
Good To See You



3 Years
07-08-2015, 04:30 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just a little Miksa was glad of the months he had spent in the south during his childhood. It had prepared him in a way for adjusting to life in the east, and because of that the change in seasons was just a little easier to deal with. It was definitely brighter here in these parts compared to how his northern mountain home would have been during this time, and more colorful too. There were more colors here than the grey of stone, the brown of earth and bark, and the green of pines and hardy, leafy plants. He just wished he was a little more adventurous, a little more curious in these new surroundings that all looked so lively.

As it was, he was still somewhat intimidated by the new land. His adventures beyond the borders of Threar were few and far between, but they were still done occasionally. Now was one of those times as his slow and steady gait brought him away from the Sunset Falls and just a little north, as if seeking some resemblance nearby of the mountainous Waterfall Peak that he had once called home. There was one large peak within the vicinity, a singular mountain that seemed to grab the attention of those who caught sight of it. He gravitated toward it, skirting along its base, and paused momentarily when he came upon a dark opening that seemingly led into its side.

For a moment, he nearly smiled, his thought nostalgic in a way. The last time he had been brave enough to venture into a cave system it had nearly been at the cost of his life, as well as the life of another, and yet it had been one of the most memorable moments of his life to date. Where was she, that green-eyed girl who had dragged him along on that fateful adventure? He felt a sudden pang of regret when he realized he had taken no time to seek her out and tell her where he would be going. She had preferred the southern lands, that he remembered. Was she still there in the cold north or could she possibly have traveled closer without knowing it?

It was too much to hope for - there was a good chance she had forgotten about the timid boy who had helped her anyway; Miksa did not consider himself very memorable - and so he merely shook his head as he proceeded to walk again, considering how far he ought to go before turning back for home.



6 Years

07-09-2015, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2015, 07:25 PM by Esarosa.)
The winter had felt long in the North, and there had been no signs of the season changing, despite how the sun rose earlier each morning and climbed higher into the sky with each day. Esarosa knew that the season should be turning, but the wintry landscape had remained barren. Tired of the bone-chilling atmosphere and scarce prey, she had finally made the decision to leave the north. She'd not found who she'd been seeking, and the scents of any wolves who'd resided there had long faded. There was no sense remaining in a place she didn't like, with her belly rumbling and ear-tips frozen, and no one to stand beside her.

So it was that she found herself in the East. She would like to return to the South again, where everything was green and abundant, but there was no hurry. No one would be waiting for her there. She would spend some time exploring, taking the long way around to her presumed destination and getting to know the lands more. She knew she would find the prey she needed to put weight back onto her weary frame. Perhaps she might even meet an interesting soul along the way, making her travels worthwhile.

Expecting nothing but new scenery, she clawed her way to the top of a rocky outlook. Having the chance to look out from the clutter of the trees, she could see the landscape now, and took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. It was refreshing to be able to see where she was going. The mountainside went high, but as she looked a little closer, she could see a well-worn path amongst the rocks and shrubs. She wondered where it led, but surely it must lead to somewhere populated, if the path was so well-defined. As she scanned the mountainside with intense emerald eyes, it came as a surprise to her to spot the movement of another wolf so soon. Her brow furrowed as she squinted to see if she could make out any details, but the wolf was too distant. Still, she was curious to see just about anyone, so she would turn from her outlook and head back into the trees.

She clambered upward now until she broke free of the woods and found herself in more open territory, closing in on the path. She could see the wolf as it paused to peer into a dark entrance, the Singing Caverns, in the mountainside. She smirked as she saw the lone wolf move on, clearly thinking better of entering into the unknown. Good choice, she thought to herself, If only I had as much sense. Just then she caught the wolf's scent, which caused her to halt and duck behind a large rock, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head. Why did that scent seem so familiar? It couldn't be who she thought it was... that would be too much of a coincidence. How would he have ended up here? The North had been his home, he'd said that he liked it there. Yet, she was certain this was Miksa. She had not forgotten his scent as she had scoured the North for him. She couldn't let him disappear now that she'd found him.

