Neios. How strange that from such a loss grew this new awareness, and this determination to ensure that he never need suffer heartbreak. He and their children were the only creatures in the world she would be willing to die for.

Rolling her shoulders to loosen them, she sauntered to the center of the range, confidence in every aspect of her being. She would be doing what was necessary today, and while she hadn't exactly discussed it with Valentine first, surely taking the initiative would be worth something. She'd prove herself to him in the way she knew best, by outright fighting for him, prove herself to be the best choice in partner for him. It would be hard giving up being a ranking warrior for anything, but she'd come to realize that Valentine was worth it. She'd stand down if he told her to, but until that time she was committed. Lifting her muzzle, she loosed a howl, sending a challenge over all of Imperium. She, Cascade Saxe, was challenging to be... Valentine's Queen, et uxor of Imperium. See if any of his playtoys would dare step up to challenge her bid!

CASCADE vs ? for RANK (ex utor)

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
06-05-2015, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2015, 11:00 AM by Atreides.)

The challenging howl lifted Atreides' head, and he stared blankly into the distance to where the howl had come from. Was that... Cascade? He knew her vaguely, she'd been there when they'd come to Imperium and she'd helped right after his dad had died, but he didn't know her well enough to know what this was all about. She and Valen had never seemed particularly like... loving, like his parents had been. More like really good friends. Though... she did have kids with Valen so maybe there was more there than he'd seen in those very brief times he'd seen her. Whatever the case may be... A lazy grin lightly bared his teeth as he stretched to his paws and loped toward the call. Whatever the case may be, he wanted to see this! It was probably the most interesting thing to happen since... well, since the siege probably. Everyone seemed content to just stay put in their ranks, and he admired her bold move. Maybe he should take it as a good example, actually, and talk to Valen about actually doing something in the pack. Later, though. He wanted to enjoy the show.

He was the first spectator to show up, and as his gaze met Cascade's mismatched eyes he grinned at her, tongue flopping out. "I'm not here to challenge you for the spot, sorry," he teased. "Better not be, brat," came her mock-fierce reply as she eyed him, "You're too young to even consider being someone's mate!" He sighed in feigned disappointment. "Oh well. Maybe next year?" He dodged the playful swat she aimed at him and went to plop himself down on his belly far enough away to give her and any prospective challenger room.


Mercy I


5 Years

06-05-2015, 11:19 AM

The sound of Cascade's challenging howl brought her ears forward as her head rose in the direction of the caller. Ah, so she was going to claim her spot as Valentine's mate, was she? She hummed softly as she rose to her paws, padding slowly into the Range. She was not that far behind Atreides, and was just in time to watch Cascade swat at the boy. "I would hope you aren't fighting off a perspective challenger, Cascade." she mused softly, winking at the iridescent woman as her shoulders rolled slightly. But she was not here to challenge the woman, that was one rank that had never really captured her attention. She was a warrior, a fighter, and a lover who liked more than one male to warm her bed. No, she would let Cascade be for now. She had a lot of respect for the woman, and liked to consider her as a friend. No, Mercy was just here to watch and cheer on the purple woman. Plus, she was very interested to see who would challenge her. So she flopped down on her rump beside Trei, playfully trying to pat the top of his head.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-07-2015, 01:08 PM

Et Uxor. The wife. One day it had occurred to him that he needed an official mate, someone who was strong and capable, and who held and defended their position the same way he did. In other circles the position was given based on love and not suitability. Not everyone was cut out to be an alpha. Likewise, not everyone was cut out to be a secondary. After much thought he'd come up with the rank of Et Uxor, a position that complimented his own.

Trotting into the center of the Range, Valentine made a beeline for the small gathering. Eyes on Cascade, his eyebrows rose in a silent question. Was it possible to be both surprised and not surprised? Because Valentine was both. On the one hand, even though he couldn't explain his reasoning, he'd had a suspicion that Cascade might go for it, but on the other, he'd been certain she'd find the idea laughable and confining. "Bored, are we?" he teased. Of course she wasn't. Cascade was too crafty to do something like this on a whim. No, there was a reason behind her actions today. He didn't know what she was getting at or what was motivating her, but he knew there was more to it.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-07-2015, 05:52 PM

She'd kept her head down since returning to Imperium, her fight with Valentine had been a low point on her life, but surely she could not get any lower than she was. From now on life was going to look up, she would make sure of that. The call that Cascade sent out rocked her to her core. Rhythm wanted to be that wolf for Valentine, but was she willing to fight Cas for it. There was no doubt in her mind how impressive th eother woman was, a warrior for her whole life, the mother of Valentine's eldest of children, and she'd been with him for much longer than herself. She held all of the qualifications, but did she love him? Rhythm had held everything in Abaven, but she'd tossed it away with out hardly a second thought when Valen asked her to stay with him. Rhythm might have really messed up, might have lost faith in him for a moment, but she knew how great he could be. Cascade was not with out her mistakes either, though she wondered if she'd received the same reaction when she'd had Hati steal her as Rhythm did when she'd raced to her cousin's aide.

