
Not in the mood



7 Years

08-23-2015, 07:47 PM
Rage. It consumed her, wrapped around her, until she found herself on the battlefield. She wasn't sure what caused this, but she didn't care, either. She was seeing red without a cause, it was frustration with no reason. It was an all-consuming need to fight, to rip, to tear, to fight someone with no bounds. And that was exactly what she would do. She came to a stop, passing some other fighting people, eyes critical on the ground. It was even, hard ground, but it's wasn't hard enough that digging her claws into the ground was impossible. She through her head back, a howl, challenging, rose from her jaws, calling for someone to come fight.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-23-2015, 09:05 PM

Tail twitched irritably as she wandered towards the battlefield, she was frustrated by the events going on and wasn't sure what would happen. Most of all, she feared that she would fare quite poorly in a fight...she hadn't fought in a long time, her last being against Quelt from Abaven. She wasn't in the best shape, but it was never too late to start. Large paws touched the grounds of the battlefield, a place that she no longer feared if it was going to be a regular part if her life now. She lumbered slowly through the battlefield, eyes and ears alert for any signs of oncoming approach from someone looking to throw themselves into a random fray, so far she'd been lucky.

As she stopped for a moment to shake out her growing anxiety, she heard a call nearby. And from the sound of it, it sounded like a female much younger then herself. Promptly, she trekked along until she found the source of the voice, and indeed she was right. Avalon stopped about ten feet in front of the girl, the scent coming off of her came from Abaven, but that wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. The girl's face appeared to be mangled, scarred...had she been in a vicious fight or some sort of accident? She wouldn't comment or stare, but rather lowered her head slightly as she looked at her. "If it's a fight you're looking for, I'll be your opponent."

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

08-23-2015, 09:48 PM
A larger female, a much larger female appeared shortly after her call. Green eyes swept across the form critically, noting the scent; it was a pack scent. Not that it mattered. She nodded curtly to the woman's words, not feeling the want or nee to speak: courtesy could be exchanged after the fight was over. Since the woman - much older than the girl in battle lust - did not set her defenses first, Lillie assumed it was her go.

Defenses were set first, methodically. Her neck and tail lowered first, aligning with her spine. Then, her ears flattened, protecting them. Eyes narrowed, also doing the same duty. Legs spread, balancing her. Her limbs bent slightly, lowering her center of gravity. Toes splayed for even more balance and claws dug into the hard ground, for traction. Hackles rose, giving the illusion she was bigger than she really was and protecting her spine and back. Her lips peeled back, her muzzle wrinkling into a snarl that had no sound. Shoulders rolled forward, bunching the fur around her neck, and her chin tucked.

Defenses set, she would rush the woman head-on, closing the ten feet (specified by dragon in her previous post) rapidly her head about level with the woman's chest. She swerved a few inches to her own left, aiming to grasp Avalon's face in her jaws. She had to lift off slightly with her paws, attempting shoving herself a couple of inches off the ground with her front paws, redistributing her balance to her hind legs as she did so. The goal was to have her lower right canine dig into the soft skin beneath Avalon's jaw, her lower left canine scraping the bone on the side, it's location roughly in the center of the bone. Her upper right canine sought to scratch down Avalon's muzzle, starting mid-muzzle on the edge and going down the cheek, the angle heading towards Avalon's upper left canine. Lillie's upper left canine sought to scrape down the side of Avalon's face in a 45 degree angle going from the an inch below the inside edge of Avalon's right eye and intending to scratch down Avalon's face down to about three to four inches below the outside edge of Avalon's right eye.

