



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-12-2015, 03:15 PM

Powerful strokes brought the beast closer to shore, it was a tough current, but nothing he could truly handle. The skies were dark even in mid day, he couldn't feel moisture in the air to call for rain, even if the clouds held every sigh for oncoming rain in the future. With his head just peeking out of the water enough for his nostrils to take in the necessary air, it wasn't a long trip over the water, but it was long enough for him to be wishing he was on shore already. The winds picked up just as he touched soil, rock more like it, where he could feel the sharp edges digging into his feet just as he pulled himself out of the water.

The moisture drenched pelt clung to his muscular body, dripping onto the soils as he walked past the beaches and into the forest, leaving a small trail of blood behind him with bleeding paws, cut up by the sharp rocks surrounding that part of the island. They didn't bug him. He'd probably lick them clean later anyways to clear them from sand and debris in order to keep an infection at bay. A medic would always be welcome, but even without one, he was certain he would be okay. There were worse injuries and they didn't get infected either. Perhaps it was his immune system that was so accustomed to his filthy habits of not cleaning himself regularly, or maybe it was good genes... but no one would know of the later anyways, so it didn't matter.

The long swim had cleaned him of some of the stench that clung to his body, other than the smell of wet canine, he smelled rather normal for once. He'd give it a couple hours, maybe a day or so before he smelled like himself again. For now, this would be his home until he found something more interesting for him to do on the main land. He could smell the normal prey such as rabbits and small deer roaming the islands, it would be just enough for him to happily live off of, so long as he avoided the venomous snakes and sorts.

Lifting his head to the skies, the behemoth closed his eyes to take in a deep breath of the air before happily exhaling. The silence was indeed golden.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-12-2015, 06:16 PM

When she wasn't with Shaye Rhythm was trying to up her herb collection for the winter, and just find some rare samples in general. She'd heard there was an island, difficult to get to, that held herbs of high value. Right now she was just experiencing the difficult to get to part. Her tail was almost healed, enough so that she could move it with out hardly any pain. This was a blessing. Swimming here was one of the most difficult tasks she'd ever accomplished, the current was strong, but she pushed through trying not to think about how few herbs she'd be able to bring back because of the rough waters. She'd manage to cross with out injury, but she knew she'd have to rest before she took on the impressive waters once more.

Shaking out her chocolate coat as she reached the beach she wouldn't realize one had gone ahead of her. She'd been too focused on keeping her head above the water to notice him come before her, and only as she started down the beach did she notice his prints.. and the blood. Startled by the red sand Rhythm would step back cautiously, lifting her head to survey her surroundings. The prints left were massive, he was easily Valentine's equal in height if not more. There were many questions left unanswered as she stared intently at the tracks leading into the forest.

She'd leave the stranger be for now, and would hope silently that they did not meet while she collected her intended plants. Her delicate form would continue on down the beach, hoping she might more aptly avoid contact if she entered into the forest further down. Eventually Rhythm would slip into the darkened forest, searching mostly by scent for anything of interest.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-12-2015, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2017, 02:19 AM by Shrapnel.)

Snapping twigs echoed in the lush forest around him, he did little to conceal himself in these surroundings, certain that there was little to no others around. Although he loved to hunt those of his own species - sometimes, they can be too much of a hassle, even for him. Sometimes the drab "smack talk" was too... lame, unoriginal and down right, simply put; boring. Yes granted he was still young, and his head often got in the way, he didn't win every fight despite his size - but that was all about the learning curve to begin with. So long as he didn't die, he was a winner. To lick his wounds and go out hunting another day.

The canape of a large leafed tree was just enough shelter for him to take a moment and clear the cuts on his paws of any sand. The large pink muscle within the cavern of his moist maw lapped up the copper tasting fluid, along with some sandy bits while laying on his belly, comfortable on the new home he had set for himself in a temporary state. With a twitch of his nose, his motion went still. Someone was on the island, and he could smell them.

