
everybody loses it -


05-14-2013, 03:40 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

In the pouring rain, a rock garden wasn't a place most wanted to be. It was dark and slippery, not exactly safe. Seraph recognized that fact and took advantage of the opportunity to have his alone time. Plus, he loved a good thunderstorm. The chaos and darkness, the sadness associated with it. He felt it was a reflection of his personality. He didn't bring much light or happiness into the world, and that was just how he liked it.

His large form stood amidst the rocks and foliage, rain soaking his pelt and pooling around his paws. Face turned skyward, eyes closed gently, Seraph basked in the flashes of lightning around him. Thoughts were filling his mind and it was hard to keep them straight. He liked the land. He hoped he wouldn't see anyone. He needed to be alone. He needed companionship. What is wrong with me? Seraph singled out this last thought and contemplated it. He knew he didn't want companionship from any other creatures. He didn't want female companionship. He didn't need friends. Then what?

Seraph only liked one thing - pups. He couldn't explain it. How could such small, helpless wolves be the one thing that avoided his contempt for everything in the world? He was always willing to play with them, to talk to them, to watch them; but whenever he got within one hundred feet of another adult wolf, he instantly felt angry and frustrated. He wanted nothing to do with other wolves, but a part of him desperately wanted children of his own to be with all of the time. What am I thinking? "Here, let me knock you up then only spend time with the children while I kick you to the curb like a common whore." No one would ever agree to an arrangement like that. No female would be okay as the one night stand of a wolf who hated them for simply existing.

A sudden sound brought Seraph out of his ridiculous thoughts. Lids snapped open, ears swiveled, green orbs peered out into the darkness through sheets of rain, searching for the source.

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 354


05-15-2013, 08:11 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 542.

Even though she had been banished from ever returning to the lands she had once reigned over, the white woman had yet to stray too far from them; never once had she left the region Tortuga had been situated in, and she wondered if she ever would. It was just something about being told ?no? that forced the stubborn witch to push for ?yes,? so she had come to terms with the fact that one day she would disobey Desdemona?s wishes and would return to the mountain she had become so familiar with, whether with good intentions or for deliberate instigation. Either way, the Tortugans had not seen the last of their first queen ? that was one thing Morphine would ensure.

Despite the fact that her world had fallen to pieces before her eyes all in the course of one night because of one foolish mistake her former counterpart had made in just handling the throne over to an inexperienced and delusional challenger, Morphine?s regal aura still emanated from her very being. Even as the rain beat down upon her skull and the water droplets clung desperately to her fur, drenching her pristine coat from top to bottom and contributing to her bitter mood, she still walked with purpose and undeniable confidence that was odd for a recently dethroned queen. She saw no reason not to; Desdemona could take her pack from her very clutches, but she could not damage the woman?s spirits no matter how hard she tried.

She took tentative steps as she traversed the rocky plain, her gait lumbering as she attempted to evade sliding on the slippery surface of the rocks that had been slicked with the precipitation. Every so often, thunder would crack overhead and the rumbling would resound within her skull, but the white witch did not seek shelter. She found an odd sense of solace in strolling through the rain without a sense of direction, and it helped clear her head as her worries seemed to cascade down her skull to the ground below along with the rain. It was soothing to her, so soothing, in fact, that she became so absorbed in the peace she had obtained that she failed to realize she was not alone in her travels. It was not until the sound of stones shifting in the distance alerted the ex-queen to the presence of the canine who had manifested up ahead.

Her metallic eyes shifted immediately for the source, finding it with ease even through the darkness that had cloaked the area. She could only make out a silhouette, and by the looks of it, the creature stood rooted to a certain spot and had not noticed it had company yet. Abruptly, in an attempt to captivate the creature?s attention before it moved on with its travels, her forelimb outstretched towards a larger stone, flicking her paw beneath it so that the force she applied to it would cause it to roll over onto another and deliver a crack! that would surely gain the other?s attention. She had initially desired to travel without company; however, she had figured she?d gained enough time on her own to last a lifetime. Perhaps this canine would prove to be of interest to her.