As she tried grasping Avalon's face in her jaw, she would also attempt to have her left paw reach up and scratch Avalon's face, starting from an inch above the center of Avalon's eye angling to the left, trying to scratch the woman's eye lightly, to blind her for the fight (though not the rest of her life). The paw was aiming to start at the center edge of Avalon's eye and follow the upper eyelid to the outside of the eye where it would lose contact with the skin.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-26-2015, 04:47 AM

The much younger girl would not answer her, instead only gave her a silently given nod. Avalon would not attempt to speak further until after the fight, sensing that she wasn't the only one that needed to release her frustration. Quickly, she would set up her defenses. Fiery optics narrowed, brows creasing to protect her eyes. Audits folded tightly against her head, though she was doubtful that the much smaller girl could reach them anyway, it was better safe then sorry. Her tail flagged out like a banner, ready to aid her in quick movement should she need it, her knees bent, legs equidistant apart and her weight evenly balanced. The woman's toes spread as her claws scraped into the dirt, finally her head lowered over her throat and her chin tucked to protect her throat which was more in the smaller girls reach. As the smaller girl suddenly kicked off towards her, Avalon's hackles rose and her teeth bared in a sudden snarl, face contorting into something fiercer then she really was. Her shoulders rolled forward not only to protect the sides of her jugular, but to potentially use to tackle Lilliana as well.

Avalon would mirror Lilliana's movement, keeping them head on with each other. At the moment of potential impact, as Lilliana rose to try and bite her face, Avalon lifted herself slightly as if pushing off in preparation for a jump and would attempt to slam the bony part of her chest directly into Lilliana's windpipe (Or beneath her jaw) and hopefully choke the girl and use Lilliana's lack of frontal balance against her and/or knock her over, as well as cause heavy bruising if she was successful [Counter]. As she did this, her jaws would open with bared fangs as she ducked her head to her right and slightly tilted her jaws leftwards in an attempt to grasp the left side of Lilliana's neck within her jaws and attain a grip. However, Avalon herself would not go unscathed. Instead of teeth meeting her face, Lilliana's bite would land on the front part of Avalon's upper left shoulder. She growled in pain as tooth met bone, though it was thanks to the bone there that no major damage would be dealt. Flesh tore, and discomfort would brew as Lilliana's teeth dealt moderate bite wounds.

Avalon would see this as an opportunity then, as she pressed forward and attempted to use her now aching shoulder blade to further press into the younger girls jaws, to pry them open and hopefully cause her discomfort. Due to the proximity as well, Lilliana's attempt at scratching her face with her claws would bode unsuccessful, instead her blunt claws would cause mildly annoying scratches beneath Avalon's chest but did nothing but cause a few hairs to fall. It was at this moment, that Avalon would raise her left forepaw and attempt to pin Lilliana's right forepaw to the ground. And given Avalon's greater weight advantage, she hoped she would be successful in limiting her opponents movement.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Lilliana for Spar

Round/Move:  1/2




Out Of Character Notes: Wrote this at 4am so bear with me. If you need clarification text/skype/pm me thanks <3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

08-30-2015, 10:38 AM
Lillie winced as Avalon dug her her chest in; it hit in between her right shoulder blade and her neck - it hurt, but with the thickness of her fur, there was only light bruising with a small spot of moderate bruising. She would then release Avalon, shuffling back. Avalon’s bite only hit the top left of her neck due to her dropping to the ground, and it grasped the rolls of fat Lillie had bunched up Lillie jerked her head back, snarling as flesh ripped, but they were only light wounds. Due to her letting go and shuffling back, Avalon’s attempt of using the wounded shoulder missed entirely, as did the attempt to pin Lillie’s paw.

The girl reset her defenses as she moved back: eyes were narrowed, toes spread, claws digging in, fur fluffed and bristling, ears flattened, tail level with her spine, teeth bared, her shoulders rolled forward, pushing the folds of fur and skin to protect her neck. Her knees bent to better her balance, and her chin tucked to protect the front of her neck.