With an annoyed grunt, the brown leviathan slithered up back into a standing position, his flesh rolling while his body settled into the new position before moving forward again. Following his nose, he could tell it was female... again. A roll of his eyes explained how excited he was for this meeting. Sure he could just leave them alone and wander, but what fun would that be? She didn't smell familiar... so perhaps she was much more pleasant than the other two he had the displeasure of bumping into.

Slithering through the foliage, his still damp pelt dripped as he pushed through the leaves. The lack of sunlight made it difficult for his coat to dry, and Gods forbid he could lick himself dry. Wandering around the forest, he followed his nose at a lazy pace. She was slow moving through the forest, as if she was looking for something... there was a drowned out scent on her, a pack member he had run into - and that already had made his fur stand up on ends and teeth grind together in annoyance.

It was only until his ruby eyes found the earth toned princess, one he had not seen before, to which had already calmed the storm brewing in his chest. Is there anything in particular you are foraging for mein Fräulein? The words slipped out of his vocals just as he pushed through the final leaves separating them.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-12-2015, 07:12 PM

Her pace was indeed slow, however it was much fast going after she'd found the deer trail. It cut through the underbrush more easily and seemed to go past quite a few interesting specimens. She had to remember that she wasn't going to be able to carry any sort of big bundle back with her. She automatically avoided anything that she might have been able to find in Imperium, as well as those herbs that grew around her home as well. She kept her ears swiveling atop her head despite her lowered nose as she sniffed at the flora that passed by her. Surely she'd hear the massive brute coming if he decided he wished to indeed visit her. Rhythm didn't hear anything for a long time, nor did she find anything interesting in that duration either.

Eventually though, she'd pick up on movement and would avoid the urge to flee. He'd find her eventually no matter what, she would do better to hold her ground. She didn't know what he was about, maybe he just sought company. She'd ready her defenses in case he sought to attack, and her bright eyed features would shift up to meet his as he poked through the foliage. She'd flick her still healing tail softly behind her as he questioned her unassumingly, "Rare plants, sir." She'd answer politely, despite not knowing quite exactly what he'd called her. Could have been 'monkey butt' for all she knew. "Ginseng, wolfsbane, wintergreen, Trillium.." She'd list off a few plants she knew she wanted to try and find. Even if she only came back with one of the four she would have been content.

She'd didn't shy away from his presence, but she did wonder why he sought her out. Did he intend to offer a helping paw?


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-12-2015, 07:19 PM

He was on a quest. A journey all his own as he sought out more to dominate. He had found Arietta, the woman willingly coming to him even after his long disappearance. He had been gone a year? Two years? The numbers never really clung to his mind, either way he was back. And the beast was staring out over the water from the main land to the many islands that dotted the coast. His body shivered only slightly from the cool winds that blew in over the sea, his body pulling him towards the lapping sea water. To see what he could find beyond these lands. He remembered having kept his mate on one of those islands, away from prying eyes. Hiding her in secret from his father. And he remembered another time where he had helped a woman give birth, and it had been successful. What had brought him to do such kind acts? He didn't know, but that part of him had been cast aside during his previous journey. Finally, sharpened claws touched cold waters as the sea washed over him.

Striking out strongly and without great effort, he made his way to the nearest island. It didn't take long, for the island was one of the closer ones to the mainland. The wind buffeted his fur and water threatened to drag him down, but he persevered and kept strong. Head held high above the water to avoid getting the salty sea in his mouth and nose, he pushed on.

Mere moments later, he'd reach the sands. The rocky shore he'd carefully caress with his paws, careful not to slip or cut open his pads. Once upon the shore, he shook himself vigorously, the winds whipping around him would further aid in drying him off later. Gazing around before looking back from where he came, he could see the main land not too far off this new shore, and so he'd turn away and begin walking along the beach towards the forest beyond.

