
The Rhythm of the World


04-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Bum ba-dum, bum ba-dum, bum ba-dum. Her heart was a caged bird, longing to burst free from the bony confinements of her ribs, to break free of her chest, to soar through the open winds.

Pitter-pat, pitter-pat, pitter-pat. Each of her paws were tiny dancers, beating to their own rhythm in the symphonic world around them.

The wind whispered through her ears, through her fur, tickling her nose with the various scents that accompanied it. Wolves, many wolves, had been here; that much was clear to her. She had never been one for large groups, born into a small nomadic family. Never before had she been a part of a pack, but for now she considered it at least a possibility. Besides, what harm could be done simply appearing here and seeing what awaited her? Perhaps some wondrous new future lay in the midst of any number of packs; there was only one way to find out.

Not truly sure of how to act, socially depraved as a child and a young adult, choosing to be so in her most recent year, she simply lowered her haunches until she found herself sitting on the dry ground and let out a short yip. Surely if anyone was nearby they would hear and greet her ? at least she hoped they might. Perhaps wolves were not as courteous creatures as she had previously considered them to be? It was always a possibility, she reminded herself. The few wolves she had encountered had been polite enough, kind enough, but still her sampling was hardly a large one, certainly not enough to judge an entire species.

She felt alone within herself, somehow. Her uniqueness was unique to her, she belonged to herself, but somehow rather than instilling confidence and self-assurance in herself, it only instilled a despairing sense of loneliness. She was called Balarine, a simple female with a longing to simply belong, a longing she hoped these wolves would be able to cure in her. Surely at least a few would prove to be as kind and welcoming as those she had met before. Surely she could find a home, a new place to stay, her place of belonging. She didn't have much to give, far more suited to advisory than to hunting or to fighting. Her frame was far too small to withstand battle ? her lack of scars showed a clear avoidance of them. She was quick due to her small weight, though her lengthy legs caused a bit of clumsiness in her she could not seem to overcome, disrupting nearly every chance at a good hunt. Instead she relied on others to aid her, shelter her, feed her. It wasn't the best living choice, she knew, but it fit her. She was nomadic by heart, by history, and each place she went, new wolves were willing to take her in if only for a short while. She hoped now would be different, that she could find a place she'd be more able to remain in, to linger and settle down.

A dim light began to spread across the skyline as rays bounced from the sun off the clouds, creating brilliant hues of orange and pink. It amazed her, the rosy citrus that bloomed in the early morning above her; she had always been pleased enough to wake early and watch nature spread her colors. The female stretched her bodice, growing comfortable in this place though the scent of blood and battle worried her. She was hardly a wolf fit for such a life, if that was what pack life contained. Even still, it appealed to her, the idea of living with others. She missed her family, though her goodbye to them had been a final one. Never again would she return to her homelands. Experiencing what the world had to offer was too much for her to bear leaving for a barren wasteland of snow.

Here, things were bright, warm, shrouded in the green of the Spring season, alive with new birth of plants, of animals, blossoms that never would have greeted her eyes had she not left. It was a wonderful place, a beautiful place, a place she wished to live and to belong in, and perhaps some day to bring further life to. She could not have the family she was born into ? they had chosen to stay in the land of their fathers. But perhaps pups of her own would fulfill the empty void she felt in her heart at their absence? It was a welcomed thought, to lack the loneliness they had left her. But still, pups would mean males, and surely males would mean embarrassment for herself. Socially inadequate, she wasn't quite sure she would have enough to impress any male these new parts would have to offer her. Surely there were more worthy females, prettier, stronger, more desirable. She was small, weak, plain. Perhaps she only thought this of herself, perhaps others would see her differently, but she couldn't help the sudden desire to flee, her body tensing with unease.

They would laugh at her, mock her, shun her. She wasn't fit to belong in a pack. No, she wasn't fit to be anywhere but with her family, in their snow-filled nothingness. She wasn't deserving of this new land, this green, this warmth. No pack would want her, surely. Still, though her mind begged her to flee, to run, to escape the claustrophobic pressure of the field that surrounded her, the commitment that beckoned her, her heart would not sway in it's desires, her paws would not bend to her will.