If Rhythm wanted to show Valentine how devoted she could be to him then she'd take up Cascade as an opponent. She had to hold up her confidence h=in herself, and she couldn't think of the odds as she slipped off the boulder in the knolls and loped to the Range where Cascade made her claim. She'd take a deep breath as she entered the clearing, determination lingering on her features as she faced Cascade, and saw little else of the wolves that already gathered there. Her delicate paws would carry her forward, taking in another breath she'd offer a respectful nod to the she wolf and her own words. "Cascade, I am here to contest your claim. Her defenses would set as she narrowed her gaze towards the woman. After everything that had happened between them she'd come to respect the dark woman. However Rhythm was not going to let her take that place at Valentine's side with out a fight.
Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 0 of 3?  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2015, 07:17 PM

The call rang out, and Esti found herself, for once, interested in the pack doings. She came to the area, thinking of why Cascade would challenge for such a spot. Esti had figured them to be similar in their love for Valentine, but accepting of their lack of exclusiveness. Had Cascade changed her mind? The thought surface, but Esti almost laughed. She didn't think the raven woman would ever try to make Valentine exclusive. The fact that she was calling a challenge made Esti want to answer it. She knew Cascade was the most qualified for the position, but she had no intention of just giving it away. Esti readied herself to answer the challenge and entered the clearing.

Surprise, surprise, Rhythm had answered the call before her. Esti wasn't disappointed in the slightest. She made her way to Valentine and called out to Cascade, "Hey, me next!" It wasn't that she didn't have much faith in Rhythm, it was just... she had less faith in Rhythm than in Cascade. What was the brown healer girl's position, anyway? She seemed too meek for Valentine. Was this his pet? Esti shot an interested, questioning look to Valentine. Surely neither of them would try to make Valentine their only mate, "Psst, Valentine? Will you still love me when this is over?" She questioned half-jokingly before turning to look at him, a toothy smile on her face, "Actually, you know what would be more fun than watching this fight?" Actually, probably nothing, but Esti reached a whisper between her teeth for only Valentine to hear, "Sleeping together." She looked away as if to play innocent, "Y'know, just a suggestion. Since the other two are tied up." Really this fight would probably be really fun to watch and Esti was invested. She was sure Valentine was too, however, she wouldn't turn him down if he went along with her suggestion. For now, Esti was equally thrilled at any outcome to this situation.




2 Years
06-08-2015, 03:28 PM

Imperium was certainly not a boring pack. There was always something going on, and by the sound of it today's something was a challenge. "Let's go see the fun, Bryn." It was all the invitation she was going to get. Bryn chirped excitedly and began to flutter her wings, hovering just above him as he stood. Kyarst gave her a final glance before setting off toward the sound of the howl, noting that others had already arrived to spectate given the number of scents in the area. "Go see who it is," he commanded, longing for answers even before he reached the arena. The bird sped away from him, and he swore he'd never seen her wings beat faster. It had been a while since he'd given her a job. She returned at once, given that there wasn't that much distance to cover in the first place. "Cascade and Rhythm, and it looks like someone else wants a part of the fun when they are done." He nodded, coming upon the scene only moments later. So, Cascade wanted to be Valen's significant other while Rhythm vied for the same spot. The other woman he didn't know, but he suspected it was another of Valentine's significant others'. Kyarst approached Valentine, but wouldn't get near enough to disturb him entirely. "Must be nice having women literally fighting over you," he commented to the cobalt Imperator before settling near Mercy. He rested into a seated position at her side, close enough for there to be conversation, but not close enough that anyone should raise a brow at them. He knew better than to start something with her now. "Did I miss anything good?" He would pose the question to her, half wondering why she wasn't challenging for the same position. It was the highest rank in Imperium besides the one Valentine held, and he knew of Mercy's desire for power and prestige.