Defenses set, she would move again, this time crouching low to the ground and attempting to slip right underneath Avalon and shove the weight of her left hip against Avalon’s right leg - the entire inside of the leg - to make the older woman unbalanced, perhaps even fall on that side. At the same time, Lillie would attempt to emerge from under Avalon on Avalon’s right side, arching her head back over her shoulder to snap at Avalon’s right side, jaws aiming to gouge moderate bite wounds in the area about an inch to the Lilllie’s right of the area where Avalon’s right hind leg met the belly. Her bottom teeth aimed to start about an inch below the area where Avalon’s hind leg met the belly, lower right canine scraping the rib, and her upper teeth to start a couple of inches above the aforementioned area. At the same time, Lillie’s left paw would aim to smash into Avalon’s back hind paw, causing moderate bruising


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-31-2015, 08:05 PM

Her attempted slam and bite wouldn't go as planned, instead her chest had hit off her target and her jaws had bit the fatty folds of the smaller girls scruff instead of her neck. With a growl of frustration, Avalon felt flesh and fur rip free from her teeth as Lillie jerked back. Her previous defenses remained set: Her eyes narrowed to protect them, ears remained flattened to her skull, her tail flagged out behind her for balance, teeth bared and muzzle wrinkled to protect her face, hackles remained as they were, prickling along her spine, her chin tucked as her head lowered once more. She would drop back to the ground, using her previous momentum to keep close to Lillie as her adversary tried to back away from her, but Avalon knew that in a fight, you couldn't allow your opponent to gain any distance from you. As her large paws touched down, Avalon's toes would spread and her claws would dig into the soil to allow her greater traction. Her weight would even out as her knees bent, lowering herself slightly closer to the ground as she sought to continue her charge.

With her continued forward movement and her body lowered, she noticed Lilliana attempting to move towards her, body lowered closer to the ground. A moment of confusion crossed Avalon's mind, though it lasted no more then a millisecond as she grasped what the other was trying to do. She would allow Lilliana the pleasure of slipping halfway beneath her, Avalon's legs remained slightly spread though would not budge as Lillie tried to knock her right foreleg from underneath her. She felt the smaller body brushing beneath her, but before Lilliana could go any further Avalon's jaws opened up and snaked towards the girls smaller body. She sought to bite down and grip at Lillie's back, just behind her shoulders and hold her there. Her head turned to her own left, top canines seeking to bite onto the right side of Lillie's spine and bottom canines sought to bite onto the left side of her spine. Avalon didn't want to handicap the girl, simply attain a grip and hold her there to keep her going further. She felt teeth beneath her, though not where the girl initially tried to grasp. Instead, her bite would land at the base of her chest just before her rib cage due to Avalon's keeping them within close proximity. It would not be enough force, let alone room to attain a solid hold but Avalon would attain a light and shallow bite mark, but no more.

Another sudden thought came to mind. If this girl wanted to play games, Avalon would play. Her weight would suddenly drop as she attempted to pin the girl beneath her. Avalon's chest most likely landing on her head, practically trying to lie on top of her. It was a bold move what the smaller girl tried to do, but a good idea it was not. Avalon had learned alot of tricks from all the play fights with her siblings, and with her being the largest of the lot, she learned how to use her size to her advantage against smaller wolves. Due to her counter movements, Lillie would not reach her target destination. Hopefully, due to her being stuck beneath the giantess. (Compared to her opponent).

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Lilliana for Spar

Round/Move: 2/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


10-12-2015, 01:53 AM




- 2 “left upper canine (…) right eye” What side awe you on?
- 2 “starting from an inch above the center of the eye” Which eye?
- 2 “aiming to grab avalon’s face in her jaws” Which side?
Total: 4

- 2 “Her lower left canine scraping the bone” You must always state attempt, even if it’s implied with an earlier movement.
Total: 8

+ 1 (neck) + 1 (tail) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (legs) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite attempt
+ 2 scratch attempt
Total: 5