Already she had called for them. Her short yip may not have carried far, and for a brief second she hoped on the possibility that none had heard it, that her presence had gone unnoticed, but the scent of oncoming wolves proved her false. They were coming for her. They had heard her, and they were coming. Coming to greet her, to judge her, but certainly not to welcome her. One look at her, her pathetic size, the fur pressed flat to her body and the tail tucked tight under her legs in submission and they would chuckle to themselves and leave before giving her a second glance. She was as useful as a young pup, nothing more. She would be another mouth to feed, not unable to feed herself but lacking the skill-set to do so properly.

Darkly ringed ears pressed tightly against her head, cowering against her cranium, burying themselves in the short fur that resided there. Her body crouched low, stomach brushing the new buds of grass that poked up from the dry, cracked land, tickling her tender skin, though her mouth refused to curl into so much as a miniscule smirk of laughter. No, fear clouded her better judgment, ached for her to run as she wished to, but her body lay frozen, far more scared to run and show weakness than to stay and risk humility.

No, she would not run, could not run. She was a wolf, a pack animal; at least that was what she wished to become. It was what her ancestors had been, and she knew she ought to be proud to follow in their pawsteps. Sucking in the courage to stand, she raised her body slightly, enough to appear at least a bit less cowardly, yet still remaining in a submissive posture, not wanting to offend any higher ranking wolf that may pass by her.

Word count: 1253
OOC: Hope I did alright for a first post here! If I did not do this right or post it in the right place please tell me :)


04-05-2013, 09:15 PM

ooc; that was a fabulous post, dear! Hope you don't mind me throwing this sexy guy in here.

It was a long walk from Ludicael, far longer than he'd intended or thought it would be. By now his paws would be aching if he'd taken his usual pace, but the Agua was far too smart to do that. No, he'd taken up a rather pointless trot, one that would carry him there in enough time, but wouldn't exactly bring him there promptly. A smirk played on his lips, for he had not the best intentions for this little outing. In all truth, Marvel had pent up energy he needed to get rid of, and while the walk served his need to explore, it did not exactly squelch his desire for intimacy. The dame Brinshana had done a fabulous job at that, but she was nowhere to be found on this particular day, or any day before that. So now he was traipsing toward the battlefield in hopes of encouraging a wolf or two to join the Ludicael ranks, preferably a wolf of the female persuasion.

He'd left in the night, clearly hoping to not be missed, but caring too much if he was. Marvel had little regard for anyone's opinion but his own - and perhaps Jupiter's - but he doubted she'd care if he was gone for half a day or so. Surely he would not be needed now that the cats had cleared out of Ludicael and the pack could live as they pleased. He'd healed all wounds that had been inflicted, and would continue to do so until they were gone, but they would not need re-treatment for another day or two - which gave him time off to seek out women. Many, many women.

The stench of the battlefield was something he was not accustomed to. Freshly spilled blood did nothing but make his brow quirk, as he adjusted his path so that he would not walk through it. Women generally did not like a blood-spattered male hitting on them. A few did, but they were few and far between. It was unlikely that any he ran into today would be one of those few. As he skirted around the spilled blood, he could not help but notice a figure on the horizon as light began to grace the landscape. Her perfume was clearly feminine, and the man's pace quickened to narrow the gap between them.

What is a beautiful thing like you doing in this godforsaken place? Charm dripped off of his tongue like drool, smooth and liquid. He was a natural charmer, as dangerous as a viper but as sweet-looking as a bunny. He was deadly, but hardly ever used his skills for such. Death was all too real, but pleasure was far more appealing. Frame twisted and folded into a sitting position, looking her over with lustful sterling silver eyes.



04-05-2013, 10:06 PM
OOC: No, of course not! And thank you quite much!

