
Call Me Spacewalker



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 07:47 PM

She was here somewhere and he knew it. He knew Faria's scent like he knew his own, knew Caia's, and the fact that his sister's scent wasn't also on the breeze scared the bejeezus out of him. Without hesitation Mithris threw back his head and let out a beckoning howl. He'd been tracking his friend for days, north and out of the southern continent, and finally he'd found tracks fresh enough to consider calling out for her. And maybe it was just coincidence, but was there another wolf's scent with her? The thought was... concerning. But he would have scented blood or sickness, and there was none of that, so instead he was left to mire in his own burning curiosity and anxiety and stress. He did not like being stressed. Not one bit.

The gargantuan man shifted his paws, practically dancing in place, uncertain whether or not he should keep going. He wanted to wait and listen for a response first, he didn't want to risk missing a single chord of it should it ring out, but he was done with waiting. He growled, a low bass note in the back of his throat. How had things gotten so screwed up in the first place?! All he wanted was his sister and his friend back, safe with him and healthy and fucking happy. He didn't want to be on the wrong end of death threats, or getting maimed, or... Or any of that other crappy stuff! He huffed, on the brink of pouting. To him, that seemed perfectly reasonable.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
08-12-2015, 08:09 PM

She and Steel were slowly making their way back East, but the pace seemed like a crawl when you were dreading what might be on the other side. When they found his siblings... she didn't even know. Her own anxiety was high, and she couldn't imagine what he might be feeling. All of her focus would linger on the tarnished silver wolf and the plight he was faced with. She'd do her best to support him, but in the end it was his task alone to bare. No matter how much she might wish to help share it and relieve him. She'd do the next best thing though, as he took a rest Ria wouldn't hesitate to go out hunting for their dinner.

She hadn't made it very far when the familiar sound reached her ears. All of her thoughts were gone as she heard Mithras call. Excitement would bubble up within her form as she squealed eagerly. She was already running towards his voice when she thought to add a return call. She was coming! Running as fast as her dark paws would carry her the little hobbit wasted no time in finding his presence. With little hesitation she would aim to tackle him. She wanted Mith's arms around her right that moment. While she enjoyed Steel's presence she had missed Mithras dearly! "Mith!! Oh, Mith!" Was all she could say, but that was impressive enough. She'd kiss him unabashedly and nuzzle him sweetly.




3 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 08:34 PM

Her howl hit his ears like a cry of victory and he turned on his back paws, pushing deeply into the sodden soil before launching himself forward. His lungs were burning as he raced towards where he'd heard her last, running as fast as he ever had in his life, and he only caught the barest glimpse of her blue pelt before she rocketed into him. The wind was knocked from his already strained lungs but he did not fall or falter. He'd almost forgotten how much smaller she was than him! He wasn't really prepared for such a strong display of affection but he certainly wasn't complaining. Seeing her again... It was like he hadn't even been able to breathe for the past two seasons! He began laughing, a short sort of relieved chuckle because he couldn't find the words, but it blossomed into a gut-seizing, booming sort of thing that overtook him and nearly brought tears to his eyes. "You're okay!" he crowed. "Gods, I've missed you!" He leaned into her embrace for a moment before attempting to swing an oversized limb over her shoulders, pinning her in place and to his side.

Her scent overwhelmed him and he felt a weight off of his shoulders. "Where have you been? And what have I missed? And where in this godsforsaken hellscape of a continent is Caia?!" His questions were rapid fire and he would have asked more if he didn't realize it might make it a little hard for her to answer if he never let her speak. He did his best to calm his breathing, and realized that in his headlong sprint down the tidal bay he'd ended up covered in muck and seaweed. With a grimace he took a step back from Faria, hoping she wouldn't get angry with him for soiling her pretty little pelt.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
08-12-2015, 08:54 PM

She was on him before he could even blink, their bodies would collied and the tiny galactic she wolf felt an incredible relief to be in his presence again. She'd quickly mirror his laugh, her tiny bell like one a sharp compliment to his booming baritone. He pushed into her affections as he returned the sentiment, she'd missed him too. Ria would only lean further into his chest as he wrapped one large limb around her shoulders. She didn't really notice that he'd gotten all mucky, and she didn't really care either. She just wanted to be close to him. He'd be able to really speak before she could, barraging her with questions before pulling away enough that they were not touching anymore.