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 37 / 50


- 2 “Lillianna’s windpip (or beneath her jaw)” Which one? Be specific.
- 2 “Avalon would raise her left forpaw and attempt to pin Lillianna’s forepaw” Lilli is reared up and so are you. There’s no way this is possible. This would be a touch of PP as Lillie’s paws aren’t on the ground.
Total: 6

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head) + 1 (teeth) + 1 (hackles)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite attempt
+ 2 chest thrust
+ 2 shoulder thrust
Total: 7

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 43 / 50



- 2 “snarling as the flesh ripped” How strong was Avalon’s grip? Would her just throwing her head back really dislodge the bite?
-2 “Slip right under Avalon” How exactly? Are you crawling?
- 2 “smash into Avalon’s back hind paw” Which one?
Total: 4

- 2 “lower right canine scraping the rib” Attempt
- 2 “causing moderate bruising” Attempt
- 2 “the weight of her left hip against right leg” Attempt
- 2 WAY too much movement. You need to provide your opponent time to respond. You can’t dive, spin, twist, bite, stomp and expect your opponent to be able to follow any of it. It’s powerplay, assuming your opponent stayed in one spot long enough for all this. It’s forcing them to stay in that spot as well and it’s not fair.
- 2 Ignored Avalon’s stomp. Even if it wasn’t realistic at the time, because it’s be stated you must acknowledge it in some way, even if it’s to say it missed entirely.
Total: 0

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (fur) + 1 (ears) + 1 (tail) + 1 (teeth) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (knees) + 1 (chin)
Total: 10

+ 2 hip thrust
+ 3 bite to belly
+ 1 severity
+ 1 paw stomp
Total: 7

- 2 moderate bruise to chest
- 2 moderate lacerations to neck
- 2 minor fractures to left forepaw (missed)
Total: 4

Total for Round Two: 25 / 50


- 2 “as she sought to continue her charge” What charge? Wasn’t she standing still? Is this the start of her charge?
- 2 “avalon’s legs remained slightly spread and would not budge” So…she stopped? Weren’t you moving just now? What?
Total: 6

- 2 “and hold her there” You need to attempt or “hope” for these movements as well
- 2 Ignored paw stomp
Total: 6

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (tail) + 1 (balance) + 1 (teeth) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (chin) + 1 (muzzle) + 1 (weight) + 1 (knees)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite attempt
+ 3 crush
Total: 6

- 2 shallow bites to chest
- 2 minor fractures to back hind paw (you choose. Missed)
Total: 6

Total for Round Two:  34 / 50


37 + 25 = 62 / 100

43 + 34 = 77 / 100

And the winner is...

LILLIE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Moderate bruises to chest – 1 OOC week
Moderate Lacerations to neck – 2 OOC weeks
Moderate fractures to left foretoes – 1 OOC week

Moderate lacerations to left shoulder – 2 OOC weeks
Minor scratches to chest – 4 OOC days
Shallow bites to chest – 1 OOC week
Minor fractures to back toes (you pick) – 1 OOC week


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Please be wary of movement. You cannot do too much movement in one move, you must give your opponent time to react. Also, you must attempt your moves, and “hope” for certain conditions. By saying your tooth scrapes the bone, you are assuming it hits which is by powerplay. By “hoping” your tooth scrapes the bone, however, that is perfectly fine. Make sure you acknowledge every attack your opponent does, even if it misses or is unrealistic. Say that, say it missed. Don’t just ignore it because it gives your opponent or I the freedom to decide. Keep an eye on grips, as well. You can’t just tear away from a hold easily, it’s powerplaying your opponent either letting go or it’s entirely unrealistic. Thrash your head or something, rip from that grip! Don’t just..lift your head. Explain your movements as clearly as possible, everything counts and everything matters. And inch is only so big.

Same as kea, watch your opponents attacks and RESPOND to them. Watch for realism of movements and attacks as well and be very specific where you are or what you’re doing. Be very specific where you want your attack to land, or it can be easily dodges or weakened.

- By [Arin]