Though numerous scents clouded the nostrils of the young woman, a new, fresher one began to stand out among the many ? the scent of a male, steadily growing nearer to her. Nervousness flooded the woman, churning in her belly, swimming in her eyes. It was in her nature to avoid conflict whenever possible, and she had taken it to the extreme her past few years, turning it into a more 'avoid contact' than conflict. As a result she had come to shy away from other wolves unless the situation explicitly called for. Here, she was faced with a far different scenario. She was here by choice, not by need. She wanted to find company, to find a home, to settle down, to fit in. All these silly wants disturbed her better judgment, keeping her from her typical flight response.

A thud of paws echoed in her ears, so vastly different from the delicate dancing of her own, instead marking a large brute with a determined purpose. Her tail tucked, intimidated already though she had yet to catch sight of him. As his sturdy, white body entered her line of view, she froze for the moment, caught off guard by him. He was a stunning creature, handsome indeed. The only males she had seen previous to him were her own father and two who had helped her in a time of need. None compared to him. Perhaps her sampling of males had been a poor one before? If every male in these new lands looked as glorious as the one before her, she was certain the females had to be just as wondrous. Surely she would never compare.

Even so, as his words reached her ears, she stared wide-eyed in almost uncomprehension. A beautiful thing? Her? Certainly not. No male of such stature should ever go so low as to call another beautiful. No, he was an Adonis in her eyes; there was simply no beauty left for her to possibly contain, all of it consumed in the magnificent beast that had shown himself before her.

An unsure caution marked her as she crouched just low enough to maintain an air of submission without appearing as pathetically cowardly as her innards felt. ?Pardon my arguing, Sir, but certainly I am not worthy to be considered beautiful in such eyes as your own.? she spoke in a soft manner with a slight dip of her head, hoping he did not take offense to her polite rejection of his compliment. ?But in answer to your question, I am here in hopes of perhaps meeting those who belong to the packs in these parts. I have wandered on my own several seasons, and find myself craving the company I hope a pack will be able to provide.? she explained, ears pressed back slightly, hoping she had not been mistaken in believing here would be the best place to meet various packmembers.


04-05-2013, 10:20 PM

To lustful, trained eyes, she appeared very much beautiful. Then again, almost anyone without family jewels was beautiful to him. It was hard to imagine how any female could ever be displeasing to the eye. He remembered his youth, when he'd first noted the beauty of a woman. That woman had been his aunt, or perhaps she was not the first, he couldn't rightly remember - or didn't care to. The alabaster male would shift his weight slightly as she appeared to look him over, and he tilted his chin ever so slightly to show himself in a better light - although most light was good considering how handsome he was. A smirk played across his features and remained there, rightfully so, as he very casually posed for the dame. She crouched and offered words that showed her tentative nature. Oh he did love the reluctant ones.

Well darling let me be the first to tell you this is not the place for someone like yourself to linger long. Have you any idea what goes on here? His words were not chastising or stern in any fashion, but rather.. filled with some sort of mock-concern that seemed genuine at the time. Fierce battles rage here, I should hate to see you swept up in one. Feigning concern or compassion was one of his greatest tactics, and one he used quite often indeed. This would be no exception as he swept upward and onto his paws, taking a tight circle around her. I have been here a short time, but I know a bit about some of the packs. I could tell you, if you like? Generosity, it always worked. He wondered if he would be able to persuade her into joining Ludicael, she seemed eager enough to learn of the packs, and he felt as if he might have an advantage what with her cautious behavior. There was always the chance she would go with him simply for fear of rejecting him.

Without waiting for an answer, Marvel sat back down and began to speak. His tone held an air of superiority, of knowledge. There is a large pack, Valhalla in the southwest, a Kingdom in the south, a darker pack in the east, and a feminized pack.. though I don't remember where they are located.. and then there's Ludicael. Oh, darling, there's no greater pack than Ludicael. He would cease to drone on, allowing the suspense to grow in her mind. If he made her wait, made her ask the questions, she would be more likely to grow interested and eventually come back with him. In all honesty he had no way of knowing if he even had the right to go about inviting members, but at the current time - in front of this beautiful dame - he honestly didn't care. Jupiter had said herself she didn't care what her members did as long as they didn't bring trouble to Ludicael. Marvel could hardly believe that this girl would be considered trouble.



