


07-07-2015, 11:39 PM
Amber glare stared at the towering ruins before her. An Eyebrow raised as she looked around, the place seemed quiet with no others around. No scents. No sounds of others save for the sound of birds in the trees around her. Spring time was kinda irksome for some reason this year, for the woman was in heat for the first time ever. It irritated her, but she had been taught well for someone in her profession. To eat certain herbs to avoid pregnancy. She was lucky to have found some around here, in lands unknown. She knew nothing about the lands here or what sort of wolves lived around here.

With that in mind, she decided to go into the damaged structure, to see what she could find. Delicate paws took her inside, the oaken door was open slightly, all she had to do was shoulder it open and see what was inside. A smile pulled at her lips. She liked this place. The woman carried herself up the stairs, claws clicking lightly on the steps as she climbed them. Her findings would be quite interesting, for the woman had found several rooms with several entertaining findings. Beds with moth eaten blankets, knick knacks from human history untold, and many other things. Entering one of the rooms, she walked past a standing mirror that was cracked all over, but oh how she looked pretty. She was a vain soul, her pelt quite exotic looking with stripes that didn't Mar the pelts of many others.

A grin tugged further at her lips as she stood there admiring herself for several minutes. When she finished, she made her way to the bed that stood at the end of the room. Climbing aboard, she lied down and yawned. She wasn't tired, simply bored. She hadn't had any fun since she left her pack. A sigh bubbled her lips, head falling upon her forepaws as she decided to take a nap.



7 Years
07-08-2015, 12:42 AM
Curiosity brought Nako back to the south lands, to the ruins of where the two legs once lived. A crumbling remnant doting the land. The only other place he could remember was Seracias barn, and that seemed like a lifetime ago. And the scent of heat. Nako's nose quivered as he stalked along the forest, the smell of a female in season just waiting to be mated and filled with writhing babes. He had his share of intimacy a few nights ago, a she wolf named Marina begging him to five her children. And not one to refuse an offer that had been presented so plainly he had. They'd wasted the evening away. Enjoyably to, both had found satisfaction.

His paws found their purchase on the cracked stone tiles as he passed by the arch of the familiar entrance. The female was in here. Nako gave another sniff, eyeing the fresh paw prints in the snow that had drifted in from the caved in roof. They led towards the same set of spiral stairs he'd ventured before. Already he could feel the urge to go forth and woe her hips against his own. The high from a few days ago was reflected on, and he wanted it again. He wouldn't force himself upon the she-wolf, just make it clear of what he offered. And as he prowled up the stairs he came to a hallway with several rooms, one of them very pointedly emanating what he desired. With his head low Nako stalked forward, the feathers woven into his mane twisting with each step. He slowly peaked into the room that the she-wolf was in and instantly spotted her. A alabaster pelt, stripes of a tiger weaving through the form of a finely curved thing of beauty. Oh, she was nice. "Hello." Nako spoke simply, there was no charm, no joyous greeting, just a flat tone that wanted to get to the point.


07-08-2015, 04:22 PM
Ears perked up and one eye opened when a single word fell upon her eats. Head lifted and her maw tugged up a grin as she stared at the newcomer. He was simple in appearance but the feathers in his mane made up for it. "Hello there." She purred, her voice laced with a foreign accent. not heavy but rather seductive. She was from another land, a place so exotic that she was sure no others had seen it save for her former pack.

Rising to stand on all fours, she climbed off the bed and made her way to the brute. Hips moved seductively, just like she was taught and her form slid up beside the male as she walked around him to inspect the creature. He was quite the specimen indeed, masculine and muscular. Her heat threw her into a frenzy, then again when was she not in a frenzy for one thing? Perhaps she could get a taste of what these wolves were like, and he'd be the perfect experiment to start.

Stopping in front of him, her amber gaze met his as her tail wagged a little. "Well well, you're quite the handsome one. What is it that you seek?" Of course, she already knew. She knew her heat scent had drawn him here, but she wanted to hear what he wanted with her own ears.



7 Years
07-08-2015, 05:15 PM
The shapely thing laying upon the bed rose her head at his greeting, Nako eyeing the way she smiled at him. And she spoke, her words filtering out like a spool of unraveling silk. What kind of accent had that been? Nako ducked his muzzle back out of the room to check behind him. Only the female's heat was scented, the erotic aroma saturating the room. Was she a foreigner? The scent was telling, and he stepped into the room, finding that she was already advancing towards him. Her hips sashayed with enticement, and Nako was entranced as hormones began to flow through his body. She stopped right in from of, complimenting. his looks and asked what he sought. What he sought. Plainly he was looking for a night of pleasure. To relish in the shared physicality's of two rogues. The grey wolf extended his muzzle and sniffed her check. That scent was most enticing. They were by themselves after all in a ruin some would see with fear in it's unfamiliarity. And so Nako turned and shouldered the rooms door closed hopped up to nose the latch on the lock.

