
The Psycho, The Devil, And The Demon



2 Years
08-11-2015, 01:50 AM
Ylva would enter the Mile High Woods. The smell of death surrounding her nostrils, but, even though the season was Spring, the cold still surrounded her body and made her blood boil. She loved the cold, thinking it fit her personality as well as her brother's rather perfectly. The scent of elk and other small rodents surrounded her nostrils as well, but, she paid no heed to the prey and tilted her head back, calling for the alabaster devil himself. Her mint green orbs would soon shift over to her brother and gave a rather small chuckle, her eyes narrowing and her mouth twisting into a devious grin.

"I know you might wish to cause some trouble, but, I forbid you this time to cause any trouble for Sin. He was rather nice to let you join the pack that he shall be taking over soon, and, you might even become a warrior if you work hard enough. Your dark intentions, however, shall definitely make you a favorite to him," she explained, soon smelling the scent of the alabaster male and meeting his gaze once he soon approached, her body brushing past him in greeting and bowing her head in a respectable manner.

"Sin, this is my brother, Diablo. Diablo, please meet Sin," she explained, sitting down beside her brother and giving a chuckle and a sadistic, yet satisfying grin.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-13-2015, 10:34 PM

He'd been lying in a den he'd found himself at the Marble Wash, farther from the traffic on the Antiox but he preferred it this way. Granted, he shared a den with Arietta on the ship as well, he had this one for when he wanted solitude. He'd been lying in wait, thinking about what to do about the lazy turds that made up the pack. It had grown a decent amount since he had brought his family here, and there was more soon to come he was sure. And it would seem that as soon as the thought began to fall away from the curls of his mind, a familiar voice would rise into the heavens, beckoning him towards her. A curious tilt of his head and cock of his ear atop his crown would make the ghoul rise and make his way with haste. Surely she wouldn't be having the puppies already, so there had to be something else.

With an eager trot, he moved towards her. Slender paws padded easily across the snow, the light winds ruffled his fur and brought to him Ylva's scent, as well as....someone else's. But whose? Lips curled, was someone going to try and steal his property? Quickening his pace, he soon found her and the stranger, the black male was rubbing all over the femme and a growl would rise within his throat. Though Ylva made no motion to stop the other, so with narrowed eyes he approached with perking ears as she greeted him. Stopping a few feet from them, he relaxed as he stood before them, eyeing the male as Ylva introduce them. "So, you're the relative that Ylva has been speaking so much about. You're a fine seem promising."


08-15-2015, 01:13 PM

He practically danced on his feet as he followed his sister, stopping when she did and listened to her words. "Aaww alright." He whined, clearly he wasn't pleased with this rule but he would obey it nonetheless. If his sister was right, then Diablo would have no choice but to listen to her. He didn't want to risk her position, whatever it was. He watched as she called for his person, the one who would apparently judge him or...accept him, as she called it. So with impatience, he would sit. Gnawing at his foreleg to rid himself of the itching caused by the flood of fleas he had, though they were hardly noticeable thanks to his shaggy black coat. And then, he caught the scent of blood. It made him practically drool, for there was nothing better then the scent of blood, and when he glanced up to see where the source of the smell was coming from, he spotted a white male with the deep red markings upon him. Tilting his head, he wondered if that was him.

Sure enough, the moment the man had stopped before them, Ylva began introducing him. So...this was the man his sister fawned over? Interesting. "Sin, an interesting name for an interesting looking man." A smirk of bared teeth arose on his scarred maw, amber eyes remained unblinking. "My sister must adore you to carry around a bunch of little troublemakers. It's about time I meet the devil who seeded her." He nudged Ylva's shoulder playfully, a small giggle emerging between them.




2 Years
08-15-2015, 01:40 PM

Ylva saw her brother gnaw what she assumed to be fleas. Her eyes narrowed slightly for she did not wish to recieve the disgusting little creatures that inhabited Diablo's coat. The scent of blood would soon catch her off guard when Sin happened to appear in her view. She bowed her head respectively since she was his Mistress and gave him a small nudge against the shoulder in greeting before sitting beside her sibling.

When her brother spoke, she nudged her brother back in greeting before turning her attention back to the alabaster man,
"Sin, if i may be so bold to ask, would it be possible if my brother, once the pups arrive, help teach them to be devious and as evil as us? The reason why I ask this, was because I thought he would be a good man to do so due to his ways. If that not being possible, maybe he could be a fighter,"
she looked to her brother and gave a sinister grin before looking back over to Sin once more.


Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-15-2015, 08:16 PM

He stared blankly at the dark male, unsure whether or not he should trust the man. He would keep those thoughts to himself, however, so for now he would keep an eye on him to see where he stood. Even though Ylva claimed that her brother would obey her, Sin wanted to see if the brute would obey anyone else asides from her. It would be an interesting observation, so for now he would simply smirk slightly as he nodded. "A pleasure." He responded before carrying his gaze over to Ylva. This woman was certainly gutsy in asking requests from him, and this one seemed to involve the children that were to be born in the near future. He regarded her with a curious and guarded stare, his face a blank slate to make it harder to see what he might be thinking. He wasn't quite sure if he trusted this...mangy looking creature, but time would tell. "I will keep that request in mind, for now we wait until the children arrive. Not much can be done until they come of age for training...and judging by your brothers character so far, I'd rather my children not be slaughtered within their first year of life. We shall see, however." His gaze returned to Diablo, the taller male quite the strange character so far. "No offense to you, but you don't seem the type to go easy no matter who it is. On top of that, I need to see where your loyalties lie."



08-29-2015, 09:21 PM

He listened quietly, although distracted by his own nibbling at his forelegs. The fleas were really starting to get bothersome, he would have to do something about it soon because they were driving him insane! He ignored what his sister said, for the most part. "If you keep telling people we're not the nice type, they'll whisper to others to avoid us. That would be no fun!" He chimed in before returning to his task. Indeed it was true, what a dolt his sister was. Not really, but he could think what he wanted of her. They did it all the time and they knew not to take it to heart...mostly.

He lazily glanced up as Sin spoke, though he didn't care too much since his sister seemed to be the one absorbing the attention for now. He didn't mind too much, instead he sat hunched and panting as he thought about random things like...where and how he could collect more teeth for his shiny new necklace he wanted to make. "No offense to you." Maw closed slightly as his ears twitched, offense? None taken. He shook his shaggy head as he leaned down to scratch at it, one eye kept on Sin. "None taken. But you're right, I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt them...Ylva wouldn't like that very much, would you?" He nudged her shoulder playfully as he nipped her ear, his attention somewhat on the pair of them. "You have all the reason in the world not to trust me, but as long as she's around's a safe zone, so to speak."