04-05-2013, 11:08 PM
It would have been foolish to deny the fact that this brute was a stunning, nearly overwhelming sight for the young woman. Her sampling of wolves was slim; of males, even slimmer. Yet here he stood before her in his dazzling glory, this pallid king, turning his body in a way to make him look all the more magnificent, as if he needed the help of the sun's provided light to impress her. Surely her deer-in-the-headlights expression was enough to prove his own beauty to him, to prove he needed no aid to catch her eye.

Fur pressed flat against her already slender bodice, encasing her in a tighter coat that only furthered her miniscule, timid appearance as he spoke, telling the purpose of this place. She had smelled many wolves, many foreign scents, accompanied by the blood of wolves, yet she had imagined this place would have served as a decent place to meet them as well. It had seemed well-visited enough. Oh, she'd been stupid to think such a thing. The male likely saw her as some pathetic, brain-dead pup too cowardly to stand her own ground against a stranger, cowering here like a frightened prey animal. His kind, praising words were flattery, nothing more. Meaningless ? or, they ought to have been. Never had a brute been kind to her in any way that did not seem average. However, this man's tongue seemed intent on speaking up a whirlwind of butterflies in her stomach.

She gave a small nod to his warning, instinct to flee only egged on by his commentary. She was out of her element, out of her comfort zone, and into a new realm of which she had never traveled before, and currently planned never to dare travel again. It clearly had been a poor idea, to place herself in some foreign place and simply wait for wolves to greet her. It was a battlezone she had happened across. Wolves fought here, perhaps even killed one another. They were not the kind, gentle beasts she desired for company, though the brute before her seemed to show different.

Her heart, a caged bird in her chest, beat freely and wildly as the male approached her and circled tight around her, causing her to crunch up even more, to get herself as small as she could make her body, to avoid the foreign contact. Another nod to his words, mouth shut for fear of speaking stupidity. Certainly she had showed enough of it already ? she did not see the need to verbally confirm his likely suspicions of mental insufficiency. Cautious ears perked to catch his words. He seemed helpful enough, kind enough. His willingness to share whatever information he held was a blessing to her, and as such, she showed proper respect, head dipped slightly as he sat and spoke with an authoritative, superior, intelligent confidence.

By the time he had finished his short speech, her ears had perked slightly, body relaxed with a show of slight interest. However, she resorted back to flat fur and flat ears as he ended his words, aching to ask him of Ludicael, to beg him to continue, to share with her the marvelous things this world had to offer in the pack he spoke of. But still, he had been kind enough to share so much with her already; it would certainly be considered selfish, rude even to press him into continuing.

?Thank you, Sir, for your insight. Perhaps I am not as suited to life here as I had previously thought, but should I end up joining one of these groups here, I am sure your knowledge will come to be very useful.? she spoke hesitantly, not sure if he wished to continue or not, not daring to question the abrupt ending to his words, simply keeping crouched down slightly, fur flat, voice quiet yet carrying a polite, cautious air.

OOC: I just want to say, thank you for roleplaying with me ;w; Also, your table is beautiful!


04-06-2013, 10:06 AM

The light of the sun gleamed off of his ivory coat, setting him aglow. Oh he did love the light of the morning, almost as much as he loved the glow of the moon. Perhaps the only time he looked his absolute best were under illumination by either of those. A smirk played upon his lips, one that lingered there always - but was not always prominent. This was one of those times when it was brighter, more whimsical, and very charming to boot. His air of confidence was only increased by the notion that she was buying into it all.. buying into his words, his antics, and more importantly.. his appearance. He could read the fear in her stance, the respect and perhaps even awe in those eyes. If only everyone else could see him like this, could see how manipulative and downright amazing he was at acting. Putting on a show was second nature, and this was no exception.