And he spoke plainly. "I seek you. Under me." The grey wolf hushed as he let his forelegs return to the floor, feathers twisting in a breeze from the rooms sole window as he turned to look back at her. "The sating of what your body needs. I'm sure your rather shapely hips could match up with mine fairly well for the night. The burn has grown quite irritating has it not? An experienced male such as I, am willing and capable..." Nako trailed off. The hunger between them, he could almost taste the scruff of her neck, those shapely hips being latched onto by his paws as he brought himself against her. "But you can leave if you so wish, I wouldn't force myself upon you. I only mean to secure our activities in private." Nako's stared back at the she-wolf awaiting her reaction to his very frontal approach to the matter at hand.


07-09-2015, 10:19 PM
"No" is a dirty word,

Never gonna say it first,

"No" is just a thought that never crosses my mind.

Amber eyes watched the male the entire time as he moved to shut the door. A smile gracing her lips as her loins began to grow hot already, and they hadn't even started. She listened intently to his words, my wasn't he an eager one? She chuckled, tail swaying behind her as she stepped closer to him and rubbed her cheek beneath his muzzle in a seductive manner. "My you're an eager fellow aren't you? You get straight to the point." Her muzzle had made it's way to his feathered ear, tongue swiping out to taste him for a moment as she whispered quietly, "I like that."

Chuckling lightly, she turned away from him. Her tail caressing his lower jaw as she walked back towards the bed, the covers haphazardly hanging off the straw mattress as she climbed aboard, the woman stretching her front half down while her rump was in the air, the woman was practically inviting him to come over her. "Are you going to keep me waiting all day? Come on big boy, let's have some fun."

S is for the simple need.

E is for the ecstasy.

X is just to mark the spot

Sex is always the answer, it's never a question.




7 Years
07-10-2015, 11:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2015, 11:56 AM by Nako.)
The she wolf stepped closer to him and pressed her cheek beneath his muzzle and let her touch linger there. A sign of consent. A sign of want. She made it easy on him. "Yes to both mam." His breath hitched slightly as her muzzle didn't withdraw but continued to trail up alongside the inside of his neck. He was lucky it was his right ear that she chose, it would have been unfortunate to miss what she had whispered and know just what kind of girl he was dealing with. The grey wolf couldn't help but grin eagerly at the beauty as she strode away to hop up on the bed and present herself in exotic fashion. And no. He wouldn't keep her waiting as he kept up onto the bed after her. It seemed he was destined for another fling, another nameless female to find pleasure in. And they wouldn't be disturbed.

Nako rose upon his hind legs, feeling the straw compress against the shift in weight as he settled upon her presented rump, paws gingerly finding purchase upon the she wolf's striped stomach as he leaned forward over her bowed form. The fur of his scarred shoulder bristled outwards as his forelegs settled between her waist and the thighs, paws hooking further against her belly as he felt the warmth of her back beneath him. Nako easily evened his hips against hers, brushing the tail away to the side as he gave himself unto the female with but a sudden press of his hips.

-Fade to black-


07-10-2015, 11:55 PM
"No" is a dirty word,

Never gonna say it first,

"No" is just a thought that never crosses my mind.

She waited for the feeling of his warmth over hers, her amber eyes gazing steadily out the single window as she seductively stretched herself out. At last, the patter of paws steadily yet eagerly coming towards her brought her body heat running into a frenzy, her private area growing moist and ready as the male finally found purchase upon her. She knew what was to come, she had done this countless times already but it always sent her into a frenzy the first time, every time she felt the pulse. A sharp intake of breath would be made as he thrust into her, a loud moan breaching her tongue as her toes curled at the expected pleasure. With each thrust he cast into her brought forth a new wave of pleasure, the woman was feeling pure ecstasy, and this mane definitely knew his stuff. He sure knew how to please a woman, and she felt that despite it being against her nature, she might be the one seeking him out for more pleasurable experiences in the future.

"Harder!" She cried out, the males hips delving into her as she moved her own further back into his body in rhythm. She'd twist her body in a manner that would bring more pleasure to them as well, her mind flinging itself into a world of sheer excitement, and pleasure, and ecstasy beyond words. This was well worth it, and she wasn't sure if she could get enough of it.


S is for the simple need.

E is for the ecstasy.

X is just to mark the spot

Sex is always the answer, it's never a question.