05-15-2013, 08:59 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

It seemed that this land of Alacritis was determined to torment him.

Bottle green eyes settled on a point a few yards away where the silhouette of a wolf could be made out. Lids narrowed as Seraphim became angry with this place. Was there nowhere he could go at any time to gain solitude? He examined the form of the creature through narrow slits, noting the way it carried itself, head held high. Similar to him, but yet different in a way he couldn't determine just by looking. Not that it mattered. He honestly didn't care about this wolf - not who it was, not why it carried itself the way it did, nothing about it mattered. He just wanted it to disappear, and leave him alone in his peace again.

Wishing it away would do nothing, though. Besides, it seemed that it had deliberately made noise to gain his attention, as it hadn't come any closer since he heard the sound. If it was frozen in fear, it would have a much different stature. Seraph turned his head away to look straight ahead, deliberating. He could just stand here and ignore it in the hopes that it would go away. He could leave and find another place, where he would certainly be bothered again. Or... This was something he hadn't remotely considered in any of his encounters lately. He could confront it. Since his last questionable encounter, he had regained some of his previous strength, enough to deal with a nuisance if he had to. Surely, though, his attitude was enough to turn a wolf away from him. It would probably be his most successful option, as he was doomed to encounter wolves everywhere he went and they always wanted to bother him.

After a few short moments that felt like hours, he turned toward the figure and began padding carefully forward. He carried himself confidently despite the hazardous footing beneath him. Once within a yard of the wolf, he recognized that it was a female of pure white, though the color was as dull as his in this pouring rain. Lightning cracked again, illuminating the glare pointed at her.

What do you want?

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 365


05-18-2013, 08:59 PM
so sorry for the wait -- irl stuffs killed my muse ;/
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 428.

The attention she had sought from the oblivious canine was directed to her as an immediate aftermath of her shuffling, but it appeared hesitant to come and greet its pursuer and remained plastered to that one area. In turn, the woman mimicked its actions and simply stared back, but allowed her stance to become more welcoming as she rolled back her shoulders and lowered her skull just barely, beckoning it to come forth with her body language. After all, she saw no reason to adopt an aggressive stance and would refuse to come off as a threat unless the other creature decided to indulge Morphine with their own aggression. Despite her internal fire, she would retain a neutral attitude until provoked.

As she relaxed and her stature shifted from dominant to open, the other maneuvered across the rocky plain to confront its curious pursuer who could not help but allow a smirk to dance across her dampened countenance that only elongated across her features with every stride it took towards her. Its features became more prominent as the distance narrowed between them, only developing more as lightning struck in the distance and illuminated the rocky scene with an eerie blue light. It was easily deciphered as a male, not by its gargantuan size or bulky physique, but by its masculine aroma that wafted through her nostrils as he halted merely feet away. No other scents lingered intermingled with his own, so the white witch assumed he was a rogue just as she was; perfect. She did not desire to encounter any of Tortugan property lest it was Vi or Nnoitra, and although the male?s coat was a milky white akin to Nnoitra?s, this was definitely not her former king. No ? this brute was entirely foreign to the ex-queen.

Her ears flicked forward as the male emitted baritone vocals laced with a venom that Morphine could not deny. His words were rather rude and demanding, but it only made the curious wench all the more amused with his presence. ?What do I want?? she reiterated with less of a rude tone than the male and more of an exasperated one. She paused for a moment, noticeably musing over her own thoughts as she tilted her skull slightly sideways, the action similar to one of a confused puppy. ?Must I want something? Is it unheard of to just chat, sir?? The grin returned to claim her visage as she concluded her retort, her muzzle inclining expectantly in the male?s direction as she awaited his response, hoping it would be worthwhile.