Finally words would come, though they seemed almost dismissive. Such a pity, he had hoped she would inquire further, would be so intrigued that she'd simply have to ask. However, he was down - but certainly not out. He could still turn this around, after all.. he already had her wrapped around his paw. Well then let me give you more to go on. He paused, scanning his eyes over her as if he were trying to read her very soul. You look like a smart girl, someone who's more into following than leading, someone who would be of great use to any pack so long as they treated her right. He would pause, prepared to read her reaction to see if he was on the right path. I can't say I've ever lived anywhere else, so I can't rightly give you the lowdown on the other packs.. but as for Ludicael.. it's a dream. He gave an airy sigh, as if just thinking about it gave him butterflies. Oh what an actor! Our leader, Jupiter, has only recently set claim to our beautiful home. We live among the mangroves and the waterway. You should see it at night, it positively glows. That was an understatement.

Anyway, Jupiter.. I won't go as far as to say that she is relaxed.. she just isn't domineering like other tyrant alphas I've known in my past. She has rules set forth, but they are guidelines to live by.. not iron gates to dance through. Jupiter is not the type to rule over us so much as to lead us all in the same path. He had spoken enough for now, and surely she would have further questions for him by now, or even statements. A placid smile settled upon his face as he glanced to the left and the right, then focused back on her. It would not suit him well to be caught up in a battle. He was a healer, not a brawler.

OOC / Anytime! I'm quite enjoying this interaction c: And thank you, it's a new style I've been trying out :]




04-06-2013, 12:57 PM

His immense form ascended upon the battlefield with adequate grace. He was a king that, though was forged to be temporary, had come to a grandeur liking of his placement. The world around him was swatched in so much more sin than ever he had thought. For some reason, whenever things came down to proteting people that really mattered to you everything was wrong. It was both good and bad. For example, the arkhos loved being in the loner lands, he loved exploring, and he loved being able to do things he did best. However, when out with his kids, wife, or even a fri//end that lived in Valhalla with him, he found that things were far harder for the simple fact, everyone posed a threat. Anyone could kill.

His eyes swept the borderlands, scents of vagabonds dancing all around him. It was a world that seemed to lack rules, one that condoned violence, acted as a proprietor to hell, and seemed to open the very doors of purgatory. Perhaps one of the two was where he was destined to sit, though, perhaps he had a seat upon a throne for the live he was living. No one knew what laid in the afterlife. It was a difficult, strenuous notion. Something that honestly, when one thought about was hard to digest. Would he disappear into nothing? sense in spending too much time doting on it.

His eyes would fall upon a few trrees, their tall trunks placing them so very high in the sky and their green leaves winding down them. There was an elegance as the rays of light ascended upon them, creating a draped scenery on the earth. He had to find the beauty in something, and for him, on this day, it was the landscape. The eloquent design of the way Earth had been crafted, and oh how he loved it.

He, however, was not the only one in the proximity near the brilliant scene. There were two creatures, a man, and a woman. The male bore a scent that was far different from hers, not just the subtle difference between an oak and a maple, but the extreme difference of having a home, and not having a home. She wore something more clean, less dingy, and he had to admit that it was something a bit intriguing. His subordinates had been doing most of the work on the battlefield, and he had not much of a chance to meet the rogues the world still had. The male wore a scent that was more tainted, dancing in the ripened breath of others. Surely he belonged to a pack, and it was one the Valhallan emperor did not know of.

His head would lower to the female, a simple, meant to be delicate nod dropping from his head and before he rose his gaze would flicker to the monochromatic warrior. He would be pleasant so long as the deed was returned unto him. He was easy, his bestial form rising with grace and offering a general chuff in greeting. His baritones would come forward, whispering softly, pleasantly, and warmly into the girl's direction, and yet, the announcement of his title would be for the both of them to hear, "I am Collision, Imperator of Valhalla, may I inquire your name mistress, sir?" He was formal, his tones drawing to a sharp end and his large body rising to full height, hoping his appearance would not be disregarded.



