
Gotta Get Up and GO!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-08-2015, 09:22 AM

It would seem that she was starting to spend a bit more time outside the pack than within it. Maybe its because she put herself on lock down for so long in the pack lines that she felt the need to get out a bit more, stretch her underused legs. Mercy had been forcing herself to train a lot more as well, hating how weak she had allowed herself to get. Where had all that will to become the best go? There was no way that it just vanished, she probably pushed it down so that she was able to feel bad for herself. Pff, why would she even do that? Shaking her head she left the boundary of her pack lands again, no where really in mind. Maybe a run would be nice.... As soon as the scent of Imperium grew more faded she started off at a trot, before taking off in an all out sprint. The cool air blew against her face, purple eyes squinted as she focused ahead of her. Dodging around trees and rocks she weaved in and out of the obstacles in front of her, sheer determination keeping her going until her legs felt like noodles. Slowing back down to a jogging pace she started to pant, looking around at the willows that loomed around her. The long tendrils brushed against her scarred back as the girl brought her heart rate back down. She didn't stop until her panting ended and she felt fully cooled down, sitting in a clearing among the dragging tree branches.

Mercy was a bit in awe of this place. She had been here before, but the way the wind made the limbs of the trees look like they were dancing was almost mesmerizing. She found herself swaying to the beat, folding herself on her rump as her elongated tail curled around her. Humming to herself softly, she rocked slowly from side to side with the tendrils behind her. It was like a dance that she was part of. Funny how she jumped from running to this, but it was... nice. Peaceful. The girl felt like she hadn't had a lot of peace in her life for awhile, so this was a very nice break for her. A humble sigh left her lips, eyes half lidded as she rested to the beat of nature.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


08-08-2015, 10:35 AM

Starting to actually recognize the unfamiliar scents that entered his home, Amarant would instantly, but calmly go towards the smell of anything new. He was out on a walk around the willows, as he did most the time when he kept himself in here. He never felt threatened by the presence of another wolf but he could sure show an attitude if they provoked him.

He would gently walk towards the new scent, eyes lazily looking through the trunks. And eventually, he would see her. She was at least as old as he was, but she was a little taller than the brute. He admired how her pelt was a full color, not even Eirik was all white or all grey. He was standing a distance behind her, watching as she swayed and could hear a faint humming coming from around her.

Amarant didn't have much of a personal space kind of mind. He never understood why some wolves felt threatened by him, he trusted everyone after all. He would start to make his way toward her, coming around the right of her with a tilt on his chin before speaking, "That's a nice little dance you got there." His joking tone left a friendly grin on his maw. He hadn't seen someone so happy and at peace in quite sometime.

Walk "Talk" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

08-09-2015, 05:26 PM

It was a long while before someone broke her steady confidence, at least what seemed like awhile. How long had it been since the girl had been able to rest like this. After punishing herself for hiding under a rock for a season, it was... really nice. But his voice shattered her silence, and she slowly turned to blink at him. Like coming out of a trance she was silent for a few moments, before she realized what she had been doing. Cheeks coloured in embarrassment as she rose to her paws, elongated tail fluffing out behind her. "I was... listening." She explained lamely, falling silent again. It wasn't often that she was caught in a moment like that, simply because she never HAD moments like the one just before. Feeling quite awkward now, her gaze left the spotted man to look around her, before her purple eyes blinked at him again. He was pretty interesting looking, she couldn't help but notice. Her mood soon changed as she roved his form with more attention to detail, her body relaxing to her normal stature. "I'm Mercy, by the way." The girl offered, tossing a smile his way. He seemed to be about the same age as her, perhaps slightly younger. He was shorter than her, but again not by much. Inwardly she pouted, she should really start wearing stilts. While it was nice to feel tall again, she knew that she would have to face the giants of her pack as soon as she returned.

Feeling a lot more at ease, she once more folded herself to her rump, the tendrils of the closest willow tree tickling her pale coat. "Do you live around here?" she asked, head tilting slightly to the side. She didn't remember passing the scent of any pack, but she had been rather focused on running. But as she tested the air now only the scent of the spotted one before her filled her nostrils. If he did live here, it was alone.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


08-11-2015, 07:48 AM

Chin would tilt as silence struck the two, but his welcoming smile would remain even as the girl began to speak. He would notice her long tail slightly, but didn't want to look too long at this deformity even though he admired the difference. She offered her name, Mercy, an interesting name not so much as odd. But he wouldn't keep himself silent either, responding with his own.