05-19-2013, 04:56 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Thus far, his strategy was failed one. For one thing he found himself mildly intrigued by this wolf, which was abnormal for him. Though the rain soaked her fur and the light of the storm was lacking, he was admiring her sleek, attractive figure. It had been a long time since he had been with a female. They had always gotten attached and wanted more, which was something Seraph had no interest in whatsoever. He had given up on casual encounters some time ago and wondered if he would never have that enjoyment again. While he had no qualms about fighting and killing, he was not okay with taking a woman against her will.

The vixen obviously wasn't put off by his attitude anyway. Maybe it was worth it to engage her in conversation to see why she was interested in talking to him in the first place. Maybe he'd get lucky. Doubt it. The odds of this woman being different from any other were slim to none.

Some of the anger faded from his expression, but his green eyes remained narrowed in speculation as he carefully observed the female. Her voice was melodic, and she seemed genuinely confused about the idea that some people might not be interested in chit-chat. His tail swayed gently behind him and his voice rang out again, still sounding uninterested and slightly irritated. Well, ma'am, in my life it is unheard of. I'm not exactly one for conversation, but I'll entertain you. He paused, settling back on his haunches and wrapping his tail around his paws. Why would you want a conversation in this weather anyway? Most wolves were under cover right now, avoiding the pouring rain that they were both welcoming.

ooc;;No worries! Sorry this is so short, I was lacking creativity >.<

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 288


05-19-2013, 07:58 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 477.

The plots she had developed during her reign as the Tortugan queen and during her former counterpart?s life had all but vanished from the woman?s mind with the new changes she had been forced through - there just had to be some tweaking to each and every one to accompany those changes. Although her ideal pawn in one of her many schemes had been recently slaughtered before she could utilize him in her little game, there were still other candidates roaming Alacritis; she just had to find them. As she discreetly examined the unknown canine with judgmental eyes while he studied her own figure, noting on his larger apex and masculine attributes, the thought that she might not have to search for much longer danced through her mind and resurrected the plot she had formulated because of Kaien. This time, however, the plot revolved solely around her own needs.

She silenced her plot just momentarily as the brutish male spoke again, confirming that simple conversation was unheard of without a reason for it, and Morphine pondered whether or not this was correct. In this case, the assumption that she desired something of the male was true, but she would never allow the male an insight to her scheme that he had just rekindled with his simple presence and stature. No ? she would play the common concubine who had just coincidentally fallen under the desire for pleasure, not the woman who sought a one night stand for the possible outcome of children for selfish reasons. But, before any of this occurred, the white witch would need to discreetly entice the brute before he grew bored of her company and moved along without satiating her desire. Not that the virgin ex-queen knew much about seduction ? but did she really need to have experience in that department when the scent of estrus was prominent upon her?

The male?s barrage of inquiries derived the simple quirk of a brow from the woman as he further questioned her intentions, mentioning the cruel weather and how a majority of canines shied away from it. Her shoulders rose and fell nonchalantly in response and she sauntered towards where he sat, closing the distance between them all the more as she encircled him sluggishly, keeping her eyes locked upon his figure as she did so and her smirk pasted to her countenance. ?Might I ask your name, or must I pry it from your lips? Or ? or I could just call you, say, Mister Unpleasant, because it seems all the more fitting, dear,? she giggled softly, internally disgusted with the flirtatious fool she portrayed but maintained the bubbly fa?ade that she hoped would interest him. Males didn?t want the smart ones, did they? No ? they wanted women that were easy to deceive and easy, period, so Morphine could play one if only for a night.


05-21-2013, 10:42 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

As the female shrugged in response to his question, he found himself already becoming a bit irritated. The woman said she wanted to have a conversation, but wouldn't answer a simple question. Just a shrug. He shook his head slightly, shaking off some of the water as he moved only to have it replaced by newly falling drops. Seraph maintained his stoic posture as the female came traipsing toward him, not bothering to let his eyes follow her as she circled him. Something seemed off about her.

