
First of the Year [MEETING]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-02-2015, 02:15 PM

Ghosting into the Orchard, Valentine cast an assessing eye across the tangled lanes of trees. He marveled at this place; the order and chaos that went hand in hand. Each lane was perfectly straight, each tree was roughly the same size. High overhead the boughs of the trees stretched free and without the intervention of man. They tangled with the arms of their neighbors and made passage easy for the small mammals that called the treetops home. The harmony above clashed with the disorder below. The ground was a tangle of briars and brambles. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, muscadine and feral wine grapes grew thickly, but mixed in with them was an unnameable variety of useless weeds. They crowded one another for sunlight, each throwing thin tendrils heavenwards in the hopes of climbing to the top of the heap. Pathways rambled through the maze of greenery, the frequent passage of creatures helping to (somewhat) shape the growth of the brambles.

Choosing one of the pathways, Valentine ambled into the heart of the Orchard. Today he was going to call the pack together. It was about time they gathered and discussed the coming seasons. Many of Imperium's members were under the age of two and could benefit from tutelage as they reached adulthood. There was also an embarrassing lack of laborers in the pack. Somehow they needed to fix that.

The path he was on opened up into a clearing. For whatever reason a few trees here had died and fallen, their trunks having long since sunk into the earth. The lack of cover overhead let the sunlight in and the brambles, without trunks and branches to lean on, had been overcome by the weeds and grasses that dogged them throughout the Orchard. Right now the grasses were just beginning to make a comeback and because of this the vast majority of them stood no taller than the middle of the King's forelegs. Valentine seated himself on the edge of the circle of sunlight looking in. After a moment's thought he called the pack to him, making it clear that all members were required to attend.

OOC: The deadline of the first round is August 9th. All members except those whose players are on absence are required to attend this meeting. There will be consequences for no shows.
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-02-2015, 03:08 PM

She didn't spend much time in the orchard really, but with the spring came flowers and she couldn't resist those. She could always stop and smell the flowers and as she strolled easily through the farmed trees and the shrubbery around them she didn't hesitate in smelling all of them. She felt like a little hummingbird flitting from one to the next, and she most certainly took note of more than a few of the tiny musical birds. They chirped at her when she got too close to their favorite flowers, they were beautiful little gems and she couldn't help but enjoy their presence. While she was easily distracted by the shining birds she did her best to avoid the stinging insects that also made their living from the nectar of the flowers. She was avoiding a rather large one Valentine's howl would be heard from close by. He was calling all of the pack together.

Mettings were somewhat of a rarity, it had been a good amount of time since she'd attended her last. She could only assume that this would be a routine gathering together of the pack. Eager to see the one she loved as well as to be punctual Rhythm wouldn't hesitate to be on her way. Dodging the big black and yellow insect the lithe she wolf made her way to his side, finding the clearing easily enough. With a soft smile lingering on her features she wouldn't hesitate in drawing near and offering an affectionate nuzzle as a greeting as well as a gentle whisper, "Hello, handsome." Flashing him another smile her chocolatey form would take a seat next to his tall form.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
08-02-2015, 03:20 PM

Birna had just finished digging her den when the call rang out for the pack to gather. Shaking the dirt from her pelt she paused for a moment. What was she feeling? Excitement? Nervousness? It was refreshing to be a pack member again but at the same time she was wondering if it would work out this time. Had Birna found a pack that she would mesh well with?

Closing off any outside signs of her internal musings the bear woman would head to the Orchard where her Rex had called her. She wound through the bramble and overgrown fruit-bearers to the site of the meeting place. Arriving she nodded respectfully at Valen, pausing for a moment before nodded to the earthen woman next to him. Was that his mate? Well, either way…

Birna took her place across from the pair. Moving in the cold, disciplined way of a well-trained warrior she spoke. "Birna Xanilov reporting."


[Image: 262ny8g.png]



3 Years
Extra large
08-02-2015, 03:33 PM
Revenge was ashamed of himself, he hardly showed his face anymore. Esti had been able to lure him out, but he hadn't been speaking to Mercy and that wrongness in his life wouldn't encourage him out. Still, when Valentine called Revenge would certainly come. Sighing heavily he'd drag himself from the den, searching his mind for an excuses he might be able to spout if it came to a confrontation with his alpha. He couldn't be kicked out, if he was thrown from the pack how was he supposed to keep an eye on his sister, to make sure she didn't die from her battle wounds? He couldn't make it on his own, he was sure. While he could have cared for himself on his own he wasn't sure he'd be able to live with out his litter mate.