As he investigated the new scenes, he paused. Head lifted and nostrils flaring as his audits picked up a faint sound. Included with the new discovery, the scents of others would penetrate his senses. With a wry grin, the blood stained creature made his way forth. Picking his way carefully through the foliage and terrain as he soon came upon them. Two figures entered his field of vision, one a behemoth that towered easily over himself and others he had come across, and another smaller then he that reeked of a pack. What were they doing out here? Where they here for the same purpose as he? One had to wonder. And so it was without hesitation, he'd silently slip from the shadows towards them a fair distance away, amber eyes practically glowing from his cover. "It seems I've discovered something new." He purred, gaze cast from one to the other.




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-12-2015, 07:53 PM
Cascade had followed Rhythm.

Not because she was suspicious (not really) or had a bad feeling (she would have warned valen instead) but out of pure, simple curiosity. Where was Rhythm going and why? As their path grew longer and longer, her Carlisle curiosity only grew greater. Where on Alacratia could the girl be going?

When Rhythm's scent led to water, she unhesitatingly leaped in to follow it. Her strong, slim body cut through the waves with ease, the nasty current and waves thrashing her about bothering her very little. She was on a quest! Her c uriousity had hold of her in a tight grip. Waves could do little to dissuade her.

On making landfall she found not just Rhythm's scent but another, unfamiliar scent. Hmmmm. As she followed it a third scent, not nearly as familiar but still recognizable, caught her attention and drew a wry smile. Sin Armada. That boy sure got around. She came upon the group of them together in time to hear his words though not anyone else. New? She smirked. Unless he was scent blind he couldnt possibly miss Valen's scent all over her, claiming her as his. Even with the recent swim the scent still clung to her brown fur.

Sauntering more into view she spoke up. "They say two's company, but there's a crowd. Does that make four a party do you think?" She let her gaze drift to the one she didnt know, a male even larger than Valen, larger than even her dire wolf mother had been. "Duo you have a name, dear? Or are you the strong silent type?"
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-12-2015, 08:42 PM

He stood with water still clinging to the brute's pellage. With every breath his chest expanded, the cling of his fur made the moment much more obvious than it would when dry, he wasn't heaving or breathing heavily, it was just... easily spotted for movement. Ears fully erect atop his crown in a proud display, tail just leveled with his hips - not in a dominant display, but not submissive either. Not that he didn't think of himself above her in any way, he was just getting bored of the same ol' routine.

Lips parted for him to speak, only to be stopped... his mouth clicked shut as his nose picked up not one... but two others lurking around. One was of a loner, and the other... the same pack as this one and the two others before them. His fur bristled at the thought. They were like cockroaches, they popped up everywhere you looked, no matter where you went, there they were. he swallowed a hard lump in his throat, impatience boiling in his blood as he could already feel his temperature rising. If it was at all possible, steam would rise from his living corpse and dry up the lingering water on his flesh.

The other female came out of hiding, speaking of a fourth that he already knew of. They had chosen to remain hidden in the brush like some kind of rabbit. Her question was posed to him as he eyeballed the woman who came crawling out of the brush as if she was queen of everything. Last time he checked, this island was unclaimed. I don't make a habit of speaking to strange women. Baritone chords struck harsh against the moist air of the dark forest in a careless tone. Is he going to remain hidden?

He hadn't had a pack meeting since... ever. It already bored and annoyed him greatly, perhaps because this wasn't even a pack, his pack to be exact. Two lone males and two pack females. It was odd, but strangely fitting as well. It was a sexist thought, but to him, females belonged in a pack. They were all snug and safe in there - not to mention the scent of one male wolf in specific was upon their pelts... a brow quirked at this notice. How interesting. They didn't seem like siblings, and the air was thick with some kind of envy, or perhaps it was jealousy... was there any real difference?