The brute stored that thought in the back of his mind as her melodic voice filled the air again. Was she giggling? Seraphim scoffed, disappointed. She was a typical female, nothing interesting about her - unless she was playing dumb, but in his experience that didn't happen often. Women usually were what they behaved as. He thought back to his earlier idea, and added this question to it. In training to become his pack's alpha he had a learned a lot about evaluating others, and about never underestimating them. It was obviously applicable here, though he wasn't sure why. He thought hard on it and decided that there was no way that she was as stupid as she was acting. He had seen her earlier posture, the way she held herself so regally. Simple whores never carried themselves like queens.

He debated ignoring her question, as she hadn't actually answered his, but decided against it. If he wanted to know what she was up to he would have to engage her. Mr. Unpleasant probably would've been a more fitting title, but sadly my parents didn't think of that. He maintained his narrow gaze and continued to speak without emotion. I must also point out, dear lady, that your foolish act is not so clever. I was hoping to have an intelligent, or at least blunt, conversation if I was to have one at all. However, if you're going to act like the common female you clearly are not I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.

My name is Seraphim, by the way. And who are you?

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 351


05-22-2013, 04:34 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 721.

Her sleek figure shied away from the excess water that the brute had sent soaring in her direction as he attempted to shake the droplets that clung to his slick and matted white fur, the action on both of their parts completely redundant as they were both completely drenched and would remain that way until the rainfall declined, which would probably be long after their encounter reached its conclusion for the thick clouds did not look eager to part ways any time soon. Although the rain deducted from her otherwise enticing appearance which she direly needed in her current situation, Morphine was in no rush to relieve herself from the heart of the storm and would not drag her newest companion off to greener pastures; the dark setting fit her mood and intentions perfectly, after all. She could have answered his previous inquiry with a response similar to those thoughts, but she was in no position to reveal exactly what it was she desired from this male ? not yet. She would keep up her little game until he satiated her craving; if only he would play back.

His verdant gaze remained fixated upon the area that Morphine had originated from even as she stalked around his figure as if he were an animal of prey that she was dying to leap in and tear through, which allowed the woman a slight insight to his personality; he was either confident or underestimated her capabilities. If it was the latter, the picky wench would abandon her company then and there ? there was no way in hell that the chosen sire to her future whelps would be so foolish to underestimate a stranger, no matter how petite or frail they appeared. But she?d give the male the benefit of the doubt and would assume he possessed a borderline arrogant attitude, which was never something the woman would frown upon. If he was comfortable where he stood ? hey ? she was not one to look upon him with disdain, so long as he didn?t come off as if he were superior to canine-kind or her.

The ice queen halted towards his side, her figure facing the opposite direction of the male so that her muzzle was positioned closer to his rump than his own muzzle, but a comfortable enough distance away without forcing an awkward tension between the both of them. A sinister smirk warped her features as the male spoke, his accusations greeting her auditory system and igniting irritation within her as she realized she was not as good of an actress as she had hoped. Her pupils wavered towards his own, her metallic eyes flashing with amusement as she let slip a chuckle so different from the former and giddy giggle she had offered him moments ago. ?I?m uncertain as to whether or not I should interpret that as a compliment to my intelligence if you are to presume I?m nothing like a common female.? Had she been a feminist woman, Morphine undoubtedly would have taken offense to the term the male had utilized, but luckily for the brute, he had encountered a female who shared similar views to his own. But he had been correct ? she was nothing like the foolish females who flung themselves so desperately at the feet of males in hopes of obtaining love. On the contrary, Morphine desired no such thing ? love was a concept she would never understand and would not hope to understand.

Her ears flicked forward to catch him name as he spoke it, nodding to display that she had registered his title without recoiling with her own as he had asked of her. Instead, she took a moment mulling over her thoughts, internally conflicted over whether or not she should share her intentions with the male or continue to play games ? the first path seemed much simpler. ?Morphine,? she proclaimed at last, her jaws remaining unhinged with the notion that she was not entirely finished with her speech. ?If you wish for my bluntness then I shall oblige to you. You were right in assuming I want something from you; however, I will warn you that it is an odd request and one that many females don?t make.? She would grant him with this warning, allowing him the opportunity to leave before things became odd.