Making his way from the Orchard to where he was summoned Revenge would skirt the edge of the clearing. Taking in the others that had already arrived he'd make himself push through the heavy underbrush and take a seat in full view of his leader. He'd hold himself as tall as his rank demanded, proud to be a Medicus, but he knew full well he hadn't reached the level of excellence that Vaeltine demanded.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

08-02-2015, 05:09 PM

The summons of Valentine were quite clear, she would not be able to miss this one. She let out a sigh, an uncomfortable feeling clenching in her gut. Imperium had been far too silent, and she didn't help much with that. Slinking out of her sitting place in the Knolls, she wove her way between the trees. When she came into the small clearing she first offered Valentine a small smile, but froze when she saw Rhythm sitting at his side. Her lips twitched, and she tried her best to stop it from curling up completely. That was a place for Cascade, who was Valentine's second in command, and not her. She was just another one of his lovers, not someone who should take a place at his side. Purple eyes narrowed, but as soon as she picked up the scent of her brother her gaze flashed over to him. It had been nearly a season since they had spoken, and right away her anger melted away. Letting out a sigh, she padded over to him and pushed herself against his flank, letting out a whine and she drank in his scent. "I'm sorry," she whispered into his ear, nipping it softly as she snuggled into his thick coat. They would probably have to talk after, as her gaze shot up to the two at the front. Huffing in Rhythm's direction again, she waited for the meeting to take place, heavily leaning against her brother.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-02-2015, 06:20 PM

Mr. Valentine called a meeting. That was rare. Esti and Ashmedai had been training again, this time working more on how to combine attacks. He had had his first spar and was mostly patched up, but he wasn't ready for another spar yet. Esti herself was itching for another spar, but she too needed to make sure she was properly healed first. Shooting a glance to Ashmedai as Valentine's call rang out, a smile spread to her face. As she looked at Ash, she realized he had the same smirk, only wider and perhaps more innocent, "Alright then, lesson over for now! We might continue after the meeting so don't you dare go wandering off." Her tone was only half serious, but she did still feel like her son needed more training. Still, meetings were the most important, right? That's what being a pack wolf was about. Esti thought it made sense. It was better to have everyone on one... er... understanding.

Esti didn't wait for Ashmedai. Ashmedai didn't wait for Esti. It was fine, Esti had some other things to attend to. Coming into the meeting space, Esti noted all of her favorite people, Marcy, Rhythm, and whoever the whitey one was. On the other hand there was Valentine and Revenge, both guarded by their respective ladies. Wasn't Cascade supposed to be by Valentine's side, not Valentine's playmate? Esti made her way past Revenge and Mercy, keeping on the other side of Revenge as she brushed by, "I had fun on our date Revenge, thank you." She really had had fun on their last date and she hadn't thanked him, but she didn't want Revenge to suddenly forget about her because his sister was suddenly back. Where had she been anyway? Esti didn't care personally, she was just nosy and wondered what Valentine thought of all the women that hung around him then disappeared or disobeyed him then came back. A wolf would think one could only take so much of that, but that seemed to be the company he drew. Well, besides Cascade, who was arguably the best wolf in the pack. It wasn't Esti's business. She wouldn't ask. She knew she was loyal to Valentine and her growing loyalty for the pack kept her in her place.

Esti continued walking, not totally stopping even as she spoke to Revenge, offering him a wink before glancing at his sister briefly. Her smirk wavered slightly, but then she turned to the other wolves. She greeted the whitey one because she couldn't keep calling her 'the whitey one' forever, "Esti Kigu, welcome and stuff. I'm Ashmedai's mother. You'll know when you see him, looks like his father, but has the energy of... hell I don't know, you'll see." she shook her head. Since when did she introce herself as a mother. Geez... "Anyway, what's you're name?" Esti paused, glancing over her shoulder for Ashmedai, then to Valentine. Her smile widened, or maybe grew sharper. She glanced to Rhythm and felt her eyebrows rising before she quickly glanced back to the whitey one. She wouldn't let herself ask or suggest anything. Who? Her? Nope, Esti knew nothing and said nothing.