Before she answered she'd look him over. He looked.. plumper? Like he was well fed, along with being rather covered in grime. She'd make a face before looking down at her own pelt, she was probably covered in it now. She'd sigh and laugh at the same time as she answered his question then. "I've been south, i left you guys and just found him. He showed me around the Southern continent and we just now started our way back. He needs to find his siblings, and I wanted to find you!" That was only the answer to one question! "Other than that I've just been exploring. I thought Caia was still with you." Where was their wayward sister? They all needed to be together again pronto.




3 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 10:19 PM

Faria was safe. Faria was in one piece. Faria had been traveling the southern continent just as he had but somehow he hadn't been able to find her? Concerning. The fact that she had been traveling the continent with some... some he? Probably unacceptable, but it was her final statement that caught his attention. It settled around him like a death shroud and his eyes opened wide. Caia wasn't with her? Caia was lost? His jaw dropped open and her gaped at Faria for just a moment, not because he thought she was at fault but because he had just assumed Faria would know where she was! He had been counting on it. He sputtered for a moment before saying, "W-Well, then we have to find her! C'mon let's go! Or, er, I guess we should grab your friend or... Or something!" He was trying desperately to stay calm but it wasn't working very well. His pulse was racing in his chest and the large male began to feel a bit light headed. Shit, if he fainted Ria would never let him live it down. His blind terror coexisted uncomfortably with his jubilation that at least one of the girls was back with him, but he'd just have to make sense of that later! Right then, they had a job to do.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-12-2015, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2015, 10:57 PM by Caia.)

ooc. language warning, as well as permission to invade and powerplay!

"Speech" thoughts actions

She'd started her hunt for her brother and pseudo-sister long ago, and worry was dulling her pelt and making her ribs prominent. It was closer to summer now. Gods above, she'd been searching since fucking autumn to find the wayward remainder of her little band. Outrage boiled beneath her celestial pelt as she lumbered across the landscape like a thundercloud. Mammoth paws slammed into the earth, and it rumbled in her wake. When she found those stupid little shits, she was going to haul their asses across this bloody continent and tie them to a tree. Hackles bristling like a furious porcupine, teeth flashing as she snarled profanity under her breath, she thundered ever closer. She began to see two little blobs in the distance, blots of shadow too small to make out. However, if the difference in size said anything, she would bet her hide it was the irksome duo she sought.

When they were close enough to see the constellations splayed across their skins, her expression twisted into one of relief for a split second. Thank the gods they weren't hurt. That meant she didn't have to be gentle with her damned brother. "Mithras!" She roared, glaring daggers in the direction of her once estranged sibling. She'd deal with the little hobbit in a second. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you, you mentally deficient wombat?!" The titan bellowed, storming closer. Her teeth snapped shut loudly with the end of her demand. The soft sand squelched under her paws, wedged itself between her toes, and splashed water at her belly. Part of her was glad to see him, a very tiny, minuscule microbe that was almost invisible. "I've been running around this wasteland like a chicken with my head cut off since the middle of autumn looking for you two, so we could hole up somewhere for the winter. Instead, I find a whole lot of nothing!" She directed an irate stare upon the little blue wisp, brows low over her eyes. "Do you understand how worried I was?" She punctuated this query with a solid whack to the back of her brothers cranium, paw connecting with the join of his spine to the hind of his skull, achieved by rearing up and swinging an oversized paw.