"Kyarst talks,"
"Bryn talks,"

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-10-2015, 02:14 PM

Cas was amused by the antics of her packmates who appeared (which were numerous but her author is too lazy to reply to) but for a while it seemed she would not be challenged for the position after all which was... a disappointment. Valentine's teasing question gave her pause - was that the impression she gave? That everything she did, she did just for her own amusement? She did have a reason beyond just a giggle and play... but of course rather than clearing it up she just answered his teasing with a simple "Got to keep things interesting for Imperium, don't I?" But then lo! a Rhythm Destruction appeared, and Cascade's muzzle gaped in a grin that was decidedly... predatory. Esti chimed in with a "me next" (which earned a wink from Cas) and started trying to lure him into going off to make out while they were busy (which earned a snort of laughter and a dramatic rolling of Cascade's eyes) but Cascade wouldn't be distracted by the teasing. She had a job to do, didn't she?

Settling into her defenses, she slid her paws to a distance of a little over shoulder- and hip-width apart for a more solid stance, her joints bending to lower her center of gravity even as they went loose for more freedom of movement. Her weight she shifted to be evenly distributed to all four paws, her toes spreading for greater surface area, and her claws digging into the ground, ready to propel her into motion. Her shoulders she shrugged to loosen them, then rolled them forward as she drew back her head to bunch the skin of her scruff into rolls of fur and skin and fat. Her hackles rose, her tail leveling with her spine and her head dropping to complete the perfect line as her chin tilted in to protect her throat. Her ears dropped against her skull, her eyes narrowing though she made no attempt to wrinkle the skin of her face with still-healing wounds from her previous fight with Valen.

"You know I won't go easy on you," she laughed at Rhythm, sent a mental "sorry, Valen" toward the alpha, and then leaped forward.

Attempting to approach the smaller woman head on in bounding leaps, keeping it simple so they could finish this without her needing to chase the girl around for hours, she curved her left shoulder to the fore and sought to slam the sharp point of it upward into Rhythm's upper trachea, the front of her throat immediately under jawline, in an attempt to crush the girl's windpipe there. Hey, she'd said she wasn't going to go easy on her, right?

Simultaneously she attempted to bring her right forepaw down on top of Rhythm's left forepaw with a somewhat diagonal force from the center of the paw down toward the interior, seeking to drive the inner toes sideways as she pressed down in the hopes of cracking bones or harming the joints.

As she did, her head twisted toward her left side, seeking to land a bite on the top of Rhythm's back immediately behind her shoulders - with her upper teeth on the right side of Rhythm's spine and her lower jaw on the left side of Rhythm's spine - in an attempt to dig her teeth into the spine in the hopes of damaging the vertebrae enough to leave the girl in constant pain and gain a hard enough grip there with which to attempt to control her movements.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 1/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-10-2015, 10:31 PM
Sunday will be my best day to get my next post done <3

Rhythm couldn't listen to the chatter that went on around them, she was vaguely aware of Esti and the comment made to Cascade, but even less aware of Kyarst's arrival. Her focus had to be on Cascade, she had to win this. There would be no next turn. Her narrowed gaze wouldn't leave Cascades form, even with plenty of room between them she couldn't let her eyes off the other woman. Already her ears had fallen to her skull, her lips were pulled back as she exposed her fangs to the other woman. Rhythm would widen her stance slightly as she rolled her shoulders forward and bent her knees. She'd tuck her chin to couple with her scrunched neck splaying her toes she'd dig her claws into the dirt readying herself to save her traction. Rhythm's head would lower as she aligned her tail with her spine. "If you'd said anything else I wouldn't have believed you." She'd call back through her teeth as Cascade came rushing forwards.

Rhythm wouldn't waste anytime and as Cascade started to move Rhythm would attempt to also run at her opponent. However the girl's small form was not as easy to hit as what a larger target might be. At the last moment Rhythm would want to veer to her right and evade Cascade's attacks. She wasn't quite as fast as she thought though, Cas's pointed shoulder would land on Rhythm's left hip. Bone would collide with bone as a severe bruise blossomed where Rhythm's hip bone protruded from her side. She couldn't help but to pick up her leg at the pain, (and Redistributing the rest of her weight to the remaining three legs) and with that movement she'd mostly avoid Cascade's stomp. The other woman's claws were able to strike her inner two toes, causing an annoying scrape. Rhythm would also feel teeth at her rump as the purple woman's jaws clasped at her hips. She'd receive moderate puncture wounds in the fleshy part of her lower back as Cascade took hold of her.

A growl like none she'd ever uttered would bubble up from her chest as she felt the other woman draw first blood, but she wasn't about to stop now. She'd grit her exposed teeth through the pain and would attempt to slam down her left rear foot down on Cascade's extended right front foot. Rhythm would have very much been pleased by the sound of bone breaking beneath her as she aimed to stomp directly down at the woman's outer two toes. For added measure she'd try to scrape her claws down Cas's right foreleg on their way into her stomp.

