
Rise and Shine, Sunshine!


06-01-2015, 04:26 PM

Ahh morning. So a wonderful, beautiful time of the day. Allen would rise with the sun, carefully sneaking away from his beloved’s side. He wanted to surprise her. He would leave the den, a thought in mind as he went to search for whatever herbs he could find in this weather. The winter had come in, most of the frost and snow wiping out the plants. But alas, he managed to find some of the agrimony that had survived the weather. Much longer thought and it would have probably all been dead but Allen would count his blessings that it wasn’t.

Picking the plant he would head back to the den, carrying it carefully in his jaws. He’d slink back to the den before the sun had risen much further, trying to sneak inside and drop the plant in a careful arrangement near her. If all went well he’d settle back to sleep at her side. If not, well, he was probably going to come face to face with a mate who was wondering where he’d sneaked off to.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
06-22-2015, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2015, 11:44 PM by Nona.)

Nona woke up shortly after her mate had snuck out of the den however she didn't quite feel like getting up quite yet and decided to rest her head back down for Allen to return to the den. There was a smile creeping along her maw but Nona would hide it for now and do everything she could to act like she was still asleep but would surprise her mate that she was actually awake. Allen was away from the den for a little while now as her muscles ached to be used and get out and run a little but the wait was long as she picked up on the scent of her mate entering the den and with what she knew was agrimony. Her smile appeared on her maw again as she let out a playful sort of woof as she rolled on to her paws and stood up.

The dark brown fae would laugh a little as she moved and brushed herself up against him before turning around and nuzzling his neck. Her voice was soft and gentle, "Oh I see you went to get some agrimony Allen, We are ready I think to give this a go to finally have a shot of being parents together my love... my dearly beloved Allen". There was a sweet bubble of a giggle that escaped her lips as she kissed her mate on the cheek before nuzzling his neck again. Today might just be the day they would take that step to be parents to their own pups when they would be born and hopefully they would be born soon.



06-24-2015, 09:18 AM

No such luck of settling back down to sleep. His beloved mate was awake, moving up to brush against him. Allen would return the little nuzzle she gave him. “Good morning to you too, my beloved.” He would chuckle. One of the first words out of her mouth let him know exactly what was on her mind. Parenthood. The thought of becoming a parent with his beloved Nona was exciting. A thought that had him a little nervous too. This was his second chance, with a woman he loved, and children he would watch over.

“If you are certain, my beloved.” The man would coo. A gentle nibble would be given to her neck, and the calico gentleman would feel a touch of playfulness rising within his being. Tail would start to wag back and forth, and Allen would let out a teasing growl. “...and just how long have you been up? You’re too alert to have just woken up when I came in.” His gaze would seek Nona’s own.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
07-01-2015, 01:57 AM

Nona would chuckle as she felt her neck nibbled by the love of her life. There was a sudden coo in her voice as she spoke softly, "I've been up for awhile now waiting to surprise you when you got back, I would've said something else but seeing as you brought agrimony I'm not going to have to go hunt down agrimony myself and I'm certain... I feel its right that we try dear... we will always be together and I want this to be the moment where we truly let our lives become intertwined and come together to bring to life our own pups and raise them together".

Her voice would raise again after taking a moment to breath and nip her mate's neck, "and I might just ask you a similar question dear as to what you were up to while I was asleep hmm always being a busy body" Nona would heartily laugh before giving her mate another kiss. Today was already going to be wonderful as she let her tail fly about in a flurry of wags left and right barely containing her excitement for the chance to be a mother alongside Allen. Very much so her excitement came bursting forth as a quick but joyful howl. However the true fun of the morning hadn't begun yet.



07-03-2015, 04:35 PM

Up for a while now. Well, why did that not surprise him? It seemed Nona was not one to be caught off guard, but rather was the one to get him caught offguard. He would grin, tail wagging back and forth as she spoke. She was certain that they could try, that they would always be together. This was their moment in time. Their moment to be together and be a couple. Soon, so soon they would create a family together as well. Whether his mate was in heat or not, gods willing, they would bring a family into this world. It was something that Allen had already spoken to Bass about when he feared it happened once before... So he knew it was alright.

Allen couldn’t help but laugh at Nona’s comment however. A busy body huh? Well that was true enough and he would give his beloved Nona a kiss as well. “I was honestly just looking for ways to surprise you, my beloved, to show you how much that I care. You mean the world to me, Nona, and that will never ever change.” He would gently nip her neck in a playful manner. “...and if that makes me a busy body than it is something I’m glad for.”

