
A Real Cherokee Mudder



5 Years
07-02-2015, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2015, 06:50 PM by Eridanus.)
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The monochrome veteran strode onto the field, molten dual-tones sweeping the expanse ahead. He’d set paw on this place thrice now, this time being the third. He’d been giving the offer Epiphron Adravendi had made to him a lot of thought. Despite what he had said, he hadn’t investigated the other packs yet. However, he had found his sister. She’d given him the customary scolding for his recent injuries, but he paid them no mind; he was a warrior, after all, and he needed to keep his skills sharp.

He passed melting snowdrifts, head and tail falling level with his spine and shoulders, paws falling in even balance under his weight. Spring was here, though he still felt a nip on his nose that said maybe the snow would be sticking around longer than was usual on his homelands plains.. He’d noticed small flowers blooming in melted patches of snow, and budding trees.. He hadn’t learned the names of the plants, his training never having taken that course. The passing of the seasons went by so quickly. But he knew Alethia would feel much better once Spring was fully in control; she hated the cold.

Eridanus settled on a flat area of land devoid of snow, but plenty muddy; his paws slid slightly until he set in his claws for traction. It ought to make his next spar interesting. He settled his weight evenly over each leg, spread his toes, leveled out his tail with his spine and settled his shoulders, rolling them forward over his neck as his scruff bunched. He lifted his head long enough to send a call into the air for an opponent to come and dance, absently wondering what he would be presented with this time.

-:: Eridanus vs ??? for Spar ::-
Round 0/0

Extra Notes: I'd like for this to be a quick spar, if possible. The time limit default will apply to this spar, and all those following this one. Whomever answers, make sure you will be able to post within the three day limit <3



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-02-2015, 11:14 PM

Ash was about old enough to be on his own for a while now and Esti was enjoying her own type of freedom. With the spars with Valentine having coming and going, Esti was reminded of how much she had liked to fight and watch fights. Something inside of her had felt defeated when she had Ash, like she was losing her own life in place of his. She quickly grew to love the boy and she didn’t mind being his mother and tending to him, but he was able to go off on his own now, and he was… often. At first, the young mother was distraught, but when she heard the call for a spar, she found herself getting excited. Without Ashmedai always needing her around, a few scratches and bruises would be nothing. The woman headed excitedly to the match, her confidence growing with each step towards the battlefield.

As she approached, Esti spotted a grey wolf. So this was the guy who called, huh? Esti felt a smirk rising on her face. He was a good half a foot shorter than her. Not that that was bad, but it would be interesting fighting someone who wasn’t her own height like Laufey or Valentine. Esti walked towards the brute, stopping about ten feet away from him, while facing him head on. She dipped her head in greeting, “You called for a spar?” she called as she began to get herself ready.

Widening her stance, Esti’s toes splayed and her nails dug into the softening spring ground for traction. Her knees bent softly as she evenly distributed her weight across all four legs. Her shoulders rolled extra skin over her neck, which she tucked back to provide less area for possible attacks. Her head and her tail became even with her spine for balance and her hackles rose along the resulting line, her fur fluffing outwards to deter scratches and bites. Esti’s ears tucked back to her skull and her eyes narrowed, her lips pulling up and causing ripples of skin to form around her face. Teeth bared, the woman called out in a snarl, “Let’s get to it!”

Esti kicked off, aiming to rush forward and close the distance between her and the other wolf. As much as she wanted to lash out right away she held back, attempting to draw near to the male. Right before Esti would begin her attack, she aimed to rear up on her hind legs about half a foot, redistributing her weight to her back legs. With all her weight, Esti would seek to scrape her foreclaws down and forward, into the outermost portion of each of the male’s front legs from just below the front of his shoulders on either side of his chest, down to the paws on either foreleg. She would aim to finish her first assault by attempting to pin his forepaws under her own and hoping her weight would cause a good amount of damage to his forepaws. In addition to this, Esti aimed to shove the main part of her chest downward, on to Eridanus’s head and neck. She sought to force his head down under her chest and between her forelimbs to control the range of area where he could bite and possibly, if she was lucky, cause his forelimbs to collapse under her weight. To end her rapid-fire attacks, Esti’s jaws would open tilting to her left, seeking to grip the male’s scruff just above his shoulders so that the brute wouldn’t be able to pull away. She aimed for her front jaw to be over the right of the brute’s neck while her bottom jaw sought to pinch the left side of the scruff, hoping to pull it together in a solid grip. Esti sought to dominate this male with her size and weight from above, hoping to put a quick end to the spar in one swift drop.

-:: Eridanus vs Esti for Spar ::-
Round 1 of 2


The Judge


07-08-2015, 06:42 PM
And the winner is...

ESTI! Due to Eridanus not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Esti's favor. Eridanus must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.