7 Years
Dire wolf
08-02-2015, 06:26 PM

Angelus burst through a thick tangle of thorns and skidded into the meeting. Having run all the way from the Plateau he was completely out of breath. The boy wanted to do nothing more than to flop down on the ground and greedily suck in air.

But not yet.

His gaze swept across the clearing with obvious urgency and it was only once he'd looked at each and every person present that he visibly relaxed. Heh. He beat Evangeline to the meeting.

With this small victory under his belt the yearling frisked into the center of the clearing and plopped down with a sigh. Man, was he tired.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
08-02-2015, 07:00 PM

"Yes, Momma. Alright, Momma. I got it, Momma." Training continued forever. Suddenly a call rang out. It was his father! For a meeting! Ash couldn't remember if he had been to a meeting before or not. As Ashmedai looked at his momma, she was grinning too. She let him off of training early, but told him not to wander off after the meeting. He huffed, but he knew that if he wanted to be a great fighter, he would have to train and spar more. As his momma took off towards the meeting, Ashmedai took off in another direction. He quickly groomed his coat, he wanted to show how clean and leader-like he could look to the rest of the pack. His heart pounded hard in his chest. After a few minutes, he was ready.

Ashmedai made his way to the meeting circle? Square? patch. Ashmedai made his way to the meeting patch. He wanted to see Cascade being a leader too! She was the Et Uxor, so that meant the wife, so like the leader! That was how it worked, right? Maybe she would speak at the meeting with his Dad too! Ashmedai was so excited. Cascade had to be the coolest leader, probably tied with his dad, but maybe sometimes better because Cas was pretty.

Entering the patch, Ash first saw his brother and ran up to him. If he could manage it, he would try to offer a nice wet lick up the side of Angelus's cheek, "Angelus! Wow you're go big! I should be that big soon!" Ash would back away regardless of whether or not his lick hit. He would quickly notice his mother, and run up to her and WAS THAT A NEW WOLF?!

"Hi I'm Ashmedai Imperialis!" he would cut in, his maw smiling that lopsided, left-pulling smile. He sat with a thud, "I'm Valentine's youngest so-" he turned to look at his dad, but there was another wolf by him that was not Cas. That was not his wife. Panic beat through his heart quickly, wasn't that Rhythm, the one who had fought against Cascade for that spot? Had they fought again? No way he had missed it. His brow furrowed as he forgot about Birna.

Turning, Ashmedai slowly pulled himself off the ground and approached the pair,"Hey Dad... where-uh... Where's Cascade at?" His sky eyes darted to Rhythm, "Hey Rhythm, I- uh- don't mean anything by it, but I was just hoping Cascade would be here and maybe speak some too since she's the Ex Utor- uh- the wife... right?" He looked back to his dad. He was right, right? Was he wrong? He kept a respectful distance, his grin gone as he thought. Cas was still okay, right? She was still the wife, right? She was the best wife, so why was Rhythm with his dad instead of Cascade? Was that a spot for girlfriends? Didn't Vana say he had lots of girlfriends? Lots was more than just Rhythm. He was so confused...


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



2 Years
08-02-2015, 08:05 PM
The Armada son's ears pricked up immediately on hearing Valentine call a meeting. All freaking right! About time something interesting happened. He'd been spending all his time patrolling the borders alone or going out on long runs to build his endurance. He'd hardly seen any of his packmates lately, and no one really seemed all that interested in actually doing anything with anyone else but themselves in their own little groups. Heck, the last time he'd seen any of the pack actually together was when Cascade Saxe had challenged for her rank, and that wasn't really quite the party one would hope it would be. But hey, guess it was a girl thing or something. Sauntering up to the group, he cast a curious glance around... completely oblivious to the tension everyone seemed to be displaying... and flopped down like a bear skin rug. Oh hey, was that someone new? Awesome!



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-02-2015, 09:05 PM

Ah, what was this then? A grin widened across Cascade's muzzle as she returned to Imperium's lands in time to hear Valen's howl ring out to call the pack together! Oh good! Hadn't she just been thinking about shaking things up in Imperium? Seems she and Valen had the same thought. Imperium needed a hell of a lot of shaking up, it seemed like. Everyone had been floating along being useless. A lot of wolves had floated away from the pack entirely. Daegmar's kids, Hati, most of Drashiel's kids. She hadn't actually seen Kyarst in quite a while though she wasn't sure if that was because he'd left or was just not mingling. Who else was missing? Mercy had been pretty quiet, Revenge had been absent but that wasn't so unusual for him. Well anyway...