The man would begin to circle to the back side of his mate, nibbling down her spine as he pressed his body gently up against hers. If she had any second thoughts, now was the time to voice them.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
07-06-2015, 03:06 AM

Nona would shudder with excitement as her mate was nibbling along her back moving the back side of her. Playfully Nona would release a growl from her maw before she spoke, "You mean the world to me too Allen and I am truly blessed that I got to meet you and be with you and now even more than that be your mate my beloved". She was very much prepared for this to happen and she knew that Allen would be with her as her mate as she would be there for him as his mate. Nona wanted this to happen more than she could ever describe in words and this being what she wanted there was no way they were going to back out of this now unless of course Allen didn't want to try this yet.

Nona would chuckle as she spoke, "I'm ready my love to let our lives become truly intertwined". This would be the first time she was willing to truly share her life with someone that she truly cared about not only as a fellow pack mate but the love of her life. Together they would hopefully bring into this world a family that they could help build each other up and for herself and Allen to teach their pups what they know so they can eventually pass on that torch to their own pups when that time comes.



07-08-2015, 08:27 PM

Nona was ready. She was certain and there would be no more hesitating on Allen's end. He was excited, thrilled at a second chance. This time things would done right. He would be a father for his children and be there for them through thick and thin. No matter what happened. He would give a nod, speaking in a soft coo. "Alright my love, then let us do this together."

--Fade To Black And Fade Back--

The aging man would breathe out after their mating, coming to rest at Nona's side. He was panting a little. "Hahaha. I'm getting too old for this." He'd say gently, licking her muzzle. "You know..." Allen would say in a soft tone. "I know that you're going to be a wonderful mother, Nona. Our little ones will have the best mother in the world. Someone loving and nurturing... How could we all be so lucky to have you in our lives?" He'd grin.

"Who knows? Maybe they'll have some young friends to play with as well. Maybe Wren and Bass will have another litter."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
07-09-2015, 01:49 AM

Nona would hear her mate coo to her, together at last this would be the final moment that would bring them both truly together and there after they would be truly mated. She couldn't help but coo in return, "I love you Allen".

-Fade to black and fade back-

Together they would lay there side by side truly together now and what she heard her mate say after he took a breath would amuse her, "Well you're never too old to be with me my love and nothing will ever change that, my beloved Allen". Her voice would trail off for but a moment before picking right back up from where she ended, "I believe you will be the best father in the world to them strong and protective but also a role model to look to and more than that you are just you and that is what I love most about you, you don't hide behind a fake persona pretending to be someone else and that gives me all the strength I need to know I too can press on to another dawn with you by my side". Nona would affectionately return the kiss to Allen and would nod hoping that their children would also have other younglings to play with as well.

She would press herself into Allen's side and move her head to be under his, "I feel like I'm the luckiest fae in the world to have you as my mate and no matter how far apart we may be physically nothing can ever separate us spiritually in heart and mind... and I will always be here for you to try and be your pillar that you can count on when you need a glimmer of hope that you can accomplish whatever you need to do".



07-14-2015, 04:07 PM

Never too old to be with her. Those words made Allen smile, perhaps more than he should have. He would lean into his beloved Nona, taking comfort in her very presence. Her words were soothing, reassuring. He would be a good father protective and strong, a role model that they could all look up to. She looked up to him, as he did to her, as a source of comfort and security for what was to come. They could continue to press on because they had each other. He would accept the returned kiss, his mind quiet with thought.

“I’ve no doubt in the world you’ll be a strong role model for our children as well, my beloved.” He would lick her forehead as she settled her head under his own. “It’s funny how when you’re in love your other half can make you feel that way, huh? It is exactly how you make me feel, my Nona.” He would smile warmly. “There is an unwavering sense of security whenever I’m with you.”

“It is better that the feeling is mutual though, is it not?” He would hold her close, closing his eyes. “Nona... There is something else I must do soon, however. Something that I will need you to back me up on should things not go so well...” His voice would take a more serious tone for a moment.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard yet but I... Well... I’m Azat of Abaven for the time being.” Allen would let a small grin pass onto his lips. “So we’re going to have quite the interesting life ahead of us for a while. Parents... Alphaship...”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah