
put your ring in your purse


05-14-2013, 11:14 PM
((anyone welcome :) ))

It was hot today, nearly cloudless so the sun beat down relentlessly on the fae's thick red coat. It was days like today that she cursed the goddess and what she had been 'blessed' with. She had never seen or met the brute who had apparently donated his seed and ran so there was no way to logically blame it on him. Luckily Vi did not always have to have a logical mind... Lip curled at the thought as she slithered her way down the mountain side, attempting to keep to the shadows as the sun continued to climb and the temperature continued to rise the closer she got to ground level. Though her equilibrium hated the altitude and hated the change in it even more when she left the mountain she was thankful for the cooler air in the higher reaches of the mountain. Down here seemed almost unbearable these days... She wouldn't imagine how it would be for her brother where ever the hell he had disappeared to. Probably the battlefield as she had suggested when he had requested a spar. Though she didn't mind ripping him up it got tiring battling the same wolf over and over again. Often their battles would end in pointless standstills and they would leave having learned nothing new of themselves or their fighting styles. Though the goddess had preached to them to keep their particular fighting styles secret and to only spar each other eventually someone learned their style. Ky had never had an unsuccessful kill, Vi had only had one... He still held that over her head on occasion even though it hadn't been her fault at all. If had been her third practice kill, a brute named Reks and she had seduced him and after he had finally fallen asleep had been about to kill him when the goddess had appeared at fury and rage, screaming lightning and wild. Reks had run when he had awoke and that had been it. The goddess had never explained why, had never needed to.

You NEVER question the goddess...

It was an hour past noon when she hit the bottom of the mountain and began moving west towards Lentajin, following the river that was finally beginning to carry life giving water back to their allies territory for a time before sliding further to the south. She had a direction but not quite a purpose yet, she knew what the end game was but not how to get there. Mind started to churn and mull over possibilities as well as going over everything Morphine had told her. She moved easily, a swift ground covering trot kept up throughout her entire trek. It seemed that only a small part of her mind was focused on where he paws were placed on the ground and yet she still hopped nimbly from rock to rock when needed and keeping at her steady pace when the ground was solid. The sun marked the direction she moved, continuing to sink lower towards the horizon she seemed to be chasing though her eyes remained thoughtfully on the ground. It wasn't until a sharp pain shot from her paw up her leg that she stopped with a yelp. Whole body seemed to be thrown up and then backwards while right forepaw crumpled into her chest like something had bitten her. Ears pinned and a soft whimper slipped from her throat as she twisted her paw awkwardly so she would see the bottom. It was a sharp clear stone, the edge apparently razor sharp seeing as it had embedded into her paw but it was large enough that she could grip it and pull it out. Orange eyes slid around and checked underneath her to see if there were any other evil rocks that would injure her if she laid down for this procedure.

Nothing. Thank the goddess....

But this whole land seemed to glitter with them, head cocked curiously and she decided to explore a bit more after pulling this wretched thing out. She lay down a bit awkwardly, holding her paw close as she did so but not close enough to get blood on her coat though it wasn't bleeding awfully. She lay with her hips flipped to the left, body seeming to fold around her wounded limb. Reaching down teeth grasped the confounded thing and swiftly pulled it out. There was another audible yelp as she winced against it. Vi rarely was one to show any pain and if she needed to she could turn tail and run on that paw. Even as she stole a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching and then ran the sharp edge along the top knuckle of her paw, cutting a small vein to blood would pour out even more. She flung her head to the side once done and spit out the shard. She stood once again, making it a bit harder then it should be. Vi tipped her head back and let out a rather pitiful howl, a mournful call for help. She could have easily walked it off be she wanted to get a feel of the wolves in this area and knew that Valhalla was close. And try as she might she couldn't get the male with the exposed bone jaw out of her mind. She wanted him, wanted to make her his. But there were more pressing matters on hand, she would deal with her instructions first and that meant starting here, starting near Valhalla and seeing who answered. She would be content with a rouge coming but ecstatic if a Valhallen showed up. Maybe her knight in bone armour would show up...