Without thinking further, she charged out from behind the rocks and chased after him, her paws scattering debris as she approached Miksa from behind. She panted wearily as she neared him; now that she'd caught up to him, she didn't know what to do or say. Would he even recognize her? She was scrawny in comparison to the last time they'd met, and her eyes did not shine with the light of adventure as they had on that day. Her green eyes cast a piercing glare as she looked upon him; she wanted to yell at him for leaving her behind in the coldest region during the winter. But she knew she couldn't - they'd only met once and he'd done more than enough for her that day. He wasn't obligated to do anything more for her. And besides that, perhaps he'd left without a trace on purpose. Still, she couldn't forget their death-defying adventure, and she had been hoping to see him again ever since that day. "Miksa..." was the only word that escaped her lips, unsure of how he would respond to her sudden appearance.



3 Years
07-12-2015, 01:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa planned not to travel too much further, intent upon getting back to his pack's lands within a timely manner. There was still plenty to do there, much more that he knew he needed to accomplish in order to reach the level of helpfulness that he aspired for. This aimless trip was not quite so helpful to him in comparison to what he could have been doing back in Threar - back home - but it did help to soothe the longing in him for the comforting familiarity of the north and returning to the pack would be that much easier for it.

The boy's thoughts strayed back to the pack and his place in it, considering what else he could do in order to better find and hone in his skills, but they were not allowed to remain there. Over the quiet ambiance around him, the sound of someone's rapid approach was faint at first but quickly grew louder and louder the closer they came to him. Miksa stopped, a look of worry pinching his brow at its center as he turned his head with his tan ears perked and his yellow eyes searching. Who was it? Had he unknowingly done something wrong?

He fidgeted once, unable to stop the nervous motion, and just barely stopped his ears from falling back against his head as the dark shape of the swiftly moving wolf reached him. Recognition did not come quickly to him; the young wolf looked almost a stranger now, thin, scrawny, and lacking that spark of life about her that Miksa had envied so much from the beginning of their acquaintanceship. Vaguely he thought she resembled that wolf from before - those eyes were hard to forget - but it took her naming him for everything to fall into place.

Eyes widening just a touch he echoed her name in surprise, "Esarosa?" It had to be her; he knew so few and so few knew him, it just had to be her. He tried to speak, opened his mouth twice to do so, but the words evaded him as his mind struggled to keep up with the situation. She was one of the last wolves he expected to find here. "How-- What are you doing here?" Miksa asked gently, still in shock. There so many more questions - Was she well? Had she followed him? Did she hate him for not trying to tell her he was leaving? Where was she staying now? - but some he feared asking and others he fears the answers to. He only stared at her nervously, concerned for the apparent state of her being and worried what their separation might have done to their friendship.



6 Years

07-12-2015, 10:23 PM
Esa was caught by his electric eyes, just the same as the last time she'd seen him. And it would seem that he was the same, shy boy that she remembered as he stood there, his jaws parting but no words leaving him. But at least he recognized her, he remembered her name. That much allowed a small grin to tug the girl's lips. She had been afraid that he'd forgotten her entirely. Her mind was flooded with emotion of different kinds, making it difficult to know what to say first. How should she answer his question? Did he want her to be here? And how was it that he had ended up in the east? She had to bite her lip, the silence rolling on longer than she could stand, but feeling unable to speak. Her chest fluttered and tightened. She should just answer honestly. After all, when did she ever hold back? She took a deep breath, licking her lips nervously.

"I... I was looking for you," she began, meekly at first; she hoped he wouldn't think she had nothing else better to do. It wasn't that - it was that friendship meant everything to her. It gave her reason to keep going. As she continued, her voice became steadier as the words flowed, "Well, I mean, I kinda gave up on looking for you in the north... I didn't think I'd see you again. I was just taking the long way around on my way south. Who'd have thought I would meet you here? But..." She was searching his face for any change of expression, intensely curious as to what he was thinking. All she could hope for now was that he would reciprocate her glee in finding him. "I'm really glad to see you, Miksa," she would state with a toothy grin, hoping that he would offer up one of his shy, entrancing smiles in return.



3 Years
07-13-2015, 12:31 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was a huge relief, seeing her smile as he said her name. The hope in his chest that their friendship might still have remained despite being separated from her for a time, despite him leaving without telling her where it was he was headed, flickered and caught, easing his nervousness while her silence threatened to keep it there. It was not like the girl Miksa remembered - she had not once stumbled over what to say when they had met - but then neither did she look like that girl either. It made him feel guilty for leaving without a word. She might not have technically been any responsibility of his, but he still felt as if he had done wrong.

