
Never there



6 Years
07-23-2015, 10:07 PM
Voltage stepped through the beach, stormy eyes half lidded as he did. The sun was high in the air, which meant his favorite night sisters were sleeping. Terrae and Gale were probably out practicing their gift, Locha was manning the beach as always. Glacier was probably out wooing his favorite little mouse, and Gaia was probably sleeping. For once Voltage didnt have much to do. He had promised his fiance that he would take it easy on training and he wanted to wait for his current wounds to heal before he went back out to the battlefield. He was a lot like Serefina and Glacier that way, neither of them could turn it off long enough to heal. Instead he stepped along the beach, manning the borders here before he'd move on go the prairie.

He was passing before the caves when he stepped a little too wrong, and he paused with a loud hiss the he quickly covered with a cough. He wasnt one to complain or even let his family know when he was injured. "Ow.” Hed whine as he moved to walk again, making sure he was alone before he even allowed the whimper to pass his lips. He had stuff to do, he couldnt let a little pain slow him down. This pack had to run like a machine before his children were brought into the world. He had a lot of work to do. So with a set look on his face he'd continue to move.

"Burn Baby Burn"

(Why yes, i'm threading with myself)



9 Years
07-23-2015, 10:08 PM
Arcus like his perch above his den, the slight outcropping of rock and stone that allowed him to view his skies without meeting up with his littermates. The height seemed to do him well too, just enough above a head that it often got ignored. It wasnt very often that he was seen, and if he was it wasnt very often he was spoken too. Like a black sheep, he was often on the outskirts of his large family and not willingly. Astrea, too, always seemes to stick to the backgrounds but even she was targetted by their big brothers. She always knew she was loved.

He would continue to stare out at the horizon, waiting for a storm to roll in or night to settle so he could go to bed. Tempest perched on his shoulder blades, doing god knew what. He kinda liked the little bird, but it could get on his nerves from time to time. Now seemed to be an exception, however, as Pest’s little twittle alerted him to his brother’s approach. With a silent growl he’d press closer to his perch, trying to stay out of Voltage’s line of sight. When he heard his brother’s whine he couldn’t help the scoff that bubbled from him, too loud for his liking. Slate blue eyes would stare down at his brother, waiting for him to notice him but also hoping he wouldn’t. The last thing he wanted was Volty’s lecture.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
07-23-2015, 10:09 PM
He continued to move until something caught his attention, a soft sound. Blinking slightly he’d pause, on paw lifted as he tilted his head this way and that, looking for any one of his siblings. Ears would swivel this way and that before he blinked, chin tilting back. Eyes would lock on his storm-loving brother, blinking as recognition and the brightest of grins would cross his lips. "Arcy!" He said happily, signature grin upon his face and stormy eyes shining. "Where have you been?" He asked happily, ignoring the sound his brother had made. There was so much different about his younger sibling, the year had been...different for him. There was a feather, and a bird! When did he get those? With a tilt of his head he’d motion towards the perch. "May I come up?" He asked politely, expecting a yes, the way Arcus had when they first came to the beach. A wash of guilt fell over the elder Elementas as he grinned up at his brother. A year had gone by since then, and now...his younger brother was practically a stranger. He couldn’t really remember the last time he and his brother had been in one place together. Perhaps he had been a little busy, perhaps Arcus had slipped in the background. Either way, there was always now, and Voltage wanted to get to know his younger brother again.

"Burn Baby Burn"



9 Years
07-23-2015, 11:26 PM
Of course! Of course of course of course. With a heavy sigh he'd meet his brother's eyes with a steady gaze, staring down at him with a set line on his face. Pest chose that moment to flee, perhaps due to the storm rolling across his frame. His muscles tightened as he clung to his rock, protecting it from Voltage's big butt. When he heard his name spoken with such happiness, such enthusiasm, he couldn't help but pin his eyes back and curl his lip just slightly. If Voltage was so happy to see him now, why didn't he seek him out before?! With a huff, he'd look away, glaring out at the horizon and willing the largest and loudest of thunderstorms to break over head. Maybe then Voltage would leave him alone. "I've been where I have always been." He couldn't help but seeth, glaring at nothing and everything. He didn't even want to look at his brother, his anger at him was so strong. Perhaps it was anger at the entire family that he directed to one singular and emotional source. He couldn't continue to be mad at Glacier, that man's ice was too thick and his heart too big. There was nothing Arcus could do to stay mad at him, but Voltage...oh, there was everything to be mad at. "No." He said slowly, his tongue rolling over his teeth as he returned his sneer to his brother. Voltage was the reason Arcus felt so alienated, he was the reason Arcus didn't have a future, why he felt so utterly useless. Voltage had taken everything from them, and forced them to live a life he deemed proper and good. Everything about this man was so false, so fake, so...unnecessary. He didn't want anything more to do with him. "Go away."

