
you can't fight the friction



7 Years
Dire wolf
06-22-2015, 02:50 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Low vocals thrummed with urgency as she called to her family for the thousandth time since the winter had begun. She had searched far and wide, and yet they were nowhere to be found. The song ended on a rather high note, desperate to be heard by either of the two that made up their starry group. Pacing the edges of the cliff, she glanced around anxiously. Dammit, Mithras. Where are you and the little hobbit? She wondered to herself, dancing on her toes. She'd been searching to no avail, asking around in her broken English for a lead she might never find. Gods damn it all, this was a complete disaster.

The north was proving to be a bitter place, but it was better than suffocating in the heat of the east. However, her brother and adopted sister were nowhere in the gods' forsaken lands she'd been swept into. A frustrated growl rumbled in her chest as she lumbered through the frigid canyon. Scowling at nothing in particular, she trudged forth. The celestial behemoth was beginning to feel the gnaw of hunger in her stomach, and the north provided many delicacies. Amethyst gaze swept over the mist shrouded landscape. She scented seal within the confines of the Polar Sound, and the squawking of sea birds was promising. Sheer cliff faces meant any birds would have to nest on the ground, so in the spring there was no doubt eggs could be found here. Massive paws thundered across the gravel with no heed to the racket she might be making. Cosmic pelt was played upon by wintry breezes, made colder by the closeness of the sea. It nipped at her flesh, but she ignored it.

In the distance, the barking of seals caught her attention. Audits flickered toward the raucous calls, and she skirted around the shore toward the source. Seals were said to be delicious, though she hadn't had the pleasure of eating one yet. Tongue would escape her maw, sliding over her lips with anticipation. Violet hued banner twitched as she approached the harem. Oh. As it turned out, seals were quite large. Not all too intimidating, however. They looked like lumps of fat, wiggling to and fro, letting out low barks frequently. She frowned at them, before seeking out a good target. Obviously it wouldn't be difficult to drag one of the beasts away to be eaten, but she didn't want to be smacked around by the rest. There was an outcast, it looked like. A silvery black blob that was laying a fair distance from the rest of the group.

As the titan stalked forth, a loud bellow made her jump in surprise. An especially large blob was waddling toward her with a very angry look on its face. Auds perked in surprise, brows rising as she watched it charge ever closer. Well, that couldn't be good. Backpedaling a few paces, the galactic colossus tried to discern exactly what was going on. This must be the leader blob. Tail arced over her hips, hackles bristling as she snarled at the charging seal. Fangs snapping defensively, she held her ground. All she wanted was a snack, and this lump had a lot of other lumps to bother itself with. The rejected creature obviously wasn't needed. Bounding toward her quarry, she hoped she could drag it away fast enough to keep herself from losing a limb to the angry bull. This catch proved to be fairly simple, though she almost got her nose bitten off by the angry lump. Thumping the seal soundly on the snout, she latched onto what she presumed to be its neck. As it turned out, the lump was rather heavy.

I don't have time for shit like this. She complained far too loudly in her head. It had to weigh at least half of her own mass, which was good for her as a meal, but not as a catch to drag away. Why were they all here anyway, if they didn't want to make themselves available to predators like herself? Digging her claws into the dirt and gravel, she started pulling it away. The roaring of the angry male could be heard for miles, and she was still reckless enough to continue carrying the bleeding and thrashing female away. After a while, the bull surrendered the female to her fate and returned to his harem. Dropping her struggling catch to the ground, the lupine began the laborious process of trying to finish the job.

In the end, she essentially butchered the kill. Its neck was thoroughly mauled, but it was surely dead. Now it was time to feast! Such a fatty meal would only benefit her in the harsh winter times, so she didn't pick and choose what went into her mouth. Birds squawked and screeched at her, hopping closer and closer to her hard earned meal. Bloody lips peeled back from crimson stained fangs, which snapped at the bothersome avians. She'd worked for her meal, and it wasn't about to be scavenged by the stupid birds.

Seal turned out to be a delicious meal.



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-06-2015, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2015, 12:16 AM by Amachi.)


Things were getting a bit hectic at home. Amachi had never imagined things would turn out like this for her in all honesty. However, it was never her decision to leave, something always pulled her towards something like a gravitational pull. She never really missed anything, her life was full of disappointments. Her gray eyes would lock across the land, however she would find another giant like herself finishing off the meal of a seal. Her eyes widened for a moment when she noticed it was her star friend. Someone she hadn't seen for an entire season. Amachi didn't think she would see the strange wolf again.

Amachi would approach at a slow rate, wolves eating hadn't entirely given her a friendly invitation in the past. As she lowered her head a bit, she would look with her same blank expression. "Caia?" she would question at first. Of course it was Caia who else could it be, just some other giant star wolf that just so happened to look exactly the same. It was not entirely a pelt you could simply copy for those reasons. She suppressed her thoughts about how stupid she was downwards.


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