
Darling I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Daydream



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 01:40 AM

It had been a few days since the meeting. And already the air was thick and tense with the disgruntled and disturbed voices of most of the pack members. He knew why Arian had asked him to come to Sonticus, and it was because he bore no fear for what needed to be done. She had spoken of Yfir, and it was true that they were a threat. Though he'd never met any of them personally save for his half brother Vereux, he was the only one that could fearlessly lead Sonticus against them, if only to quell Arian's blithering about them. She had obviously shown that she had wanted to do something about them at the meeting, yet it had largely gone ignored by her prattling inferiors. Tail lashed behind him as he stood on the bow of the ship, overlooking the frigid waters. Summer was upon them at last, the temperatures still cold but at least the sun beat a little warmer with little cloud coverage above them. And though the disdain from the pack was clear towards him, he didn't care. They had one of two choices...protect their home before they were driven out, or sit around until there was nothing left to protect. He had heard of the vikings newly acquainted with the North, and Sin new every pawstep, every nook and cranny and trail within these lands. He didn't choose to do this out of the goodness of his heart, god no. But because he could potentially gain something, and that was the way he worked. If he did someone else a favor, he always expected something in return. Usually, he would not voice what the payment would be until after the deed was done, but the hunger was too strong this time around. What would happen if he did this particular job? He wondered. Without changing his stance nor turning around, he lifted his head to the sky and called for Arian. They needed to stop wasting time.

talk, think



4 Years
08-21-2015, 10:56 PM

Arian heard his call like acid to her ears. Having some time to focus herself, she really had not thought this through. She knew now that this was not going to work out, and she needed to tell Sin rather than keep him in the dark. She walked with a limp towards the male, crystal blue eyes narrowing on that scarred face of his. Her paws digging into the snow as she settled herself in front of him. "You wanted to speak with me Sin?" the onset of her voice was still respectful but it might have been one foreshadowing the impending future for him. She was starting to think now, she didn't want him here.

Her ears flicked a little bit, she would wait to hear him out first of what he wanted to talk about. Trying to deter Sin she felt was like trying to get a bull to leave it's dead calf. The end of her tail flicked at the end, nervous yes, going to back down no. This was what she was forced herself to do in her flurry of confusion. If she was to be a president she needed to act like she didn't have flaws even if she did. She knew what she was doing, learning was hard. She was making the same mistake and it made her want to scream out loud.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-26-2015, 03:59 AM

She had decided to show herself eh? Though something about her was off, then again maybe something had always been off about her. He had seen it in her eyes before, and it was there now. Amber eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the woman, the man standing a bit taller as he stared at her. She had come crawling to him as if he held more power...however, that was not so. So what exactly was it? He had a feeling, but he loved seeing her squirm within the confines of her mind, loved watching as it slowly bled out to destroy her. And he knew too, that if he didn't destroy her, he would enjoy it all the more to watch her destroy herself. She was an odd one, that he knew when they first met. She claimed too, that he could trust her...but there was no getting Sin to trust anyone.

"We need do discuss some...important matters." He watched her for any signs of interest, or lack thereof. Either way, he'd continue. "I am not blind, Arian. You request me to come to Sonticus on a promise, however, I am believing it was a false promise, is it not?" His tone had grown dead serious by this time, all traces of any humorous thoughts driven out the more he spoke. The more he craved a response that he already knew. "You wanted me to help you in driving out Yfir, do you think me a fool? To do your dirty work for you by whispering sweet nothings in my you believe me an idiot?" He chuckled, a slow rumbling sound that slowly brewed within his chest as it rumbled louder like an oncoming storm. "If this is've crossed the wrong man, and I warned you. Did I not?" Throughout his truth probing manner, his voice had remained an almost scary calm as he awaited her response.

talk, think



4 Years
08-26-2015, 04:57 AM
Arian had spent a lot of time thinking. Probably more than she should have. He was indeed a formidable enemy and a great allie. Which side she was on would debate her next words. Perhaps even her own life in the balance. Arians crystal eyes would shut as she listened to him. "Id prefer you not call it a false promise. When I told you what I did I had every intention of going through with it." She would give a sigh. Though her tail flicked. "I've received mixed views of you sin. Good and bad. Even my best friend avalon said you may just be the wolf this pack needs. However maybe this pack shouldn't be around on that matter." Her eyes shifted on the ground. "If I gave it to you it would no longer be the home I sought to create." The woman would then stand very close to him determined. Even if she was fearful.

"I will still go through with my promise. Instead it goes like this. Seige with me against imperium if we win you get imperium. If we lose well then we go our separate ways Sin." Her blue eyes made it clear in this moment she trusted him and trusted him to make the right decision. "If we hadn't planned on seiging I would've given you the pack." Now that was the truth. "Even the pack council agreed on that." Her breathing a little heavy maybe begging him to see to it that as a friend she would not leave him behind. "I would give you the pack and took my family elsewhere allowed my members who are weak to find their own paths" perhaps she may even wanted to touch him. She would seek to meet her head with his right shoulder. "Forgive me for the mixed signals you know how it goes. The weak panic under pressure." She noted. "I do know this now. I have no problem with your lifestyle. The one I live was just so different that they clashed. The path I took was like a forked road." Arian then stepped away from him. "Amachi likes you I can see it in her breathing. I can only hope that you find what you seek sin. I like you. I may be afraid of you. But I am afraid of many things.... so will you seige with me with us. Or will we be left be." There was a promise of loyalty within an alliance but she knew they would all be fine if it didnt work out.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.