
Lover's Song



2 Years
07-04-2015, 12:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2015, 01:27 AM by Reiko.)

Speech. It had only been a few months now since she had left her family in the North. She was already feeling a little home sick, her stomach churned uncomfortably at the thought of leaving them behind. Was this trip to go out on her own a good idea after all? Boy did she hope so, they must have moved on by now, being the nomads as they were... finding them now would be a near impossible task unless their scents were miraculously intact by the time she got back. However, as the sun began to set over the water, washing its brilliant oranges, reds and yellows over the rising tides - she noticed a few curious things.

One, was the rising tide. She had yet to see that. The waters were creeping up on the shore, the sands were slowly retreating into the waters. The longer she stayed, the more she noticed it. The second thing she noticed were the small blinking lights that rose out of nowhere, catching her eyes. At first she thought it was magic, as though the stars have come down to visit her on this day.

Her ears stood on end, straightening up from surprise as she silently gasped. One of the lights managed to land on her nose, forcing her to cross her eyes awkwardly in order to try and see what it was. Then she saw it, tiny little wings and a bum that lit up at a rhythm. It was beautiful. She stood still and quiet, observing the thing, afraid that if she even took a breath to fill her aching lungs - that it would fly away immediately.

She held her breath, trying to appreciate and figure out what this bug was before she lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-04-2015, 01:02 AM

Hymn’s exploration today kept him much closer to home than usual. There was a change coming, he knew his mothers were planning a trip soon or something… to be honest he hardly remembered anything from the meeting with his aunt (whom he was still pleased to discover looked rather similar to him and his brother) but he sensed that it was probably not good for him to go too far for right now.

So instead the hulk of a boy padded close to home, letting the drifting scents and sights dictate his path and as the sun was beginning to set he could make out curious glowing lights further off in the distance. Thinking of the glowing lights that played amongst the roots of the mangroves back home he padded forwards with curiosity. As he drew nearer the familiar scent of standing water reached him and that of a wolf he didn’t recognize.

He approached with tail wagging and a friendly smile on his lips but as he drew up before the white girl he couldn’t help the laugh that burst from his chest.  "Looks like someone found the fireflys." They didn’t always visit the mangroves but on hot summer nights you could watch them from the comfort of your cool den as they danced around the glowing river.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
07-04-2015, 01:13 AM

Speech. Honestly, her sight was getting a little bit hazy. Possibly from the lack of oxygen, but mostly likely because no ones eyes were supposed to look at their noses in such a manner. It wasn't meant to be when it came to anatomy. However she couldn't help it, and although her lungs pleaded for air, she was so entranced in the bug that she didn't even see the strangely patterned yearling walk up so close.

Startled by his laugh, she must have twitched out of surprise, seeing as the bug flew away in an instant the moment that she lost focus on it. Oh. She said, it was the only melodic tune that escaped her ebony lips as she watched it fly away, right before turning her gaze on the new company. His tail wagged and so did hers in a greeting. Hello! She took a moment to think about what he said. Fireflies? Is that what you call them... They didn't burn to the touch, is it a misnomer?

She tilted her head to one side as she asked her question. The tundra lacked such creatures, so they truly were alien to her, even at this age, being an adult... she was clueless. She took this moment to take a look at the young man, he was so young... he didn't seem like an adult yet, although fully grown. His markings were the most peculiar thing about him however, she has yet to ever seen anything like him before. Beautifully unusual, as she would have liked to put it.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-08-2015, 11:14 PM

Hymn felt a twinge of guilt as his laugh prompted the insect perched upon the alabaster woman’s nose to flit away but he was still too amused by the scene to really show it. A small vocalization slipped from her lips as she watched it flying off and he too lifted his gaze to track it’s path. The bugs danced around them, briefly startled by his outburst no doubt but it was likely they’d drift back in closer soon enough.

The woman wagged her tail in return offering up a vocal greeting which he matched with a dip of his head. Then she questioned his words and he tipped his head to the side. "Well they don’t shock you either but sometimes I hear them being called lightning bugs." He thought about it for a moment, plopping onto his haunches. "I think they’re called that because the way they blink looks like embers… or at least that’s what I’m told." He had never been face to face with a fire which was probably a good thing; he had seen the smoke when lightning had struck parts of the forest certainly but no embers to be seen.

"I’m Hymn Destruction by the way." He brought his thoughts back to the white woman and gave a friendly smile. She didn’t smell like any pack he knew, not that he knew many of them anyways… but he was very curious about where this wolf had come from that she didn’t know about fireflies.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
07-12-2015, 04:43 PM

Speech. She was in total awe with the insects, they were probably her favorite ones from now on. The way they blinked in and out of existence, it was almost romantic, like some fairy tale her mother and father would say in order to get her and her siblings to go to bed quietly. It brought a relaxed smile onto her lips thinking back to those days, their soft voices lulling her into a comforting sleep - and come to think of it... she never really did know the ending to any of those stories they would tell. He explained their names, and it did make sense, she nodded thoughtfully at the thought, her eyes still illuminated by the blinking lights. She didn't mean to be rude to the young wolf, her eyes did drift from him to them often enough - its just she couldn't help but keep her eyes locked onto the bugs.

That sounds pretty dangerous, I'm glad they don't burn or electrocute. As she spoke, her eyes were locked onto his, giving him her full attention while they exchanged words, or at least she tried. The moment there was even a second of silence she would get distracted and look around again. Why weren't there bugs like this in the cold north? Was it too cold for them? Come to think of it, there were barely any bugs. Every now and then in summer there would be a moth or two, maybe a butterfly if hey were lucky. most were too small to even notice.

He introduced himself as Hymn, it was a pretty name. She automatically thought to how he could easily have a twin with the name Rhythm, just to keep to the musical theme. That's a lovely name; I'm Reiko Izuka. She folded her leg a little under her body in a short curtsy. Are they here year round in the South? Once again she was back onto the bugs, wondering if she should come by here more often just for the view. You're from a pack, aren't you? Are they far? Are you alone? Pardon my intrusion... It's just been a while since I really met with anyone.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-13-2015, 05:47 PM

The boy was only vaguely aware of her wandering gaze as he was focusing on keeping himself from staring at her for too long. A task in of itself as he didn’t want to appear rude by not meeting her gaze but every time he did little butterflies swirled in his stomach. It was a feeling Hymn was used to now, and how could he not be when every second wolf made him feel that way, but it never got any easier to deal with.

Still the fact she was so easily distracted by their surroundings gave him an excuse to watch her, amused and fascinated by her curiosity. She commented on his explanation and he chuckled casting gaze around them as the insects swirled and pulsed around them. He imagined that there would probably be quite a bit more destruction if they did more than blink harmlessly.

If Hymn had known what she was thinking upon his introduction he probably would have laughed instead he accepted her compliment and name with a small smile and listened with amusement as she questioned him further. "I can’t say for certain, this may be a breeding ground or something… I don’t usually see them till it’s a lot warmer like in the summer." Even though spring had rolled around it had yet to really heat up like it was supposed too so he assumed his explanation was at least possible.  She bombarded him with more questions and he laughed again.

"No, it’s okay." He assured her, amusement weaving into his tone. "I am, I live in a pack near here called Fiori with my mothers and brother, Psalm." He looked at her for a moment. "So safe to assume you’re not from around here?"


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3