Cascade arrived at the meeting area in the orchard at a jaunty trot, tail flagging above her hips, and her gaze swept the group. Well, hm. No one seemed very pleased to see anyone else, everyone giving everyone else the stink eye and everyone pouting about something or other. The only wolves who didn't seem to be were Atreides - who rarely looked anything but happy anyway so he could have been the angriest there and she'd probably have not noticed - and Rhythm, who was apparently apparently the focus of a lot of the ire but quite happily cuddling up to Valen.

"... heh."

A faint half smile curled up her lip. The girl didn't seem any the worse for wear from their battle, or even the apparent betrayal of the pack not long before that. It seemed, if anything, like she was even closer and clingier to him than she'd been before she'd abandoned him. Had she finally given him her precious innocence then, when Cas had been telling her since the start she may as well? Hell, that was why Cas had engineered her kidnap to begin with, wasn't it? Well good. Valen got his playtoy to dance for him. Hopefully she'd taken those herbs Cas had given her, because a girl as tiny as Rhythm, bearing kids as large as all of Valen's... well that could be so tragic, couldn't it?

Humming quietly to herself, that faintly amused smile continuing to play over her muzzle, she strode across the small clearing, picking her way through the moody bodies strewn about, and sought to knock her shoulder into Valen's cheerfully. "What's the occasion, Valen? Anything exciting?" And curiously, and with some concern, to Ash who seemed distraught about something, "Something the matter, Ash? You look like someone peed on your kill."

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
08-03-2015, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2015, 07:40 PM by Renhett.)

Renhett hadn't gotten to meet many of the members in the pack just yet. So she might as well have been fresh. She could see how close all the members were though from the looks of it. Children and women everywhere gathering underneath the oh so valliant Valentine. It made a purr escape her throat, more like a wolf growl to match in a playful tone. She saw the young man she had spoken with upon joining which was Art. She did not yet see Kyarst but she still would flash Valentine a grin before nodding her head. Whether the company was welcome or not she took a seat next to Atreides.

"Is it always this 'fun' around here?" She certainly hoped Valentine was not in a bad mood. However she sat a few paces away from Trei so that she wasn't making him uncomfortable. After all she wasn't sure how welcome her company was in the first place. He just was the most that she felt comfortable around at the moment.




5 Years
Extra large
08-03-2015, 08:52 PM

At this point Angel had already beaten her, so there was no point in rushing.

She'd come across her taller brother's fresh trail as she'd been sprinting toward her father's call and stopped immediately with a disappointed pout. The scent made it clear that he'd already been this way several minutes ago so unless he'd completely missed the meeting place and run past it he'd have beaten her there already. She took a moment to shake her ruffled fur back into shape - if she wasn't going to be the first one there she'd at least be the best looking one there - before moving into the clearing as regally and imperially as she could, drawing herself up to her full height and lifting her delicate, sharp-boned head elegantly.

Until her gold eyes fell on the dark chocolate form cuddling up to her father.

For a moment it felt like everything else around her fuzzed out, her tunnel vision red around the edges and entire body going stiff with rage. "What. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Doing." She snarled, biting each word off with a snap. A shiver of rage shook her body where she stood in the midst of the pack, none of whom had dared say anything against the healer, and she spat the words out uncaring of consequences in her fury. All she knew was that the last time she had seen this woman, she was abandoning Vana's injured father, supposedly this woman's lover, betraying him in favor of some stupid useless mutilated slave. Why was everyone just accepting that she was back? Did no one else care how much Rhythm had hurt Valentine? "How dare you? Who do you think you are that you can betray this pack and my father and act like nothing ever happened? You come in here and rub yourself all over him? You filthy, slave loving traitor."




5 Years
Extra large
08-06-2015, 09:37 AM

Seraphim had been wandering farther afield than usual, and had nearly missed his father's call entirely. He had been following Angel's trail towards the plateau, several hours behind his brother's trek, just to see if he was capable in tracking him down, and had naturally become sidetracked. The large boy had been lounging about in the late spring sun, enjoying the way the wind whipped around him, and never mind the fact that it was a deafening roar. What did he had to listen for anyways? On chance, he saw a speck of blue far below racing through the grass. It was Angel! And boy-oh-boy was he flying. Phim's ears perked and he leapt to his feet, curious and concerned with whatever had caught his brother's attention.