That guilt only doubled when she admitted to looking for him. Ashamed, his yellow eyes lowered and stared at his feet, his tan ears tucking against his head. He should have said something to her. Frith was a good guy, good enough to offer him a home after Glaciem had fallen apart around him. Surely if he had asked for just a minute to go find his friend, to tell her where he was headed, he would have waited? Right? It pained him to think that whatever she had gone through could have been avoided if only he had thought to go looking for her.

Her search for him might only have been temporary, contained to the north, but obviously her travels had affected her. There was no hiding the effects of a hard winter, and though his guilt was still visible in his gaze he lifted it to look at her. She was headed south. That was a good idea. As he recalled, she liked the south, and surely it would be more hospitable to her than the north had been. At least she's here now, he thought, and smiled, just as she had hoped he would, when she voiced how happy she was to have found him. He was happy too, even through all the guilt. She had become a fast friend, it was incredibly uplifting to see a familiar face when he had been feeling surrounded by strangers.

"I'm glad to see you too," Miksa stated with relief, his smile shy and soft and just slightly touched by his guilt. As his face grew somber, the weight of that guilt finally driving him to speak, he apologized. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving. I should have looked for you and told you." He still wished he had, and would if he could only go back and do it again. "My pack disappeared and one of our allies - a pack called Threar - offered to take me in," the timid boy quietly explained, knowing it was not an excuse but feeling as if he needed to tell her all the same. "I live close by, in a territory by the coast." And where was she staying? How was she fairing now that she was away from the north? He wanted to ask, his concern for her strong, but chose silence instead. She would likely tell him anyway, he assumed.



6 Years

07-14-2015, 10:51 AM
As she was speaking, she began to wonder why he looked so guilt-wracked. His eyes shifted downward while his ears folded back. She still wasn't sure what he was thinking, and she felt nervous that perhaps he didn't want her here at all. But then he spoke in his soft way, and relief washed over her. He was glad to see her too. His smile warmed her, melting away some of the northern cold that still clung to her weary bones. But guilt was still clear in his expression, and she couldn't help wondering about that. Was he hiding something? Finally he let it spill, the thing that was gnawing at him - he felt ashamed for leaving without finding her first to let her know.

She hadn't expected him to say that at all. Then again, she hadn't known what to expect. His apology caused her anger at his disappearance to return, and she wasn't sure what she would say. She wanted to agree with him, that he should have come found her. But she kept her mouth shut as he went on, and then the real reason came forth - his own pack had vanished. His home, his family. What she'd felt at his disappearance could be only a fraction of the pain and confusion he must have felt upon returning to an empty home. Desperate loneliness and uncertainty must have caused him to go to Threar eagerly. She couldn't blame him for that.

"Your pack... disappeared?" she asked, her brow furrowed, "That's just awful. So you were alone too..." She wasn't accustomed to showing concern for others, so she wasn't sure what else to say. She hoped she could make him feel better about it though, it's not like this was his fault. "Well, don't feel bad about me," she insisted, shaking her head, "I always take care of myself well enough. I just need a warm meal and I'll be good as new. Besides, I knew I'd find you somehow anyways." The last part was said with a grin - it wasn't exactly true, but she wanted to cheer him up a bit by changing her down-trodden mood. It felt better not lingering on those feelings anyways, since none of it mattered now that they'd found each other.

So he was living nearby on the coast. "By the coast, so by the water then?" she asked, her tail waving with interest, "I love the water. I'll have to come see it one day. Well... if Threar allows visitors." She knew some packs could be defensive about random loners wandering in their territory, and angering a pack was not something she wanted to be involved in. But maybe on day... At least Miksa had enough freedom to go wandering at times. "I'll probably stay close in the south, where the willows dance around the streams - it's magical there," she said somewhat wistfully, although as she spoke she wasn't so sure of leaving the east now that she'd found her friend. It's not like I'm done exploring here anyways, maybe I'll find some cool place to stay, she thought hopefully.

"So, what do you think of Threar so far?" she asked, curious as always, "What are the wolves like? Are there many of them?" She wondered just how long he'd been staying there, and what he had been up to since joining them. Had he made other friends? Found himself a rank or someone to teach him? There were many things she could ask, but she didn't want to overwhelm him, for she knew he was much quieter than she was.



