
Not All Who Wander Are Lost



1 Year
Extra large
07-30-2015, 09:32 AM

Falx's body had shed it's puppy roundness, not that she noticed. In place of gangly limbs and oversized paws was a predator, not that she cared. Some of her most noteworthy accomplishments had gone unnoticed since the death of her mother. Oh sure, she'd stuck close to her siblings, as well as might be wished, but she wouldn't feign any sort of grandiose undying commitment to them. After all, if Dægmar had done anything at all for them, she had made sure they could all fend for themselves. Falx smiled fondly at the memory of the dangerous femme who had brought her and her siblings into the world, and then left so shortly after it. It was a bitter smile because it hurt even after all this time.

The girl had done her best to harden herself against the pesky emotions, but it hadn't been much use. As it happened, repression seemed to just make her mean, and she'd found herself on the loosing end of enough fights to come to terms with that. Until she could truly step into her mother's footsteps, bring others to heel with a glance, she might just have to learn how to play well with others. Ugh. Instead of considering that most grim of possibilities Falx chose to get lost and test her ability to find her way back. Admittedly, delving into a cavern alone probably wasn't her best plan. She felt no panic or anxiety in the endless dark, the overwhelming quiet punctuated only with the occasional 'drip drip drip.' It was just another day, another test. Slowly Falx shuffled on, loosing track of time until she squinted, straining her eyes, trying to find out if she was seeing light ahead or if it was just a trick of the mind.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Extra large
07-30-2015, 06:27 PM

Golden eyes pierced through the darkness as Karabela stumbled into the Glowshroom Cavern. Upahead she could see the subtle shades of darkness shifting to an eerie blue glow. The young woman stood still. She suddenly wasn't sure she wanted to go on ahead but she could almost hear Rœkia's voice in her ears, calling her a coward. Stupid little munchkin twit… Raba took a deep breath and strolled forward. She was the daughter of Dægmar Thyre! She wasn't afraid of anyone or anything!

As Raba walked further into the cavern her nose wrinkled at the damp, earthy smell of the space. As she turned a corner her jaw suddenly dropped open at the mass of mushrooms that covered the place, glowing with a strange blue light. Ok… there had to be magic involved. That was just downright unnatural!

Curious the gold-eyed femme learned out to sniff one then recoiled at the strange acrid scent. Reaching out a paw she swatted one of the mushrooms, watching little flecks of blue spores float into the air as the mushroom waggled back and forth. How far back did this go?


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



1 Year
Extra large
07-31-2015, 09:51 AM

As Falx approached the glowing... something, she began to smell an overpowering earthy, musty scent. It flooded her senses and she let out a small sneeze, realizing a moment too late that stealth might be important right now. After all, she had no idea what she was walking into! Falx froze, and remained stationary for several heartbeats, listening intently for any sign of... well, anything really! She relaxed, relief making her limbs shaky, once she realized nothing was rushing forth at her from the inky darkness. The young girl pressed on, curiosity driving her forward as easily as a whip on her back.

The thin path she walked ended in a large cavern, and it took Falx a moment to understand what she was seeing when she rounded that final bend. Small pods of fungus clumped together on the floor, on rocks, even seeming to grow off of the cave walls in places. She saw small toadstool looking mushrooms and shelf-like mushrooms that she'd seen growing on rotten logs, except all of these were pale or blue in color, and were glowing with a faint blue light. She gasped, acid eyes widening, and childlike wonder overtook her. Falx took one step forward as if to rush into the open space, but then one of the shadows within shifted. Her mentality shifted in an instant, hackles rising and teeth flashing and she rounded on it with a snarl.

Her opponent was of a similar size, if a bit larger, dark of pelt with patches of lighter- Oh! Sluggishly, her mind pieced together the puzzle her eyes had presented, and for the second time Falx gasped. "Raba?" she called out, skeptical of what she was seeing. Had her sister followed her somehow, and gotten to the cavern first? Or was this truly just her good fortune. She took a few bounds forward, trying to get a better look, and with every pace her sister's form became clearer. She let out a small laugh, joyful at the chance meeting. With a smile and a laugh in her voice she asked, "What the fuck are you doing here, sister?" Her tail lifted, her ears perked, and her tongue lolled, finding puppy-like abandon in whatever fate had in store for her.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Extra large
08-07-2015, 07:37 PM

She was going to die from temptation. Karabela stood still for a moment, eye one particularly large mushroom as she debated about reaching out and plucking it. It was glowing. No one in their right mind would stick something that glows in their mouth right? Right. But how else was she going to add one to her little souvenir collection? Maybe she could pluck one off and and carry it in a leaf or something… just to be safe. Goodness knew she didn't want to relive the berries. She'd had enough of diarrhea thank you very much.

Just as Raba was about to reach out with her paw something moved and the gold-eyed woman whirled around just as the figure did, meeting the stranger with a snarl before she realized the woman before her was no stranger! "Falx?" What on earth was Falx doing down here? "Falx!"

Karabela bypassed the formalities, leaning out to try and nuzzle her sisters cheek. "Pfft! What am I doing here? What about you huh? This is the last place I expected to find you!" Tail wagging happily she laughed. "As for me, come on now, you know me. I can't help sticking my nose where it doesn't belong."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king