While he couldn't overtake his lead, it was as easy thing to follow so fresh a trail. He crashed through the Range and it wasn't until the Orchard came into view that he noticed the growing freshness of scent. It hit him like a lightning bolt at long last that his father had called a meeting! The breath wooshed out of him in a relieved way, and he vowed to treat Angel to something nice as payment, even if his brother had only aided him unknowingly. Phim slowed to a stop and took a short moment to scratch out the biggest tangles and clumps in his long blue coat. This was a whole pack meeting after all and he couldn't look like a rat and shame Daddy! When he decided all was well, he pressed on.

There are a lot of wolves there already, and Phim beamed, the usual dosage of pride in his family flooding over him. Many of them he knew by scent but had never actually spoken to. It was nice to put faces to scent trails, so while making his way over to sit near Angelus he scanned the crowd. He saw that Vana had her hackles up and was moving on Rhythm like she was going to eat her, and he shook his head. Oh Evangeline! He hoped Daddy would step in before one of the girl's really got hurt. What really caught his attention was the small blue boy nearby, who seemed to be caught between his Mother and the brown woman his Daddy kept around. His jaw dropped and he gasped. He had heard Valentine was having another son but only in passing, he never thought... never suspected... Seraphim bounded forwards, oversized limbs eating up the space between them in a few short bounds.

The larger blue boy skidded to a halt behind Ashmedai, still a pup yet hardly newborn. He minced from side to side, tail arched high over his back and unable to hide his overwhelming excitement! His words were much too fast when he spoke. "Hi! I'm Seraphim! Are you Valentine's son? Because you look like us! And if you are that makes you my brother but I haven't even talked to you yet or taken you anywhere or shown you anything at all and that's so not okay!" At that point he really hoped he was correct in his assumption because if not that would be incredibly embarrassing. He wasn't even be upset (yet) that his siblings hadn't dragged him over to see the youth right away, he was just way too excited! The purpose of Valentine's call no longer mattered one whit in the face of this brand new discovery.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!


08-06-2015, 06:32 PM

Einarr would arrive at the meeting in his own time, but certainly not late. No, it would not do well to displease his new alpha, his Rex, with tardiness. The man was a stranger, however, in this pack. He knew little of these wolves, and so when the massive brute arrived he eyed them all with caution. Particularly interesting was the young girl snapping at some female. Oh? What was this? Einarr would eye the child, but considering how much she looked like the Rex Einarr would not dare to intervene. Instead he would sit, his gaze looking upon the rest of the pack. Those sitting closer to each other, taking note of the friends and things that were within these lands. He knew no one but the Rex, and rather than attempt to socialize the pawn would sit, his ears perked forward, as he directed his attention toward the man that had earned his respect. He would tip his head, a nod of greeting given towards the man.




3 Years
08-07-2015, 10:21 AM
Lysis Armada was, comparatively, quite late to the meeting; though if she'd had half an idea what was going on at the meeting, she would have been quite happy to miss it altogether. Though she didn't exactly hurry, she arrived as promptly as she felt was necessary. Her gait was relaxed, her tail flicking absently near her hindquarters, while she drew closer to assessed the group quickly. It was surprising that Kyarst wasn't here, and she felt a slight annoyance - and sadness, though she wouldn't admit it - at his lack of presence.

Her demeanor would not show either of these feelings. Instead, she forced a very subtle smile onto her lips as she weave between wolves to find a suitable place to sit. The tension in the air was quite palpable, and irritating. Her nose wrinkled as she eyed the few who were talking, her gaze settling briefly on Atreides but she made the decision to walk somewhat closer to Mercy and Revenge, settling down on her own without saying a word.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2015, 10:28 AM
It was hard for someone as bulky as Hati to slink anywhere. Typically he stomped around, or lumbered, or at best stalked. He never much bothered with trying to be quiet unless he was actively hunting, so for the warrior-turned-slave to slink anywhere was unusual in and of itself - though the sulky aura around him was not.