At the same time she'd shift 75% of her weight into her left side, wanting to aid in her stomp as well as use the momentum to shove the pointed side of her left shoulder into Cascade's left side stomach. She'd aim right behind the woman's lower left ribcage wanting to drive her shoulder into the soft flesh, aiming for severe bruising and to drive the breath from her opponent. As well Rhythm would take aim for Cascade's spine. Rhythm wanted to tilt her head to the right (face pointing toward's Cascade's tail) and attempted to grab with her top jaws the left side of Cas's lower spine, a few inches above her hips while Rhythm's lower jaws sought purchase on the right side parallel to her upper jaw. Rhythm would want to bite down hard on her lower vertebrae, she'd want to sink her teeth deep into the flesh and cause massive pain, spinal contusions, and hopefully giving her more control over the larger wolf.
Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 1 of 3  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-13-2015, 01:47 PM

As Rhythm sidestepped sideways and rushed past so that Cas' shoulder struck her hip - causing a mild bruise of her own on the point of Cas' left shoulder when it struck bone - and her teeth sank into the girl's rump - a grip she immediately released in favor of attempting a better one in a more strategic location - Cascade curved her body and pivoted on her forelegs so that her hindlegs swung to the right, spinning like a dog chasing its tail but instead of chasing her own tail she was chasing Rhythm's. She sought to line the center of her chest up with Rhythm's left hip.

With her stomach moving away from Rhythm's attempted shoulder strike already, the jab lightly tapped her immediately behind her left-side ribcage halfway down. It would bruise, but mildly. Rhythm's teeth wouldn't close on Cas' spine either, but rather opened long, moderate gashes along the front of Cas' left hip starting just under her protruding hip bone. Her paw did not fare so well, with Rhythm's paw stomping down on Cas' right forepaw as she pivoted around it. Scraping her claws along Cas' foreleg drew welts, but also lessened the power behind the stomp, so when the smaller and lighter woman's paw landed upon the outer toes of Cas' right forepaw and mashed the toes, only moderate bruising resulted rather than fractures.

Cas answered Rhythm's growl with a low, wild laugh. Keeping her weight centered and evenly distributed on all four limbs despite the blood that dripped down her leg, her joints loose and her knees and elbows bent to lower her center of gravity. Head and tail both hovered level with her spine, and her shoulders hunched forward. Her chin tucked down to protect her throat, her hackles raising, and her ears pressing back as her eyes narrowed. She spread her toes, tentatively on her right forefoot until she decided the pain was not so bad as to prevent it, and drove her nails into the ground for grip.

Shifting her weight to her hindlegs she sought to rise up in an attempt to slam her sternum down on the top of Rhythm's hindquarters right behind her hipbones with the intention of causing painful bruising along the lower spine and pelvis. Her forelegs sought a grip around Rhythm's hips - her left foreleg attempting to grip in front of Rhythm's left hip, and her right foreleg seeking to hook over Rhythm's back to grip in front of Rhythm's right hip in an effort to jerk the lighter woman toward her and align her hips directly in front of Cascade. Simultaneously she sought once more to fasten her jaws around Rhythm's spine, this time midway between Rhythm's shoulders and her hips, with Cas' upper teeth aimed for the right side of Rhythm's back while her lower teeth sought to dig in on the left side with the intention of cracking the vertebrae though, at this point, she wouldn't be upset if her teeth managed to whoops slip and cut the spinal cord.

She kept the toes of her hind paws spread to balance, claws dug in and her knees bent to lower her somewhat, and her spent arched to give her leverage against being pushed over backward.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 2/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-15-2015, 09:18 PM

Her narrowed gaze never left Cascade's form, with her ears still pulled back against her skull and her hackles still reaching for the sky her defenses remained set. She'd suck the air into her lungs as her breathing increased with exertion, her attacks all landed though not quite like she had intended. Cascade was already moving away as Rhythm attacked. Though the chocolate girl would try to remain close to her opponent's hind end. Her shoulder barely touched Cas's stomach and Rhythm would take a page from her opponent's book. As her foot stomped on the other woman's toes Rhythm would want to put 70% of her weight in her front two limbs as she attempted to pivot her rump away from Cascade's chest 90 degrease to the right.  While Rhythm perpetuated their circling she felt her teeth sink into flesh and a satisfaction would rise up within her chocolatey chest as she tasted Cascade's blood.

Her growl was met with an insane laugh, and more than ever she wanted to avoid those snapping jaws. Thankfully she mostly would. With her chin tucked and her shoulders rolled forward her weight would redistribute through her four legs evenly. Knees were bent and her toes splayed as she gripped the earth with her claws. She'd not been able to really grip at Cascade but her lips were drawn back to show off her canines with a snarl as soon as she'd been released. With her head slightly raised she'd align her tail with her spine.