3 Years
07-16-2015, 12:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though he was still inexperienced at reading his friend's face, he thought he saw surprise there when he revealed what had become of his pack. Undoubtedly it was not something she could or would have guessed on her own - even Miksa had been blindsided by it - but to the boy it was still no excuse, only a sad and tragic fact. With a spark of life to her that reminded him somewhat of her old self, the green-eyed wolf attested to not needing help in order to survive. It must have been true to an extent because he had found her wandering alone the first time they met, but he knew better than to think every decision Esarosa made was a good one. Still, he smiled gently, grateful to see her smiling too and sounding as he remembered her to be.

She seemed to know, better than he had at least, what it meant to live by the coast, and automatically she picked up on the huge shoreline of ocean water that went along with it. Miksa's tan ears perked as recognition entered his yellow eyes, and, still smiling, he nodded. "Yeah, a lot of water." Far more than he had ever seen before in one place. His travels had been few and far between, just between the north and the south, but never quite so close to the edge of the land itself. The fact their border went right along the water's edge was possibly the strangest part about his new home, and appeared to be a point of interest for his friend. Esarosa voiced an interest in seeing it for herself some day, so long as the leaders of his pack would allow a visitor to cross in, and already Miksa was making mental notes to ask. It sounded like a lot of fun, introducing Esa to his new home. It meant he needed to get more familiar with it before she arrived, if she was allowed.

As for her, his friend's plans were still to head south to someplace that sported willow trees, a place that, as she described it, was magical. Willows... He knew what those looked like, had visited them - no, lived among them for a time. It felt like such a long time ago, almost like another life now, but he remembered them, and the pack his mother had brought him and his brother to. "I've...I think I've been there," he stated softly, thoughtfully, struggling to piece the memory together. He had been young and the memory of it blurred due to time. "Glaciem started out in the south, around willow trees, and then moved to the north." Could the place that she spoke of be the same one that he stayed in for a time?

He should have expected questions about Threar now that he had mentioned the pack, but as he was asked what he thought of the place and those who lived in it he was not quite sure how to respond. It would have reflected badly on the pack if he did not say anything but good things about the place, but he had done so little there yet, held back by his own cowardice, self-consciousness, and homesickness, that he was not even sure he had a solid idea of what life there was like. Carefully, being choosy with his words, he tried to answer, looking a little nervous as he picked what to say. "Um," he began, buying himself just a second's worth of time, "They're nice. They're...sort of quiet, I guess. I think most everyone is related to each other somehow." They sure acted like a family, at any rate. "There's quite a few of them. A lot more compared to my old pack. And they did take me in," he added with a half smile. They definitely had to be nice to have done that.



6 Years

07-17-2015, 11:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2015, 02:14 PM by Esarosa.)
Esa hoped that he would be able to show her around Threar one day, but only time would tell on that one. He would need strict permission from his superiors. It would be great to see the wide open ocean again, it was so peaceful and entrancing, yet so powerful all the same. Looking out over the vast expanse of water easily minimized one's own problems - it made her realize how truly small and insignificant she was, which in turn made her feel like everything would always be okay. It had been a while since her last visit to the sea, and she looked forward to it, even if she had to skirt along the edges of pack territory and find her view elsewhere.

She perked up as Miksa said he thought he'd been to the place she spoke of, that he'd actually spent some time living there with his pack. She smiled. What a small world it was, that they should both know this place and have good memories of it. "It must be the same place!" she exclaimed, wagging her thick black tail, "I'd say that place is pretty memorable. There's no place like it! Let's go there together sometime!" She hoped he would be willing to meet with her again, though she knew his responsibility was to his pack first. The weeping woods had been her favourite place by far, but she knew she would find other wonders in this vast territory. Certainly there would be other things to awe and amaze her.

She noticed that he was somewhat quiet when she asked about his new pack. He seemed to have to think a little harder about what to say about Threar - she wondered if he didn't have the best impression of them yet, but it would seem he was just trying to carefully choose his words. She giggled when he said they were nice, but sort of quiet. So they were just like him. She hoped they were treating him well and that he was fitting in nicely. If they had taken him in so freely, they must be kind. She was glad to hear that there were many of them, moreso than his last pack - that probably meant that they would stick together for a long time, and not leave her friend homeless. "They sound like a big, happy family," she concluded, nodding with a smile, "So, is there anyone else around our age? Are they easy to make friends with? How about a rank, are you working towards anything right now? It's been ages since I've had to bother thinking of anything like that."