"Your master's calling youuuu," Ve cooed with mock sweetness in his ear. Hati hunched his shoulders like an irritated buffalo, trying to ignore his father's unseen muttering about his oldest son being someone's bitch. Vili, stalking alongside him, gave sharp grunts of agreement every time Hroovitnir made a point. At least he didn't have to listen to that particular uncle's heckling - for whatever reason he didn't appear unharmed as Ve usually did. His lower jaw still dangled from a scrap of flesh as it had when Hati killed him. Small favors.

Maybe most of his confusion was from the infection of untreated wounds, wounds that still ached abominably, but with Rhythm's treatment of the infection his mind had cleared a little... but the dead continued to torment him. He knew, even if his father and uncles didn't, that Valentine had only enslaved him to save him, save him from himself and his own stubborn pride. Valentine was the only one who could be trusted. The only one worthy of Hati's obedience. Daegmar had said Valen was to be trusted so he had to trust Valen, because he trusted Daegmar. This slavery was just a test.

The hellhound slunk up to hover at the edges of the pack, finally dropping to his belly a short distance outside the group. He locked his golden gaze to Valen with intensity, ignoring any goings-on within the restless, shifting pack. With a cackle from Ve and a grumble from Vili, his uncles drifted away like so much smoke. They'd be back. They just weren't interested in the meeting.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
Extra large
08-09-2015, 03:59 PM

Pausing at the edge of the meeting to look in, Sirius cast a critical eye over those gathered. Her expression was veiled as she studied each in turn. It was a gathering of giants; all most all of those in attendance standing tall over the general populous. There were exceptions of course, but their numbers were few. Siri's memories of Fehu were very, very murky, but for some reason something she remembered was that the wolves there weren't nearly as big. It made her wonder what exactly it was that brought this group together.

Gliding over to her brother, Sirius seated herself beside him. She sat up straight and tall, her posture contrasting sharply with the floppy bear rug beside her, and draped her tail over her forepaws. Quietly she waited for the meeting to start.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-09-2015, 04:17 PM

The pack quickly gathered; Rhythm was the first to arrive, her greeting bringing a soft smile to his lips. "Rhythm," he rumbled affectionately. Next came Birna, her all-business greeting drawing a respectful nod from the King. Revenge ghosted in next, his presence also earning a nod. From then on it seemed that each wolf who entered the gathering place added tension to the atmosphere. A slight nod in recognition of their arrival was given to each member that sought out his gaze as they entered the meeting place.

Ashmedai's oddly anxious questions were quickly taken care of with a simple, "She'll be here in her own time." As if summoned by the boy's asking, Cascade waltzed into the circle. "See, Ash?" Cascade's cheerful shove was returned and followed by a wordless, somewhat impatient gesture encouraging her to take a seat beside him. He certainly was excited for this meeting. The corners of Valentine's mouth rose in a lopsided smile as he considered his answer. "It's a new year. 'Bout time we did stuff, don't you think?"

The tension that seemed to rise with each arrival was noted, but did little to dampen the King's jovial mood. There was much he wanted to discuss with the pack and a few things he wanted to put to a vote. Big and exciting things were on the way, but he wanted to involve Imperium's members in the process of enacting them. With much excitement Valentine was silently piecing together the agenda when Evangeline made her grand entrance. Her words immediately chilled his cheerful demeanor. In an instant he went from frozen to enraged. Heart hammering, the King bristled. "That is enough, Evangeline! Now," he wasn't speaking in defense of Rhythm, rather, the rebuking tone he took addressed the disrespect his daughter was showing him in front of his people. "Quietly take your seat or remove yourself from this meeting." He would be having a talk with her later.

His mood now irreversibly soured, Valentine took a moment to smooth his ruffled feathers before he addressed the group. As he did so the King slowly cast a challenging gaze across those gathered. He looked at them with new eyes; noting the fractures that seemed to warp the surface of what he had, only moments prior, considered a solid force. Clearly he had been wrong. Was this the work of a soft and lenient ruler? Perhaps changes on his part needed to be made.

The King's chin rose and he relaxed into an authoritative stance, begrudgingly dropping the anger that had briefly twisted his features. "I brought you all here today for another reason, but I see that's going to have to wait." His jaw worked for a second. "We're supposed to work with and for one another. Now, I don't know what is going on between many of you, but it needs to stop. If you have a problem with one another that is your," here his voice dipped into a growl, "Business and you need to sort it out among yourselves as men and women. You are behaving like children and your unprofessional behavior in situations such as this does not become you."