As Cascade lifted herself to slam down on her back Rhythm's pivot would remove her from the majority of danger. Cascade's chest slam would land on only air, and Rhythm's smaller form would slip from Cascade's awkward grab. Though as she slipped past she regretted not tucking her tail between her legs as she felt teeth collapse over the front of her tail. (roughly 4 inches from the base) She heard bone crack, two of her tail vertebrae beneath Cascade's teeth would break. She couldn't help but cry out in pain, but as quickly as she felt the agony it was drowned by the adrenaline.

Feeling a new rage boil in her stomach Rhythm wouldn't hesitate in returning the favor. Viciously the Destruction would want to leap for Cascade's tail. Opening her jaws Rhythm would seek to close them around the other woman's tail base. Lower jaws beneath and upper jaws above Rhythm would attempt to clamp down and bite through the bone to sever the appendage from her opponent's body. At the same time Rhythm would want to slam her whole left shoulder into Cascade's left leg where she'd given her a bite wound earlier. Hopefully causing more pain and more damage to the already open wound. With her left front paw Rhythm would want to use the momentum in her slam to stomp on the outside toes of Cascade's left near foot, again wanting to hear the sound of breaking bone.

Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 2 of 3  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-18-2015, 08:51 PM

Rhythm evaded her attacks, rabbiting around like one of the orchard's little cottontails. As the Destruction girl pivoted away, Cascade allowed herself to drop back down to all fours, savoring the taste of blood as her attack fell on Rhythm's tail and she drew back to solidify her stance as Rhythm completed her turn to bring them face to face, left shoulders nearly beside each other with a short distance between them. (ooc: double checked with Kat, she agrees that this would be their approximate position at this point)

She set her legs just over shoulder- and hip-width apart, the wider stance to set her balance and make it more difficult to push her over... not that the smaller woman would find that an easy proposition. Settling her weight nearly evenly on all four legs - favoring her left rear leg just slightly as the blood oozing from the wounds slicked her fur down and the muscle weakened from its loss - her joints kept loose for freer movement, elbows and knees bending slightly to lower her center of gravity. Her toes were spread wide, the claws digging into the earth. Her tail was flagged hip-height, while her head dipped down to level out her spine, pulling back slightly as her shoulders hunched forward to bunch up the scruff of her neck. Her chin tilted down to protect her throat, her hackles raising and her ears continuing to press against her skull. Her eyes narrowed, but her jaws gaped in a mad grin at Rhythm.

The brown-coated girl charged forward with a fury that only widened Cascade's grin. Rather than allowing her to charge past as she so clearly desired, Cascade sidestepped to her own left, shifting so that her left shoulder was ahead of her right and the point of her left shoulder aimed for the space between Rhythm's chest and the front of her left arm and she set her stance as strongly as possible in the hopes of Rhythm's forward momentum forcing the smaller woman to smash herself against Cascade's shoulder rather than Cas' injured hip, intending to cause as much damage to the joint as possible. (COUNTER) Her shift sideways to prevent Rhythm's passage meant that Rhythm's bite clasped into the thick roll of skin over Cascade's shoulders rather than the base of her tail and sunk in to cause moderate puncture wounds. The sideways shift caused Rhythm's paw, aimed for Cas' left rear paw, to miss completely since the paw was not only to the left of it's previous position but still far back.

Turning her own head to her left she aimed to clasp her jaws around the side of Rhythm's throat at her jawline, her lower jaw seeking to hook beneath the jaw while her upper fangs sought to sink into the top of Rhythm's neck behind her ears with the intention of crushing off Rhythm's air supply and choking her out. Rocking her weight onto her other legs, she simultaneously sought to lift her left forepaw and bring it down onto Rhythm's right forepaw's inner two toes as Cascade rocked her weight back forward, hoping that bringing her weight down on them in that manner would fracture the toes.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 3/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-21-2015, 11:49 PM

Rhythm wouldn't let her guard down even once, eyes still narrowed at her opponent and ears slicked back to her skull. Her hackles were raised all down along her back and her chin tucked as she evaded most of Cas's previous attack. Knees bent, stance widened, and weight evenly distributed through her limbs. Her head was lowered with her shoulders scrunched to help protect her neck. Her spine would align with her tail, though holding the appendage up would cause pain to course through her as she was reminded of her wounds. With toes splayed and her claws digging into the ground she'd try to leap at Cascade in retaliation.