To say the cosmic goliath was enraged would be a grievous understatement. Her worry and anxiety was leaving her rapidly, the two mixing to form a snappish kind of fury. Hauling back, she slammed her paws into her brothers closest flank and put her weight behind it. Sure, he had the advantage of bulk, but angry sisters had a way of ignoring things like that. It would be her goal to push him over, because she was about ready to pummel him eighteen feet under the sand they stood on. How could he do that to her? Leave her alone to worry, for just about two seasons? Clearly the ignoramus had a deathwish. When she had him sprawled out, she would pin him neatly with one foot upon his chest. "What if you were dead? How would I have known, you great buffoon!?" She shouted, anxiety forcing her pitch a few notes up the scale. Smacking him solidly on top of the snout, she proceeded to get her face very close to his so he could see just how angry she was. Did he understand how she had been feeling for all that time?

Gaze would land on the tiny cobalt femme. "And you, little hobbit, where have you been? Were you with him too?" She snapped, quirking a brow for the barest moment. She wouldn't let up on her brother, for he was the main cause of her concerns. He knew full well what they did when they got separated, but it didn't look like he'd even tried! She would wait for answers, because so far she couldn't see any reason that they couldn't have even sought her out to inform her of their absence, or plans.



6 Years
08-13-2015, 09:32 PM

Mith's worry over Caia seemed more frantic than she would have expected. Ria had no doubt that their sister was more than well taking care of herself. If Faria could stay alive Caia wasn't going to have trouble. Somehow at that very moment though, as Mith tried to freak out, Caia would come directly for them. After quite the tongue lashing, with which the little hobbit dutifully cringed when the raging queen's attention was turned toward her. Ria would back away as the titans collided, Caia not gentle in the least in showing her displeasure in him. The little blue starry creature would freeze as Caia questioned her, where had she been? In moth's company? "No, he just found me! I've been living in the south... with my friend Steel." With her ears lowered and her tail between her legs she'd look her most sorriest as she gazed up at Caia. "I went exploring, and found him.. and just didn't come back." She'd look away then, knowing very well that she was in the wrong to have been gone for so long with out a word.




3 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2015, 07:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 09:15 AM by Mithras. Edit Reason: Grammar is hard... )

Mithras decided at last, after long and careful consideration, that the gods truly hated him. It was obvious! Why else would they put a kind, gentle soul like him through such trials? Losing his siblings, breaking his back to find them, worrying needlessly, being a part of the same litter as Caia... It was simply too much to bear.

Where his sister had come from, he didn't really know. All of the sudden she was there and she was hurting him. He barely got any warning at all, barely the start of her tongue lashing, before she was raining blows down upon him. "Caia!" he yelped, partially in surprise in relief but mostly in protest. Something about being righteously reprimanded reduced the giant back to a pup, and he felt the need to whimper and whine, "Caia, no, I'm sorry, I- Ouch! I just found- Oof!" Talking sense into her definitely wasn't going to happen. She rammed her paws into his ribcage and sent him flying sideways, four giant paws splaying out from underneath him. He hit the ground with a thud, wind leaving his lungs in one giant whoosh. His furious sister turned on Faria next, but Mithras knew better than to let his guard down. He scrambled back to his feet, wheezing, and skittered a few feet away from the scary shewolf.

Faria's excuse was a little bit pitiful, if only because she was clearly sorry and scared (and so much smaller than either of them.) Of course, that didn't make it hurt any less. She'd made a friend and just... decided to stay? Mithras had been wintering down south because he hadn't had any other choice. Without the Diamáchi, he probably would have died! It was hard for him to be angry with Ria, he wasn't, but the confusion swirled around in his chest. "Who's this 'Steel' guy?" he asked, tone a smidgen more petulant than he would have wished. "Where is he now?" Mithras turned back to Caia and said, "I was down south too, but I was sick. This group of wolves took me in, though, they helped me." He wanted to take his girls south to meet them, but maybe that would be a conversation for another day. For now, he had to make absolutely certain his sister's killing rage had passed...

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!