04-07-2013, 10:32 AM
OOC: So sorry for the wait! Did not realize I had two people waiting for me ^^;

A slight grimace fought to appear on Balarine's expression at the slight disappointment the male showed for a brief instant at her lack of inquiry to his pack. She ached to know more, to be told about these wondrous lands by someone who lived upon them and knew them far better than she, and was glad he went on regardless of her asking him to. His words were spot on, calling her a follow rather than a leader ? never in her life had she been bold enough, courageous enough, outgoing enough to do anything that may count towards a role of leadership. No, she kept to herself, watched instead of did, payed attention and simply learned rather than spend precious time fighting or hunting.

Subtle trembles marked her tail, shaking it with the subtlest of tiny wags at the description he gave her. Her mind danced with dizzying daydreams, flooding her with self-made images of the place he spoke of. It had to be so beautiful, so wonderful, to make him seem so very fond of it. A serene forest of mangroves, their roots speckled up over the moist earth, water gently rushing by, it's trickle a lullaby to the trained ear. Caught up in her own thoughts she relaxed just the slightest. It was clear to her that this male was hardly a threat ? yes, the possibility existed that he was simply luring her into a false sense of security, but she chose to think better of him ? and so as they spoke, she began to grow slightly more comfortable with his presence. It was a foreign thing, for her to be seated so near another wolf, talking casually about the world around them, as one-sided as the conversation truly was. She was hardly a talkative beast.

Thoughtfulness flickered through her expression, curious to see these lands he spoke of for herself, to meet this alpha he claimed was so different than most she had heard of. For a brief moment her mouth opened as if to reply to his words, though instantly it shut tight, body shrinking down as another male entered the scene, a brawny brute of grays and tans, amber eyes shining out from his skull. He stood tall with an air of authority to him as he introduced himself. An Imperator? It sounded like an important rank. Perhaps he was the alpha of this pack he spoke of? He certainly looked the part. Quickly her head ducked, tail tucked tightly in submission to the man; if she was indeed in the presence of an alpha, she figured it would be best not to get off on the wrong foot by not showing the proper respect to him.

?I am called Balarine, Sir.? she spoke quietly, loud enough to be heard clearly but hardly much more, remaining in her submissive, tentatively fearful posture. The brute before her was quite a sight, especially to one so unfamiliar with the appearance of other wolves. Certainly she had been missing out, not being aware that the world held such handsome creatures as the ones that stood before her. She had met few wolves in her young life, and none were much to look at. The Imperator did not carry the same mellowed, easygoing charm the white male had shown, yet still there was something to say for the regal posture he possessed.



04-08-2013, 12:54 PM

OOC: You are fine darling <3 No need to apologize, for Alacritis does not run on a posting order, so you have done no wrong <3

A smile would remain pressed to the king?s lips and he would wait, in completely patience, for the effeminate creature to give him the answer he had come asking her for. He was not pressuring her into anything, not demanding, no none of the aforementioned, here merely stood before her as yet another gentleman offering his pack as a home to her. She could refuse and he would go on his way, for Valhalla was, sadly, not to its once great stature, but fact of the matter was, the wolves it had within? it held tighter bonds than anyone else could. A single denial would not weigh heavily on him, it just meant that Valhalla was not in her future, her destiny. All of which he understood, accepted, and admired.

Her posture would lower towards him in submission and the canid would press his ears back against his head, taking a step away from her, and his skull would shake side to side slowly. ?None of that, dear" His words were subtle, asking, and honest. He never had much need for his ?subordinates? to truly be subordinates. He was not above them, no, he merely presented a path to them where they had none. Protected them and offered his life for them when no other would. Yes, Valhalla was a land that fell captive to its virtues, honesty, and purity, but that was only a tidbit of them. They were as fierce as they were loving.

Her name crossed his ears and a pleased expression crossed his features, the large man would move to sit, muscular thighs pressing against the Earth, and a gentle look remaining in his visage, ?What are you doing on the battlefield, miss Balarine? This place can be rather violent,? Too many times had Collision had to interfere with a forced claim upon a young woman. He would not stand for others interfering in what one wished their life to become, and especially, when they were incapable of fighting for themselves, he would intervene. He was, after all, a man of honor and would fall captive to being nothing less than exactly that regardless of the circumstances, enemies, and loss that came with it.