Or perhaps...he just needed a reason to stay angry.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
07-24-2015, 12:22 AM
There was a very definite change in Arcus, more so his attitude than anything else. He did seem to fill his body shape better, but that could be attributed to laziness than anything else. Voltage would blink slightly at the dark eyes that turned his way, almost stunned at the sheer anger that rolled behind his expression, his gaze. There was something Voltage couldn't place, something he wasn't used too. All his siblings loved him, and he loved everyone oh so dearly. But this...He took a step back, yellow-grey eyes wide before he forced his grin back onto his face. No, no, he must be imagining things. Arcus was just...grumpy. "No?" He said with a laugh, almost a forced sound as he gathered his weaked body. "C'mon Arcy, move over." His voice was full of tease, his eyes trying to shine over his shock as he moved to leap, to jump up onto the ledge. He paused at the next things Arcus said, and it seemed more than anything to clear up any doubt that something had changed. Where had the young man gone that wanted to help? He had always seemed a little quiet and short to smile, but this...was just pushing away. "Arcus, seriously, what's the matter?" He said softly then, all the concern he felt for his siblings filling his voice before he decided to make the leap...literally. He moved to jump, to land on the ledge beside his brother to hog his space and hope to lay beside him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



9 Years
07-26-2015, 01:28 AM
Lips curled as his brother pestered him, but he could tell now that Voltage might finally get that Arcus was a tad angry. The strange surprise that crossed his brother's face caused something vile to clench in the storm-lover's stomach, and he hated the feeling. With a swift turn of his head he'd look away from his brother, wishing that he'd stop being so familiare with him. They barely talked for a year and Voltage thinks everything is just the same as it was?! Anger rushed like ocean waves over him as he sat there, flashes of ice and heat coursed through him. And then his brother would dare to tell him to move over, he would jump up wouldn't he. With a snarl Arcus would turn on Voltage just before he managed to land and he quickly lifted his body to intercept his brother's leap, to throw him off his ledge and back to the sandy ground below. With an impassive look he'd jump down as well, landing just before his brother. The sand wedged between his toes, getting caught in his fur damp from the humidity. "What's the matter?" He spat, eyes narrowed as he finally, finally faced the cause of all his anger, or at least the one he pinned it all down too. He loomed over his brother, slate eyes dark and emotionless. "You." His deep voice was vile, angry, spiteful. Without another word and nothing but a hard glance he'd turn swiftly away, hoping to walk away from his brother on the ground, so he wouldn't have to face this anger.

"Burn Baby Burn"
(Permission to PP Voltage from Arin =P)



6 Years
07-26-2015, 01:55 AM
Surprise didn't even begin to describe what Voltage felt when he met the very solid, and very sudden force of his brother's body. His paws skidded the rock just barely as his momentum met Arcus' and he was overthrown, tossed like a rag doll back to the black sand. He bounced, a puff of dirt lifting around him as he yelped, still feeling tender from his boughts at the battle field. With a groan he pushed himself up with one paw, blinking at the sand in his eyes. "Ow.." He whispered softly, biting his teeth at the pain that thrumbed through his body. He felt more than heard his younger brother's paws hit the ground, and for a moment Voltage felt a sliver of fear. He had never noticed, but Arcy seemed to match him for height and physical prowess. And now, as shakey stormy eyes lifted to meet his brother's, he saw nothing but danger and anger. This wasn't the brother he knew, and it terrified him to see such a thing. "" He whispered, eyes so wide. Pain, sheer pain sliced through him, cutting deep inside. What did he do?! Panic pushed him up on aching paws, ignoring whatever wounds had opened in his fall, as he chased his brother. "Wait!" He yelled, too panicked to be commanding, not that he could ever command his siblings. He was their leader, not their authority. Wincing, limping he moved as quick as his body would allow, which was still quite quickly, and moved to block his brothers path. "What did I do?!" He said, his voice risen, his eyes wide and his grin gone. All that was left was his fear that he had done something to disappoint his younger brother, to make Arcus hate him. He didn't know what he would do if that were so, his family was his life and if Arcus despised him for something Voltage had done, he would never ever be able to forgive himself.

