Lrunk in Dove
07-11-2015, 06:46 PM
Pre-"Picking Crops by the Head"
So she couldn't yet find her drugs, but fruit apparently were dropping in the plenty. Hani kept several with her at the moment. They tasted tangy and awful, but they made her feel warm and kinda tingly. Maybe they were killing her? They probably weren't killing her. Okay, she knew they weren't harmful. Didn't coyotes eat these things all the time? Yes, yes they did. The more she ate, the warmer she felt. It was less of the relaxed, mind-numbing feeling that made Hani want to lay down forever and melt into the grass and kind of the feeling that made her just feel stupid, or buzzy, or less like she cared, but not completely mushy numb like her drugs. She felt buzzy, with a little bit of energy and a little bit of sleepiness. With that and the warmth in her throat, Hani scarfed down another. Bottoms up. "speak" |