As the purple hued woman moved Rhythm wouldn't hit her like she'd intended. The broad part of her left shoulder would meet Cascade's raised left shoulder. The impact of her attack causing moderate bruising to blossom forth from the muscle. When her teeth clasped around Cascade's flesh she knew she'd hadn't reached her intended target and would release immediately for fear of retribution from her opponent's jaws. Rhythm would redistribute her weight as her paw came down on nothing but the earth, she'd regain her bearing as Cascade returned once more her attacks.

Rhythm's face would turn quickly with as much force as she could muster as she sought to counter Cascade's bite. With Cascade's jaws wide open Rhythm would pull back her lips and extend her jaws as far as they would go as she sough to slam her jaws into Cascade's before the woman reached her own chocolate neck. Rhythm aimed her top right side of her jaw at Cascade's top right side of her muzzle and jaws while Rhythm's lower jaws sought Cascade's lower right side jaw. Rhythm wanted to break her opponent's teeth and stop Cascade's attempted bite.

At the same time Rhythm would rock 80% of her weight to her hind legs as she attempted to rear up and grapple Cascade's neck. Her left arm aiming to come around cascade's left side while her right arm would want to come around Cascade's right and her paws would meet at the woman's shoulder blades where Rhythm would attempt to dig her splayed toes and claws into the other woman's shoulders to solidify her grasp. As a result of her lifting her front paws Cascade's toe stomp would miss completely.
Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 3 of 3  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

The Judge


06-30-2015, 08:35 PM



10 for clarity:

  • All clear!
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
  • -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting forepaw
10 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
    +1 for maim attempt
  • +2 for paw stomp
    +1 for maim attempt
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim attempt
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Cascade's round one total: 49/50

3 for clarity:

  • -2 “The other woman's claws were able to strike her inner two toes, causing an annoying scrape.” The toes of which paw?
  • -1 Where exactly did Cascade's bite land? You mentioned her hips and her lower back, but I think a touch more clarity is needed here.
  • -2 “Rhythm wanted to tilt her head to the right...” Whose right?
  • -2 “...attempted to grab with her top jaws the left side of Cas's lower spine, a few inches above her hips while Rhythm's lower jaws sought purchase on the right side parallel to her upper jaw. ” Since they are standing left side to left side, I'm assuming you got your lefts and rights confused here. If not, this is a very unrealistic move because to achieve it Rhythm would have to be biting from above or coming from Cascade's opposite side.
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “...stomp directly down at the woman's outer two toes.” and “For added measure she'd try to scrape her claws down Cas's right foreleg on their way into her stomp.” Since Rhythm is reaching for Cas' right forefoot and their standing left side to left side, I don't think it's very realistic for Rhy to be able to reach Cas' outer toes. Wolf legs also don't have a very wide range of motion and their side to side movements are very limited, and I think that largely negates the potential for these attacks. For realism I'm removing a 1 point from both the stomp and the scrape.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
9 for attack.
  • +2 toe stomp
    +1 maim attempt
  • +1 scrape
  • +2 shove
  • +3 bite
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Rhythm's round one total: 40/50


4 for clarity:

  • -2 “ that her hindlegs swung to the right.” Whose right?
  • -2 “...her left foreleg attempting to grip in front of Rhythm's left hip...” How exactly is she hoping to place her foreleg? Is she reaching under Rhy and across her belly? Hooking her forefoot around Rhy's thigh?
  • -2 “...her right foreleg seeking to hook over Rhythm's back to grip in front of Rhythm's right hip...” Same as above. Is she using her forefoot to hook in front of Rhy's right thigh? Her elbow to hook into her side? Just draping her leg over her back?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “Her left foreleg attempting to grip in front of Rhythm's left hip, and her right foreleg seeking to hook over Rhythm's back to grip in front of Rhythm's right hip...” I'm having a hard time picturing this. The elbow of the right foreleg and the awkward stretch required between her forelegs to make this move possible is what I'm struggling with, so I'm going to take off 1 point each for realism.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
8 for attack.
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +2 for foreleg grip
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim attempt
6 for injuries.
  • -1 for mild bruising to left shoulder
  • -1 for mild bruising to left side
  • -2 for moderate gashes to left hip
  • -1 for moderate bruising on toes
  • -1 for welts on foreleg
Cascade's round two total: 36/50

7 for clarity:  
  • -3 ”Viciously the Destruction would want to leap for Cascade's tail.”  How is she approaching? Is she running along Cascade's side? Arcing out and coming in for her target? This is a very vague statement and you definitely need more detail when setting up an attack.
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 I feel like there's a bit too much movement in this post. If Cas is facing (and directly in line with) Rhy's left hip then when Rhy pivots away there would be roughly one wolf length between them. Rhy then has to close that distance to attack. Not only that but she has to run the length of Cas to get to her tail.
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
  • -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting paw
9 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim attempt
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +2 for toe stomp
    +1 for maim attempt
5 for injuries.
  • -5 for broken tail