05-15-2013, 04:07 AM

She was a demonic entity, a twisted mockery of normalcy. Deformed and misshapen, the dame if nothing else, would turn skulls. A massive cranium and fangs long and hard enough to chomp through bone were stained permanently crimson from the lives that she had stolen. Hollow oculars, empty white orbs containing no pupil bore out at the world around her, seeing everything and nothing all at once. Her pelt, once a thick obsidian was matted and tangled, marred by mud and blood... bodily fluids and various remnants of various terrains. The heavy fur was missing in some places all together, large clumps merely vanished revealing scaly almost lizard-esque skin beneath. Scars riddled her flesh, large, small, something in between, and her spine arched up, the vertebrae crackling and grinding against one another with each and every heavy footfall the dame took.

She was a beast, a monstrosity, a demon... seemingly chased out of hell to reap nothing but pain and death. She had slaughtered innocents for the sole sake of hearing them scream, pups before their mothers, dismemberment was a fun option there. She had sucked an eyeball out of a wolfs socket, her name and her reputation well proceeded her. She was the nightmare, the plague new parents warned their pups about. She had no lingering home, no territory, she untraceable, flickering to various parts of the island, whatever suited her fancy at the time. Most trembled and ran at the sight of her intimidating mass, the grotesque appearance, whether or not the bitch gave chase... was all a matter of perspective.

She had no triggers, no particular instances or traits that set her off... she was unpredictable, a loose cannon even in the best of times. A wolf might cross her path with a warm smile and a soft hello, and Banshee might not even twitch, but should that same wolf return the next day, it was very possible they would find themselves devoid of a trachea and desperately paddling in the dirt in a failed attempt to draw air... Speaking of internal organs... the rat scampered along the ground, lunging for his damsels tail and swinging up onto her back. He traced the rippling length of her spine , shivering as he felt the bones shifting and cracking beneath his feet. Up her neck, between her ears and down her cranium he would peer over her snout to the chunk of intestine that swung freely from one of her canines.

With a delighted cackle, the rat hung down, nibbling at pieces from the visceral organ, her preferred it still alive, warm and moist against his tongue, but this would more than suffice. A yelp, a cry of help would pierce the air and the massive dame pulled to a halt. Wraith would pause in his endeavor. He scampered back up her cranium to curl around her ear tail draping down the side of her cheek as he made himself comfortable. Slowly Banshee would turn and head towards the noise. Bemused... well that could either go extremely well or extremely bad for this wounded creature. Wraith wouldn't care either way.

The reached her and Wraith was quivering in anticipation, what would she do to this... he sniffed the air... Tortugan? Disembowelment? Dismemberment, would she let him eat through her stomach? He cackled madly at his own thoughts, careening onto his back and clutching his shaking abdomen as he howled, Banshee, having found her standing spot, remained motionless, eyes trained upon the complacent form. She wouldn't move, a statue a stone. Wraith, clearly did not have such an inhibition. "Hey there good lookin'! Whatcha crying for?" The rat would coo to the woman with something akin to interest, Banshee remained impassive, but stepped forward, when almost she had reached the woman, she splayed her jaws wide, her thick, black tongue moving forward to pry the intestine from her canine. It landed with a plop right before the injured woman. "Ah you even gave little Red a gift! What a big heart you have!" Wraith would spout nonsensical madness, falling into another fit of insane cackles.



05-15-2013, 10:12 AM

It was just mere moments before a new dawn; the desert was illuminated by the clear sky above, every star a path, and the declining moon the inevitable destiny we all must face. The shadows were one-dimensional and moved with graceful silence, slipping between the dunes and plateaus with sleuth and silence despite the tension in the air. Bodies in every shape and color were scattered from one horizon to the next. Lovers, madmen, and the forgotten gathered in one large group, speaking and snarling until the silent night turned into a storm of its own. The moon was not nearly as harsh as the sun's blistering grin, and those who had been here long enough learned to adjust quickly. Nocturnal creatures ruled the desert, turned the unforgiving sands into an oasis of resources and services. Metallic, soul-less eyes studied the scenery from his high perch above the golden sea of sand; wandering over the self-righteous rouge and pitiful peon with little interest and far less care.