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-12-2015, 08:55 PM

As she spoke she'd hear the foot steps of two others, this stranger's voice would be interrupted by another male, one who sought to keep himself to the shadows. She'd knit her brows, only to be startled by the second arrival. What was Cascade suddenly doing here? Rhythm would tilt her head curiously at the other woman but she'e keep her mouth closed. Had she been following her? Not that she found that minded after the second male showed up. She probably would have been able to take care of herself against the big young one, the other male added into the mix and she might not have been able to swim back across the channel. "I'm not sure what it is, but you don't think I could persuade all of you to carry some herbs back over?" She wasn't really sure where this might be going, but her casual tone made it clear she was hardly worried about her safety.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-13-2015, 12:15 AM
He slipped on scene when the familiar figure of a purple hued woman came on board. The woman whom he'd seen quite a few times, and it seemed fate liked to bring them together in different manners. Amber gaze looked from the dire creature to the two femmes that bore similar scents, obviously the pair were in the same pack but it's not like he cared. "It seems like it." He'd respond to the darker woman, a wry grin and a wink added to it.

He turned to gaze at the largest figure of their little ragtag group, he was quite the specimen and Sin offered a nod to the male as he admired his features. He appeared to be a hellish creature, Sin could tell by looking at his eyes. Perfect. They'd get along just fine.

Head turned then towards the smaller female, her all too polite mannerisms granting her no aid. [b]"Do I look like a carrier pigeon? I'm not inclined to following you back to your master." He growled, tail sweeping defiantly against his hocks. Why should he help her? She offered no favors to him. And though he'd done nice in the past, those niceties were reserved for something that offered benefits to him. Benefits of which this female, he was sure, could not commit to.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-13-2015, 07:57 AM
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes - barely - when the big yearling bratted at her. Hulking around being as though he were a god and being rude to all and sundry.. If Angelus had spoken that way to someone, size or not she'd put him in the dirt and make him apologize! Well, depending on who it was really - she might have let him get away with sassing his granny Cat if she were still around - but answering someone friendly with surliness wasn't acceptable. She may have swatted this brat, too, if it weren't for the Armada lurking. She didn't know which way that Sin would land if it came down to a fight and she wasn't going to risk Rhythm's pretty little head by correcting a nuisancey child. She smirked at Sin in return as he finally decided to pop out of the bushes, the expression not faltering a bit when he growled at Rhythm, though the tip of her tail twitched like a hunting cat's.

"Now, Sin," she chided, "we're all friends here. We can play nice. Maybe we could trade something for your help. Tough guy like you I'm sure you get banged up a lot, you could probably use a once over by a healer." Her eyes slid to the young dire, her smile not faltering. "Cascade Saxe, Rhythm Destruction, and Sin Armada," she informed him cheerfully, indicating each wolf whose name she spoke. "See, no strangers here. Now I can't speak for 'strange' since I probably am that."
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-13-2015, 02:18 PM

Liquid rubies glared over at the smaller earth toned being the moment she opened her mouth to speak. He snorted gruffly in response while some dribble flew from his nostrils. That was quite forward of her to speak up for some help from loners to bring back herbs to their pack - especially since he believed none of them were exactly friendly toward each other just yet. Vengeance couldn't help but drag his oculars toward the newest member of the growing group, he could sense the man's eyes on him and simply blinked at the nod. The alabaster man was riddled in scars, and seemed to know at least one of the females, they all had their own little connections it seemed, and Vengeance was left out of the circle. He sneered at the thought and kept his distance, just in case the other male was some kind of secret member of theirs, a spy that tagged along.

However, that suspicion was alleviated the moment the other male retorted the request of the female with a harsh decline. But even then, Vengeance had his doubts on what kind of relationship they all had between each other. It wasn't unheard of individuals trying to play games with an outsider. As the bolder purple hued woman spoke, a small grin poked through his lips as he eyed her in a stony stare. She introduced everyone herself for them. How amusing. If I wasn't mistaken, she was the "master" here. He mocked the tone of the off-white male, not more so to insult him, but her in the same tune; further refusing to share his name. He wasn't about to just because some woman decided she was curious about some stranger.

