
Look who's back


5 Years
05-14-2013, 04:12 PM

Well'p I felt as if I had vanished for far to long. And I certainly was not getting any younger... My apologies, WE are not getting any younger. Can't leave her out of the picture or ele I'd suffer a weeks worth of bitching and migrains.. Now we wouldn't want that now would we? It had been quite some time since I had set paw upon Tortugan lands. Hell, to be honest I hadn't seen the newly reconstructed one at all.. I was more so familiar with the lands that burned up in a angry blaze of fire, and crumbled beneath the molten lava... That was the Tortuga I knew. Surely it wouldn't be much different though. Guarantee its still a blood thirsty pack of mangy mongrels, just looking for their next fix.. Or atleast that was what I was hoping I would find there. If they had gone soft, I wouldn't know what to do... Well.. Leave I suppose, but what about after that? Like I said we weren't getting any younger.. The life of a loner wasn't particuularly the life I wanted now.Sure we could manage, but I chose not to.

As I finally reached the border, a sneer and rather sinister grin crept upon my lips, showing off those dulled, stained and aged canines. A chuckle escaping from the depths of my throat only to slice through the thin air.. Wander who's running this place now? Tilting my cranium to the side allowed the air bubbles in my neck to crackle here and there, releiving some of the unwanted tension. That one, working eye scanning here and there for any 'border patrol' almost hopeing that someone would poke their nosey little heads out of the brush and make a few crude remarks,a little squabble here and there does the body good. Keeps the muscles fit and refreshes ones memory.. Of course my goal for the day wasn't to severe anyones jugular... No, I was returning to simply join the pack once more. Me time was over with. Afterall, the bitch inside my head only drove me mad... It would do me some good to surround myself by other LIVING entities. And what are you implying, love.. That I am not real? Another cackling laugh left my throat, which was only followed by a snarl that caused my entire body to tremble. Now dear, we both know thats certainly not wwhat I was implying. The whole time my grin never seemed to leave my face. The corners of my lips remained curled upwards.




05-14-2013, 04:17 PM

"Well well. Look what the cat drug in."

The man would chuckle as he approached her. He'd been making yet another round when he came across the familiar scent. It was none other than Fetisha. The mother of Xenios and the mate to Ulrike. Or at least she was his mate. Now it was hard to tell, but a familiar face all the same. Lips pulled back into a toothy grin as he observed her. Finally he stopped a ways from her and planted his rump to the ground.

"Been a while since I saw your pretty face around her doll. How's life been treating you?"

He wasn't sure why she had returned. Did she wish to rejoin? If so he'd lightly question her and possibly accept her back. What if she was visiting? That would be acceptable too. He wouldn't forbid her from seeing her family. He wasn't quite that cruel.



5 Years
05-14-2013, 04:39 PM

Just then a particular voice had made another become appearant, and my cranium jerked to look in his direction.. Ah yes, Nnoitra, a face that I most certianly wouldn't mind seeing in this place.. After all he was one that I recalled from last time I lived amongst the pack.. I had almost forgotten at this point that I even had a mate, and a daughter.. See how the mind goes? If not reminded of something constantly, you seem to forget... Or atleast that's how mine worked. I offered him a respectful dip of my cranium before speaking up once more, that satanic tone laced with the same dry sarcasm and venomous twist.

?Well well, look who it is. Long time no see, eh? Infact I'm surprised I can still see you! You haven't changed a bit. Well, I take that back... We can tell you added a few years.?

A chuckle was left to escape my lips now as I lazily plopped my ass onto the ground with thud. It was appearant I was blind in one eye, that was easy to tell, hell it's been like that for ages. But the years surely haven't been kind to me. The vision in my once good eye was slowly fading. However I could still make things out, it was just getting to be a bit more difficult.. Just what I needed right? Atleast my hearing was still good!
?Certainly has been, deary! And I'll tell ya what I sure wasn't on a dream vacation. Turns out being a big bad lone wolf doesn't really work well for a one eared one eyed midget.?
I offered him another toothy grin as I scanned the area.. Sure looked different from the old place, But it wasn't to shabby.. Smelled different though... None of the scents seemed all that familiar to me, but I was gone for quite some time. My attention turned back to him once more.

?So, what has the famous Nnoitra been doing with himself? Have you retired yet??


05-14-2013, 07:16 PM

His black eyes narrowed as he walked across the land. Something was not right, the air seemed to shift and his gut was leading him to this part of the pack lands. What, or who could be causing this, he did not know but he was not going to let this be. As he came closer to where he was going a scent filled his nostrils. Familiar, very familiar, it was no other than his mate Fetisha. His tail swayed slightly with joy, but his face kept that usual serious look.

Ulrike walked closer to his love, then another scent hit him, Nnoitra. His black pools soon came into the sight of the other two. He walked closer to them, Ulrike had a lot of questions for Fetisha. That would have to wait for another time. "Well look who it is." He spoke with a slight grin on his face. He walked closer to her and nuzzled her gently. He did miss her, and she just vanished. "Where have you been Fetisha, Xenios is almost two and i had to raise her by my self. I am not complaining, but it got tired some trying to explain to her where her mother had gone. But no fret Fetisha we can talk about this later. I am glad that you are back.

Ulrike turned to Nnoitra and gave a friendly nod. "Hello again my friend.Good to see you. I have noticed that you been busy of late with the whole new rank change. I hope that is not stressing you out my friend." Ulrike stood there, His eyes landed upon his hind left leg. It begun to shoot some pain but as fast as it came, it just left.