The stillness of silence in the hellion's surroundings was soon shattered by a scream of agony. Shortly thereafter, followed by the same voice of an individual who beckoned any common stranger nearby, for help. Brave of this woman, perhaps even foolish to call upon the unknown. Rising from the comfort of shadow's obscurity, he quietly scathed the perilous mountainside with a predator's sharp precision. Above the stale essence of dirt and rock, proliferated that of not one, but two women. Upon reaching the pair, the voice of a third party spoke up, bringing the hellion's gaze to fluctuate from one face to the other. It was when the rodent released a sort of arrogant cackle that Morikiah noticed him, noisily positioned atop the lady of ashen color. Lips curled in an expression of uncouth disgust as he scrutinized the rather large, disheveled looking woman and her vermin companion. "I simply can't decide what's more comical here.. Your gracious gift, or your filthy little friend," he growled huskily, molten eyes narrow while fixated upon the noisy little rat, "Better here than a sewer, hm?" Arsenic-laced words from peeled black lips; a cynical sneer lit the contours of the hellion's handsome face. There was something deviating about the maiden cloaked in rags of ebony, aside from the company that she would choose to keep. It was in the way that she remained so dauntingly silent, how boldly she enroached upon the injured woman's personal expanse.. Just what the hell..had he managed to stumble across today?

ooc// it's done. I apologize for it being complete crap. ><

Quote: speech!

Gift by the lovely Nams. <3


05-18-2013, 09:59 PM
The unrelenting sun beat down, causing the handsome young brute to pant hoarsely, each paw-step slow and heavy. His jet black coat gleamed with health and vitality, yet he felt utterly exhausted. Sapphire orbs were fixed upon the ground, but all movement was ignored. He hadn't found a decent place to rest and wait out the day, so he continued on his trek mindlessly, seeking out something better. He wasn't sure what he was in search of, but he was certain that he must find company soon, even if it would be difficult to integrate with others since parting with his sister... His mind had begun to morph since that time, leaving him uncertain of himself, but sure that he would have what he wanted in life. It was his life, after all, and he wouldn't allow anyone else to dictate who he would be or what he would do. Still, he was at a point where he could easily be dyed any colour, depending upon who would come next into his life.

A sharp cry and howl for help entered his awareness, shaking him from his oblivious state. The heat of the day was no longer a bother; instead, he was interested in the voice he had heard, that of a damsel in distress. His hackles raised slightly as detestable thoughts ran through his mind, but his eyes were wild with anticipation, determined that he would find the one who had called out. Licking his lips, he set out to find her. A grin slowly made its way upon his ivory mug, and he moved with a little bounce to his step. Perhaps today would turn out more promising than he originally imagined.

It was not long before he was upon the small gathering, and his eyes lingered with interest upon each form before he approached. Though disappointed that he had not found the lady alone so he might have her to himself, he was still thrilled that he had come upon this bunch. Each of them had something about them that intrigued him deeply. His gaze lingered longest upon the red-coated vixen, her tantalizing beauty captivating him momentarily. Then he shook himself. This was no time to leave himself entranced and vulnerable. These wolves had an ominous feel to them, and he didn't want to be caught off-guard. Treading forward cautiously, he avoided eye contact, but allowed his attention to fall upon the other male, whose comment sent a smirk upon Sacrfice's face. These wolves were nothing like those he'd ever met before, but he was intensely curious to see what this meeting would turn out to be. At last, he turned his eyes to the quiet, ashen woman, whose soulless glare sent a shiver up his spine. He wondered if she would say anything, or if her slimy companion would do all the talking.