05-22-2013, 06:03 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

That's more like it.

Turning his head, Seraph met the gaze of the female. She had given up the flighty charade she had been playing moments ago and was the regal wolf her had seen from afar. He was no longer tempted to walk away, as he was intrigued by this woman. He let loose an empty chuckle at her response to his first inquiry. It is a compliment. He wasn't about to explain his reasoning - that he hated speaking with females because they always were looking for a mate for life, they always wanted something he couldn't (or wouldn't) give to them. Those conversations always ended up as a waste of his time.

This one would be different, though. That was already apparent. Morphine seemed a fitting name for the vixen before him. She seemed determined to get whatever it was that she wanted, whether he was willing to oblige or not. Thankfully, it wasn't his love that she was after. That was reserved for wolves few and far between, unless of course a hoard of pups showed up tomorrow, or his little sister cloned herself. His thoughts drifted to her, remembering how she had begged him not to go. She didn't want to rule the pack, at least without him there. It had been difficult to leave her. She meant everything to him. She had always been on his tail, following him everywhere, mimicking his actions. He missed her terribly, but he would never admit it to anyone.

Seraphim's thoughts snapped back into the here and now as he realized he had yet to respond to the female. His words came out clear and calculated, with a slight hint of amusement revealing itself. I appreciate that you were so willing to comply. I must ask, though, what is it that you want from me exactly? He wondered idly about what this Morphine could be after. If it wasn't love, there wasn't much else to be seeking out here. Whether or not it is odd isn't much of a concern of mine. Forest green optics remained narrowly focused on her, trying to pull the answer out. He would just have to hope she'd actually tell him.

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 368


05-22-2013, 08:35 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 1097.

The smirk that had warped her dampened countenance in such a devious manner quickly dissipated towards the conclusion of her note of caution towards the male, abruptly shifting into an expression that complimented her curiosity as to how Seraphim would react to the information she had just provided. Seconds ticked by at such a sluggish rate that the woman was uncertain as to whether or not they were seconds that passed rather than centuries, pupils frantically searching the male?s visage for any sign of suspicion but were granted none. His face was unreadable and entirely vague as he succumbed to silence, Morphine only assuming he was considering the possible requests she could aim at him. As a droplet of rain slid down the bridge of her muzzle, threatening to enter her nostrils but denied an opportunity as the woman rebutted it with a brief snort, the brute responded at last, confirming his eagerness to hear her piece, lacking the hesitance that Morphine had hoped would not linger in his vocals. She exhaled her relief softly, attempting to stifle the sound with another snort so as not to draw too much attention to her satisfaction. But her goal was still far from being tangible.

Her heart-rate quickened in pace as nerves crept upon her, but despite her internal anxiety, she retained the calm and collected stature she always seemed to possess and coiled around the male safely, parking at his left side so that they now stood parallel to one another, in close enough proximity for the woman to easily bite at him should he decide to strike. Her metallic gaze met his emerald, drawing towards the mountainous terrain in the distance that she had grown so accustomed to over the past year or so. ?Over there ? look,? she commanded, gesturing towards the mountain with an incline of her muzzle as she attempted to draw his attention over towards it. Before she hit him with the reasons as to why she had sought him out, she planned to provide the brute with the background story so that she appeared less crazy than she already was; she believed she owed him an explanation, anyway. ?See that mountain? It serves as a home to a pack called Tortuga: the asylum for the wicked and devious.? She paused then, not only to allow the male a moment to register the information she had just granted him, but because the slight bitter fury she had been feeling over the last few days since her banishment overcame her once more. If Desdemona was sticking to her word ? if she would force Tortuga into neutrality, then Tortuga was no longer the place of residence for those who loved to dance on the dark side. ?At least, it once was?? she mentioned, her tones dripping venom, but she would not elaborate on why just yet.

