
Darkness, meet my light



6 Years
07-18-2015, 09:01 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage had never had a secret before. It was a weird feeling, to hide something from a good majority of his family, and most importantly to keep something from Glacier. It's not that he had intended for it to go this long, he hadn't meant to! It was just that he had been incredibly busy, and oddly protective. He hadn't wanted to leave Gaia's side for a millasecond, but as Ferax he had too. He would do the odd border patrol, check in on his siblings, comb the beach and the new territory, but all in all he had kept it a secret. And it was slowly eating him up inside. He wanted desperately to run the beach, to shout to his hearts content that soon, very very soon, he would be a father. His largest and final dream was about to come true. His own family, his own blood, his soon-to-be was all too great, all too much to handle and yet he couldn't get enough...

So, with a slight bit of reluctance, he left his love's side, and moved along the beach to find his brother. He would need to talk to private. It would not do good if everyone in their family found out and bombarded Gaia, she still seemed to be having a hard time with this pregnancy. Stormy eyes would scan the beach, sighing happily at the beautiful spring that had them in their clutches. Really, he wouldn't trade this life for the world, not even to have their parents back alive. He was happy where he was, with the choices they had made. Like a pheonix they continued to rise from the ashes of the fire their parents set, and each time they grew more great and more glorious! He'd move towards his favorite flat sitting rock, deciding he'd wait for his brother there and just enjoy the day. Glacier would happen upon him soon, it wasn't often that they spent a great deal of time looking for each other.




6 Years
Extra large
07-18-2015, 10:24 PM
The donostrea titan hadn't seen much of his litter mate, really it could be said he had seen little of him since the news of their parents. If that was the reason for his scarcity or not glacier had given his emotional brother space. He had had a lot of thinking to manage himself, and had taken the time to center himself after the shock of their parents departure from life. All the same, nothing would keep the inseparable brothers apart for long and in no time they would cross paths again. Perhaps it had a lot to do with a subconscious understanding of his brother that brought him to voltages favorite rock in time to find voltage there, or perhaps he had followed a faint scent in the breeze, a faint trail of the latest border patrol his lightning brother had taken. Honestly, it didn't matter the circumstances, only that there paths crossed again.

Wordlessly he would jump into the rock and invade his brothers space, with a deep sigh he collapsed on the hard surface, his large form managing to shift the lazing rock ever so slightly with a tremor before he stilled, looking up at the sky for a long while before he turned his attention onto voltage, and even then he didn't speak, he simply rested his head against his brothers broad back, smaller by far then glaciers own but with enough width to rest his giant muzzle against the plush fur.




6 Years
07-19-2015, 04:51 AM

Voltage Elementas

Without a single word they would settle into each other's warmth again, it seemed. As if days hadn't gone by before Voltage had seen his large brother. He'd feel the rock shake as Glacier leapt up, and within moments he felt the warmth flood into him. It wasn't obvious, sometimes, how much he missed his brother when they were apart, but it really was when they were together again. With a sigh he'd smirk, tilting his head so he could glance back at Glacier. Eyes shone with a happiness he hadn't shown since before his travels, a light air settled around him as if the recent woes he had felt didn't bother him anymore. "You're going to send my favorite rock into the ocean soon, if you keep movin' it like that." He teased with his signature grin, chuckling softly. "All that will be left is a giant hole and my tears to fill it." He would sigh dramatically then, shaking his head and looking back out at the horizon.

He was silent for several long moments, allowing whatever words Glacier said, if any, to wash over him as he enjoyed the fresh spring air. It felt light today, and the guilt he had felt for not telling Glacier seemed to melt away as well. His brother would understand, he was sure of it. "Say, brother.." He'd start, his smile forever on his face, as if it would never leave again. "Do you think...Dono would benefit having a some little paws scurrying around?" He would smirk towards the ocean then.




6 Years
Extra large
07-19-2015, 03:57 PM
The atmosphere surrounding his brother was like a fluffy cloud, like somewhere along the way they had both stepped out of reality. Voltage had always been a quick, bright burn when it came to emotions and it seemed the lightning boy had found peace with their parents fate. Glacier was glad for him, had worried deeply about how the news might scar him. Still, the change in his brother was phenomenal. There was more then just acceptance here, there was... A burning joy inside of him. To highlight that pont, voltage easily slipped into a teasing tone, pointing out the damage glacier was doing slowly over time to his stone. Glacier went with the humor, enjoying it, warming his stony heart against it. "Curse it, you foiled my brilliant plan. I was going to jump on your rock every day for the next two years until I succeeded too... nothing gets past you" he said with a content sigh as he stretched out, his relaxed body manner contradicting his words.