Many seasons had passed since she'd been tied to anything like a hierarchy and following rules and fitting into a ranking system. In a way, she sort of missed the competitiveness and sometimes she wondered if she should leave behind her life of traveling to go back to a structured way of life. But then she remembered her freedom, and how liberating it was to be totally free of expectations and following someone else's agenda.. Maybe someday, but not now. "Well, you don't have to tell me about it now, if you don't want," she added to her chatter, realizing that maybe there hadn't been enough time for him to settle in and get to know everyone - maybe that's why he didn't have much to say about them yet, "We could always go explore that cavern back there instead. It couldn't be as dangerous as the northern mines, right?" She would finish by sticking out her tongue and giggling to herself - she knew he wouldn't go for it, but it was worth a try. She just didn't want to part ways yet, but she wondered how much longer he could stay away from his pack.



3 Years
08-03-2015, 11:31 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It should not have surprised him when Esarosa suggested they one day explore the Willows together, but it did. They were friends, at least as far as he could tell, and that was what friends did, right? It made sense that they would do things together, go new places together, and considering their bond was stronger because of what they had been through together - near-death experiences did that to people, Miksa guessed - he wanted very much to immediately agree to it. How hard might it be to slip away from Threar for the trip with Esarosa? Easier or harder than trying to get her permission to travel inside the border to see their piece of ocean? "I'd like that," he nodded, still unsure how or when it would all happen but enjoying the idea nonetheless.

Big happy family seemed to sum up what he had learned about Threar just nicely, and again he nodded in agreement with Esa's observation of the Destruction wolves he was now associated with. Question after question tumbled off of her lips about the pack and its members, so many that Miksa wondered how it was she was able to think of all of them at once. Which one did he answer first? He seemed not to know where to begin, and though he wanted to answer her the suggestion she made of exploring the cave behind them brought back a reflective smile. Could any cave be as dangerous as the one they had nearly gotten stuck in? "I'm not sure that's a chance I want to take," Miksa admitted, though the thought of wandering around more with Esarosa did interest him. If that was really what she wanted to do... He glanced over one shoulder at the cavern in question, eyeing it a moment in silence. "Maybe if we don't go too far inside?" The yellow-eyed boy was not entirely sure if staying close to the entrance would keep them safe, but maybe at the very least it they would be closer to the exit if trouble went down.



6 Years

08-19-2015, 08:59 PM
Esa smiled gleefully when he said that would like to go with her to that magical place some day. She loved adventure, but sharing the experience with Miksa would be even better. She wondered how often she'd be able to drag him away from his pack duties to come on adventures with her. She'd just have to try and find out. Maybe I will go to meet the pack myself; he said they were kind, she thought, tilting her head and gazing upward, I'm sure I can make a good impression. They won't mind if I want to see Miksa now and again. But that would be for another day. Today, she was here with him and she would enjoy it while she could.

She giggled lightly as he said he didn't really want to take the chance of entering the cavern. She knew why, and she couldn't blame him. Even she was wary, and it took a lot to make her cautious. She was about to murmur that it was okay and she understood, but he surprised her by saying he'd go if only they didn't go too far inside. Her eyes widened, mischief twinkling in her emerald eyes. She blinked, then smiled, nodding to him. She had been about to agree that they shouldn't go, but now that he'd suggested he might go in if they just stayed close to the exit, she couldn't pass it up. She didn't want to be the one to disagree when she had suggested it in the first place. "Of course we won't go far," she assured him, "Even I don't want to repeat our last adventure entirely. At least this mountain looks sturdy, and it looks natural. That last cave definitely wasn't. So this one should hold up."

She was trying to reassure herself just as much as she was trying to reassure her friend. Almost dying in a cave-in was a horrifying experience, beyond what words could describe. She never wanted to repeat it, but since they had both survived it, she couldn't regret it, because she had met Miksa that day and they'd grown closer because of it. She would just make sure she never got caught in something like that again. She met Miksa's electric gaze and then nudged her head in the direction of the cavern entrance before trotting off toward it. She led the way just inside, sniffing at the dirt and clay edges of the cave opening - it definitely looked sturdier than the mines, but she wouldn't be convinced so easily. From within she could hear drips of water and the trickling of a small stream. It drew her curiosity, but she wasn't going to march into the darkness so quickly. Just a few paw steps into the cave, she felt herself unbalanced as her left paw found a steep dip in the floor. "I think this cave is sturdier, but I guess there are some dips in the floor and it's kinda hard to see," she said, realizing that she was probably starting to think with the same careful mentality as her friend, "And I can hear water deeper inside. I wonder if this cave floods sometimes?" The thought made her shudder, but realizing how cautious she was being, she laughed at herself and looked at Miksa, wondering what he thought.



