
All This Talk Of Politics



7 Years
08-19-2015, 06:17 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She needed a break from everyone. Particularly her husband. She had told him she would think on the situation regarding Amalia’s plight. So she had left the kids with him and the elder children and taken off. She had other things she needed to attend to, in any case. Such as seeing her sister, despite having just seen her a day ago, and meeting with the eastern alphas to make them aware of her plans. Thus far, all she had heard of the eastern alphas was that one was Bass Destruction of Abaven, and was the alpha over Shai and his family, and she had met Threar’s two alphas, Novella and Frith Destruction. And Leo, her nephew, was now the alpha of Fiori.

That was the sticky point, wasn’t it? Amalia was Epiphron’s daughter; Surreal’s niece. If it had been any other wolf, Surreal wouldn’t have had to think at all before saying ‘Hell no, get the fuck out.’ If it were anyone else… Falk would be out on his ear, and she would never allow him back on the Plains, or in her pack. But it was Amalia. So, here she was, thinking on it, and wandering east despite her heat being in full swing. This had really thrown a wrench into things, hadn’t it. She didn’t begrudge her niece for wanting children. When your lover was of the same gender, and thus unable to assist in that particular venture in life, it was a given. But with Isardis having been so… prolific in spreading his genes… were there not other half brothers to choose from that weren’t nuts?

The thought ran through her mind that she knew two of them, but she highly doubted Kismet or Soren would take kindly to the idea of giving their seed to the cause, even if Azalea and her father hadn’t been Cairo’s descendants by blood. A sigh filtered through her nose as she reached the borders of Threar, with Novella and Frith’s scents speaking loud and clear among those of their packs that this was indeed their pack, and she bent to sniff delicately at the mingled scent markers. Hm. Novella smelled pregnant, though that marker was a tad stale. Puppies already out, perhaps?

She stepped back, wondering if this would be the best time to say hello, with newborns likely in the den. A lot of the two alphas’ time would be taken up watching their new babies growing. Still, Frith’s scent at least had been refreshed quite recently, so he must have been by not long ago… With her heat, she had been hoping to talk to Novella, but she supposed Frith, being a happily mated male and the only other leader, would do for what Surreal was here to talk about. So, she tipped her head back and sent out a polite song for the Threar Authors, though Frith was the most likely to arrive. A congratulations was in order, anyways.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
08-20-2015, 04:45 PM

Three new babies! Two more boys and one little girl. It was almost odd that out of three litters they only had three girls to show for it. Wasn't that sort of thing supposed to be more 50/50? He would never complain though, each one of them were perfect and he couldn't even describe how much he loved them. Novella was recovering well from the birth, he'd gaze fondly at her from outside the den. He'd sprawled by the entrance to give her a little bit more room and some quiet. The babies were still mostly unaware of their surroundings still, but they liked to chirp and whine whenever anyone moved inside. Novella could sleep better if she didn't have him and the babies moving around.

He'd smile fondly as he enjoyed a little time off. He'd scouted not long ago and everyone was well fed thanks to the efforts of Feli and Varda. He'd sigh contentedly on his paws as he relaxed, life was finally getting back in order. He hadn't expected a call at the border, however the voice was slightly familiar. A lot had been going on in his life, so whoever it was would have to forgive him for forgetting their last meeting. Slowly he'd make his way to his paws and with a quickness in his step make his way towards the sound of the voice.

The woman he saw did indeed look familiar but her name was still not coming to mind. He'd smile fondly as he made his way to the border, a polite nod offered as he came to a stop. "Hello, fair Lady. I apologize that I don't remember your name, but I am Frith Author of Threar. I imagine you have purpose?" He didn't know if she specifically remembered him but he'd take a chance just in case.
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7 Years
08-20-2015, 05:10 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Frith’s arrival was prompt, and Surreal smiled in response to his greeting. ”That’s alright. I’m Surreal Adravendi. My family and I reside in the old Valhallan lands, Vericona Plains.” She didn’t say ‘the old Arcanum lands’; to her, they had been squatters, not worthy of being acknowledged as ever having ruled the lands Surreal had been born and raised on. Her haunches lowered to the ground, both to settle her more comfortably, and to spare him the brunt of her heat scent, tail curling comfortably about her hips. She could smell the newborns now on his coat, and a warm smile softened her features as she added “I believe congratulations are in order if my nose is correct in saying that you and Novella have welcomed new children?” In a matter of fact, since she had been heavily pregnant at the time of the gathering in Redbud Nook that Novellla had held, she could have been congratulated herself.

