
It's too cold for you here



4 Years
07-17-2015, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2015, 03:05 AM by Arian.)

She needed some time to herself, that was what was dearly needed. Arian wasn't even sure if Cypress or the others knew she had snuck out, her mind muddled with crazy things right now. She was feeling just as she had when she had run into Neo. Her life was slipping through her paws, she felt lost. Perhaps Katja had been right, she was a fool who could not protect her young or even herself from the dangers of the outside world. Perhaps Zakuro should have granted her passage to insanity, or the gods were punishing her for simply lying to her friends and family. Pain brought her pleasure if she dealt it, biting down hard she heavily pregnant woman would walk along the wall alone. Not giving a damn if it was dangerous or not.

As soon as she found a suitable spot, she circled slightly and flopped down on the icy floor. The cold running up her side as her crystal blue eyes made note of the outside world. Wouldn't it be great if she just let the cold take her right here and now. No, alas she held new life inside of her, her own young. It was a chain and ball tying her here. Arian soon found herself weeping, wiping tears away from her eyes with her two front paws. She missed them, she missed her family. Natsu and Jailee, hell even Syrinx. Destruction was dead, her father Maverick had turned his back on their family and vanished. She was a huge and utter disappointment and failure to her family adopted and blood born.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
07-17-2015, 12:28 AM

He wasn't entirely searching across the walls for anything important, probably just to remind himself of the area. After all, Vereux didn't want to be far from Yfir just in case he was called. He didn't entirely fit in there, but what else did he have? There was nothing for him anywhere, and his vows had been set in stone. They meant more to him than mostly anything, however as his single eye came to rest upon Arian a small gasp left his throat. She was crying, alone, and when he caught her scent pregnant.

Quick on his paws, concern covered his face. He approached cautiously with his head low. "Arian..... what's wrong with you?" he asked softly, narrowing his eye at her. The male would come closer to her, but he did not dare touch her from what he knew of her in the past. Sitting down beside her, he would give her some space before she could decide to answer. After all he would always be here to listen.

?I speak?



4 Years
07-17-2015, 12:37 AM

Arian would try to stop her sobbing, her front paws covering her eyes could not be good should an enemy show up. When she scented someone, her hackles would shoot up, her ears pinned and teeth bared. However, did her eyes deceive her when she saw Vereux and once he spoke her fur began to relax. He was the last wolf she wanted to see right now. Yfir's scent clinging to his fur, it made her growl slightly as he spoke and sat next to her. Head turning away from his direction, in an obvious show of distress.

"Nothing you should care about." she snorted mildly. Her lungs burned, as did her body. Hatred and depression all mixed into one. She wanted to rip something apart, and since Vereux was in close proximity he would be subjected to her angry words. "You're so called alphess decided to call me weak worthless, told me to run back to the south where I belong. I am no fool, I know what I'm doing. Just because I want to know what's going on around me doesn't mean I should be called weak. Imperium too, they don't know me, they saw the old me for sure but I'll show them. Vereux, Yfir might be next and that is no exception to you." she snapped turning her head towards him. Arian would stand to her feet hackles raised.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
07-17-2015, 12:53 AM

Vereux was ready for her to tell him about all the difficult things that were going on in her life. Though she happened to turn her head away it made him blink for a moment as she started to speak. Not that he should care? She was one of his best friends, after they had been enslaved together he would've thought it would be an unbreakable bond. Though when she went on to threaten Yfir, his fur stood on end. Was she crazy, obviously Katja knew what she was doing it was a woman he looked up to. Possibly because he had to. As she rose to her feet as did he they went face to face. Disgust pulled on his face. Then it was nothing.

"....So someone called you weak..... did you ever think it was a bad idea to visit packs while you're pregnant? What are your members doing? Aren't you supposed to invest your time in them rather than yourself?" he hissed at her his hackles raising on end. His teeth bared back and ears pinned, he was tempted to snap at her but he couldn't bring himself to do it just now. "Maybe they have a point, you have a crippled leg and this entire time all you've done is feel sorry for yourself. You don't get anywhere trying to do things for your own benefit. You start Hurting the ones you love around you. If you think your life is so hard look at mine. I Lost everything! I have no mate to come home to, I have no children to call my own. I was missing for a large portion of their lives, I couldn't love my mate enough so she fell in love with someone else and I wasn't meant to be there. I am an Armada permanently marked by the albino king as his spawn of satan. And now I don't even fit into Yfir. I have nothing compared to you Arian. Wake up and smell the roses. You have a family, a pack, and taking advantage of them is not the way to go just because you're pissed off after someone who obviously knows what's going on calls you weak. You..... are being selfish!" he snapped at her. His teeth came inches away from her snout, green eye locked on her. How dare she try to simply woe him, was he just a pawn. Like any other, he was tired of being walked over. He was tired of losing what meant most to him.

?I speak?



4 Years
07-17-2015, 01:00 AM

Her anger only grew when he went to speak. Yelling at her, it frustrated her deeply. Why couldn't he just see, why couldn't he see the pain she was in. She was losing herself, she didn't want to lie to her friends but she was afraid of losing them. As the words flew from his mouth her eyes opened wide. Albino king, perhaps Vereux was her enemy after all? He was the son of the man who took someone away from her. However he had been different, totally different. His jaws came to snap right near her own face. Making her let out a surprised yelp as she instinctively backed away from him. Her scarred face looking up at him as she let a thin growl escape her throat.

"Really you want to snap at me now? What would your pack think of that, attacking me without permission? Do you honestly think your own feelings take precedence over mine. I know what I'm doing! Why can't anyone see that! I have blood of royals in me and even I disgrace that. I have a demon growing in my heart and that just very well be passed onto my children! I don't even want to be here, but I'm rooted by the people I know who are eventually just going to be ripped away from underneath my feet." she took a step forward slightly. "Let me make one thing clear." she started to lower her voice. "I don't give a damn about you."