?I reigned as Queen there not long ago beside a male ? Kaien. He was forced to fill the crown of a great king and many within Tortuga?s ranks resented him because of it ? myself included. So I challenged him for his title, but I found myself ruling at his side instead of claiming the crown for myself?? She now resented that decision; when she had made it, she thought she was taking the wiser path by allowing both of them to receive what they desired: the Tortugan throne. Now, however, she was experiencing the wrath of her mistake in exile, lacking a prestigious title she once attained. ?I had so many plans to help Tortuga obtain greatness and become the imperial power of the island. Alas, I was never able to because a foolish female ? Desdemona ? challenged Kaien and he submitted his superiority over the pack to her without a fight.? She shook her head slowly, allowing her gaze to drop and reside upon her paws, burning a hole into them with her anger as she laughed dryly. The bitter sound was short-lived, and soon the woman?s gaze traversed back up the base of the mountain to its peak where she had stood so many times to survey her kingdom, now lost. ?She dethroned me and killed Kaien because he wished for death. I was banished; I now live in exile with a bounty over my head should I ever return to the lands I once ruled. If I could make you understand my fury with this situation?? Her voice trailed off, her skull turning in Seraphim?s direction to see whether or not she had bored him with her recap of what had occurred over the past few months. She felt no need to expand on her last comment; she knew her tone had carried the message loud and clear. Surely he was no fool to succumb to confusion with her tale.

She inhaled sharply, her chest puffing out slightly as she gathered the breath she required to elaborate on her request for the brute, her attention now residing solely on him, never straying back to Tortuga?s domain. ?But where do you fit in this; why have I chosen to concern you in my personal affairs? Well, I will relay to you that I plan on reclaiming my crown (call me a bit power-starved and I will not deny it). Though, the means of taking back the throne are a bit?unorthodox. I will obtain it in the sense that my blood will course through the veins of the future king or queen ? my body will never be the embodiment of a queen again. My scheme ? it revolves around my whelps?whelps that require a sire to help bring them into this world. I cannot provide them with one in particular for I am mateless ? a virgin witch.? She paused then, surprised with how much she had revealed to the male, but it all seemed necessary. Should he betray her confidential secrets, she would stalk him and she would punish him ? it was as simple as that. But, she doubted she would need to do such a thing?for some strange reason, she trusted this stranger. ?I sought you out for such a reason. I require no attachment, no love, no pleasure, and my children require no father to look up to; I am capable of being the sole caretaker and mentor to bastard children.? She granted the male with another moment to mull over what she had said, and in case he hadn?t quite grasped what she was attempting to hint at, she concluded her request with a simple statement: ?We only require a second set of genetics ? nothing more, nothing less.?


05-22-2013, 08:59 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Green optics followed her gaze to the mountains in the distance. He listened carefully as she relayed her story to him, not wanting to miss anything. From the tone of her voice, Seraph could tell that whatever she had to say was much more than she originally had planned on.

It was not surprising at all to him that she had been a queen. She fit the bill perfectly. He considered what he would've done in her position, having the throne wrenched from his grasp in such a manner. Revenge would be swift and sweet. The violence would be extreme. Alas, the vixen had a much different plan in mind. Children.

Seraphim turned his gaze on her again, cocking his head slightly to the side. He hadn't expected to find out that he was part of a devious plot to conceive children, but it didn't particularly bother him. No attachments and some children was like a dream come true, although it sounded that he wouldn't truly have the pups in any capacity. While Seraph supported her plan, he felt that some negotiating needed to happen. He turned to stare ahead of himself again.

Well... That is certainly an interesting tale. Personally, I would've slaughtered the bitch in her sleep, but not many prefer that style. His voice was emotionless again, but his words implied the emotion he kept tucked within. While I think your plan is cunning, there is one issue I have with it. I would like some involvement in the lives of the pups. He paused, turning to look at her again and giving her a moment to consider his words.