The other white male would remain in silence for the moment as Collision took the opportunity to get to know the white princess before him. A firm look of concern had consumed his features upon giving her the information he had been wishing to inform her of, but truth be told, he had to make sure no others were lost out here with her, ?Do you have children? A husband? Are they lost in this place?? Care was an evident feature that became him, for his concern was cleanly written and taut muscle would tighten beneath his skin in readiness to go forth and save anyone who may have needed saving. Always the hero, wasn't he?


04-09-2013, 12:53 PM

Ooc; my bad for the wait and the shortness! D:

Things were going positively swimmingly that is.. they were until the Valhallan strutted onto the scene. An almost reproachful glance was given, but he resisted and instead plastered something innocent and docile upon his mask before turning it to the man. Marvel, he would retort just after the lady's own title, finding it to be befitting her beauty. An instant mug of jealousy would crowd his features, threatening to take over as the man seemed so honestly concerned for the lass. Would this imperator seek to take what Marvel already considered as his quarry? The Agua certainly hoped not. I was just informing her of the dangers of this place, but I'm certain it would benefit us all to hear it again. Words were innocent and keenly spoken, set to neither disrupt nor disregard anyone, though it was plain he was fighting for his right to stay in the conversation. Imperator is a fancy title, ser, would you mind translating that? All packs had their own way of doing things, and their own names for those things.. Marvel was curious to whom he was referring. Ears would pique with interest as he turned to the lady and awaited her response to the man's query.



04-09-2013, 06:12 PM
The female waited for a long while, frozen in her stance of submission, tail tucking slightly tighter as he rejected her show of respect and slight fear, posture only feeling the need to further in its show at the fact that she had done something he'd deemed out of place.

?I have been searching for a place to call a home, Sir.? she answered cautiously, voice soft, resembling a timid mouse, ears pressed back with nervousness. The mention of the violence that tended to go on in this place only furthered the queasy feeling in her stomach, nauseous and worried about what she may have gotten herself in to.

Suddenly, ears perked as the darker male continued to speak, a tiny trickle of a laugh running from her mouth before she could stop it, shrinking back slightly at the foreign, unwilled noise. ?No, Sir. No. It is only me, I assure you.? she rushed to say, aware that her laughter may have seemed odd, out of place, but surely he had been joking? Why would he assume she had a husband, pups even? She had not seen many females, but those she had seen she viewed as far more desirable than herself. The idea of her having her own family was one she craved, but also one she couldn't help laughing at. It was a silly idea.

Her multi-colored eyes, speckled in hues of green and brown and yellow, flickered over to Marvel as he spoke, reminded then of the handsome pallid king's presence. Her heart jumped in her chest, catching a slightly upset look cross the man's face. Perhaps she'd gotten herself in the middle of a sticky situation? Certainly having two males here in a battleground would not bode well for any of them, though she wished for no such actions to occur. Still, the notion sent a slight shiver through the young woman, fur pressed flat to her skin, her size nearly seeming half that of these towering brutes before her.



04-11-2013, 11:08 AM

The masculine male would look to the marble one and he would analyze him with a gaze lacking anything other than neutral embrace. Two males that were out and about offering a female a home. How sweet. "Pleasure," he rumbled and bowed his head to the boy before he would listen to him catch the man up on what he had missed thus far. All things considered he was quite glad that marvel had been able to truly amplify what the place held in store for her if she did not proceed with caution. Inquiry would be the next thing to fly from the bleached male's lips and he would nod and offer a friendly explanation, "Lead, er, Alpha-king? Whichever you prefer to call it,"

She would announce both that she was alone and also that she was looking for a home in conclusion he would nod his head analyzing her. Valhalla was a home...A collection of wolves that depended so much on each other. On their relationships. He had to be so careful that what he introduced to the pack was going to be wolves of merit. Wolves that had a firm grasp on the things of the world it seemed no one else did. It was an entirely too complex thing, and to be honest, Collision knew he was glad he wouldn?t be the King forever, ?Valhalla has opening arms, but strong ones to be in,? It didn?t make much sense right off of the bat, and so he would clarify, however, he had a compelling feeling that no matter what he said he was going to make the land a bit too intimidating, ?We were once vast, seventy wolves and counting, however, the Volcano came. Destroyed our lives. Our hearts. We are rebuilding our home in the south, and it?s hard. However, we all know where on or the other stands, we all know what to do to help each other. Valhalla isn?t a pack for members that seek protection, or warriors, or hunters, or whatever. It?s a pack for those that seek family,? And never had he been so dead on.