For a moment Valentine was silent as he considered a course of action. "There is much I wanted to discuss today, but as a pack I don't think we are ready – yet. If we are to be a formidable force first we must present a united front. With this in mind I've decided to divide the adult and yearling members up into pairs. Each pair is tasked with running the border together from now until our next meeting. Be vigilant; guard our borders well and take the opportunity to get to know your partner." He paused, then, "The pairs are as follows: Renhett Walker and Einarr Akemason, Rhythm Destruction and Seraphim Imperialis, Mercy Destruction and Angelus Imperialis, Cascade Saxe and Lysis Armada, Esti Kigu and Birna Xanilov, Revenge Destruction and Atreides Armada, and lastly, Evangeline Imperialis and Sirius Armada."

Was there more? Oh, yes, there was. "I will also be pairing each of our untested young members up with a mentor." His eyes swept the group, lingering on those who had been tested. ”Evangeline Imperialis will be paired with Rhythm Destruction, Sirius Armada with Mercy Destruction, Seraphim Imperialis with Lysis Armada, Atreides Armada with Birna Xanilov and Ashmedai Imperialis with Cascade Saxe."

After sinking to his haunches Valentine regarded the gathering again. Finally, he decided that what had been done was enough for this meeting. "That will be it for today. Thank you all for coming. We will gather again in a few weeks to discuss the coming seasons. Any questions before we part?"

OOC: Next round isn't mandatory. I expect threads to be made before the start of the next meeting. I'd like everyone to do at least one mentor/apprentice thread and one border patrolling thread. Whoever can do at least four rounds in a patrolling thread (each participant doing four posts) will earn 30 gems each.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
08-09-2015, 05:47 PM

Cascade appeared right as Ashmedai finished his questioning. His dad pointed it out and Cascade greeted him, which was more than enough to set his tail off, "Hey Cas! It's nothin', I was just a little worried since I beat you here. I guess I'm a lot faster now than I was before, huh?" He smiled at her, a large, genuine smile that made his freckles crinkle up. It was then another boy came over, talking all too fast and saying Ash was one of them. Ashmedai didn't know what or who this guy was, but, guessing buy his pelt, he was one of Valentine's pups which meant he was one of Ashmedai's siblings! Ash's tail hit the ground with hard thuds, but before he could reply, Vana came up. She wasn't happy. Ashmedai cowered back at her anger, his ears laying flat and his tail becoming still. He didn't think much about it, but he listened. He didn't know if what she said was true or not. If she had betrayed the pack, Valentine would have fought her for sure! He would show her, because he was the leader and he wouldn't let anyone misbehave, right?

Valentine scolded Evangeline and it confirmed Ashmedai's thoughts. Of course if Rhythm had done anything wrong, she would have been punished! The boy edged away and shot a glance at Cascade. Evangeline was her daughter too, so would Cas scold her too? Ashmedai didn't think he had seen her angry ever, not that he wanted to now. Ashmedai stayed off to the side of Cascade as his dad talked to the pack. He didn't seem too happy. Ashmedai listened anyway. This was how a leader talked to his pack. Ashmedai would use this time to learn. His dad started to pair them off. Ash listened and listened for his name and the name of who he would be paired with. Eventually his dad said his name, and paired it with... Cascade Saxe! Ashmedai's tail was set off again as he looked form Cascade to his dad a few times as if to say, "Really? Are you serious?!" His tongue lulled out of his maw, his past grievances forgotten. He was in a great mood now!


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



5 Years
08-10-2015, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 12:59 AM by Renhett.)

Paired up huh? It was a disappointment that she wasn't pairing up with Trei. At the same time, it was something she didn't quiet mind. Another wolf, another project. It meant learning as much as she could about them and her eyes would scope over the one known as Einarr. Giving him a smile and nodding her head towards him. It was easy enough to get along with most wolves, plus being how she was she tried not to bother anyone too much. However, with how she spoke her mind, there wasn't anything really secretive about the woman.

Her red eyes would travel over Valentine for a moment. Did she had any questions for him oh yes she did. "I know this may not be the best time to ask, but when may I be tested for a healer position my king?" she would ask out loud enough for him to hear. Perhaps it was his prickly mood, but she smiled and her tail wagged mildly behind her. Sure enough everyone here was her packmate, she was just curious if she would stay as a normal rank forever. Pulling her own weight she could do, there wasn't any lazing about.