He followed her movement, sitting down as she had. He needed to think for a moment, a blank drawing his mind as she asked him if he lived around here. Well, duh. He lived right here!

"You're sitting in what's called home." he spoke rather enthusiastically, "Not much, but it gets me from one day to the next."

His troubles from his brother had left his mind. He didn't need that sorrow to weigh him down anyway. Colten may have lived here with him once before but those days were starting to fade. He was starting to think he would never see his brother or nephew ever again.

Walk "Talk" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

08-11-2015, 12:40 PM

In reply to her offering her name, he simply stated his with no other words attached to it. Simple and to the point, she rather liked that. Plus she was still feeling a tad bit embarrased for him catching her in the act of her little dance. Mercy should have been more vigilant and searched for another wolves scent if she had wanted to be alone. But as usual, she was so wrapped up in her own little world. But honestly, Mercy seemed to keep on running into more and more interesting males. Good colours, and seemingly all of them white and black. Smirking to herself, she wondered if there was someone trying to tell her something, to play with her mind and the information that sat within it. It was like she was being ployed with, offered all these handsome males that would make beautiful pups with her. But that wasn't possible, was it? Ears flickered backwards slightly, and she cleared her throat to rid the thick block that sat there. She focused on him again as he sat down, telling her that she was sitting right in his home. Oh, oops. She let out a nervous laugh, shuffling slightly on her paws. "Sorry, I had no idea! I wasn't really paying much attention to where I had wandered. I hope I didn't intrude on anything." She knew that packs only really held strong claims on pieces of land, but she had still marched right into the heart of somewhere that someone called home. Stupid girl, she really should pay more attention to what she was doing...

"It really is beautiful here though, I wouldn't say that its not much," Mercy added softly, her gaze wandering upwards towards the willows. They really were pretty trees, and she would love to spend her days among their hanging tendrils. "Are you all alone here?" She asked as she looked at him again, a simple curiosity in her gaze. Generally where there was one wolf, there was another somewhere.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


08-12-2015, 05:15 PM

"Oh, no. No need to be sorry." He still kept his eyes on her as she shuffled her paws around. "Anyone is welcome as long as I live here."

Amarant was a very friendly and welcoming creature. Anyone was welcome in his home. As long as they hadn't threatened him severely, but even then he would welcome them back. He would never have a true enemy. At least none that he would ever admit.

"I agree with you." He spoke looking up at the trees as she did. It was rather peaceful here, even when other wolves came into contact with the land.

She would ask if he lived here alone, and though deep, deep inside him it hurt to answer, his words were steady and without that hidden pain. "Yes, for now at least." He would look back at her at the same time as she had, a gentle grin forming once again.

"And what about  you? Do you live around here?"

Walk "Talk" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-01-2015, 02:22 PM

Mercy eyed the boy before her, curiosity sparking in her purple eyes. It wasn't often that she ran into a truly kind wolf, but it would seem that there was little fault in the spotted one. He was a very sweet wolf, and it left her very much curious to know more about him. Amarant made a comment about everyone being welcome as long as he lived here, and she tossed a smile his way. "Well that's a first for me, generally I run into those are very possessive of the place they call home." She mused out loud. Packs had every reason to be defensive of their lands, but it always seemed odd to her that loners seemed to claim a land with no pack behind them, no reason to hold it as their own. He agreed with her comment about it being peaceful, and she heard a soft sigh coming out of her maw. She wasn't used to lands like this, that she could actually hear herself think in. She was used to pack wolves at every turn, it was hard to find her own little corner. But here, man... she wouldn't mind staying here for awhile.

He said that he lived her alone, and she just nodded her head. As much as she loved the peace here, she didn't know how she felt about living alone, after being so used to having a pack behind her. Did he have any family around, and that is why he said that it was just for now? She shrugged her shoulders, mostly to herself, as her ears perked up when he asked if she lived nearby. "I am part of a pack called Imperium, we live in the Buffalo Knolls, the Orchard, and the Range." she commented idly, her tail tip twitching at her paws. "So I am very often surrounded by others. Do you mind living alone?" She asked, voice soft and sweet.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.