You may think that I am a simple loner, with nothing to offer to your cause, but you would be mistaken if that was so. I was trained to be the Alpha of my home pack. And I understand your desire for revenge completely, so much that I would like to help if I could. Hesitation took over, as he debated if he should tell her his other motivation. It was something he was reluctant to tell anyone, but Morphine had offered so much personal information to him. He sighed and shook his head slightly. This could be interesting. I have also always wanted to be a father, but it is hard to find a mother who allows a male to love the children without loving her... Of course, you are more than welcome to tell me no. I will still help you either way.

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 418


05-22-2013, 09:56 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 755.

Her heart beat vehemently against her ribcage, threatening to burst from her chest cavity with every pulsation it gave courtesy of her nerves that only worsened as the suspense intensified through every moment that passed where the brute refused to provide her with a definitive answer. Of course, if he rejected her request, it did not mean the end of the world, for the woman was certain that she would find another to comply to her wishes without hesitation in due time; it was a free invitation to pleasure, after all, and a majority of males she had encountered before would have rejoiced at the opportunity of meaningless sex. But, now that she had relayed so much confidential information over to the clutches of this stranger ? this male ? a twinge of doubt spawned within the depths of her scheming mind. Perhaps none would lust after a woman so intent on utilizing children for selfish manners or one so fixated upon the idea of vengeance.

Judging by his outward appearance that so easily portrayed his interest without the usage of facades, Morphine was certain that she had at least captivated the male?s full attention throughout her elongated tale, so she lacked the belief that she would need to reiterate the information back to him. She only needed his response, but even as his apathetic vocals greeted her ears, she was disappointed to find that his answer did not reside within this first set and that he would force her to patiently await his reply, but she smirked anyway as she digested his comment. ?Oh ? do not believe I didn?t want to leave that wretch with any injuries and pretty little scars to debut as a reminder that she is beneath me even still. She denied me that when she walked away from my challenge.? She shook her skull back and forth in disbelief, wanting nothing more than to spit all the insults she could muster about the coward onto Seraphim?s ears, but she would not allow it and would contain them.

He had begun to speak once more, earning her undivided attention as her metallic gaze danced to meet his verdant eagerly. Her heart sunk into her stomach as the word ?issue? resounded within her skull; however, it leapt back to her chest as he stated his terms, confirming that he would partake in aiding her with her little scheme. Oddly enough, the male did not wish for his children to grow up as bastards and desired only that he be able to remain a part of their lives. She hesitated briefly; she would prefer it if she was in on this journey alone, but she supposed she would owe it to the brute for bringing their children into existence in the first place. She would oblige to his request, but she would make one thing vivid to this male: the intentions she had with her future children.

?I am not opposed to the idea of you playing the part as a father,? she granted him, knowing how it felt to wait for the information you desired most. ?But I must make it clear that these kids ? their upbringing will differ from a normal litter. I intend to train them from a young age and to craft them into valuable warriors; they will never know how it feels to spar, nor will they ever know how to play. They will put forth their full effort into fighting even if it means severely maiming one another; however, I will never allow them to murder one another, of course. I feel that is the only way they will learn. Besides, I wish for them to build a high tolerance for pain, and if they receive it often, I can only assume they will grow used to the feeling. You may help me with their training, you may speak with them when it is wanted, you may love them if you are so inclined to do so? But I must say I deeply oppose you showing them that you do. I will not breed weak children who grow soft with emotional attachment. They will know nothing but utmost loyalty and devotion to their family and cause.? Her intentions were harsh and even she realized it, but each and every thing she intended for these children was set with a purpose. She meant what she had said: she would not breed weak children. They would surmount to something much greater than she ? something much greater than any of their kind.


05-27-2013, 06:40 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Deep within him hid a worrisome feeling that he was loathe to reveal in any capacity. He felt sure that this female would decline his request. From the way she had relayed her plan, it was obvious that she had no intentions for her children to know their father. Morphine was a queen - she was strong willed and determined, she would allow nothing that might be an obstacle to her goals. This left the question hanging silently between them; would she see Seraphim's involvement in the lives of the pups as an obstacle?