They would both be silent then for a moment, the radiating joy from voltage didn't let up or waver, not for a moment. It was a very steady emotion, especially considering it's source - voltage, who never really settled on any one feeling for long. Voltage would break the silence then, something about the way voltage worded the catch fraise 'say, brother' caught his attention, it was... too casual, it didn't suit the charged atmosphere. One eye rolled over into his brother direction, assessing him silently as he waited for his brother to continue. ahhhhh... and then everything made sense. Voltage's own joy gave it away, something so fundamental and perminant in a fleeting natured wolf. "actually... we need some mini wolves around. There perfect meal-sized for a lazy giant. Easy to catch too, just scope it up and crunch... perfectly satisfying. Why, are you volunteering a few meals voltage? " he asked, his tone so lazy, so casual, it almost hid the burning pride that shone like tears behind his silver eyes.




6 Years
07-19-2015, 08:00 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage knew his brother would get it instantly, he knew his quick working mind would pick on the oh so subtle clues Voltage would give. And he would grin so brightly as Glacier responded with his own jest. Laughing, he'd shake his head slightly, smirking back towards his brother with bright joy, nearly all his teeth showing. "Oh haha," He said with a laugh, shaking his head. He'd pause then, looking back out at the horizon. A happy sigh slipped from his lips as his smile grew larger with each passing thought. "No..." He whispered softly, staring at something beyond sight. "They aren't for eating." And with that he'd fully comfirm his brother's thoughts.

And then he laughed, his body began to shake whether with energy or odd and pure joy he wasn't sure. "I'm gonna be a father!" He said with a laugh, happy and pure. He was so excited! And it would come soon. He'd shift, lifting up on all his paws whether or not Glace's heavy head was on his back. And he'd turn, spinning and grinning down at his brother. His paws would dance as he bounced, stormy eyes shining so brightly as he did. "Glace! I'm going to be a dad! Me!" He said in a hushed excitement. He didn't want everyone to know just yet, but they would all know soon. He just didn't want Gaia to be swamped with good wishes.




6 Years
Extra large
07-19-2015, 08:20 PM
Voltage's laugh definitely sounded sarcastic, but also teasing and Glacier opened his maw wide to give a toothy laugh back to his brother. Big bad wolf indeed... no doubt he would murder the little puppies with tickling and laughter. And then it really struck home for Glacier, he would have little tiny puppies to play with, each and every one of them would carry a piece of Voltage with them. What would that be like? For one, it made him feel old, he still remembered the earlier days of him and Voltage against the world, just two young guys learning how to survive.

Perhaps Voltage was struck with the same realization as burst into laughter beside him. As Voltage started to move his body, Glacier would lift the head nestled in his brothers coat, and look up at the other boy as he danced his joy and excitement to the world. “Unlike the rest of us, you'll actually have the energy to manage them all” Glacier joked, his eyes soft, his body still as he watched Voltage. “I cant wait to meet them, my little Voltage's” he murmured softly, wondering how the mix of Gaia's beautiful silver and his brother electric golds would mix together. Would they keep the Elemental heritage? “You realize you'll be the first of us to spread out lineage? We will see, with you, if the Elemental line is an inherited trait or just something our.. parents passed on to us” Glacier said, hesitating at the mention of their parents, it was still a touchy subject, at least for himself. But his mind was too caught up on the realization that they would learn a lot from Voltage's litter, to think about their parents.




6 Years
07-19-2015, 08:38 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage danced, his paws light as air on the rock as he moved, unable to sit still any longer. He wanted to cry, but only in happiness, for this was his greatest joy. He laughed happily, the sound like nothing he had ever made. It was new, it was strange, but it was everything he wanted and needed. Life made sense, life was perfect! He felt more whole than he had ever felt. He was going to be a father, not just a big brother. He was going to give them a fantastic life, he was going to raise them like parents should raise their children, and he will keep them, even if they wanted to go off. They would know his love transcended space and time, that wherever they were in the world, he would always adore them, and welcome them back with open arms. He would have their answers, he would never leave anything grey. Everything would make sense for his children. Things would be amazing.

With a happy exhale he'd flop, his forepaws stretching out over his big brother's back as he collaspsed on him. "I wonder what they will be like! Who's element they will inherit..." He said happily, nuzzling into his big brother's fur. "We couldn't....get answers from our parents, but perhaps this...this will bring us some. Perhaps they will provide everything we have ever needed." He whispered happily, resting his check against his big brother's back. "I'm going to be a father,'s everything I've ever dreamed. Children of my own...and they will know my love before they know how to breathe, and they will know my love untill their final breath." He whispered, a tear slipping down his cheek, unnoticed. "I will never abandon them....they will always have a home." He breathed softly, his smile never leaving.