04-11-2013, 11:27 AM

Boy, things had certainly been easier before this Collision guy showed up and complicated things. While he was ever-certain of his charming abilities, he was not so certain that he could sway the girl to join Ludicael now that the Imperator himself stood at the ready, metaphorically opening his great iron gates for her to enter into his home and his family. How could anyone resist an offer such as that? But there was still the chance that she'd honor the fact that Marvel had been there first. She seemed to have been very intent upon learning about Ludicael, maybe she would take some time to decide and he could manage to bring her home? Of course, there was always the real possibility that Collision might try to forcibly claim her. He didn't expect this, but he knew that males could be possessive - heck, he was one of them! If Collision chose to try to take her, Marvel would have no choice but to back down. He was a healer, not a fighter, and would not stand up to an Imperator no matter how beautiful the dame was.

But it seemed that might not happen quite yet, as Collision stayed calm and collected. It was a pity, really, Marvel really wanted the man to stumble or do something to discount him from Balarine's choices. He would allow for the man to explain his home in fancy words and lyrics before Marvel interjected when he was through. He would not become a third wheel when he had indeed been there first. "Likewise Ludicael offers a society of wolves who function very much like a relaxed family. We are all there for each other when it's needed, but not overly so to the point of annoyance." He very much liked his choice of a home, and how no one seemed to be up his butt every five seconds about something. If he needed any one of them he could merely call and they would come, but they weren't on his back all the time. He appreciated that. Still, curiosity loomed in sterling eyes as he swung his vision to Collision, who had previously boasted of a seventy strong pack. Surely almost half of those numbers must have been female. Marvel was intrigued.



04-23-2013, 07:55 AM

Ulrike found himself in the battle field looking for new members for Tortuga. His ears turned in all directions listening for anyone who would be a good candidate. Well at this point the pack is i need of females. His nose picked up the scent of three wolves. One from Valhalla, the other Ludicael, the last one was a rouge. Perfect, inced it was,Ulrike had found his possible pack member.

Taking long strides he made his way in the direction of the scent. His tail swayed gently as he approached the scene. His black pools looked at the two who stood there. HE recognized both wolves from packs, Collision, and Marvel, His pack did not have anything against Ludicael, but Valhalla was a different story. He approached the group and gave a slight greeting to the two from other packs. They may be enemies, but it dose not mean he had to be uncivil about things.

His eyes landed upon the dame that stood there listening to the words of others. Hello Ma'am i am Ulrike from the Pack Tortuga. What may i call you by Mis.? He spoke in a sweet charming voice. He wanted her to pick his pack, but that still did not mean no battle. IF it has to come down to that, Ulrike would fight his best to gain this possible new member.

A smile arose upon his face. "If you don't mind i would like to tell you a bit about the pack i am from. He paused a bit before starting to tell her about Tortuga. "Tortuga is a very strong, and close nit pack. We ensure the safety of the pack, and all members that reside with in its boarders. Our dens are located in between two mountains, that gives us even more protection from any dangers that may come our way. Like any pack we have soem shady characters amongst out boarders, but that just gives the pack spunk, and excitement, in my opinion. IF you need to speak to anyone higher ranks they will be more than glad to listing to what you have to say.

Ulrike finished his little speech, he then resumed standing there waiting for the dame to reply to his words. His ears were constantly moving from one wolf to another, keeping an eye on his competition. He was determine to get this wolf to join Tortuga. His pack needs it, they are getting low on members, and no pups have been born to the pack this year, so it is vital that he can recruit members to Tortuga.
