
The Thompson Gunner


04-10-2013, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 11:22 PM by Ardent.)

The hawk made lazy circles in the bright, azure sky. Sun gleamed fire across its back each time the creature dipped low. Golden light crossed its feathers, displaying the animal's wide array of oranges and browns. But she was not built for beauty. Brilliant yellow eyes peered out from beneath high peaked brows. The bird was as hungry as any other predator, eager to find prey in the grasses of Seracia. A field mouse had caught her ever-watchful eyes. The flash of light brown might have been over-looked by other hunters. So brief was it that even her own chicks may have not seen it. But this hawk was older than most other raptors that flew on these winds. She had taken many a life, and through her delicate movements, it was clear how she had lived so long. Wings dipped gently, bringing her down slightly. The mouse had noticed something, had started to move away and search for shelter. Wings quickly folded inwards. Ground sprinted towards the bird as she dropped. Wind raced across her body, but scarcely a sound was made. Her prey could not move fast enough.

Icarus watched silently from his resting place on the earth. Flaming eyes watched the raptor's descent, and its well-earned victory. It landed easily, tufts of fur gripped tightly between its steely talons. Watch your surroundings, there are lessons all around you if you look. They were words told to him a lifetime ago. And yet, the mercenary managed to make time to learn from his surroundings. The hawk that struck swiftly. The lion that aimed for maiming blows and finally a strike to the jugular. He had watched for five years the theatre that consumed the world around him. It was both entertainment and education. Icarus had learned to incorporate it into his own life. Each job a new way to develop what he had built with years of observation.

A shifting breeze brought the faint smell of salt water pouring across his steely face. It tossed and carved waves through the grasses of the fertile land. The man had followed the river, interested in seeing what lay upon its delta. Fertility meant prey, and where there was prey, a pack was sure to follow. The silver knight had strode into the heavily scented borders without concern. Where a pack lay, there was politics. And where there was politics, a job would surely follow. Icarus found a quiet resting place in the grasses, allowing the sun to warm his body. He would wait here until he was greeted. The borders betrayed a land that was heavily traversed and he doubted that a large beast like himself would get through without notice.


04-11-2013, 08:42 AM

He was frozen, unable to move, but his eyes very much worked. Through lime colored optics he hd a clear vantage down to where the battle was taking place. His insane brother had challenged Gerhardt, and the purse was death. He stifled a whine, finding that the sound would not form at all. His body yearned to get between the two, to lay his body down as a sacrifice for peace, for the Kingdom. Valkis was not right in the head, he could never lead even if he did manage to kill Gerhardt. Valkis's fangs crunched down on Gerhardt's trachea, and with a sickening snap, the King fell...

No! His whole body quaked with fear and desolation, but as soon as his eyes opened to find no one lying on the ground bleeding and writing in pain, Maverick knew it had all been a dream. Just a dream. A sigh filled with fury and fear slipped from unhinged jaws along with a yawn. Shifting his weight, the boy stood to his paws, shaking his coat as he did so to remove unnecessary dirt and debris. That dream would linger with him, just as the others had, but he knew how to at least push it back into the furthest parts of his mind. He had to keep busy and he wouldn't think about it as much, not to mention keeping busy would also help the Kingdom.

Setting off for the border, Maverick let his mind wander to anything but his psychopathic brother. For starters, his thoughts would linger on Epiphron for quite some time, but he didn't like to think about her for long either. Their last meeting had not ended well, and he feared it was only a matter of time before they would be wrenched apart for good. It was best to forget her now - if he could - at least until they met again in two days. That is, if she even came. They were to meet in the Vericona Plains, and perhaps even go on a hunt. Maverick hoped she would show, but had a feeling her brother would be keeping an even closer eye on her after last time - if a closer eye was even possible.

Long and still rather lanky legs carried him to the outcrops of his territory. He was filling out more and more every day, and it was only a matter of time before he grew to be a substantially sized guy. Until then, he had spent a lot of time being active and viral in hopes of filling out faster and becoming more handsome. Lime eyes scanned the territory before him as he approached it, finding a grayish figure looming in the taller grasses, lying down. His first assumption was that it would be the Lady Loccian, as she was of similar hues, but it looked far too large to be her. A new member, perhaps? Or a trespasser? It was more than likely the former, but the latter was not out of the question either.

The soft wind blowing in his face would carry no scent of Seracia toward him besides that that stained the borders. This man was not of the pack, not even a new member. Maverick drew up to his full height, but judging by the man's size it would be nothing in comparison. Still, with tail and head raised high in dominance, the Prince spoke. You are trespassing, he would utter with a darker tone in his voice than normal. For a boy who strove for peace, he was certainly not in the mood to deal with a trespasser. Tail switched behind him, back and forth, as his head remained inclined to face the male in his lying down position.