"Burn Baby Burn"



9 Years
07-26-2015, 03:52 AM
Arcus tried to keep walking, he really did. His head was low, his jaw clenched as he tried to leave his brother behind and tried not to worry about the way he groaned in pain. He had noticed that his brother had been tender, and the throw had done little to help that. He tried desperately to hold onto his anger, to his storm, and as Voltage called for him, he succeeded. With a snarl he'd stop, toes digging at the sand as he moved to stop. He glared at his elder brother, stormy eyes narrowed into slits and the right side of his lip curled just enough to show one long canine. "What don't you do?" He nearly spat. He had had this argument with Glacier once already, and now all his rage was directed to his electric brother. Every ounce he had stored, he had held onto to feel this adrenaline, to feel powerful, like he couldn't be hurt. Because if he wasn't angry, he truley did believe his family didn't like to spend their time with him. That he didn't matter to them. He didn't like to feel that pain. "You have your paw in absolutely everything!" He hissed then, stepping forward to get closer to his brother, his lips wrinkling. "I had a good life with my siblings on that island. And then you showed up! Now, they're practically strangers..." He growled deeply then, eyes flashing as he moved to walk around him then. "I'm sick of being nothing but a trophy for you, Voltage. Sick of being something to make you feel superior and great, like some...hero."

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
07-26-2015, 06:58 AM
Voltage couldn't honestly say he had ever felt anger as deep as this directed towards him. He never felt such sadness. Every word Arcus said and didn't say felt like a knife, slicing through him. His eyes would widen slowly, pain etching across his face that was not caused by his battle wounds. "Arcus.." He whispered softly. Voltage lived and survived for his family, they were his everything. They were the breath he breathed, the heart beat in his chest. Didn't Arcus understand that? "You don't understand, Arcus. Do you not know what our parents had done? Why we came to collect you and bring you home? That..." He would trail off, visibly wincing at the next thing his brother would say. He'd shake his head quickly, trying to deny what Arcus said the moment the words were in the air. A trophy?! "You think this is a game to me?!" He said loudly, eyes wide as he took a step back. "That you're nothing but a prize, a trophy? I don't get it Arcus, you had been had accepted our offer of a home! You had come with us, and you had...started to become part of this family. What happened?" He was worried, very worried. He remembered his and Arcus' last conversation and it didn't end in a way that made it clear why Arcus would feel this way. Though, that conversation was nearly a year ago. What even happened? "Everything I do is for you Arcy, don't you understand that?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



9 Years
08-12-2015, 02:31 AM
Arcus glared at his brother, his eyes narrowing as he tried to will him to stop saying his name in that heart breaking tone. His eyes stung and his lips curled even more as the anger swelled in his chest, a burning inferno now as Voltage began to deny it. Told Arcus that he didn't understand. He didn't understand?! He understood it all, he under stood everything, very very clearly. His eyes would flash then as he took a bold step forward, getting in Voltage's space. "Don't you ever tell me I don't understand." He growled before he side stepped to the left, shoving passed Voltage before he managed to finish his words. But Voltage would finish anwyays, exclaiming and confused, and a laugh bubbled from his throat. Slate eyes would turn slowly back towards his energetic brother, his lips curled slightly to show his teeth before he scoffed. "It's you who don't understand anything! You think everything is peachy, and maybe it is. While you start you start a new life with your girlfriend, and everyone is fine just hanging around doing nothing." He growled then before looking away again. "I'm leaving, Voltage." He said deeply before he began moving again, in attempt to walk away from his brother before his anger flared to dangerous levels again. He could not attack his brother, he could not fight him. No, he had to get away from here. He had to see Shaye or something. He just....he had to get away.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
08-12-2015, 02:39 AM
A gasp pulled from Voltage as Arcus got in his face, and he stared into those cold blue eyes. For a moment, a single moment, he was terrified. There was something about Arcus that just...put Voltage on edge, made him feel smaller. Arcus was the raging storm, the booming clouds that Voltage hid from, and there was no calming it. All you could do...was wait out the storm. He swallowed slightly and steeled himself, tried to feel stronger, like the elder brother should before Arcus suddenly slammed their shoulders together, pushing passed him. He blinked over wide eyes, wincing as he put too much pressure on his hurt ankle. When...suddenly. "Leaving?" He whispered in a broken voice, quickly spinning to look at Arcus. His brows pinched together, his ears plastered back as he stared at his younger brother. Confusion continued to wash through him as he took a step towards Arcus. "L-leaving?!" He said much louder. No, no! The elementas had to stay together! "You can't! You can't leave! Please, please, Arcus just talk to me. Just..listen!" He sobbed, his eyes stinging as he stared at his brother's retreating back, knowing there was nothing short of attacking his brother that would make him stop. "We are the universe, Arcus! We are the world! We will fall apart without you!" He shouted after him, taking shakey steps to try and get closer, but it hurt. It hurt physically and emotionally. "P-please...please don't...don't leave, brother!" He wasn't quite sure when the tears started, but he could feel them now, trailing slowly down his cheek as he watched Arcus walk away.

"Burn Baby Burn"