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-17-2015, 02:15 AM

Avalon had left Sonticus lands for a reason today. The woman waking in the nick of time to see Arian slipping away again, and this time she would follow. She didn't want to feel like she was spying on her President, but as a concerned friend, she wanted to make sure the woman would be okay. Especially now that she was heavily pregnant. She knew pregnant wolves could be vulnerable, and although Avalon wasn't inclined to fighting too much, she would protect Arian if the need arose to do so. She walked quietly, always trying to keep herself at a short distance, and against the wind so that Arian couldn't smell her. Where was she going?

They would travel for a while, Arian 's course changing slightly as they came to an area that wasn't too familiar to her. And when Arian stopped, Avalon stopped as well, close enough to hide and keep a sight on her. What was she doing here? Her brows furrowed, she didn't know what others did when they were pregnant, but didn't they usually stay within the safety of a pack so nothing bad would happen? At least...if one had a pack. She waited for a moment, her eyes spying something with Arian that Saif something was wrong...the breeze brought to her, the scent of tears and sadness. Was she crying!? She would begin to rise to her paws to rush to the President's side, but before she could, another scent was carried her way, this one familiar. Vereux? She watched them interact, words of concern first...then things began to quickly escalate. Her ears pinned back when she heard Arian spit words at Vereux, and in turn he had things to say too.

Then he snapped at her, and that drove Avalon to a state of alarm. Rising to her paws, she ran over to them and arrived just as Arian had finished speaking, and the woman would plant herself between them, anger clear on her face and her stance. Her ears were pinned, her eyes burning, and her stance rigid. "What the hell is going on!?" She looked at each in turn, an answer demanded in her eyes. She wasn't sure why they were acting like this, and she sure as hell hoped it wouldn't turn into a fight. She would be torn, between loyalty to her Alphess, and loyalty to her friend.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
07-17-2015, 03:04 AM

It hurt, plainly put. He hadn't meant to push her that far, and yet she looked him in the eye and told him flat out that she didn't give a damn about him. His heart tore itself into pieces, coldly placing itself on a shelf so it could collect spiderwebs. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but a large female stepped between them. His green eye coming to settle upon Avalon, the one he had sent to Sonticus thinking that it would be good for her. He backed up, narrowing his eye and giving a snort. No longer feeling sorry that his feelings had been hurt by a simple pregnant female.

"Somehow I don't think you'd understand Avalon. Despite all I've done for Arian she tells me to my face that I don't know anything and she doesn't give a shit about me. Well fucking great, it isn't as if I have a heart anyway isn't that true you slut." he let his chest sieze up on him so he could let out a shivering breath. He looked at Avalon, "She didn't tell you what she did as a slave did she? How she willingly slept with every woman and man in sight. It's a surprise how she never got pregnant with any of their litters. If it hadn't been for me, she would still be there but she'd probably still be enjoying it like the whore she is." his tail frizzed up. He was angry he was hurt, suddenly he had been reverting back to his childhood days of calling names.

?I speak?



4 Years
07-17-2015, 03:10 AM

Before Vereux could say anything else Avalon showed up. Arian felt her tail bristle like a squirrel, she didn't want this. She was sick and tired of everything in her life going wrong, as her eyes slowly showed signs of distress. The anger quickly turned into sadness, when Avalon asked what was going on she didn't answer simply turned her head to look away from them. Her ears responding as Vereux spoke, she winced at every word he said. Not because it hurt, it did but, because it was true. Even here she had fought temptation for Cypress' sake. Her eyes moved to the ground as she angrily looked at Avalon.

"Vereux is part of an enemy pack. Yfir has done us wrong and as soon as my children are born I'll be holding a meeting to raid them. Go running to tell your alphess for all I care." she hissed at Vereux. "Even if what you say is the truth, there's no point in hiding who I am anymore is there? I'm sick and tired of being treated like trash which is exactly what she did." her front paws dug into the ice. She felt tears fall from her face. "Come on Avalon let's go home." her body turned and she started back towards the ship.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-26-2015, 08:59 PM
Avalon looked from one to the other, confusion settling itself plain on her face until Vereux explained to her what had happened. And even went as far as to explain what Arian did in the past. Her ears pinned at the harsh words, and Avalon was sure that if she hadn't shown up when she did, the two would be at it. Bringing a worse tension to both packs she was sure.

The truth from vereux was a shock to her, for she had never thought Arian to be that kind of person. She looked at Arian, the woman turning away as Vereux spoke each word. Avalon 's heart grew heavy, she had respected Arian to a great degree, and the more the truth sunk in, the more Avalon wondered how her President could live with herself. True, being enslaved was a hard life, she knew from experience. But not even she would succumb to such atrocities because she had more respect for herself then that.

Taking a deep breath, she lowered her head as Arian snapped. They were to raid Yfir soon? How could Avalon go against the pack her first friend belonged to? She had no choice but to obey, or risk being thrown out into the world on her own again with nowhere else to go. A sad look flowed through her as he slowly turned towards Vereux. "I'm sorry...know that I am, and always will be your friend." She whispered to him as she slowly moved over to him, brushing her muzzle gently against his in a show of heartfelt apology. Whether he shied away from it or accepted it was on him. And should they meet when the time came to collide, she would be the one to battle him. It was the least she could do, but even then could she truly fight him?

Sighing, she turned away. Thoughts careening and crashing around in her head like cars out of control. She had to follow Arian back home, her heart torn.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!