Rhythm's round two total: 38/50


6 for clarity:

  • -2 “...her lower jaw seeking to hook beneath the jaw...” Where beneath her jaw? To the left of her windpipe or the right?
  • -2 “Turning her own head to her left she aimed to clasp her jaws around the side of Rhythm's throat at her jawline...” Which side of Rhy's throat? Is Cas reaching under Rhy's neck so that the right side of her face is turned up or is she reaching out and to her left but keeping the left side of her face turned up?
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
8 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +3 for bite
  • +2 for toe stomp
    +1 for maim attempt
8 for injuries.
  • -2 for moderate wound to scruff
Cascade's round three total: 42/50

8 for clarity:  
  • -2  "Rhythm aimed her top right side of her jaw at Cascade's top right side of her muzzle and jaws while Rhythm's lower jaws sought Cascade's lower right side jaw." It doesn't say in Cas' last post which side of her face is pointed up, but if it were and Rhy tipped her own head to her right so that the right side of her jaw was facing down then her upper jaw would be level with Cas' lower jaw and her lower jaw would be level with Cas' upper jaw.
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 ”At the same time Rhythm would rock 80% of her weight to her hind legs as she attempted to rear up and grapple Cascade's neck.” I personally think this is too much movement and that it would be a stretch to intercept Cas' bite while rising up.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim
  • +2 for neck grip
7 for injuries.
  • -1 for moderate bruising to shoulder
  • -2 for moderate gashes to gums and lips (damage from counter assigned by judge)

Rhythm's round three total: 40/50


CASCADE: 127/150
RHYTHM: 118/150

And the winner is...

CASCADE! Rhythm must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and Cascade has won the title of Et Uxor.


  • Mild bruising to left shoulder, left side and toes: 3 ooc days to heal
  • Moderate gashes along left hip and moderate puncture wounds to scruff: 1 ooc week to heal
  • Mild welts to foreleg: 3 ooc days to heal
  • Broken tail: 4 ooc weeks to heal
  • Moderate bruising to shoulder: 3 ooc days
  • Moderate gashes to gums and lips: 1 ooc week

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: Good fight guys! Most of my notes are in the deductions above. My suggestions are pretty much the same for the both of you. Clarity was the biggest issue I saw. I've said it before and I'll say it again: while you can definitely have too much detail I think it's better to have too much than too little.

- By [Lazuli]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-30-2015, 09:49 PM

His breath left him and his chest grew tight as he caught sight of Rhythm. The last time he'd seen her they'd been on the brink of calling it quits. To an extent they'd mended their relationship, or rather, they'd gotten it to a place where they could start fixing it. The Consocia spoke up and accepted Cascade's challenge. In silence Valentine watched and while he kept his expression neutral, he briefly nodded his head in approval. He was pleased with the fighting pair.

Loud as ever, Esti was suddenly there and calling dibs on the winner. Still loud she then turned her attention to him and asked a question that took him by surprise. Was she serious? What was she really asking him? In other words, was she serious about her question and hiding that under a joking tone? ...maybe he was thinking too much. Her next whispered line drew a booming laugh from his lips and stifled his questioning thoughts. His voice dipping to match hers, he murmured, "Wouldn't want to wear you out before the big fight, would we?"

Kyarst made a comment in passing that drew a snort from the King, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Cascade and Rhythm were fighting for a rank, not for him as far as he was concerned. They already had his heart and it was with this fight that they would decide their place in the pack. Of course it wasn't that simple in reality, but Valentine stubbornly clung to the belief that it was and he was largely blind to the possibility that just maybe it wasn't.

The fight began and immediately Valentine could tell it was going to be a brutal one. And it was. As accustomed as he was to violence, this fight was particularly hard to watch, but not once did his gaze waver. He steeled himself and forced his gaze to become largely analytical, to watch with a practiced and appreciative eye. That didn't stop his hackles from rising as Rhythm cried out.

It ended with Cascade as the victor.

Rising from his seated position, Valentine slowly strode towards the fighters. "Congratulations, Cascade. Having won, the position of Et Uxr is yours." Seeking her gaze, the King directed his next words at those gathered. "Like mine, the rank of Et Uxor can be challenged for at any time and by anyone." He resisted the urge to look at Esti. "That being said I'm giving you a few," ((OOC: same ooc time as alpha challenges)) "Weeks of immunity to heal before a challenge can be made."