Patiently he waited for her reply to his question, watching and listening intently as she replied to his first statement. He nodded after hearing that the bitch had declined the challenge. It wasn't hard to judge that she was a coward, through and through. However, he figured at this point it was best not to comment. They needed to set that topic aside and get to the truly important part of their meeting.

In the silence that fell between statements, Seraphim turned his muzzle skyward. Rain continued to fall in sheets, plastering their heavy coats to their bodies and slicking the ground around them. The weather would suit their purposes well. No one would find them here, no one would know of what was coming. No matter what her reply was, he had promised to help her and he would, but nervousness deep below the surface continued to have an effect. The idea of having children and not knowing them was painful. It was relieving to hear the female's voice ring out again.

Her words hit him as hard as the rain. His upbringing hadn't been the most playful and loving, but it was still far more than this woman intended for her offspring. His parents didn't coddle or show emotion, but he was taught to cherish his siblings more than anything in the world. They were constantly playing when they were young, and once the play stopped and the training started they were still loving toward one another. The idea of his children maiming and hating each other sent shivers up and down his spine. He couldn't bear it, but he also couldn't bear the idea of not being around. He wanted to help teach them how to live and he wanted to see them grow. After a long pause he finally spoke.

Though I do not agree with every part of your plan for their upbringing, I would certainly like to be involved. If I could spend my time primarily teaching the basics - hunting, fishing, things of those sort - and be involved in the less... confrontational training, I would like to do so. He focused his forest green gaze on her, gauging her reaction to his words. As for showing love, you can be assured it will not be an issue. I'm quite capable of keeping my feelings veiled, a lesson from my own parents. He was quite satisfied that she was allowing him a part in her ploy, and he hoped that one day he would see his children grow into strong capable wolves.

Which brought them now to the main business. Seraph rose slowly from his haunches and walked a few paces to allow the blood to flow into his legs once more. He turned back to Morphine, a devious smirk playing on his maw. A darker side of him had taken over in an instant, his eyes so dark in color they were nearing blackness from the change in his spirit. He loitered back, his nose nearly touching hers as he spoke. Shall we?

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 605


05-27-2013, 07:50 PM
i apologize for the awkwardness of this post xD not used to these kinda threads :x
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 345.

As her chosen sire relayed to her his intentions with their future hellspawn, mentioning that he would refuse to play the part in mentoring the children in brutal assassination and brawling techniques, the pallid wraith would succumb to the tidal wave of relief that washed over her, taking with it the worries that had plagued her moments ago when he had first spoken of his desires. The fact that the male held no interest in intervening with her strict training or molding the hopeful prodigal combatants into softies whose apathetic barrier would crumble at the slightest caress or soothing word deeply pleased the woman. She grasped a newly found confidence that everything would go according to plan as his speech concluded, reveling at the fact that Seraphim would teach the children concepts their mother could not, as she had never been taught the art of hunting to its full potential and normally failed in her attempts. A simple nod would be offered to the male, portraying her understanding and acceptance of his wishes as well as her gratitude for his compliance.

Metallic gaze shifted slightly as her counterpart removed himself from his seat, following him intently as he sidled nearer to where she had stood, fully aware that their discussion had drawn to a close. A single brow quirked upon her dampened countenance in amusement at the devious grin laden upon his features, a smirk of her own sluggishly painting her visage as she realized what was to come in just a matter of moments. Nervously, her heart pounded within her chest cavity, but her outward appearance denied her anxiety the opportunity to surface even as the male released his offer, his muzzle so close to her own flesh that she could feel the warmth of his breath upon it. A coy simper drew itself upon her facial features and she nodded her response, finally uprooting herself to slink around the brute within close enough proximity so that her flesh would tease his own invitingly. I?ll let you dominate me, if only for a night.

-- fade --