
How Has It Come To This


08-04-2015, 06:22 AM

The whispering Caves.

This place was dreary. The water from the skylights dripped from above, but maybe he had gotten used to it by now. The sound of his claws felt like the cave was inside his ears, but it didn't scare him anymore. It seemed like nothing scared him anymore, but what could someone say if they had lost their interaction? Lost their family? Lost their mother?

The obvious lack of food showed well on the boy's fragile frame, he wasn't taught to hunt; not yet at least. His mother always told her children that hunting the monsters was their drive. She had taken Toxin out on one of these "monster hunts" but Necrosis wasn't aware that the meat from these monsters was one of him. Well, even if he could see the being before it was skinned and made into a meal, it still wasn't one of his kind. He was different, obviously. His colors showed the most but even his brain churned a different way. Anyone could see it.

The black of his pelt blended decently with the floor of the cavern, but his back is what kept him from hiding. He had curled up against the wall where he slept, out of the passage way just in case someone decided to pass on by. And he hoped they wouldn't notice him on their endeavors; He  was small enough to press against this specific wall and not by seen by travelers. He kept his said "den" under one of the skylights, and though it was morning the sun from above wasn't quite high enough to set the area as if it were daytime. Ruby eyes were opened softly as if he were tired, but that wasn't all true. Not sleeping for many hours had become a part of his routine.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
Extra large
08-04-2015, 01:38 PM

There was a pleasant ache in Vana's muscles as she continued her most recent bout of exploration, heading back toward home after a run further south. She was growing sleek and strong as she moved toward adulthood, the more so as she worked her young body's stamina and slowly toned her muscles. She would - thankfully - never be a hulking muscle bound brute, her build much more resembling the elegance of her own mother's saluki-like build. Still, with the help of her travels she was filling out her gangly teen form a bit so she didn't have quite the odd scarecrow look she'd had for a short while.

Poking her head curiously into the caves, she narrowed her eyes. Surely there were mushrooms of some sort growing in here that she could gather and bring back to her mother to identify. Or maybe Revenge would recognize some. She'd learned her lesson about putting her mouth on strange plants and fungi, though, so she'd have to be careful about transporting them. She moved into the shadows of the cave, her claws ticking loudly against the stone. It was kind of eerie, wasn't it...

Unexpectedly - though really she should have expected it, since she was craning her head to look around and wasn't looking where she was going - she tripped over something - someone - and was sent tumbling into the wall that she would have run into anyway (and in fact probably would have smacked into with a lot more force had she not been fortunate enough to step on him first), and crumbled into a - very annoyed - heap. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" she cried angrily, scrambling to get her long legs back under her. It was clearly his fault she'd tripped over him, after all, sleeping out where she was walking. But she stopped to peer through the gloom at the soft squishy she'd tripped over. He looked weirdly familiar, though she couldn't quite place where she'd seen him.

Then it clicked. "Toxin?" No, no, Toxin was all blue, not greenish and blue like this male, but they had really really similar markings and color other than that so it was clear how she could have mistaken him. She hadn't seen such an unusual coat color since Toxin had been taken away by his Mama though, so she continued to stare surreptitiously at him as she smoothed her rumpled coat.



08-04-2015, 02:58 PM

As the sound approached, the boy was unfazed by it. Was it him? No, but he wasn't really listening. He had heard the clicking sound so many times that it was easy to ignore it. That was until he felt a huge force come over him and make him roll.

His body cracked under the pressure, not that it was that much but his fragile form could easily crumble. It hadn't hurt him but the sound was awful. He scrambled around the floor until he could get his footing and coward at the woman that stepped over him.

"I-I'm sorry..." He stuttered back at her.

She spoke of his brother Toxin, he would look at her confused. Toxin always won the fame, he was better than Necro, he was better in mothers eyes...

"N-no there's no toxin in here..." he would state showing he was unaware of what she was talking about. But he really did. His life had been changed for almost a year, it was okay to forget about those who didn't matter...

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
Extra large
08-11-2015, 04:25 PM

The smaller boy stuttered out an apology and though Vana was still miffed, and made no attempt to hide that fact as she stared down at him, she was considerably less miffed than she might have been. Still, he wasn't very much like Toxin was he? Despite his coloring and markings. He was cowering in front of her, the bony little thing. But seriously, how many wolf families could possibly have coloring that weird. Look, he even had green like Toxin's mama did. So when he blankly stammered that there wasn't any toxin there, she gave him an irritably impatient look. Did he think she was stupid or something? "I know Toxin isn't here," she snapped. Clearly! He was green! Toxin wasn't green. And they were the only two here, as far as she could tell. She flicked her tail irritably, smoothing the displaced fur. "I am Evangeline Imperialis. And what is your name, not-Toxin?" Her name, particularly her surname, was said with a deep pride - as it should be, her daddy had made a legacy to be proud of - but the question was voiced with a snide sort of sarcasm. Was he slow in the head or something?



08-18-2015, 11:01 AM

Ears laid back as the girl snapped at him. He didn't really show fear, but disappointment as the girl once again mentioned his brother's name. And again she would speak his... Toxic name. But Necro would shake it off as she introduced herself, though his ears were still folded in apology.

"I-i'm Necrosis."

He kept his own surname out of it. Sure the girl knew that he was Toxin's brother, but he wanted to believe he wasn't. From this point on, he was a lonely traveler, and as far as he was concerned, he didn't have siblings.

"I suppose you can continue on... I'm sorry I was in your way..."

He apologized again. He didn't want to make enemies, and this girl didn't seem to like his dumbfounded company. So if she  wanted to go away, she could.

Walk "Talk" Think