3 Years
08-24-2015, 04:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though he was not quite brave enough to agree to a full investigation of the cavern Esarosa had pointed out, she seemed just as excited about just exploring a piece of it. It was a relief to Miksa, especially since he was reluctant to parts ways with her just yet. They had spent a while apart from each other and he still felt rather bad for having left the north without telling her where he was headed. This gave them an opportunity to catch up, to strengthen their friendship, and would certainly make him feel better about them moving on. He smiled, even chuckled as she made reassurances about the structure and security of this cave, and hoped she was right. He hoped this time would be more fun - and safer - than the last.

Excited, eager, Esa took the lead, and the timid white wolf followed behind. Even from a distance his yellow eyes looked past her to the cavern, studying the outside structure of it in the mountainside and attempting to look and far inside as he could. It was hard to do, and not even getting closer seemed to make that much of a difference. No light sources close to the entrance, he concluded, though he did catch the dripping noises that his friend did. Only he could see none of it, and it added a new sense of caution to him as he followed behind Esarosa. She, too, appeared to be taking things more cautiously this time, and even stopped when she noticed the ground ahead was uneven. It seemed they both had learned a lot during their last excursion.

Quietly Miksa padded up beside the green-eyed figure where she had stopped, his gaze studying the floor of the cavern until he could barely make out the shadow of the dip she had mentioned. If she had been any faster, she probably would have fallen, and he could only imagine how nasty a tumble in here would be if the ground continued on like this. "It might," he commented in response to her question of flooding, though from the faint sound of the water he suspected they were in the clear this time. "I think we'll be okay. We just have to take it slow." He glanced briefly at her and then back at the floor, and taking the initiative he carefully lowered himself down the dip she had first noticed. It was steep, awkwardly so, but he found his footing at the bottom and turned to glance back up at her, proving that it was safe and sticking close to make sure she made it alright without stumbling.



6 Years

08-26-2015, 03:29 AM

Esa flicked her ears back as she heard him chuckle about her remarks - so, he had noticed her cautiousness after all. She grinned to herself as she lightly padded her paws around the dark inner cave. She felt Miksa come up to her side when she had paused, uncertain of the sloping cave floor and the rhythmic drip-drip coming from deeper within. Yet his comments reassured her that it was okay, and glancing sideways at him, she nodded. She trusted his judgement, as he seemed to have a strong intuition, and wasn't one to rush brashly into any situation. And feeling the rough stone beneath her paws ensured her that he was right - this cavern was as sturdy as the mountain itself. "Alright, we'll go slow and it'll be fine," she repeated, smiling as he took the lead. When had he grown braver?

She wouldn't question it a moment longer as she watched him carefully shuffle his way down the steep decline, finding his footing comfortably at the bottom. When he glanced back up at her, she realized she hadn't moved a paw step, watching him so intently. She smiled and followed after him, placing each paw carefully, yet eager to catch up with him. He was waiting for her below, and though the lighting was dim, she could tell that he was looking out for her. Still, one of her clumsy paws stubbed on a small jutting piece of stone, and she quickly found herself stumbling. She managed to catch herself awkwardly and keep from falling, but her stride was offbeat and she bumbled into Miksa, her shoulder bumping into his. Though the collision was minor, she still found herself on her rump after bouncing off of him and attempting futilely to catch her balance.

"Sorry, Miksa,"
she murmured in embarrassment, "I should be more careful. Sometimes I think I don't know the meaning of 'take it slow'." Of course she had tripped up the moment she'd started moving too quickly, so intent on catching up that she'd lost her footing. At least he'd been there to catch her fall, and she wasn't in this alone. It was fun. As she looked at their surroundings now, she realized that there was a faint light coming from deeper within. How could that be? Was their another entrance to the cave? She suddenly felt a drop of water plop down on her head, and when she looked up, she could see the outline of a strange, sharp looking stone jutting down from the ceiling. How peculiar. She glanced toward the dim light again, then looked to Miksa. "It looks like there's light coming into the cave from up ahead," she mentioned, though she was sure he'd already noticed, "How can that be?" In a way she was curious and hoped they would find out, but this time around she was more than willing to take his word if he advised against going too far into this cave.[/color]

"Speak" "Listen" Think