Without moving his head, rubies shifted to take in the view of the other female, the quieter one, and so far, the one who got less on his nerves. My time doesn't come cheap, if you wish to bargain, offer me what you will and we will see on a response. His offer was directed to the brown female rather than the talkative purple one. He wasn't about to let a favor slip through his paws. For the time being he didn't a healer, or any kind of "favors" back to himself, but who knows, maybe she had something interesting to offer him. If anything, maybe she would amuse him.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-14-2015, 12:08 PM

She'd get a growl in answer, a potential deal worked out from Cascade, and an acceptance of said potential deal. Really she didn't have any desire to touch either wolf, one was covered in what looked to be old blood. How he wasn't a walking disease she wasn't sure. The other smelled very strongly of wet dog, and Rhythm wasn't sure if she could handle that one. He'd ask what she had to offer, which really was nothing. "I can tell you a pretty good joke." She'd say in all seriousness. "What's brown and sticky?" Rhythm would ask the tall brute with a curious expression on her features. She'd wait for his answer to tell him the punch line. "Really though, all I need is help getting them across the water. I've got to focus too much on my swimming to be able to bring back anything but the most rare plants. After i get them to the other beach It'll be much easier to take them back to my master." She'd giggle as she added emphasis on the word and shot the Aramada man a glance. He was not nearly as clean as Kyarst. "All I have to offer is thanks, otherwise I'll get back to my search." It was her who had been bothered in the first place after all, she just wanted to get her herbs and get out.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-18-2015, 01:19 PM
He eyed Cascade as she spoke, he had grown to like the woman. She wasn't as weak looking as others he had come across. He had no intention of belittling the midnight woman, on some levels they seemed to get along. Which was rare for him, to get along with others. But she was different it seemed. She didn't fear, and in a way Sin could respect that. She had potential to be a good ally in the future, and he'd remember that.

When she introduced the three to the younger wolf, Sin would dip his head in a somewhat reserved greeting. A brow raising as Vengeance spoke. A grin spread on his features, he had to agree on that one. "I'm afraid I'll have to take his side on this one. My help isn't free, and if you sorely need help them perhaps you should have thought about that before swimming all the way out here. This place can't be the only one with whatever it is that's so important to you." His voice was reserved, between kind and unkind but with a hint of mockery. Seriously, didn't she think about it before coming out here? What if nobody had been around, then what?

He rolled his eyes when she said what she could offer. What did they look like? Giggling little school girls?'re brown. And you could be the one in a sticky situation. You're lucky your little friend is here. He wouldn't voice his thoughts, but he wondered just how much Cascade actually liked the girl. Whether she did or not, the two were in the same pack. And he was sure Cas would defend the woman if need be, else their Alpha wouldn't be happy.

He snorted, then turned his attention to Rhythm as he directed his words to her. "How is it that she," His muzzle pointed to Cascade, "Can come up with an offer for you, yet you couldn't think of anything more then a stupid joke?" He questioned her, his tone cool. "That's pretty pathetic. Does everyone in your pack speak for you?"



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-18-2015, 05:14 PM
Though her expression remained open and relaxed, inwardly Cascade was fuming. She really could blame Valen for this. Getting all attached to his little toy then letting her wander off alone, ready to get snapped up by any male with an agenda and a taste for pretty little things like her. And here the pretty little thing was antagonizing them now. Did she know anything about the dark underbelly of wolf society or had she really been that sheltered? Did the word rape mean anything to her?

Flashing a smile at both males she made to smooth things over. "If anyone is going to need her plants it would be me, boys, so I have a bit of a stake in makingsure she has plenty you know? So why dont I make you a deal here instead? Rhythm and I will leave with just whar we can carry while you two have a nice chat, OR you could help us carry a few extra over and I will personally bring you a week's worth of prey each. On my mother's life." She raised her paw and crossed it over her heart in a fairly universal "I promise" gesture. It was a damn hefty bargain just for carrying a few dumb herbs to the mainland but hey, itwould get Valen's toy out of trouble and she wouldnt have to deal with them with Rhythm there with her innocent air tempting them.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!