Now Rhythm. His gaze flicked to the smaller woman and for a beat he was silent as he assessed her well being. "You fought well, Rhythm." To think it was only a few seasons ago that he was helping her with the basics. "And I am very proud of the effort I saw today." Proud of her efforts and Cascade's. They'd both fought well and he was immensely pleased with what he'd witnessed.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-30-2015, 11:21 PM

She was out of breath and her adrenaline rush was fading already, it wouldn't take much effort for Cascade to finally claim her victory. Rhythm was thankful for the pain she felt, it drowned out the dismal fact that she had just lost. She didn't try to keep standing, her form slipped to the earth as she tried to catch her breath and deal with the pain she felt. Her tail was by far the worst of her injuries, and though she tried to focus on Valentine as he strode over she was having more than enough difficulties. Blinking back the pained fog she'd gain a bit of composure as Valentine turned to her.

With her vision tunneled it was easy to believe that she might have been the only wolf Valen was talking to as he offered her his praise. The stark difference from their last talk brightened her a bit, her lips hinting at a smile. Swiftly though her scowl would return. She was one hundred percent ready for some pain killers. She'd lick her torn lips as she regained her breath, not really wanting to see the other wolves around her. Hopefully all eyes would be on Cascade as she sought her exit, for now she'd lick her wounds and wait for her tail to heal. There would always be another chance for a rematch.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-04-2015, 10:41 PM
The fight had ended.

Blood oozed from her mouth where gums had been battered, welled up from many wounds, and growing bruises gave a promise of stiffness and aches to come, but she stood triumphant and adrenaline was not given Tim to fade before she promptly and sharply shoveled to face Esti, eying with a sort of questioning readiness. She didnt know if Esti had been joking or not when she had claimed the next fight, after all, and she wasn't about to be caught flat footed. But Valen spoke up immediately, and she relaxed somewhat when he declared she would have time to heal before allowing any challenges. Cool. She wouldnt argue with that.

She let her body fall out of a brawler's stance into something more natural. She would have to walk Vana through cleaning her wounds - not particularly looking forward to that - but hey, that was life wasn't it? "Thanks Valentine," she said, head held confidently as she spoke, confident and with a hint of pride in her bloodstained half-grin, "if you don't mind i could use a private word with you later when you have a moment." She needed to establish right out of the gate that they were on the same page with this whole thing before they both got too caught up in making assumptions about where they stood.

Speaking of stood... she really did feel like she should maybe sit down. The gashes on her hip and the puncture wounds on her scruff were, while not individually that severe, bleeding pretty profusely after all that excursion and the blood loss was starting to make her a bit unsteady. Not terribly, she could - she reasoned, eying Esti with speculation - probably still keep fighting, but it was enough to make her feel uncomfortable and tired. Tongue lolling out slightly as she panted, she searched the crowd for Vana or at least the Destruction boy who was supposed to be a healer bit neither of them were anywhere to be found. Of all the luck...
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2015, 08:45 PM

As Esti settled next to Valentine, she noticed briefly that he seemed surprised by her question before it finally seemed to click that it was a joke... Mostly. With his laughter, he mentioned that he didn't want to wear her out before the big fight, to which she chuckled, "Wear me out, or get me revved up?" she murmured, aiming to bump her shoulder with his, emphasizing that it was all cool and that she was joking. They would watch the fight together, "Maybe I'll just pretend this is a date instead." Her smile was wide and she shot Valentine a sideways glance as she wiggled, pretending to get really comfy really close to the male. She realized then that she really was comfortable and if Valentine wanted his own space, he would have to be the one to move because the fight had started and Esti wasn't going to miss a second of it.

The fight was over all too soon and Cascade was the victor. A smile had spread across Esti's face over the course of the fight and her tail shifted back and forth softly on the ground. She had forgotten how much she loved a good fight. She hadn't seen an official fight since Erani and that red woman had faced off. That was a good day, Esti remembered fondly. Cascade glanced at her, looking ready to take her down before Valentine spoke, giving the woman a period of grace where no one could challenge. It seemed that everyone, or at least Cascade, was looking at her. Esti flicked her ears to the side, still smiling, "I'm joking, relax, you can have your rank." she said to Cascade, her smile unwavering. Throwing in a wink for good measure, Esti added, "For now." It seemed that Cascade then was looking for someone and Esti slowly realized all the healers except Rhythm and Cascade were absent. Esti chuckled to herself, then turned her attention to Cas once more, offering, "I'm no healer, but if you give me direction, I can probably tend to your wounds. Or Ash, wherever he is, would probably be thrilled to help." Esti shrugged, "Or whatever you'd have me do, Miss Et Uxr." She dipped her head slightly acknowledging and congratulating Cas on her new rank the best way she knew how. Really, she was just thrilled.