She continued after a moment, a more businesslike, though no less warm, tone to her voice. “I wanted to alert you and Novella to the fact that I intend to revive Valhalla under a new name, that of Celestial, or Speartha. I’m hoping that when the time comes, Threar will be an ally or, at the very least, will be agreeable to a treatise of Peace; we won’t harm you, if you do us the same honor.” A warm smile parted her jaws as she as mismatched blue and gold gaze caught his similarly hued one. “I intend for this pack to be of the kinder temperament, so you won’t have to worry about us causing you trouble., I assure you.” Nothing but sincerity in her body, eyes and voice as she sat back to await his response. She did hope it would be favorable.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
08-20-2015, 05:55 PM

She had a pleasant smile and promptly gave him her name and where her residence was. He wasn't sure the name was really anymore familiar than what she'd been before he'd gotten her name a second time around. Frith wouldn't hesitate to mirror her movements and settled himself onto his haunches in front of her. His grin broadened considerably as she mentioned new children. "That's right, and they are marvelous." He'd beam as she go on, obviously much more serious. His expression would settle slightly as he listened to what she had to say, intent upon rebuilding what once was.

He would nod softly as he thought about her words. "A peaceful agreement between Threar and yourself is favorable. As for being allies, I will with hold my answer until after you've claimed lands. " She sounded very much sincere, and told of a pack that was very similar to his own.
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7 Years
08-21-2015, 03:00 PM
Surreal Adravendi

It was soothing to speak with like minded wolves. It almost felt like being in Valhalla. Talking of children, of the day’s events. As he took a seat, and confirmed the births of his and Novella’s latest litter, Surreal’s warm smile broke briefly into a grin, before talk of politics was broached. His response was favorable. Threar would not be a problem for Speartha. She nodded, straightening slightly. “That sounds reasonable to me. I intend to take Vericona Plains as a start, and perhaps a land from the surrounding area. I was born there, raised there, and many of Valhalla’s dead are buried there.”

A thought crossed her mind, causing her head to tilt slightly as she settled the thought into words. “Are you aware of any packs that might be a threat?” This information could give her what she needed to know, whom to avoid telling of her plans, and who to watch for in case of an attack. Any information he could give her would be a major help. She wanted to ensure her pack and family would have a safe home, and she needed to know how hard to push them to be able to stand against attacks and raids. Valhalla had lost their first siege to Glaciem, and while they hadn’t lost any land, there had still been loss of life; on both sides.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
08-24-2015, 03:03 PM

She didn't waste any information, telling him where they could be found as well as her agreement to his words. He could understand the attachment to a certain place now, when he lived with his mother he doubted he could have ever loved somewhere as much as he loved Threar. It was where Novella's parents were buried, along with Descant. (not that he'd ever met the latter.) He would nod shortly at the end of her statement, wondering slightly what else she might need him for. She did indeed have more questions, or at least one. Should she be wary of any packs? "Yfir conducted a raid upon us recently, but other than to our food supply I don't see them as a threat." Their warrior's were strong, but nothing about the raid had seemed personal. They weren't out to see his family or pack destroyed.
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7 Years
08-25-2015, 12:58 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened to Frith’s information. Yfir, huh? Her head cocked, slightly as she thought, then asked “Did they seem strong? And where are they located? Is everyone in your pack alright?” Strong fighters could be either a good ally to have, or a ferocious adversary to a recently begun pack that might have small numbers. It would ease her worries only slightly if Yfir was far from the Plains she and her family were settled in and would be raising Celestial on. The last question was asked with some concern as she looked the chocolate colored male over.

Zuriel was a natural talent when it came to healing. Though she had smelled a healer or two in the border scents; those wolves were distinctive, with their herbal perfume from sorting and putting together doses of herbs. Soothing, earthy. It could be a good opportunity, as well, if Threar’s healers were more advanced. Erani was no longer around and able to pass on her seemingly limitless knowledge anymore. The thought brought a pang of longing to her heart. It didn’t matter how much time passed; she still missed her mother as badly as the first day.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think